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Panduan Iklan Berbayar Modern untuk Pemilik Bisnis Pengantar Cepat ke Iklan Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, dan TikTok【電子書籍】[ Neil King ]
<p><strong>Apakah Anda mengikuti perkembangan bagaimana platform iklan berbayar modern dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan bisnis dan menyebarkan pesan Anda?</strong></p> <p>Jika tidak, selami dunia dinamis periklanan online dengan <em>Panduan Modern untuk Iklan Berbayar untuk Pemilik Bisnis: Pengantar Cepat untuk Iklan Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, dan TikTok.</em></p> <p>Buku pegangan cepat yang singkat ini menawarkan wawasan praktis tentang platform iklan Google, Fac……続きを見る
Busnes Perchnogion Canllaw Cyfoes i Hysbysebu Talu Cyflwyniad Cychwyn Cyflym i Hysbysebion Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, a TikTok【電子書籍】[ Neil King ]
<p><strong>Ydych chi'n gyfredol ar sut gall llwyfannau hysbysebu taledig modern eich helpu i dyfu'ch busnes a lledaenu'ch neges?</strong></p> <p>Os nad ydych, plymiwch i fyd deinamig hysbysebion ar-lein gyda'r <em>Canllaw Modern i Hysbysebu Taledig ar gyfer Perchnogion Busnes: Cyflwyniad Cychwyn Cyflym i Hysbysebion Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, a TikTok.</em></p> <p>Mae'r llawlyfr cychwyn cyflym byr hwn yn cynnig mewnwelediadau ymarferol i lwyfannau hysbysebu Google,……続きを見る
The Youtube Marketing Handbook 500% Revenue Booster【電子書籍】[ Warren H. Lau ]
<p>YouTube marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools of the digital age and is a must have in any modern marketing plan. YouTube offers a wide variety of resources and tools to help marketers create engaging and powerful campaigns that will capture the attention of their target audiences. YouTube's easy-to-use platform, combined with its diverse user base and its immense reach, make it an ideal medium to reach a wide range of audiences from all parts of the world.</p> <p>In t……続きを見る
Youtube In 5 Easy Steps【電子書籍】[ empreender ]
<p>There’s a good reason that YouTube is the leading video platform online, especially for businesses.It’s easy to use, allows for maximum exposure in the search engines and the audience is readily available.In fact, YouTube has over a billion registered users, which means it’s clearly a great way to build a business, maximize outreach and develop an outstanding brand.With this guide you will learn about all the important elements of creating a winning channel. From how to set up your channe……続きを見る
YouTube SEO Marketing La Guida Pratica Per Ottimizzare Al Meglio I Video E Ottenere Clienti Da YouTube【電子書籍】[ Marco Rossi ]
<p>Che tu sia un principiante o un veterano, <strong>questo libro ti mostrer? come ottimizzare al meglio i video su YouTube, creare un business redditizio e avere un impatto enorme nella vita delle persone.</strong></p> <p><strong>Se sei un libero professionista, un imprenditore, una societ? di consulenza o una PMI</strong>, leggendo questa preziosa guida, imparerai le migliori strategie di Marketing su YouTube e le tecniche segrete di ottimizzazione dei contenuti video in chiave……続きを見る
Social Media Marketing 2019 The Best Strategies to Leverage Your Brand and Make Money on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat and Become an Influencer in Your Niche【電子書籍】[ Ray Welch ]
<p>Social Media Marketing in 2019<br /> All bu?inе??е? grеаtlу benefit when thеу rе?оrt tо thе intеrnеt tо find thеir сliеntеlе. Because оf the surge оf online u?еr?, companies hаvе аl?о considered bringing thеir bu?inе?? to whеrе mо?t реорlе hаng out thе?е dау? - оnlinе.<br /> Thrоugh the help оf ?осiаl mеdiа marketing, a new mаrkеting strategy gеаrеd tоwаrd? tаррing online сu?tоmеr?, bu?inе??е? hаvе leaped from thеir u?uаl traditional mаrkеting strategies аnd wеlсоmеd thi? nеw mаrkеtin……続きを見る
Chancen und Risiken von Product Placement auf der Videoplattform YouTube【電子書籍】[ Anonym ]
<p>Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Public Relations, Werbung, Marketing, Social Media, Note: 2,3, Technische Hochschule K?ln, ehem. Fachhochschule K?ln, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Chancen und Risiken von Product Placement auf der Videoplattform YouTube. Dabei liegt der Betrachtungsschwerpunkt auf dem deutschen Markt, der innerhalb relativ kurzer Zeit einen relativ gro?en Entwicklungsschub vollzogen hat. Inn……続きを見る
De Moderne Gids voor Betaalde Reclame voor Bedrijfseigenaren Een snelle introductie tot Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube en TikTok-advertenties【電子書籍】[ Neil King ]
<p><strong>Bent u op de hoogte van hoe moderne betaalde advertentieplatforms u kunnen helpen uw bedrijf te laten groeien en uw boodschap te verspreiden?</strong></p> <p>Zo niet, duik dan in de dynamische wereld van online advertenties met <em>De Moderne Gids voor Betaalde Reclame voor Bedrijfseigenaren: Een Snelle Introductie tot Google-, Facebook-, Instagram-, YouTube- en TikTok-advertenties.</em></p> <p>Deze korte handleiding voor snelle start biedt praktische inzichten in ……続きを見る
Mastering YouTube: A Comprehensive Money-Making Guide【電子書籍】[ PANKAJ KUMAR ]
<p>Mastering YouTube: A Comprehensive Money-Making Guide" is your ultimate companion to navigating the intricate world of YouTube and turning your passion into profit. This ebook provides step-by-step instructions, insider tips, and expert strategies for maximizing your earning potential on the world's largest video-sharing platform. Whether you're a seasoned content creator or just starting, this comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about monetizing your YouTube channel, b……続きを見る
Social Media Marketing A beginners guide to leveraging Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to become an influencer and grow your business!【電子書籍】[ Michael Hanes ]
<p><strong>SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING</strong></p> <p>Throughout this book we will discuss the different social media platforms, the pros and cons of each, and how to advertise on each of these platforms effectively.</p> <p>You will also learn about choosing the right social media platforms for your particular business, the importance of creating a marketing plan, and also what exactly makes a good advertising campaign.</p> <p>Whether you have an established business or are just ……続きを見る
YouTube Marketing Blunders: Making YouTube Work For Your Internet Business【電子書籍】[ John Hawkins ]
<p>YouTube Marketing: Take It to the Next Level.</p> <p>There are many ways to make money online.</p> <p>Depending on your capabilities, tapping into a market or strategy that suits to you is the most important to get you started.</p> <p>Are you using YouTube as a marketing strategy for traffic generation in your business? Quite simply, YouTube is by far one of the most powerful but still underutilized platfor...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽……続きを見る
Suvremeni vodi? za pla?eno ogla?avanje za vlasnike poslovanja Brzo Uvod u Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube i TikTok Oglase【電子書籍】[ Neil King ]
<p><strong>Jeste li u toku s time kako vam moderne platforme za pla?eno ogla?avanje mogu pomo?i da razvijete svoje poslovanje i pro?irite svoju poruku?</strong></p> <p>Ako niste, zaronite u dinami?an svijet internetskog ogla?avanja uz <em>Suvremeni vodi? za pla?eno ogla?avanje za vlasnike poslovanja: Brzi uvod u oglase na Google-u, Facebooku, Instagramu, YouTubeu i TikToku.</em></p> <p>Ovaj kratki priru?nik za brzi po?etak nudi prakti?ne uvide u ogla?iva?ke platforme Google, ……続きを見る
洋書 Youtube Money: How To Create a Channel, Build an Audience and Make Passive Income on YouTube With Proven Video Marketing Techniques
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムか……続きを見る
洋書 Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Winner’s Path To Make Glorious Cash With Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter & Youtube (With Bonus Section!) (The Winner's Series)
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムか……続きを見る
Comment cr?er une chaine YouTube ? succ?s Cr?er une chaine YouTube en 5 ?tapes【電子書籍】[ AKA K. JULIEN ]
<p>Vous trouverez 5 ?tapes simples et ?fficaces de cr?er une chaine you tube, des outils pour vous aider ? ?tre le meilleur. Le livre contient:</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>?tape 1 - Mise au point du canal</p> <p>?tape 2 - Cr?er une strat?gie de mots cl?s</p> <p>?tape 3 - Ma?trise de l'image de marque</p> <p>?tape 4 - Cr?er du contenu partageable</p> <p>?tape 5 - Constituer votre base d'abonn?s</p> <p>Conclusion</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ……続きを見る
如何在FB、YouTube、IG做出爆紅影片 會用手機就會做!日本廣告大獎得主教?從企劃、製作到網路宣傳的最強攻略【電子書籍】[ 中澤良直 ]
<p>?知道現在是「社群媒體」的時代,</p> <p>但長期經營的FB、YouTube頻道、IG總是沒人看?</p> <p>影片行銷,是現在「最便宜」且「最具威力」的行銷工具!</p> <p>日本資深廣告總監首度公開,快速?動「顧客購買慾」的影片製作技巧,</p> <p>零基礎也能做出「引導馬上下單」的行銷短片。</p> <p>不需要專業團隊、不用?攝影器材、不必學行銷知識,</p> <p>只要手中有智慧型手機,?也做得到!</p> <p>◎網路影片──快速把?品變現金的最強行銷!</p> <p>比起用文字做解釋,影片更容易在短時間?打中消費者……続きを見る
Social Media Marketing 2020: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Social Media Marketing Strategies on How to Gain a Massive Following on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter to Boost your Business in 2020【電子書籍】[ Gavin Turner ]
<p>**If you want to discover how to leverage the power of social media with Social Media Marketing in 2020 to help you make more sales and achieve your business goals, keep reading...**Did you know:</p> <ul> <li>The <strong>number of people spending time on the Internet</strong> has grown to 4.4 billion.</li> <li>there had been a <strong>9% increase in active social media users in 2019</strong> - translating to over 3.5 billion users.</li> <li>The average person spends ……続きを見る
Crush It with Social Media Marketing: Discover Top Entrepreneur Viral Network and SEO Strategies for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter While Advertising Your Personal Brand and Business【電子書籍】[ Donald Reammsei ]
<p><strong>Are you looking to take your business to new heights with the up to date social media marketing strategies?</strong></p> <p>Learn where to prioritize your time so you can maximize traffic and exposure to your business? Discover what to optimize on social media platforms to create repeatable business systems that automatically generate customers?</p> <p>Social media marketing is one the key difference maker between a Fortune 500 buisness and a local city buisness. It pr……続きを見る
How to Become A Massive YouTube Celebrity【電子書籍】[ SoftTech ]
<p>Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Become A YouTube Celebrity...</p> <p>Making money on YouTube is not easy at all and there is a definite skill to this and a fair bit of luck involved too. A lot of people work incredibly hard at their YouTube content for years, never to see any real returns on it.</p> <p>So the question is: how do you go about exploding your content and building an effective business model on YouTube? How can you become the next big YouTube sensation? And wha……続きを見る
Youtube Insights for Audience: Discover the types of videos users search for based on their country, age, gender and interests【電子書籍】[ Kenneth Parker ]
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M?sdienu Ce?vedis Maks?t?m Rekl?m?m Biznesa ?pa?niekiem ?trs ievads Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube un TikTok rekl?m?s【電子書籍】[ Neil King ]
<p><strong>Vai esat inform?ts par to, k? m?sdien?gas maksas rekl?mas platformas var pal?dz?t jums audz?t j?su biznesu un izplat?t j?su zi?ojumu?</strong></p> <p>Ja n?, iedzi?inieties tie?saistes rekl?mu dinamiskajai pasaulei ar <em>Moderno biznesa ?pa?nieku maksas rekl?mas ce?vedi: ?su ievadce?vedi Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube un TikTok rekl?m?s.</em></p> <p>?is ?sais paatrin?tais ce?vedis sniedz praktisku inform?ciju par Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube un TikTok……続きを見る
Modern? sprievodca platenou reklamou pre majite?ov podnikov R?chle ?vod do rekl?m na Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube a TikTok【電子書籍】[ Neil King ]
<p><strong>Ste v obraze s t?m, ako v?m modern? platen? reklamn? platformy m??u pom?c? rozr?s? v?? biznis a ??ri? va?e posolstvo?</strong></p> <p>Ak nie, ponorte sa do dynamick?ho sveta online rekl?m s Modernou pr?ru?kou platenej reklamy pre majite?ov firiem: R?chly ?vod do rekl?m na Google, Facebooku, Instagrame, YouTube a TikToku.</p> <p>T?to kr?tka pr?ru?ka pre r?chly ?tart pon?ka praktick? poh?ad na reklamn? platformy Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube a TikTok.</p> <p>N……続きを見る
Come Guadagnare Denaro Creando Video su YouTube Senza Mostrare il Proprio Volto 4 preziosi segreti per creare ricchezza attraverso Canali YouTube senza la necessit? di un volto e di una voce【電子書籍】[ Bolakale Aremu ]
<p><strong>4 preziosi segreti per creare ricchezza attraverso Canali YouTube senza la necessit? di un volto e di una voce.</strong></p> <p>In questo libro vi mostrer? come guadagnare creando video su YouTube senza il bisogno di registrare il vostro volto o la vostra voce. Sar? una formazione che va dritta al punto, mostrandovi esattamente cosa fare. Non ci saranno inutili giri di parole e non sar? come altre formazioni che parlano solo di teoria. Con questo libro, avrete a disposizio……続きを見る
3 Proven Ways That’ll Make You Over $472.68 Daily With A.I That Creates and Hosts Profitable Youtube-Like Video Websites The 3-Click App That Drives Consistent Free Buyer Traffic In Less Than 30 Seconds【電子書籍】[ Lineman Tracy J. ]
<p>**REVEALED!!!</p> <p>Discover How We Are CONSISTENTLY Making OVER $472.68 Daily With A.I That Create and Host Profitable Youtube-Like Video Websites In Just 3 Simple Steps . . .</p> <p>And The Best Part Is That This System Also Generates And Drives FREE Targeted And Buyer Traffic To Your Website, Product Or ANY Of Your Affiliate Link At ANY TIME!</p> <p><em>Dear Struggling Entrepreneur,</em></p> <p>DO** you want to start your own <em><strong>automated Youtube-like ……続きを見る
THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL GROWTH HACK GUIDE Tips and Tricks On How To Hack The Growth of Youtube Channel with Illustrative Images【電子書籍】[ Stanley Green ]
<p>Video sharing is the purpose of the website YouTube. The website has allowed millions of people to register accounts through which they may submit movies for everyone to view. Over 35 hours of video are posted to YouTube every minute of every day. YouTube material may be seen and shared by anyone with a computer, smartphone, and internet connection. Whether you're a person seeking for a creative outlet or the CEO of a company with a sizable budget for a video marketing campaign, YouTube i……続きを見る
Секреты продвижения на YouTube: Как увеличить количество подписчиков и много зарабатывать【電子書籍】[ Бенджи Трэвис ]
<p>YouTube ー это не только милые видео с котиками. Для многих эта платформа становится источником огромных доходов. Для успеха на YouTube не нужно ни дорогое оборудование, ни специальное образование. Главное ー энтузиазм и чувство юмора. А эта самая популярная книга о YouTube расскажет вам о конкретных шагах, с помощью которых можно привлечь зрителей, заработать деньги, построить бизнес или создать личный бренд.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ペ……続きを見る
洋書 The Business of Being Social: A practical guide to harnessing the power of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social media networks for all businesses
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムか……続きを見る
Crescere con YouTube Crea il tuo personal brand per avere successo nel lavoro, nel business e nella vita【電子書籍】[ Federica Mutti ]
<p>Un canale su YouTube in cui raccontare il tuo progetto o personal brand pu? aprirti le porte a tante opportunit?: nel business, nel lavoro e nella vita personale. Che tu sia un imprenditore, un professionista o una persona con un sogno nel cassetto, questa piattaforma ? uno dei siti web pi? visitati al mondo ? pu? diventare un vero e proprio trampolino di lancio, l'asset strategico capace di portarti competenze, clienti e crescita. Queste pagine ti immergeranno nel mondo di YouTube, racco……続きを見る
<p>YouTube has changed our worldーfrom how we view video to how we connect and marketーopening a new entrepreneurial landscape to ambitious individuals. Thousands of people generate six to seven figures annually from online video content. And, with the right roadmap, you too could be en route to real influence and income.</p> <p>In YouTube Secrets, online video experts Sean Cannell and Benji Travis draw on a decade of experience as well as interviews with more than one hundred top creato……続きを見る
M?dias Sociaux 2021 Le Chemin le Plus Rapide Vers le Succ?s: l'art du Marketing sur Youtube, Facebook, Twitter et Instagram【電子書籍】[ Martha Gilbert ]
<p>L'objectif de ce manuel est de vous montrer la bonne m?thode, mise ? jour en 2020, pour r?ussir dans le marketing des m?dias sociaux, en vous donnant les m?mes informations que les gourous vendent dans leurs cours co?tant des milliers d'euros.</p> <p>Nous verrons ensemble en d?tail tous les outils et strat?gies mis en ?uvre chaque jour par les meilleurs marketeurs du monde, en identifiant la campagne publicitaire la plus adapt?e aux besoins de votre entreprise.</p>画面が切り替わりま……続きを見る
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