商品件数:37 1件~30件 (2ページ中 1ページめ)
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Supernatural Fragrance Following the Perfume of His Virtue【電子書籍】[ Steven Brooks ]
<p>"Steven Brooks spoke for me on my tour to Israel. After he spoke, many, including myself, smelled the fragrance of lavender. Now it's God's time for all spiritual senses to be open. Steven has the authority to release this gift on you!"</p> <p>Sid Israel Roth</p> <p>Host, <em>It's Supernatural</em></p> <p>Bestselling author Steven Brooks opens up the realm of smell to its fullest dimension by exploring not only our natural link to smell but also the supernatural aspect of ……続きを見る
Sunset House: More Perfume From Provence【電子書籍】[ Lady Winifred Fortescue ]
<p>MORE PERFUME FROM PROVENCE…</p> <p>Winifred Fortescue and her husband, Sir John Fortescue, moved to Provence in the early 1930s. There they converted an old stone farmhouse into a graceful and idyllic homeーthe Domaine.</p> <p>For two years after Sir John’s death, Lady Fortescue, still a comparatively young woman, continued to live in the Domaine, years that were not altogether happy. Then, visiting a friend, she came across a small, near-derelict house set amidst thickets of wild……続きを見る
Perfume in the Bible【電子書籍】[ Charles Sell ]
<p>Perfume is part of the biblical text from Genesis through to Revelation, just as perfume pervades our modern life. Identifying the ingredients used in biblical times is difficult when information and meaning is lost in ancient languages. As expected, biblical perfumes were made from natural products but the range employed is surprisingly different from those of modern perfumes. The biblical ingredients are either defensive substances or products of decay, opening up an avenue of speculati……続きを見る
La mujer del perfume (Mc 14,3-9)【電子書籍】[ Margarita Salda?a Mostajo ]
<p>La escena de la mujer que unge a Jes?s con perfume aparece en los cuatro evangelios, narrada con diversos matices. Margarita Salda?a se detiene en la versi?n del evangelio de Marcos, que pone de relieve el sentido del placer y la belleza, la densidad de la profec?a que se trasluce en este gesto, que anticipa el embalsamamiento del cuerpo de Jes?s; su capacidad de denuncia y de anuncio, y su profunda vinculaci?n con la ?ltima Cena y con la eucarist?a.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばら……続きを見る
O Perfume nos Tempos B?blicos ? do Sagrado ao Profano: um levantamento hist?rico e social em rela??o ? utiliza??o do perfume na antiguidade【電子書籍】[ Maria Regina Corr?a Ver?osa ]
<p>Esta obra tem por objetivo pesquisar o uso do perfume nos tempos b?blicos, fazendo um breve levantamento hist?rico e social, relacionando a sua utiliza??o no que tange ao sagrado e profano.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
The Perfume Chronicles A Lavish History of Scent【電子書籍】[ Oriental Publishing ]
<p>The Perfume Chronicles: A Lavish History of Scent is a captivating exploration that takes readers on a journey through the rich and aromatic tapestry of perfume history. Delving into the fascinating evolution of scents across cultures and centuries, the book unveils the art and craftsmanship behind perfumery. From the ancient rituals of fragrance in different civilizations to the modern luxury of iconic scents, it offers a detailed and lavish account of how perfumes have been an integral ……続きを見る
Uma flor sem perfume【電子書籍】[ Liege Castro ]
<p>Este livro conta a historia de uma mulher nordestina que passou muitas dificuldades para criar seus filhos, desencarnado na epoca de grande seca, na beira de um rio onde foi procurar agua!Tempos depois ela retornou para a terra, reencarnando com a missao de vencer a vaidade pessoal, sendo a unica filha de uma familia muito poderosa, onde tera que escolher entre o luxo e a simplicidade!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切……続きを見る
O perfume e o poder da rosa azul【電子書籍】[ Raimundo Nonato Rodrigues ]
<p>Depois de 23 anos pesquisando sobre a vida de Nossa Senhora, o autor chegou ? conclus?o da Sua import?ncia na vida de Jesus e de todos n?s, para uma melhor compreens?o do mundo em que vivemos. O livro "O perfume e o poder da rosa azul" ? uma hist?ria emocionante em que o leitor vai descobrir como o perfume da rosa azul ? capaz de mudar os pensamentos e as futuras a??es, e o dom da transforma??o de Nossa Senhora vai mudando a hist?ria do mundo.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち……続きを見る
Perfume From Provence【電子書籍】[ Lady Winifred Fortescue ]
<p>Winifred Fortescue was an actress who rubbed shoulders with the likes of Jerome K. Jerome and George Bernard Shaw when she married Sir John Fortescue, the King’s librarian and archivist and famous historian of the British Army. Tempted by a better climate and the cheaper cost of living, they left England and found a stone house amid olive groves, high in the hills above Nice. Almost at once they were bewitched by the landscape and especially their gardenーdelightful terraces of vines, wil……続きを見る
El perfume del Evangelio Jes?s se encuentra con las mujeres【電子書籍】[ Nuria Calduch-benages ]
<p>El perfume del Evangelio presenta algunos encuentros entre Jes?s y las mujeres en los evangelios. Varios pasajes se caracterizan por la presencia del perfume, un elemento cargado de connotaciones y rico en contenido simb?lico, que se abre a m?ltiples interpretaciones.Las protagonistas de esta obra son las mujeres. Jes?s se pone abiertamente a favor de ellas y se solidariza con su dolor f?sico o espiritual. De este modo, invierte la escala de valores propuesta por la sociedad y supera las ……続きを見る
Beautiful SCENT The Magical Effect of Perfume on Well-Being【電子書籍】[ Joachim Mensing ]
<p><strong>This book will make you a perfume insider.</strong></p> <p><strong>Discover the effects, trends and future of perfume.</strong></p> <p>Perfumery is on the verge of its third revolution, neuroperfumery, due to new methods of brain research and current findings in fragrance psychology.</p> <p>With this exciting and well-written book, you will gain a comprehensive insight into the creation, world and practice of modern perfumery, as well as interesting insider inf……続きを見る
The Fragrance: The History of Perfume in Arabian and Islamic History The Origins of Modern Western Society in Islamic History, #1【電子書籍】[ Shaneela Rowah Al-Qamar ]
<p>A fantastic look at the cultural and Islamic history of Fine Fragrance. This short book will take you on a journey through the history of Arabia's and Islam's beautifully prized tradition of fine fragrance...right through to the use of the mysterious scent today. Join us in our journey through the spiritual realms of this fine commodity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。……続きを見る
The Perfume of Soul from Freud to Lacan A Critical Reading of Smelling, Breathing and Subjectivity【電子書籍】[ Berjanet Jazani ]
<p><em>The Perfume of Soul from Freud to Lacan</em> seeks to understand the human sense of smell and its marks on our subjectivity from a psychoanalytic perspective.</p> <p>Accessibly written, the book considers whether our understanding of the sense of smell and odours in culture has changed over time, and where we locate olfaction in theories of psychoanalysis. Beginning with the theorisation of the sense of smell in philosophy and medicine, Berjanet Jazani explores what treatment ……続きを見る
Made in France A Shopper's Guide to France's Best Artisanal Traditions from Limoges Porcelain to Perfume, Pottery, Textiles, and More【電子書籍】[ Laura Morelli ]
<p>Baccarat crystal. Limoges porcelain. Scented gloves and handmade Parisian umbrellas. The prized digestifs, Armagnac and Cognac.</p> <p>Organized by region, with one chapter devoted to Paris, MADE IN FRANCE takes you on a complete tour of the dazzling artisanal legacy of France, uncovering off-the-beaten-path destinations and one-of-a-kind, hidden workshops where everything from lingerie to chocolate is turned out completely by hand, piece by piece.</p> <p><strong>This book inclu……続きを見る
No podr?n apagar el amor Consideraciones en torno a la homosexualidad con perfume a evangelio【電子書籍】[ Elo?sa ?ngela Ortiz de Elguea ]
<p>Fruto de a?os de estudio e investigaci?n, Elo?sa nos invita a ampliar nuestra mirada, a reconocer las ra?ces del amor. Para ello, analiza, a la luz de textos b?blicos, magisteriales y de diversas disciplinas, el pensamiento de Margaret Farley, volcado en su obra <em>Solo amor: un marco de referencia para la ?tica sexual cristiana</em>.<br /> La propuesta es que la misericordia sea el principio hermen?utico y motor de toda la moral y de la vida cristiana. Se trata de un aporte cr?tic……続きを見る
洋書 Paperback, Perfume Dreams: Reflections on the Vietnamese Diaspora
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O bom perfume de Cristo【電子書籍】[ Samuel Mitt ]
<p>QUEM CONHECE PESSOALMENTE o Pr. Samuel Mitt sabe que ele ? um homem que tem muitas hist?rias. Sempre consegue contar alguma hist?ria mission?ria, de alguma igreja, de um pa?s distante ou de uma cidade brasileira com personagens inusitados e conclus?es inesperadas. Seus "causos" sempre alegram e inspiram quem os ouve. Um homem simples que sempre fala sobre a f? em Deus, a salva??o por meio de Jesus, miss?es e o valor da fam?lia. L?der que j? influenciou a obra mission?ria batista no Brasil……続きを見る
Historia del perfume Relatos olfativos del pasado【電子書籍】[ Clara Buedo ]
<p>Desde el rey Salom?n a Luis XV, perfumarse ha sido esencial, consustancial al ser humano, bien como s?mbolo de poder y estatus, bien como medicina o afrodisiaco, m?s all? de sus connotaciones religiosas. Es complejo datar su origen, pero s? se puede deducir su funci?n principal: el culto. El buen olor siempre ha sido lo opuesto al hedor propio de la muerte y la enfermedad. La combusti?n del incienso o sahumerio, perfume primitivo por excelencia, embajador de la fe, ubicuo y transcultural,……続きを見る
Elixir A Parisian Perfume House and the Quest for the Secret of Life【電子書籍】[ Theresa Levitt ]
<p><strong>A <em>Financial Times</em> and <em>Scientific American</em> Best Book of the Year.</strong></p> <p><strong>A story of alchemy in Bohemian Paris, where two scientific outcasts discovered a fundamental distinction between natural and synthetic chemicals that inaugurated an enduring scientific mystery.</strong></p> <p>For centuries, scientists believed that living matter possessed a special qualityーa spirit or essenceーthat differentiated it from nonliving ma……続きを見る
O perfume de Helena Uma hist?ria real de supera??o【電子書籍】[ Juliana Ferezin Heck ]
<p>Num romance que combina a surpreendente descri??o de seus sentimentos mais profundos com a fria incerteza do amanh?, Juliana conta a sua pr?pria hist?ria. Sonhando com a maternidade, ela v? seus ideais de m?e serem amea?ados logo no primeiro exame pr?-natal. Com uma linguagem suave e verdadeira, ela compartilha com grande expectativa o seu quadro de gesta??o, suas ang?stias, e revela o quanto a f? raciocinada pode secar l?grimas e aliviar um cora??o aflito. Dor, amadurecimento e uma linda……続きを見る
The Art of Perfumery, and Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants【電子書籍】[ G. W. Septimus Piesse ]
<p>In 'The Art of Perfumery, and Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants' written by G. W. Septimus Piesse, readers are provided with an in-depth exploration of the world of perfumery. Piesse details the process of extracting scents from various plants and creating intricate fragrances, making this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in the art of perfumery. The book is written in a detailed and informative style, with a focus on practical techniques and scientific explanations, ……続きを見る
Antolog?a 3: Mujeres llenas de dones Si no existieran ellas, no existir?an los buenos modales, los buenos perfumes… ?y las grandes acciones!【電子書籍】[ Alicia Cybulka ]
<p>Si no existieran ellas, no existir?an los buenos modales, los buenos perfumes… ?y las grandes acciones! Coloquemos a la mujer en el nivel que se ha ganado. Una casa sin una mujer es una casa muerta. Un jard?n sin las manos de una dama es un lugar mustio. Una sociedad sin mujeres es una sociedad vac?a de buenos modales… y de buenos perfumes. Nuestra editorial no se ha olvidado de la mujer. De ninguna manera. Desde el mismo momento en que comenzamos a editar "Antolog?as" ya sab?amos que ded……続きを見る
Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical & Post-Biblical Antiquity: Perfumes【電子書籍】[ Edwin M. Yamauchi ]
<p>This unique reference article, excerpted from the larger work (<em>Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity</em>), provides background cultural and technical information on the world of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament from 2000 BC to approximately AD 600. Written and edited by a world-class historian and a highly respected biblical scholar, each article addresses cultural, technical, and/or sociological issues of interest to the study of the Scriptures.</p……続きを見る
?guas, Flores & Perfumes Resist?ncia Negra, Atabaques e Justi?a na Rep?blica (Salvador - BA, 1890-1939)【電子書籍】[ Gilson Souza ]
<p>"?guas, Flores & Perfumes" analisa algumas medidas governamentais e jur?dicas tomadas desde o final do s?culo XIX at? as primeiras d?cadas do s?culo XX. Neste livro, Gilson Souza investiga at? que ponto, expl?cita ou implicitamente, estas leis buscaram exercer certo controle sobre as pr?ticas culturais majoritariamente negras em Salvador - a exemplo do Candombl?, da Capoeira e das festas populares -, com o intuito de levar ? frente os ideais de "moderniza??o" e de "exclus?o dos indesej?ve……続きを見る
Perfumes Comerciais e Contratipos o tratamento jur?dico das atividades criativas【電子書籍】[ Sergio Mitsuo Vilela ]
<p>Atrav?s de um estudo de caso (contratipos de perfumes comerciais renomados), esta obra, que ? o resultado da minha pesquisa para obten??o do t?tulo de mestre em direito internacional, no programa de p?s gradua??o da Faculdade de Direito do Largo S?o Francisco (Universidade de S?o Paulo), constata a insufici?ncia da sistem?tica tradicional de propriedade intelectual para a tutela das atividades criativas. O objetivo deste trabalho ? investigar, num contexto de propriedade intelectual inser……続きを見る
A Practical Guide for the Perfumer【電子書籍】[ H. Dussauce ]
<p>A practical guide for the perfumer: being a new treatise on perfumery the most favorable to beauty without being injurious to the health, comprising a description of the substances used in perfumery, and the formul? of more than one thousand preparations.</p> <p>THE industry of the perfumer has in our day been advanced to a position which now makes it one of the first of the arts; indeed, we might almost say, one of the most useful. Perfumery has had to undergo many transformations an……続きを見る
The Perfumed Garden of the Shaykh Nafzawi【電子書籍】[ Richard Francis Burton ]
<p>This book presents opinions on what qualities men and women should have to be attractive, gives advice on sexual technique, warnings about sexual health, and recipes to remedy sexual problems. It also has a section on the interpretation of dreams, and briefly describes sex among animals. Interspersed with these there are a number of stories which are intended to give context and amusement.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします……続きを見る
A Perfumed Scorpion【電子書籍】[ Idries Shah ]
<p>A Perfumed Scorpion</p> <p>The 'perfuming of a scorpion', referred to by the great Sufi teacher Bahaudin, symbolizes hypocrisy and self-deception: both in the individual and in institutions.</p> <p>In A Perfumed Scorpion, Idries Shah directs attention to both the perfume and the scorpion - the overlay and the reality - in psychology, human behaviour and the learning process.</p> <p>Crammed with illustrative anecdotes from contemporary life, the book is nevertheless rooted in t……続きを見る
Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps Volume I The Raw Materials of Perfumery【電子書籍】[ W. A. Poucher ]
<p>It is now fifteen years since the last edition of this reference volume appeared and during this time new materials have appeared and some have fallen into disuse. The present edition is the result of much revision and some deletion and an effort has been made to bring the information up-to-date and in conformity with current practice. Of recent years several speciality materials have appeared, and a number of these are included where their chemical composition is known. Speciality materi……続きを見る
Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps Volume II The Production, Manufacture and Application of Perfumes【電子書籍】[ W. A. Poucher ]
<p>During the past decade there have been many changes in the perfumery industry which are not so much due to the discovery and application of new raw materials, but rather to the astronomic increase in the cost of labour required to produce them. This is reflected more particularly in the flower industry, where the cost of collecting the blossoms delivered to the factories has gone up year after year, so much so that most flowers with the possible exception of Mimosa, have reached a cost pr……続きを見る
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