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酥炸天婦羅:銀座米其林二星名店「天婦羅近藤」主廚的炸物奧義 てんぷら近藤主人のやさしく教える天ぷらのきほん【電子書籍】[ 近藤文夫 ]
<p><strong>*此書為固定版面格式,建議使用平板或電腦?讀*</strong></p> <p><strong>◎4大類型食材、47道料理,可應用於家常菜色的天婦羅料理食譜!</strong><br /> 米其林名店「天婦羅近藤」主廚從基礎的蔬菜、コ類天婦羅,到需要仔細處理的海鮮天婦羅等,以淺顯易?的方式?明?種食材的呈現方法與處理訣竅。</p> <p><strong>◎無私傳授獨門油炸技巧+裝盤訣竅,創造獨具特色的「近藤流」天婦羅!</strong></p> <p>逐一?明使用器具、料理?驟,並搭配清楚照片及詳細文字解?油炸順序與裝盤訣竅,讓天婦羅不僅美……続きを見る
為什麼男人想狩獵,女人愛挑選?突破戀愛盲腸的科學指南,讓神經科學x生物演化??幸福?單!【電子書籍】[ 艾蜜莉亞・沃里薩爾米 (Emilia Vuorisalmi) ]
<p><strong>?戀?愛?腦 完 全 解 剖?</strong><br /> 天菜不等於真愛,鬼遮眼不等於勇敢<br /> 了解自己的大腦,才是談個完美戀愛的關鍵!</p> <p>【適用情境】<br /> #看了限動卻不回訊息<br /> #一戀愛就鬼遮眼<br /> #時常患得患失焦慮不安<br /> #穩聊掛睡卻?不?這是不是愛<br /> #?迷大?愛情占卜<br /> #快速暈爆卻走不到穩交<br /> #遇上忽冷忽熱、開始懷疑人生</p> <p>【?容簡介】</p> <p>只要墜入愛河就開始整天癡癡笑,<br /> 一想到喜歡的人就藏不住發射粉紅泡泡,<br /> 到底愛上一……続きを見る
Exploring the World of Japanese Craft Sake Rice, Water, Earth【電子書籍】[ Nancy Matsumoto ]
<p>"Nancy and Michael co-authored this book that focuses on the ingredients in sake and well as the microbes and people that magically transform those ingredients into the beverage we all love. The stories that come out of their research trips across Japan to dozens of craft breweries illustrate the skill, nuance and fun that goes into crafting Japanese sake. You'll come away with a new appreciation for the history of this ancient beverage and the book also helps beginners and experienced sa……続きを見る
呷飽未?阿米與美菜樂食記【電子書籍】[ AKRU ]
<p>滷肉飯、牛肉?、燒餅油條、愛玉冰??<br /> 不只小籠包,經典台式美味品不完〜<br /> 在地人不可不知、外國人?得一吃!</p> <p>跟著台灣SOHO阿米、日本編輯美菜,<br /> 探尋隱身日常的台式魅力與美味情懷,<br /> 拌嘴分享台日飲食文化?裡不一樣?<br /> 從早餐到宵夜,吃飽吃好〜</p> <p>#美菜飲食驚奇 / 阿米嚮導筆記<br /> 「小吃店為什麼沒賣酒?」/ 日本人?餐不能沒有酒!?<br /> 「早餐不用自己做!」/ 對了〜蛋餅皮要酥脆還是軟Q?<br /> 「餃子不配白飯??」/ 試試台式組合,配湯剛剛好!<br /……続きを見る
煤氣燈操縱:辨識人際中最暗黒的操控術,走出精神控制與?疚,重建自信與自尊 The Gaslighting Recovery Workbook: Healing from Emotional Abuse【電子書籍】[ 艾米?馬洛ー麥柯心理師(Amy Marlow-MaCoy ]
<p>為什麼明明是最重要的一段關係,他卻總讓我覺得自己毫無價??</p> <p>到底是我做錯,還是被他操縱?</p> <p>情緒虐待、PUA、職場霸凌、邪教洗腦……都運用了「它」!</p> <p>呂秋遠(律師)、周慕姿(心曦心理諮商所創?人?心理師)、洪仲清(臨床心理師)、海苔熊(心理學作家)、</p> <p>飽?(YouTuber)、瑪那熊(諮商心理師、人際溝通講師)、蘇絢慧(諮商心理師)◎打破煤氣燈推薦(按姓氏筆畫序)</p> <p>如果?也曾被「煤氣燈操縱」,有些疑問?一定深埋心中許久,卻不一定?得出口。</p> <p>本書將解開??……続きを見る
臺味:從番薯糜到紅?米?【電子書籍】[ 陳靜宜 ]
<p>臺味,記憶所有臺灣人的共同味道。<br /> 臺菜是臺灣的?物<br /> 代表了發生在這塊土地上的人、事、物及?史<br /> *隨書附贈:臺味俚語手冊<br /> 到了臺菜餐廳翻開菜單,看到琳瑯滿目的菜名,?知道這些菜與臺灣有甚麼連結??該跟外國友人如何介紹臺菜??</p> <p>烏魚子細緻的顆粒感、鹹鹹香香,真耐人尋味,但為甚麼漁民捕烏魚要先?「烏魚貸款」?有了國光石化,可能使我們無法吃到美味的蔭??仔?紅?米?的?殼朝裡或朝外,各?明了甚麼?酒家菜裡為什麼會發明出「炸冰塊」的菜色?<br /> 食物是流動的,菜色也是流動……続きを見る
米米家的萌餐?:小孩&大人都愛不釋口的料理書【電子書籍】[ Rumi米米 ]
<p>**小孩&大人都愛不釋口的親子料理<br /> 正餐+點心+野餐,<br /> ?一道都吸睛又好吃!</p> <p>一次料理工序,同時滿足小小孩和家人的胃,<br /> 〜省時又省力超完美提案〜<br /> Rumi米米家餐?萌萌?初登場!**</p> <p>  家人愛吃的菜色,能變出什麼新的花樣?<br />   孩子不接受的食材,怎麼做才能讓他大口吃下肚?<br />   孩子?著要吃炸物怎麼??<br />   不適合孩子食用的料理酒,要用什麼替代?</p> <p>  當小小孩?離副食品、銜接正常飲食時期,總是媽媽最傷腦筋的時候……<br />   ……続きを見る
Supergrains Wheat - Farro - Spelt - Kamut - Amaranth - Buckwheat - Barley - Corn - Wild Rice - Millet - Teff - Sorghum - Chia - Oats - Rice - Rye - Triticale - Quinoa【電子書籍】[ Jenni Muir ]
<p>**<em>She's produced a wonderful set of recipes, bringing imagination and sparkle to the basic ingredients . . . a wonderful book -</em> The Guardian</p> <p><em>The recipes are unbelievably romantic -</em> The Telegraph**</p> <p><strong><em>Excellent -</em> Time Out</strong></p> <p>Eating more of the right kinds of grains is an easy way to better health. Whole grains are packed with nutrients including protein, antioxidants, B-vitamins, fibre and trace minerals……続きを見る
成為水晶包裝師:金屬線與寶石的靜心纏繞藝術 Wire Wrapped Gemstone【電子書籍】[ Mia米亞 ]
<p>線的迴旋 是段靜心的旅程<br /> 纏繞中<br /> 發現專注安定的力量<br /> 編織中<br /> 照見自心清靜與安寧</p> <p>★介紹水晶裸石手編?框DIY的第一本書<br /> 不用太多工具,跟著本書做,就可掌握細緻的寶石設計款式。</p> <p>繼暢銷前作《金屬線飾品造型設計》之後,Mia老師再以金屬線編結合各式水晶、寶石,將色澤美麗的線材和晶瑩剔透的水晶、寶石結合,做出獨特的手作飾品。從工具、線材的介紹,到編織方法、技法指引,再以Mia老師設計的11組作品為示範,一?一?教大家進入精緻美麗的飾品手作世界。</p> <……続きを見る
The Potato and Rice Bible: Over 350 Delicious, Easy-To-Make Recipes for Two All-Time Staple Foods, f POTATO & RICE BIBLE [ Alex Barker ]
POTATO & RICE BIBLE Alex Barker Sally Mansfield Christine Ingram SOUTHWATER2017 Paperback English ISBN:9781844774722 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Cooking続きを見る
FUCHSIA DUNLOP W.W. NORTON & COMPANY (USA).2016 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780393254389 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Cooking続きを見る
Hitting Pause 65 Lecture Breaks to Refresh and Reinforce Learning【電子書籍】[ Gail Taylor Rice ]
<p>Pauses constitute a simple technique for enlivening and enhancing the effectiveness of lectures, or indeed of any form of instruction, whether a presentation or in an experiential setting. This book presents the evidence and rationale for breaking up lectures into shorter segments by using pauses to focus attention, reinforce key points, and review learning. It also provides 65 adaptable pause ideas to use at the opening of class, mid-way through, or as closers.Starting with brain science……続きを見る
THE VIRGIN'S SHOCK BABY Harlequin Comics【電子書籍】[ Heidi Rice ]
<p>Megan has dedicated her life to working for her father’s company, hoping to earn the coldhearted man’s love once and for all. Her father, however, is just using her to seduce his competitor, millionaire Dario de Rossi. Megan feels reluctant to start a relationship with Dario, until their eyes meet, that is. Suddenly, Megan can’t think straight, let alone remember her father’s instructions. All she knows is that she is experiencing a sensation she’s never felt beforeーan uncontrollable des……続きを見る
Jetta’s Travels… with Rice【電子書籍】[ Jetstar Comic Department ]
<p>A digitized version of the feel-good story manga, Jetta’s Travels… with Rice - the “travel and food” themed adventures of Jetta and his family.<br /> Check out the recipe photos and bonus illustrations for each episode.<br /> 18 original manga stories.<br /> ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字列のハイライトや検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天k……続きを見る
The Kindness Curriculum Stop Bullying Before It Starts【電子書籍】[ Judith Anne Rice ]
<p>Bullying is a widespread and concerning issue that affects children of all ages. Focusing on character education in the early years, this resource aims to prevent bullying before it starts. Educators can use this comprehensive framework and developmentally appropriate activities to teach young children compassion, conflict resolution, respect, and other positive, pro-social values as they cultivate a peaceful and supportive learning environment for all children.</p> <p><strong>Judit……続きを見る
How To Cook Dutch Rice Fritters【電子書籍】[ Cook & Book ]
<p>Cook & Book series is dedicated for cooking different cuisines from Indian to Italian. Every book is uniquely customised and designed for festive seasons. So what are you waiting for …go on to read and make your day joyful.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
MASTERING PREPAREDNESS FOR RICE AND BEANS: “An Extensive Cookbook Showcasing 100+ Tested, Easy, and Flavourful Rice and Beans Recipes”【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Annie ]
<p>"Unlock the full potential of pantry staples with 'Mastering Preparedness for Rice and Beans,' an extensive cookbook featuring over 100 tested, easy, and flavorful recipes. Whether you're stocking up for emergencies, seeking budget-friendly meals, or simply craving comforting classics, this cookbook is your ultimate guide to transforming humble rice and beans into culinary delights. From hearty stews and satisfying salads to exotic rice bowls and savory bean dips, discover a world of poss……続きを見る
法國思想家蒙田的人性教育:兒童教育、父子情、學究氣、人與人的差異,《隨筆集》中的教育思想【電子書籍】[ [法]米歇爾?徳?蒙田(Michel de Montaigne) ]
<p><strong>學習不是為了謀利和順應社會,而是為了豐富自身</strong><br /> <strong>一個人所受的教育是為了形成自己的思想,而不是接受知識的灌輸</strong></p> <p><strong>?蒙田的教育思想──從懷疑論的基礎出發</strong><br /> ?批判學校教育對兒童身心的摧殘。<br /> ?反對書本教育、過度記憶、體罰方式和種種束縛。<br /> ???唯書和唯上的學究氣,宣導精神的獨立和自由。<br /> ?主張因材施教,給予最適合的教育,不應強迫和壓制。</p> <p>◎順其自然?發孩子<br /> 強逼兒童從事不符合他們天性的……続きを見る
The Instant Pot Cookbook 2022 Make Healthy and Delicious Sauce and Rice Recipes You Can cook At Home!【電子書籍】[ Fifi Simon ]
<p><strong>Master Your Instant Pot with Top and Easy Recipes!</strong></p> <p>This book will show you how to make a wide range of healthy, simple-to-make, and delicious recipes in the simplest way possible.</p> <p>"We have no idea what to eat...," we don't have to worry about any longer.</p> <p>"What are we going to have for breakfast or dinner tonight?"</p> <p>You will learn how to make the best dishes in the world without breaking a sweat using this Instant Pot cookbook……続きを見る
Pulse, Rice and Curry Recipes【電子書籍】[ Anita S. ]
<p>Let's make Royal Rice, Plain Rice, Dry Fruits Rice, Tomato rice, Pea’s rice, Bitter Sour Rice, Rice Zafrani, Tasty Rice, Fruits & Nuts Rice, Mushroom Rice, Bay Leaf Rice, Cottage Cheese Rice, Pulse Rice, Sesame Rice, Green Rice , Rice Noodles, Basmati Rice, Nice Smelling Rice, Gram Flour, Roll Rice, Cauliflower Rice, Butter Rice, Khichdi, Fennel Rice, Sweet Corns Rice, Black lentil, Pulse Special, Fried Yellow Pulse, Black lentil, Cowpeas pulse, Ridge Gourd Black Pulse, Curry, Chilli Curr……続きを見る
Posh Rice Over 70 Recipes For All Things Rice【電子書籍】[ Emily Kydd ]
<p><strong>Rice is one of the most versatile and delicious foods in the world. From risottos to nasi goreng, pilaf to pies, puddings to snack bars, this extraordinary grain is an essential ingredient in so many classic dishes.</strong></p> <p><em>Posh Rice</em> offers over 70 brand new recipe ideas for rice, with sections on soups & snacks (pakoras, b?chamel fritters, sticky rice summer rolls), salads & bowls (sesame, avocado and salmon rice bowl, chicken burrito bowls, Persian r……続きを見る
My Rice Bowl Korean Cooking Outside the Lines【電子書籍】[ Rachel Yang ]
<p><strong>A four-time James Beard ‘Best Chef’ nominee presents 75 recipes for her signature Korean fusion cuisine, inspired by cultures from around the world</strong></p> <p>As co-owner of the popular Seattle restaurants, Joule, Trove, and Revel, and Portland's Revelry, chef Rachel Yang delights with her unique Korean fusionーthink noodles, dumplings, pickles, pancakes, and barbecue. Along with her husband, Seif Chirchi, Yang serves food that exemplifies cross-cultural cooking at it……続きを見る
Land of Fish and Rice: Recipes from the Culinary Heart of China【電子書籍】[ Fuchsia Dunlop ]
<p><strong>2017 Nominee for James Beard Cookbook Award: International<br /> 2017 Nominee for IACP Cookbook Award: International</strong></p> <p>The lower Yangtze region, or Jiangnan, with its modern capital Shanghai, has been known since ancient times as a “land of fish and rice.” For centuries, local cooks have harvested the bounty of its lakes, rivers, fields, and mountains to create a cuisine renowned for its delicacy and beauty. In <em>Land of Fish and Rice</em>, Fuchsia Du……続きを見る
Vanishing Point: How to disappear in America without a trace【電子書籍】[ Fredric L. Rice ]
<p>There are many reasons to want to disappear in America, some of them good reasons, most of them bad, however in an increasingly invasive surveillance society where law enforcement, corporations, and even individuals can and do literally track people's every move, disappearing, hiding from an abusive spouse, fleeing the loving arms of the police, or simply wanting to change one's identity because one is "tired of it all" has become increasingly difficult.</p> <p>Since July of 2001 this……続きを見る
托米諾的地獄(全四冊) トミノの地獄【電子書籍】[ 丸尾末廣 ]
<p>法國漫畫大師墨必斯盛讚</p> <p>大英博物館將其作品納入館藏</p> <p>一群任人擺布的畸人,一對顛沛流離的雙胞胎──</p> <p>當人性惡意與命運捉弄交織,造就了一場人間的地獄巡禮……</p> <p>《少女椿》《芋蟲》《?諾拉馬島綺譚》《發笑吸血鬼》</p> <p>日本異色漫畫巨匠 丸尾末廣 生涯迄今最長篇顫慄巨作</p> <p>「丸尾末廣是性愛式沸騰的『憤怒』,也是破壞的意志。</p> <p>……我只要接觸到他的作品,總是會?生混亂的感情。</p> <p>我會為眼前的創傷或傷口感到心疼,同時又發自?心地讚賞他向人類展現……続きを見る
CARRYING THE SHEIKH'S BABY Harlequin Comics【電子書籍】[ Heidi Rice ]
<p>Academic scholar Catherine receives an unexpected job offer from Zane, king of the mysterious desert country Narabia. While visiting Narabia to conduct research, Catherine wanders into the former queen’s salon and bumps into Zane, whom she’s immediately attracted to. Catherine gives him her innocence, but she’s unaware of an important rule written in the king’s marriage law…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらな……続きを見る
爭議的美味:鵝肝與食物政治學【電子書籍】[ 米歇耶拉・徳蘇? ]
<p><strong>被譽為世界三大珍?之一的鵝肝<br /> 究竟是美味的精緻佳??還是殘忍的無良食品?<br /> 是法國的烹?文化遺??還是美國政客的政治提款機?<br /> *<br /> 從鵝肝?業鏈到政治社會層面環環相扣,凸顯食物政治的文化衝突。<br /> ?露一場全球鵝肝大戰,人與食物之間精心計算的「美味關係」!</strong></p> <p>  「人如其食。」(You are what you eat)──西方諺語。</p> <p>  根據?史學家的研究,人類為了食用肝臟而飼養、増肥水禽的?史可追溯至古埃及時代。隨後,這項習俗先是傳到羅馬帝國,接著……続きを見る
PLEASURE, PREGNANCY AND A PROPOSITION Mills&Boon comics【電子書籍】[ Heidi Rice ]
<p>Louisa is the editor of a magazine, and one night she falls for a man named Luke, whom she meets at a party. He looks just like a Greek god, and he steals her heart in an instant… It feels like fate when they make love, and Louisa is overjoyed. But then she finds out that his real motive was revenge! It seems Louisa wrote an article about him a while back and he was just looking for a way to get even. Three months later, Louisa is doing her best to put it all behind her. She’s become tota……続きを見る
483 Non-Toxic DIY, Health, Beauty, and Household Recipes to Replace the Chemicals in your Life【電子書籍】[ Kristy Rice ]
<p>Let me try to guess what brought you here...</p> <p>You're worried about exposing yourself - and your family - to the increasing number of dangerous chemicals found in commercial household, bath and cosmetic products...</p> <p>Or maybe you're tired of supporting companies who engage in unethical and unnecessary chemical testing on animals...</p> <p>Now raise your hand if you just wanna stir up some amazing bath products. :)</p> <p>(I'll give you a tip: These recipes are am……続きを見る
Pandas and Pans in School Settings: A Handbook for Educators PANDAS & PANS IN SCHOOL SETTIN [ Patricia Rice Doran ]
PANDAS & PANS IN SCHOOL SETTIN Patricia Rice Doran Margo Thienemann Darlene Fewster JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBL INC2016 Paperback English ISBN:9781849057448 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Education続きを見る
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