商品件数:78 31件~60件 (3ページ中 2ページめ)
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Twitter'daki T?rkiye 1【電子書籍】[ H. Emre Yaman ]
<p>Twitter, T?rkiye’de ya?ananlar?n ?zg?r bir ?ekilde dile getirildi?i sosyal medya platformlar?ndan biri… Son y?llarda muhalif gazeteciler hapse at?ld?, bas?n kurulu?lar? da kapat?ld?. Baz? gazetecilere g?re her ?ey g?ll?k g?listanl?k. Oysa sosyal medyaya bak?l?nca T?rkiye’de her ge?en g?n i?lerin k?t?ye gitti?i g?r?l?r.<br /> Bu kitap, T?rkiye g?ndemlerinin tart???ld??? Twitter ortam?nda kullan?c?lar?n d???ncelerini bir araya getiren bir ?al??ma… T?rk insan?n?n ge?mi?i h?zl?ca unutmas?nd……続きを見る
Discussing the Islamic State on Twitter【電子書籍】[ Matteo Colombo ]
<p>This book explores how ordinary Arab-speaking social media users have reacted to propaganda from the Islamic State, rather than how IS propaganda has targeted ordinary users, thus providing a change in perspective in the literature. The authors provide a comprehensive account of the evolution of the Arabic discourse on IS, encompassing all phases of the Caliphate’s political evolution, from the apogee of the Islamic State in October 2014 to the loss of its unofficial capital of Raqqa in S……続きを見る
Die Bedeutung von Social Media f?r Journalisten am Beispiel von Twitter【電子書籍】[ Thomas Christmann ]
<p>Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Journalismus, Publizistik, Note: 1, Hochschule Mittweida (FH), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Mit der fortschreitenden technischen und inhaltlichen Ausbreitung des Internets gehen immer mehr Menschen online und nutzen das Netz f?r soziale Kontakte und als Informationsquelle. Seit dem Web-2.0-Zeitalter sind die Nutzer mit wenigen Klicks sogar selber in der Lage, Inhalte wie Texte, Videos und Bilder zu generieren, bearbei……続きを見る
Media Accountability Who Will Watch the Watchdog in the Twitter Age?【電子書籍】
<p>A small collection of well-honed tools has been employed for some time by media practitioners and the public to help maintain and improve the credibility of journalism and the mass media. These media accountability tools have included ethics codes, media critics, news councils, ombudsmen, journalism reviews and pubic/civic journalism initiatives. Now, in the 21st Century, the mass media are increasingly being buffeted by a perfect storm of declining subscribers and audience share, dwindli……続きを見る
Racialism and the Media Black Jesus, Black Twitter, and the First Black American President【電子書籍】[ Cynthia B. Dillard ]
<p><em>Racialism and Media: Black Jesus, Black Twitter and the First Black American President</em> is an exploration of how the nature of racial ideology has changed in our society. Yes, there are still ugly racists who push uglier racism, but there are also popular constructions of race routinely woven into mediated images and messages. This book examines selected exemplars of racialism moving beyond traditional racism. In the twenty-first century, we need a more nuanced understanding o……続きを見る
洋書 Paperback, Digital Demagogue: Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter
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洋書 Paperback, Using Twitter to Build Communities
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムか……続きを見る
Jesus Christ, His Life and Mine: The Story of Jesus and How It Applies to Us in the Twitter Era【電子書籍】[ R Christian Bohlen ]
<p>Connect with Christ Like Never Before<br /> You’ll love how this modern approach to practical faith helps you:<br /> ? Find more connections between you and Jesus than you thought possible.<br /> ? Double-down on your commitment to believe in Jesus (and learn how).<br /> ? Use a powerful visualization technique to love and follow Jesus more.<br /> ? Get energy into your spiritual life (instead of religion in a rut).<br /> ? Learn how you can consistently rise above the negativ……続きを見る
Claudia L?pez y los p?jaros azules: sexismo, ataques personales y falacias en Twitter Colombia.【電子書籍】[ Juan Sebasti?n L?pez L?pez ]
<p>Este libro se ubica en el punto de intersecci?n entre el panorama pol?tico de la Colombia posconstituyente, la consolidaci?n de Twitter como red social preferida para el debate pol?tico y la emergencia de figuras pol?ticas que por su condici?n de raza, g?nero, clase social u orientaci?n sexual desaf?an los modelos tradicionales. La trayectoria y personalidad pol?tica de Claudia L?pez Hern?ndez constituye un ?mbito de an?lisis inmejorable para comprender el curso m?s actual de los debates ……続きを見る
Tyrants on Twitter Protecting Democracies from Information Warfare【電子書籍】[ David L. Sloss ]
<p><strong>A look inside the weaponization of social media, and an innovative proposal for protecting Western democracies from information warfare.</strong></p> <p>When Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram were first introduced to the public, their mission was simple: they were designed to help people become more connected to each other. Social media became a thriving digital space by giving its users the freedom to share whatever they wanted with their friends and followers. Un……続きを見る
Poilievre Asks Elon Musk To Label CBC "Government Funded" on Twitter【電子書籍】[ Gerald J. Williams ]
<p>Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre if truth actually particularly be specifically really basically told literally mostly posted a replica of a letter to the company that made the request on Tuesday, which in very general actually for the most part is pretty significant in a basically big way, which basically is fairly significant. Poilievre for all intents and purposes literally mostly requested that the designation without a doubt be specially generally for all intents and purposes put……続きを見る
The Role of Twitter in the 2016 US Election【電子書籍】
<p>This book assembles six chapters by respected and emerging scholars in political science and communication to produce a first sustained look at Twitter's role in the 2016 US Presidential Election. While much attention has already been paid to Trump's use of Twitter as a phenomenonーhow it helps drive news cycles, distracts attention from other matters, or levies attacks against rivals, the news media, and other criticsーthere has been little scholarly analysis of the impact Twitter played……続きを見る
Twitter and Elections Around the World Campaigning in 140 Characters or Less【電子書籍】
<p>Twitter already has become an important electoral communication tool between candidates, parties and their specific constituencies. No serious candidate campaign ignores Twitter, while political party organizations utilize Twitter to communicate with partisans, reinforce supporters, and mobilize voters.</p> <p>Whereas much scholarship to date has focused primarily on Twitter’s political usage in the United States, there still remain many questions about the political uses and effects ……続きを見る
洋書 Paperback, Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムか……続きを見る
Twitter, the Public Sphere, and the Chaos of Online Deliberation【電子書籍】
<p>This volume provides a critical view of the nature and quality of political and civic communication on Twitter. The introduction lays out the current state of research, showing the continuum of views, from the more optimistic to more pessimistic, regarding the platform’s potential to facilitate civic conversations. The eleven empirical case studies in the book provide new insights, addressing a variety of topics through a diverse array of methodological approaches. Together, the chapters ……続きを見る
Il tempo esploso Filosofia e comunicazione nell'epoca di Twitter【電子書籍】[ Adriano Fabris ]
<p>Da tempo stiamo vivendo una ≪rivoluzione digitale≫, un cambiamento profondo nel nostro modo di agire e di pensare dovuto all’incidenza sempre pi? massiccia delle nuove tecnologie. Esse facilitano la conoscenza, la possibilit? di inclusione e l’accesso alle informazioni e al tempo stesso rendono comuni forme di esperienza in cui il tempo diviene disarticolato, puntiforme, scollegato, esploso. Paghiamo la capacit? di seguire contemporaneamente pi? cose con una perdita effettiva di concentra……続きを見る
Experiments of the Mind From the Cognitive Psychology Lab to the World of Facebook and Twitter【電子書籍】[ Emily Martin ]
<p><strong>An inside view of the experimental practices of cognitive psychologyーand their influence on the addictive nature of social media</strong></p> <p>Experimental cognitive psychology research is a hidden force in our online lives. We engage with it, often unknowingly, whenever we download a health app, complete a Facebook quiz, or rate our latest purchase. How did experimental psychology come to play an outsized role in these developments? <em>Experiments of the Mind</em>……続きを見る
Fiumi di parole. Discorso e grammatica delle conversazioni scritte in Twitter【電子書籍】[ Stefania Spina ]
<p>Nell'epoca dei social media, la comunicazione digitale ? diventata parte integrante delle nostre vite: per una porzione consistente di persone, l'interazione continua con i propri interlocutori attraverso testi scritti digitati su una tastiera ? diventata un'abitudine quotidiana.<br /> All'interno dei vari ambienti in cui trascorriamo parte della nostra vita connessa, Twitter occupa un posto privilegiato: non tanto per l'estensione del suo pubblico di partecipanti - che ? molto ridotto ……続きを見る
Nerd Attack! Eine Geschichte der digitalen Welt vom C64 bis zu Twitter und Facebook - Ein SPIEGEL-Buch【電子書籍】[ Christian St?cker ]
<p><strong>Eine Reise zu den Schaupl?tzen der digitalen Revolution</strong></p> <p>Die Revolution begann in Kinderzimmern: Mit dem C64, dem ersten millionenfach verbreiteten Heimcomputer, eroberten sich Kinder und Jugendliche in den achtziger Jahren die digitale Welt und trieben die Entwicklung mit voran, als Hacker, Cracker, Nerds, Bastler und neugierige User. Christian St?cker, Ressortleiter Netzwelt bei SPIEGEL ONLINE und mit dem Computer aufgewachsen, beschreibt in seiner pers?nl……続きを見る
洋書 Paperback, The Use of Twitter in Corporate Communications: How the American Automotive Industry is using the Micro-Blogging Medium
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムか……続きを見る
Tweeting is Leading How Senators Communicate and Represent in the Age of Twitter【電子書籍】[ Annelise Russell ]
<p>Social media is changing the business of representation in the Senate. If you want to know what your senator is up to, you don't need a newspaper, just your phone. Some senators are social media minimalists while others are digitally long-winded, but each senator has the ability to insert themselves into our daily digital routines and frame their political brand for a public audience. Drawing on a unique dataset of almost 200,000 senator tweets, <em>Tweeting is Leading</em> offers a c……続きを見る
Personalrekrutierung per Facebook und Twitter Soziale Netzwerke ersetzen den Personalberater【電子書籍】[ R. Reuter ]
<p>Die Nutzung von Online-Stellenb?rsen bei der Personalsuche ist schon lange bekannt. Neu ist die gezielte Recherche in sozialen Netzwerken - die sich sehr schnell ausbreitet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
Pol?tica e xenofobia contra os nordestinos na Era Digital discursos e representa??es no Twitter durante as elei??es de 2018 no Brasil【電子書籍】[ Danilo Pinheiro dos Santos ]
<p>A xenofobia ? um sentimento que se exterioriza atrav?s da produ??o de discursos e representa??es de medo, rejei??o e inferioriza??o sobre o diferente. No Brasil, sua manifesta??o ? contornada por fatores raciais, ?tnico-culturais, pol?ticos e econ?micos, que consistem na estigmatiza??o sobre os nordestinos. A xenofobia estrutural contra os nordestinos resulta de processos hist?ricos que caracterizaram constantemente a regi?o Nordeste de maneira negativa e pejorativa, exaltando em contrapa……続きを見る
Epigenetics in the Age of Twitter: Pop Culture and Modern Science EPIGENETICS IN THE AGE OF TWIT [ Gerald Weissmann ]
EPIGENETICS IN THE AGE OF TWIT Gerald Weissmann BELLEVUE LITERARY PR2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781934137390 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Social Science続きを見る
Women's Voices in the BlueWave Resistance on Twitter Cruel Optimism【電子書籍】[ Cynthia A. Davidson ]
<p>In this book, Cynthia A. Davidson argues that tweeting, especially political tweeting among Democratic women, is an inherently optimistic act. Davidson’s analysis draws on Lauren Berlant’s assertion in Cruel Optimism (2011) that what we most desire is also an impediment to our thriving, whether or not the subject of specific conversations is negative. Narratives created by members of the Democratic BlueWave Resistance either support the primary purpose of the group--to uphold support of l……続きを見る
Social Media Marketing Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube【電子書籍】[ Ray Yao ]
<p>This book will teach you the most important social media marketing knowledge and strategies on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube.<br /> You can learn:<br /> ?How to exert the power of the social media to build your brand.<br /> ?How to become a winner in your field’s competition.<br /> ?How to utilize effective technology to increase customers.<br /> ?How to apply social media marketing skills to your business.<br /> ?How to convert other user……続きを見る
Holy Living Re-Envisioned in an Age of Zoom, Twitter, and Apps【電子書籍】[ Herb Ireland ]
<p>Is the ancient language of holiness even relevant in the age of Zoom, Twitter and Apps? In fact, who gives a rip about holy living when there are so many things demanding our attention? Zoom, Twitter and Facebook seem far more exciting to explore than this spiritual topic. By the way, what does the term sanctification mean and is it instantaneous or progressive? Is there any relationship between holy living and the image of God? Is this rhythm of grace even possible in this lifetime? Thes……続きを見る
Takahiro Shiraishi: El asesino de Twitter【電子書籍】[ Galka ]
<p>La noche de Halloween de 2017, un enigm?tico art?culo de un peri?dico japon?s anunci? la detenci?n de un sospechoso tras encontrarse nueve cad?veres en su apartamento a las afueras de Tokio. El detenido era un joven con una vida relativamente normal, por lo que nadie advirti? que pudiera haber restos humanos descomponi?ndose en el edificio. Ninguno de los vecinos se quej? a la polic?a ni al portero del extra?o olor.</p> <p>La polic?a y el gobierno japon?s enseguida se dieron cuenta de……続きを見る
Jesus Christ, His Life and Mine: The Story of Jesus and How It Applies to Us in the Twitter Era JESUS CHRIST HIS LIFE & MINE [ R. Christian Bohlen ]
JESUS CHRIST HIS LIFE & MINE R. Christian Bohlen CARPENTERS SON PUB2019 Paperback English ISBN:9781949572001 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion続きを見る
'Wildes Gezwitscher' - ?ber den Amoklauf von Winnenden, den Internetdienst Twitter und die Sorgfaltspflicht von Journalisten【電子書籍】[ Christian Undorf ]
<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Journalismus, Publizistik, Note: 1,0, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?t Bonn, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Eine Twitter-Nachricht, gesendet am 11. M?rz 2009 um 10:37 Uhr, gilt als eine der ersten ?ffentlichen Mitteilungen zu einem der tragischsten Ereignisse des Jahres 2009 in Deutschland: An diesem Tag betrat gegen 9:30 Uhr, also nur wenige Minuten bevor jene Nachricht bereits im weltweiten Datennetz erschien,……続きを見る
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