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Faux-semblants Le secret d'Anna【電子書籍】[ Elsa Reneddi ]
<p>Dans les ann?es soixante, des adolescents d'un village de Lorraine s?par?s par les al?as de la vie se retrouvent quelques ann?es plus tard au milieu des plaisirs de la ville. Le d?sir d'?mancipation des filles et la soif de libert? port?e par mai 68 exacerberont leurs rapports jusqu'? les mener ? participer ? une ?quip?e myst?rieuse en Italie...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして……続きを見る
The Tale of The Irish Skye【電子書籍】[ Johnnie K Guerro ]
<p>Lorna Springley is on a vacation to Los Angeles to spend time with family and friends. After a few hours alone at the beach, she gets caught in the rain and waits out the storm in a little Italian cafe, where she meets Skye Wellington, a young girl down on her luck. After rescuing Skye from a homeless shelter and spending a night with her in a hotel, she finds out what happened to Skye. Can Lorna save the girl she finds so hauntingly beautiful, or will she fail?</p>画面が切り替わります……続きを見る
Yes 90125【電子書籍】[ Stephen Lambe ]
<p>90125, released towards the end of 1983, was Yes’ best-selling album. A combination of commercial necessity and luck saw an album by a new band called Cinema ? featuring Yes stalwarts Chris Squire, Alan White and Tony Kaye alongside talented multi-instrumentalist Trevor Rabin ? become Yes, following the last-minute recruitment of vocalist Jon Anderson. A US number one hit single, ‘Owner Of A Lonely Heart,’ led to a triple platinum record and a massive world tour, giving this band a new le……続きを見る
Authoritarianism and How to Counter It【電子書籍】[ Bill Jordan ]
<p>After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was assumed that liberal democracies would flourish worldwide. Instead, today authoritarian leaders are gaining power ? from Trump’s US and Bolsonaro's Brazil to Orban's Hungary ? while Russia and China have turned back towards their old, autocratic traditions. This book examines the origins and implications of this shift, and focusses especially on the longstanding coercion of poor people. As industrial employment, and now also many service jobs……続きを見る
【中古】 SWEET LITTLE LIES:AN L.A. CANDY NOVEL(B) / / [ペーパーバック]【メール便送料無料】【最短翌日配達対応】
著者:出版社:サイズ:ペーパーバックISBN-10:0061985724ISBN-13:9780061985720■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 出荷まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■メール便は、1冊から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※最短翌日配達ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用……続きを見る
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Leopard's Spots: Part Two: A Box Set【電子書籍】[ Bailey Bradford ]
<p><strong>Leopard’s Spots: Part Two - a box set</strong></p> <p><strong>5 ? Gilbert</strong> <em>One sexy snow leopard shifter finds his mate and more, now Gilbert Trujillo just has to convince Jihu Warren to trust his instincts and give them a chance to be an unexpected family.</em></p> <p><strong>6 ? Esau</strong> <em>Sometimes what you don't want is exactly what you need.</em></p> <p><strong>7 ? Sullivan</strong> <em>Sullivan Ward thought going away ……続きを見る
Mantissa【電子書籍】[ John Fowles ]
<p>Miles Green wakes up in a mysterious hospital with no idea of how he got there or who he is. He definitely doesn't remember his wife, or his children's names. An impossibly shapely specialist doctor tells him his memory nerve-centre is connected to sexual activity, and calls in the even shapelier Nurse Cory to assist with treatment... In the most unorthodox of hospital rooms we eavesdrop on the serious discourse, virulent abuse and hilarious mockery of the erotic guerilla war that is <em……続きを見る
From Bird Poop to Wind: How Seeds Get Around FROM BIRD POOP TO WIND (Plant-Ology) [ Ellen Lawrence ]
FROM BIRD POOP TO WIND PlantーOlogy Ellen Lawrence BEARPORT PUB CO INC2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781642807516 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction続きを見る
Die Frau aus dem Spiegel Irrlicht - Neue Edition 11 ? Mystikroman【電子書籍】[ Judith Parker ]
<p>Der Liebesroman mit G?nsehauteffekt begeistert alle, die ein Herz f?r Spannung, Spuk und Liebe haben. Mystik der Extraklasse ? das ist das Markenzeichen der beliebten Romanreihe Irrlicht ? Neue Edition: Werw?lfe, Geisterladies, Spukschl?sser, Hexen und andere unfassbare Gestalten und Erscheinungen erzeugen wohlige Schaudergef?hle. Diese Serie enth?lt alles, was die Leserinnen und Leser von Mystik Romanen interessiert. Debra schluckte und trat vor den Spiegel. Sie starrte auf das Glas, ein……続きを見る
Castles of Sand【電子書籍】[ Anne Mather ]
<p>The reunion was almost unbearable</p> <p>Ashley could hardly believe she was actually seeing her son. Circumstances had forced her to give him up at birth seven years earlier to her deceased husband's wealthy Arab family.</p> <p>Now the unexpected sight of Hussein with his uncle, Prince Alain, thoroughly shocked her. No longer was her son an image buried in Ashley's heart: he was there; he was real.</p> <p>And Alain was no longer a memory but as disturbing-and unforgiving-as e……続きを見る
Die Vorhersage Roman【電子書籍】[ Nikki Erlick ]
<p>Als Nina eines sch?nen Morgens ihre Wohnungst?r ?ffnet, findet sie eine schlichte Holzbox. Darin verbirgt sich ihr Lebensfaden. Wenn sie die Box ?ffnet, wird sie erfahren, wie viele Jahre ihr noch bleiben. Und sie ist nicht die Einzige, die dieses ≫Geschenk≪ bekommt. ?berall auf dem Globus ? sei es nun im New Yorker Apartment, in einer H?tte in den Bergen oder einem Beduinenzelt ? hat jeder Vollj?hrige eine Box erhalten und fragt sich: Will ich wirklich wissen, wann ich sterben muss?</p……続きを見る
John Rawls 'Theory of Justice'. Grundgedanken, Grunds?tze und Abgrenzung zum Utilitarismus John Rawls Theory of Justice - Grundgedanken, Grunds?tze und Abgrenzung zum Utilitarismus【電子書籍】[ Sabrina Lasar ]
<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Praktische (Ethik, ?sthetik, Kultur, Natur, Recht, ...), Note: 1,7, Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t M?nster, Veranstaltung: Theorien der Gerechtigkeit, 3 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Jahrhunderte lang waren soziale sowie politische Fragen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Philosophie. Angefangen bei Platons Politeia ?ber Hobbes' Leviathan, Rousseaus Gesellschaftsvertrag, bis hin zu Kants Metaphysisc……続きを見る
Ricevete la vostra guarigione【電子書籍】[ Gabriel Agbo ]
<p>Questo libro tratta di come ricevere la guarigione divina. Dio pu? ancora guarire? S?! Possiamo vivere in buona e perfetta salute oggi? S?! Il nostro Dio ? lo stesso ieri, oggi e per sempre. Aspettatevi la vostra guarigione mentre leggete.</p> <p>Ricevete la vostra guarigione</p> <p>Questo libro tratta di come ricevere la guarigione divina. Dio pu? ancora guarire? S?! Possiamo vivere in buona e perfetta salute oggi? S?! Il nostro Dio ? lo stesso ieri, oggi e per sempre. Aspettatev……続きを見る
Boxer, Beetle【電子書籍】[ Ned Beauman ]
<p><strong>NED BEAUMAN HAS BEEN NAMED AS ONE OF GRANTA MAGAZINE'S BEST OF YOUNG BRITISH NOVELISTS 2013</strong></p> <p>Longlisted for the 2012 Man Booker Prize and shortlisted for the for the <em>Guardian</em> First Book Award, Ned Beauman was chosen by <em>The Culture Show</em> as one of the twelve Best New British Writers in 2011.</p> <p>This is a novel for people with breeding.</p> <p>Only people with the right genes and the wrong impulses will find its marriage of……続きを見る
Coimbra the Clerk【電子書籍】[ Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis ]
<p>The aging clerk Coimbra no longer believes in much. Not even his long-standing faith in the lottery--"I'm no longer of the age to hope," he admits--is entirely steadfast. He resolves, then, to buy one last ticket, for the drawing for the huge sum of five hundred contos.</p> <p>Translated from Portuguese (Brazil) by Juan LePuen<br /> Genre: short story<br /> Length: 5,000 words</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切……続きを見る
見晴山【電子書籍】[ 李潼 ]
<p><strong>★好書大家讀推荐</strong></p> <p><strong>孩子也會心碎,大人常常不?;大人也會犯錯,經常也不肯面對......十三?男孩炳文,如何憑著自己的毅力與堅持,獨自負荷起父親的祕密,直到撥雲見日的那天......</strong></p> <p>在壯濶的中央山脈裡,有一個地方,兩岸山壁間懸吊著一道銀線般的鐵索,這是通往見晴農場的捷徑;斜坡上栽種著一?又一?的蘋果樹。?錢老?照顧蘋果樹的炳文一家,在蘋果收成少時工錢縮水,大豐收時,也因生?過盛、老?虧本,減少收入。如何種出「剛剛好」能賣個好價錢的蘋果??這是炳文和……続きを見る
Cat?chisme des industriels Premi?re Cahier【電子書籍】[ Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon ]
<p>Le Cat?chisme des industriels ?crit par Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon est une ?uvre majeure de la pens?e ?conomique du XIXe si?cle. Dans ce livre, Saint-Simon d?veloppe sa vision r?volutionnaire d'une soci?t? organis?e autour des industriels, mettant en avant le r?le central de la classe productive. Son style litt?raire est cat?gorique et persuasive, utilisant des arguments rationnels et logiques pour d?fendre ses id?es novatrices. Le contexte de l'?poque, marqu? par les bouleversements de ……続きを見る
Reflections【電子書籍】[ Cal R Bombay ]
<p>Reflections is a truly unique collection of wisdom, insights and “lessons-learned along the way,” highlighting almost 50 years of the robust ministry of Cal Bombay. Recounting his diverse ministries, extensive travels and life experiences, Reflections is sometimes an anthology and other times a collection of rich encounters, memories and musings. Cal’s life reads like an adventure novel and his remembrance of these encounters and lessons learned show a keen sense of God’s providence at ev……続きを見る
Management of Diabetic Foot Complications MGMT OF DIABETIC FOOT COMPLICA [ Clifford P. Shearman ]
MGMT OF DIABETIC FOOT COMPLICA Clifford P. Shearman Patrick Chong SPRINGER NATURE2023 Paperback 2023 English ISBN:9783031058318 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Medical続きを見る
Salmo 91 para j?venes El escudo protector de Dios para su futuro【電子書籍】[ Peggy Joyce Ruth ]
<p><strong>Un lugar de completa seguridad para los j?venes.</strong></p> <p>Los j?venes de hoy viven en una nube de incertidumbre y peligro. Lo que antes eran escuelas seguras para el aprendizaje, ahora son lugares llenos de violencia y decadencia moral. Nuestros j?venes est?n presenciando la inestabilidad de los gobiernos y de sus econom?as, todo mientras se preguntan c?mo pueden tener seguridad en el futuro.</p> <p><em><strong>Salmo 91 para j?venes</strong></em> es el m……続きを見る
Objectif Bac - Term Enseignements communs + Sp?cialit?s Maths-Physique-Chimie-SVT BAC 2021【電子書籍】[ Collectif ]
<p><strong>Tout pour pr?parer et r?ussir le Bac !</strong><br /> <strong>Sp?cialit?s Maths ? Physique-Chimie ? SVT</strong><br /> <strong>+</strong><br /> <strong>Philosophie ? Histoire ? G?ographie ? Anglais ? Espagnol ? Allemand ? Enseignement scientifique</strong></p> <p>Cet ouvrage vous propose, dans chaque mati?re :</p> <ul> <li>le <strong>COURS COMPLET</strong>, pour comprendre et retenir l’essentiel ;</li> <li>de nombreux <strong>EXERCICES</s……続きを見る
An Irresistible Man【電子書籍】[ Kylie Brant ]
<p>A cloud of suspicion...</p> <p>??From all appearances Cruz Martinez is one of the good guys. A decorated Philadelphia detective with an impressive atta-boy file, he's on the fast track for promotion. And with that rock hard body and killer smile, he's a difficult man to say no to. But Madeline Casey is prepared to do just that.??</p> <p>Someone is arming the youth gangs in the city, and Madeline is partnered with Cruz on the case. But Internal Affairs thinks Cruz might be involved……続きを見る
Voornamelijk vrouwen【電子書籍】[ Connie Palmen ]
<p><em>Voornamelijk vrouwen</em> is een verzameling persoonlijke essays over elf vrouwen en ??n man die allemaal op een volstrekt eigengereide manier hun leven vormgeven. Connie Palmen onderzoekt in deze prachtige verzameling welke eigenschappen ze nodig hadden om schrijver te worden, om een publiek bestaan te leiden. Ze gaat met ze in gesprek, daagt ze uit, ontdekt verschillen en overeenkomsten met haar eigen leven. Als Palmen het in deze biografische beschouwingen heeft over de afkeer ……続きを見る
Why Customers Come Back How to Create Lasting Customer Loyalty【電子書籍】[ Manzie R, Lawfer ]
<p>Loyal customers are the most important asset of any company-more important than land, patents, equipment, or buildings. While finding new customers is often expensive, time-consuming, and ultimately unprofitable, retaining old customers is surprisingly easy and highly profitable. This book is not about slogans, banners, or promotions. It is about discovering and utilizing specific activities that will make your customers buy again and again...and tell the world why everyone else should bu……続きを見る
De commandant【電子書籍】[ Jurg Amann ]
<p>En toch dacht iedereen in Auschwitz: de commandant heeft maar een mooi leventje. Ja, mijn gezin had het in Auschwitz goed. Elke wens van mijn vrouw, van mijn kinderen, werd vervuld. De kinderen konden vrij en ongedwongen leven. Mijn vrouw had haar bloemenparadijs. Ik denk dat ook geen enkele vroegere gevangene kan zeggen dat hij bij ons thuis ooit, op welke manier dan ook, slecht behandeld is. Enkele jaren geleden ontdekte de Duitse schrijver J?rg Amann de aantekeningen van Auschwitzcomma……続きを見る
The Firefighter and the Single Mum【電子書籍】[ Laura Iding ]
<p>When firefighter Austin Monroe is called to the scene of burning cottages, he is surprised to find his late partner’s widow, nurse Lindsey Winters, and her young son among the victims!</p> <p>Lindsey and her son are left homeless by the fire. Austin offers to let them stay with him, but Lindsey is determined to go it alone. Austin, however, is equally determined to help them.</p> <p>He realizes that what Lindsey needs right now is support and friendship, so he tries his best to fi……続きを見る
Body and Soul【電子書籍】[ Khoa Ng? ]
<p>When two reapers decide to play necromancers to bury a mistake, everything spirals out of control, both for them and for the one they call back from beyond the grave - a soul of a wrongly reaped young woman trapped inside the body of a freshly dead girl. As the struggle for dominance between the vessel and the soul intensifies, the reapers have their own battle to fight, one waged by a clash between ethics and sentiments.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽……続きを見る
The A-Z of Curious Nottinghamshire Strange Stories of Mysteries, Crimes and Eccentrics【電子書籍】[ Frank E. Earp ]
<p><strong>Weird, spooky, gruesome, humorous, and strange but true stories come alive in <em>The A-Z of Curious Nottinghamshire</em>.</strong> 'Curious' is perhaps not the first word you would use to label Nottinghamshire. But 'curiouser and curiouser' it becomes when you dig below the surface. Here the reader will meet highwaymen and hangmen, saints and martyrs, flying cars and bedsteads. To sum up, eccentrics, legends, folklore, murders, scandals, ghosts, incredible characters and ……続きを見る
D-day in the Ashes【電子書籍】[ William W. Johnstone ]
<p><strong>Post-apocalyptic patriots fight for freedom in a world ravaged by cannibal mutants in the <em>New York Times</em>?bestselling author’s military sci-fi thriller.</strong></p> <p>First the Liberals took all the guns. Then they took away the people’s freedom. Now, Ben Raines and his patriot army are driving a weakened United States government into full-fledged retreat. Emerging as an unstoppable force, the Southern States are winning over one strategic ally after another,……続きを見る
危心【電子書籍】[ ?子 ]
<p>?發誓,?真的不是故意的!<br /> ?只是隻身在外又險遭狼吻<br /> 需要一個安全的懷抱撫平?的恐懼<br /> ?對不是想學古人,對救命恩人「以身相許」!<br /> 雖然他的確帶給?非常美好的經驗<br /> 但?已經決定把這個男人歸入「記憶」<br /> 偶爾無聊的時候想起就可以<br /> 只是他似乎不甘心就這樣「銷聲匿跡」<br /> 硬要從「記憶」晉升為活生生的誘惑惡魔<br /> 還大言不慚要?為他墜入情網<br /> 擾得?芳心大亂,完完全全失了主意……</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天ko……続きを見る
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