商品件数:247 31件~60件 (9ページ中 2ページめ)
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Libro de cocina org?nica de Kasani para beb?s e infantes【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>42 cap?tulos de sabrosas recetas que todo padre de familia amar?. Estas recetas son simples y f?ciles de leer. Las cenas familiares incluyen algunas recetas llenas de sabor que cualquier familia encontrar? deliciosas. El libro de cocina org?nica de Kasani para beb?s e infantes es tu gu?a para estos primeros a?os tan importantes en el mundo de la comida. Encuentra los elementos fundamentales para comenzar a darle almientos s?lidos a tu beb?, c?mo reconocer alergias alimenticias, y formas s……続きを見る
Die Meisterung von Wertanlagen【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Sie haben schon unz?hlige Male geh?rt, wie Sie investieren sollten. Aber das Investieren ist nicht so einfach. Es gibt eine Menge zu beachten - ganz zu schweigen von den Risiken. Wenn es darum geht, welche Art von Investition Sie w?hlen sollen, haben Sie unz?hlige M?glichkeiten. Jeder, mit dem Sie sprechen, empfiehlt etwas anderes, und das kann ?berw?ltigend sein.</p> <p>Bedenken Sie: Was f?r andere eine gute Investition ist, muss nicht unbedingt auch f?r Sie gelten.</p> <p>Legen ……続きを見る
Investir de Forma F?cil【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Descri??o do livro:</p> <p>Todos querem liberdade financeira. Muitos tentam encontr?-la fazendo o que mais gostam de fazer. H? pessoas que a encontraram avan?ando na empresa onde trabalham enquanto outros abriram um neg?cio. No per?odo dos ?ltimos cinco anos, surgiram mais milion?rios do que em qualquer outro per?odo. Recursos online e a internet em geral s?o respons?veis por muito desse sucesso. Muitas destas pessoas foram boas o bastante para escrever sobre seu sucesso e oferecer co……続きを見る
Ma?triser Bitcoin - Guide du d?butant pour commencer ? gagner de l'argent avec Bitcoin【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Le Bitcoin est une crypto-monnaie et un syst?me de paiement num?rique invent? par un programmeur inconnu, ou un groupe de programmeurs, sous le nom de Satoshi Nakamoto. Il est sorti en tant que logiciel open source en 2009. Le syst?me est pair ? pair et les transactions ont lieu directement entre les utilisateurs, sans interm?diaire. Ces transactions sont v?rifi?es par des n?uds de r?seau et enregistr?es dans un registre public distribu? appel? blockchain. ?tant donn? que le syst?me fonct……続きを見る
Mastering Ethereum And Blockchain - A Beginner's Guide To Start Making Money With Ethereum And Blockchain【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>According to some, the idea of Ethereum was born in 2009, when Bitcoin became the first practical solution of decentralization. Undoubtedly, the success of Blockchain greatly influenced Vitalik Buterin, the man behind Ethereum. However, 2012 would be a more particular date. That is when Vitalik left the University of Waterloo to travel the world while participating in various cryptocurrency innovations. While on this trip, Buterin conceived the Ethereum idea; a crypto economically secured……続きを見る
Bushido Code - The Way Of The Warrior In Modern Times【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>The Bushido code is a code of honor that greatly influenced Japan's culture in the 700's. Bushido started as a code of war and went onto become a way of life and art. It governed every part of life, from honor and war to literature and poetry. Moreover, it impacted history in a significant way, from medieval times to World War II period. The Bushido is said to have begun in the 8th century. It was influenced by Shintoism, Confucianism, and Zen Buddhism. Some of the noblemen that adhered t……続きを見る
A Financial Analysis of the Sports Manufacturer ADIDAS【電子書籍】[ Patricia Seitz ]
<p>Seminar paper from the year 2014 in the subject Economics - Finance, grade: 1,3, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Metropolitan Campus, language: English, abstract: The present study includes a financial analysis of the sports goods manufacturer Adidas Group AG and its subsidiaries. This is important to understand the further course of the work, which falls under all Adidas Group AG. The main feature of this paper is to calculate the ten different financial ratios and evaluate them. For thi……続きを見る
Investire in maniera semplice【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Tutti vogliono l'indipendenza economica. Molti cercano di trovarla facendo ci? di cui sono appassionati. Ci sono persone che l'hanno trovata scalando la societ? in cui lavorano mentre altri hanno iniziato un'attivit?. Negli ultimi cinque anni, sono emersi pi? milionari che in qualsiasi altro periodo. Le risorse online e Internet in generale sono responsabili di gran parte di questo successo. Molte di queste persone sono state abbastanza cool da scrivere sul loro successo, offrendo alcuni ……続きを見る
Mastering LiteCoin: A Beginner's Guide to Start Making Money with LiteCoin【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Litecoin was founded to act as a Bitcoin alternative to make up for its perceived shortcomingsーit was developed to be “lightweight” and be more plentiful than Bitcoin. Litecoin also has almost zero payment cost and facilitates payments approximately four times faster than Bitcoin.</p> <p>Table of Contents</p> <p>Litecoin Introduction</p> <ol> <li> <p>Cryptocurrency Wallet Guide</p> </li> <li> <p>How to Buy Litecoin</p> </li> <li> <p>Mine Litecoin and Other……続きを見る
Marketingstrategien und Marketingmethoden der Marke Adidas Stand 2006【電子書籍】[ Thomas Lacmann ]
<p>Akademische Arbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Note: 1,3, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit besch?ftigt sich mit den Marketingstrategien und Marketingmethoden der adidas AG besch?ftigen. Sie liefert zun?chst Aussagen ?ber die Entstehung und das Image der Marke adidas, des Weiteren einen ?berblick ?ber die allgemeinen Unternehmensziele und die strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens, sodann ?ber ……続きを見る
Le plan des revenus passifs【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Les revenus passifs sont en train de devenir de plus en plus populaires. Cependant, beaucoup de gens ne comprennent pas encore ? quel point ils sont b?n?fiques. Croyez le ou pas, faire de l'argent dans votre sommeil n'est pas le plus grand b?n?fice ici. Ce livre souligne les raisons les plus importantes pour lesquelles vous devriez chercher une source de revenus passifs ou ?tre en train d'en cr?er une. J'offre aussi des strat?gies semi-passives.</p> <p>Planifier sa retraite ne devrait……続きを見る
Dominar Apple TV 4K【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Cuando usted escucha hablar de Apple TV inmediatamente piensa que lo que usted est? comprando es una TV Real. Pero no es el caso. La Apple TV es un dispositivo que usted utilizar? realmente para que le transmita algo y que es parecido al Fire de Amazon o al Roku. Es una peque?a caja negra de alrededor de una pulgada y media de alto, y s?lo un poco menos que cuatro pulgadas, que funciona en una plataforma muy similar al iPad y los populares iPhones. Usted puede descargar una lista de apps ……続きを見る
Capire Ethereum e Blockchain【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Secondo alcuni, l’idea dell’Etherum ? nata nel 2009, quando i Bitcoin diventarono la prima soluzione pratica di decentralizzazione.</p> <p>Senza dubbio, il successo della Blockchain ha influenzato moltissimo Vitalik Buterin, l’uomo dietro Ethereum.</p> <p>Ad ogni modo, il 2012 ? poi stato un anno pi? particolare.</p> <p>In quell’anno Vitalik ha lasciato l’Universit? di Waterloo per girare il mondo partecipando a diverse innovazioni nel mondo delle criptovalute.</p> <p>Dura……続きを見る
Or?amenta??o para Iniciantes【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Se a maior parte das pessoas tivessem op??o de escolha, prefeririam n?o ter um or?amento. ? limitante e exige muito sacrif?cio e esfor?o. Nunca poder? ter falta de desculpas por n?o ter um or?amento ー estar demasiado ocupado, esperar que as coisas mudem brevemente, n?o ganhar o suficiente, etc. Contudo, um or?amento ? poderoso. Vai ajud?-lo a solidificar o seu futuro financeiro, mesmo que n?o fa?a muito.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページ……続きを見る
Vampyre: Nouvelle Lune (Livre 1) Novella.【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>En dehors du domaine des humains et loin de la lumi?re du jour, une structure complexe se cache ? de nombreux yeux. Ici Val, un vampire qui suit le chemin de la Vigilante puise du sang en qu?te de justice et un chemin qu'elle peut appeler le sien. Elle est rejointe par son amant Henrik, un vampire d'un autre chemin et ensemble, ils sont entra?n?s dans un monde d'intrigues qui menace de d?chirer le monde qu'ils connaissent.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、……続きを見る
Il Diabete【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Il diabete ? causato da una mancata o insufficiente secrezione di insulina, o dall'impossibilit? delle cellule ti utilizzarla in modo efficiente o corretto. Quest'ultima condizione causa insulino-resistenza, quindi diabete di tipo 2. La mancanza totale di insulina ? il problema principale nei diabetici di tipo 1. Un'altra condizione del diabete di tipo 2 ? la forte riduzione delle cellule beta che contribuisce ulteriormente all'aumento degli zuccheri nel sangue. Il glucosio ? uno zucchero……続きを見る
Le Code Bushido【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Le code Bushido est un code d’honneur qui ? grandement influenc? la culture japonaise dans les ann?es 700. Le Bushido ?tait d’abord un code de guerre et ? ensuite ?volu? en mode de vie et en forme d’art. Il r?glementait chaque aspect de la vie, de l’honneur ? la guerre en passant par la litt?rature et la po?sie. De plus, il a influenc? l’histoire de mani?re de significative du moyen-?ge ? la seconde guerre mondiale. On pense que le Bushido ? ?t? mis en place au VIIIe si?cle. Il a ?t? infl……続きを見る
Mastering Podcasting - How To Start, Grow, And Monetize Your Podcast【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Basically, a podcast is like an online form of talk radio. The only difference is that you have certain advantages with a podcast such as the ability to listen whenever you want instead of a certain time or day. While podcasts are somewhat like radio talk shows, they are very different at the same timeーlike YouTube videos and television. A podcast is best described as a series of episodes stored in audio files, the same type as the ones you use for music in your smartphone or laptop. Jus……続きを見る
Amoureuse d'Un Milliardaire【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Elizabeth vient de sortir d'un mariage rat? et a h?rit? d'une ?quipe de basket-ball. Trouvera-t-elle l'amour de ses r?ves?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
Guia de Viagem de T?quio【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>T?quio ?, sem d?vida, um dos destinos tur?sticos mais famosos do Jap?o. Tem atra??es para todas as esta??es e voc? sempre desejar? voltar. Na primavera, voc? pode apreciar as flores de cerejeira de tirar o f?lego e no outono, as cores da folhagem s?o uma vis?o impressionante. Ent?o, e no ver?o? T?quio deve estar na sua lista de desejos se voc? estiver procurando por um lugar m?gico para passar o ver?o sozinho ou com amigos / fam?lia. Al?m dos festivais de ver?o, coisas para se divertir, i……続きを見る
Mastering Habit - How Successful People Think And Operate【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>You will always hear people giving excuses saying that they were not born with the talent necessary to succeed. It is true there are naturally advantaged people in some ways. However, attaining success at something boils down to committing yourself and taking the time to acquire and master skills. In fact, talent is nothing more than a starting point. Nobody is denying that natural talent exists. There are genetically advantaged, especially where physical ability is concerned. Nonetheless……続きを見る
E-mail Marketing【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>O mercado on-line est? sempre mudando, uma t?tica de marketing eficaz pode ser obsoleta amanh?. O e-mail, no entanto, continua superando todos os canais de marketing. E por que o e-mail ? t?o potente? O que faz com que ele permane?a no poder? ? f?cil ignorar o email como um canal de marketing. Voc? n?o pode encontr?-lo na moda e emocionante como o Facebook. Mas tem vantagens importantes em rela??o a outros canais. Veja a demografia das plataformas populares de m?dia social; mulheres usam ……続きを見る
Vampiro: Lua Nova Vampyre: New Moon (Book 1) Novella【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Al?m do reino dos humanos e longe da luz do dia, uma estrutura complexa se esconde de muitos olhos. Aqui Val, uma vampira que segue o caminho do Vigilante, extrai sangue em busca de justi?a e um caminho que ela pode chamar de seu. Ela ? acompanhada por seu amante Henrik, um vampiro de outro caminho e juntos eles s?o atra?dos para um mundo de intrigas que amea?a rasgar o mundo que eles conhecem separadamente.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ペー……続きを見る
Mastering Apple Music - The Ultimate iTunes User Guide【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Apple Music is, to quote the company, "All the ways you love music. All in one place."</p> <p>In non-marketing lingo, Apple Music is built around two major components: iCloud Music Library, which combines your purchased music library and ripped tracks in one place; and the Apple Music streaming catalog, where you can find more than 10 million tracks from artists around the world.</p> <p>These two parts live side by side in the Music app: You can keep each separate by only streamin……続きを見る
Sponsoring im Profifu?ball. Das Beispiel adidas【電子書籍】[ Andreas Heiden ]
<p>Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Sport - Sport?konomie, Sportmanagement, Note: 1,5, Hochschule f?r Gesundheit und Sport, Berlin, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Fragen, die in diese Arbeit beantwortet werden sollen: Welche Rolle nimmt adidas als Sportartikelhersteller im Sponsoring ein? Welche Sponsoringaktivit?ten unternimmt das Unternehmen im Fu?ball? Was ist das Besondere an den Sponsoringaktivit?ten von adidas im Fu?ball? Welche Ziele verfolgt das Unternehmen mit seinen Spo……続きを見る
Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien im Vergleich bei den Sportartikelherstellern Adidas, Nike und Puma【電子書籍】[ Friederike Kroner ]
<p>Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Sport - Sport?konomie, Sportmanagement, Note: 1,3, Universit?t Potsdam (Management, Professional Services & Sport?konomie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien anhand der Nachhaltigkeitsberichte, Ma?nahmen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung sowie sozialer und ?kologischer Projekte der drei Sportartikelhersteller Adidas, Nike und Puma analysiert. Erkenntnisziel ist es, eine Beschreibung, w……続きを見る
Adidas Marketing Strategy - An Overview【電子書籍】[ Arkadi Borowski ]
<p>Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics - Marketing, Corporate Communication, CRM, Market Research, Social Media, grade: 2.0, International Business School Lippstadt, language: English, abstract: The Adidas group, headquartered in Herzogenaurach (Germany) was built on 18th August 1920 by Adolf Dassler. The brand and its products celebrated their first worldwide success in 1954 after the German have won the soccer world championship. After some commercial disappo……続きを見る
Auto-?dition【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Publier votre propre eBook n'a jamais ?t? une promenade dans le parc, mais cela a ?t? plus facile gr?ce ? la disponibilit? de services, de plateformes et d'outils. Avec autant d'options parmi lesquelles les auto-?diteurs peuvent choisir, les auteurs doivent s'assurer de se positionner de mani?re ? atteindre un public maximal.</p> <p>Ce livre comprend:</p> <p>Introduction</p> <ol> <li> <p>Comment s'auto-?diter</p> </li> <li> <p>Le guest blogging pour promouvoir votr……続きを見る
Affiliate Marketing【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Affiliate marketing is het promoten van producten die andere mensen maken voor bedrijven zoals reizen, financi?n, krediet, etc. Marketeers publiceren links online op meerdere sites. Affiliates promoten uw producten en zodra ze een verkoop hebben gedaan, verdienen ze commissies. Affiliate marketing is succesvol omdat veel nieuwe klanten uw producten zien. De interesse van de klant bereikt een piek wanneer hij of zij een product steeds weer ziet.</p> <p>Er zijn twee manieren om affiliat……続きを見る
Dominando o H?bito【電子書籍】[ Adidas Wilson ]
<p>Voc? sempre vai ouvir pessoas dando desculpas, dizendo que n?o nasceram com o talento necess?rio para chegar ao sucesso. E ? verdade que h? pessoas naturalmente beneficiadas de algumas formas. No entanto, alcan?ar o sucesso resume-se a compromisso e dedica??o ? aquisi??o e ao aperfei?oamento de habilidades. De fato, o talento nada mais ? do que o ponto inicial. Ningu?m est? negando que existe o talento natural, como uma vantagem gen?tica, especialmente no que concerne ? habilidade f?sica.……続きを見る
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