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故事的開始(新版)【電子書籍】[ 幾米 ]
<p><strong>一切的夢想,如果沒有開始,?來的精彩故事??</strong><br /> ◎ 《故事的開始》出版於2008年,2014年全面重新編排,換掉兩小篇短文,新加入紀大偉的一篇幾米《地下鐵》分析論文節選,使經典作品?久彌新。</p> <p>在幾米創作10年的時候,《故事的開始》出版,當時的介紹這麼寫:<br /> 「他的暢銷作品,我們能一一細數;他成名前那段晦暗無助的日子,我們也略知一二。但是,那些美妙的圖畫,那些動人的故事,那些簡短卻發人深省的文字,究竟是怎麼?生的?一個創作者,必須具備什麼能力,才能又畫又寫,並且持續……続きを見る
故事團團轉【電子書籍】[ 幾米 ]
<p><strong>我有很多故事想?,我有很多圖想畫,?天都被這些故事和圖畫?得團團轉</strong><br /> 越來越多讀者會問起幾米關於創作概念上的問題,有些讀者也想了解他的作品發想過程,在本書幾米分享他創作時的思考,或許可以給想入門的朋友些許參考,也希望給讀者進一?探索繪本的可能。</p> <p>《故事的開始》(新版)是關於幾米創作繪本從一九九八年至二〇〇七年的幕後點滴,《故事團團轉》接續著來與大家聊聊二〇〇八年至二〇一三年的創作?程。《故事團團轉》裡少有《故事的開始》(新版)裡的那種大喜大悲的故事ーー人生的……続きを見る
借鏡徳國:毛小孩的神祕力量──從歐美動物輔助治療看台灣動物福利【電子書籍】[ 劉威良著、米奇鰻繪 ]
<p>"◎《借鏡徳國》一書作者再度執筆,從歐美經驗反觀台灣動物福利問題,並闡述同伴動物對人類人格與醫療的價?,為現代心理學及醫學界呈現全新的切入點。<br /> ◎動物輔助治療也就是以動物作為輔導治療工具的一種?類療法,就像音樂治療、舞蹈治療一樣。人對動物的感情越深摯,動物給人的回饋與影響也就越多。<br /> ◎非典型漫畫創作者米奇鰻為文章搭配生動插畫,益増?讀樂趣。</p> <p>★★專文推薦★★<br /> 鄭烱明/醫生詩人、文學台灣基金會董事長 陳玉敏/台灣動物社會研究會主任 林憶珊/台灣動物平權促進會理事長</p> <……続きを見る
The Rice Cooker: The Everything Cooker That Never Burns Anything!【電子書籍】[ Chefs Secret Vault ]
<p>Rice cookers aren't just for cooking rice & it may become your favorite appliance. It's perfect because a rice cooker is simple, cheap, and convenient. It has two settings: cook like mad, and keep food warm forever. Busy parents, senior citizens, college dorm residents all will be able to cook nutritious, healthy meals while keeping costs down. The cooker can be left unattended with no worries.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いし……続きを見る
The 2023 Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook Eat Good health to Live Healthy: 30 Days of Quick, Simple, and Delectable WW Recipes for Fat Loss【電子書籍】[ JULIE R. RICE ]
<p>The 2023 Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook: Eat Good Health to Live Healthy authored by Julie R. Rice offers a comprehensive and contemporary guide to a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.</p> <p>This cookbook is designed to help individuals on their weight loss journey by providing a 30-day plan filled with quick, simple, and delectable recipes that align with the principles of the Weight Watchers (WW) program.</p> <p>In this cookbook, Julie R. Rice combines her culinary……続きを見る
瑜伽解剖書:解開瑜伽與人體的奧祕【増修三版】 Yoga Anatomy 3rd Edition【電子書籍】[ 雷思利??米諾夫 ]
<p>《瑜伽解剖書》全球百萬銷售認可<br /> 全面増修三版,從神經、肌肉到骨骼,全盤掌握瑜伽與人體的關係</p> <p>◇ 48頁新増?容+全面改寫<br /> ◇ 全新章節〈解剖學的故事〉、〈神經系統〉<br /> ◇ 「重點提示」專欄,破解動作指示的各種迷思<br /> ◇ 「探究呼吸」引導讀者深入研究呼吸於瑜伽中的流動<br /> ◇ ?幹四肢動作簡筆圖</p> <p>《瑜伽解剖書》從初版上市以來開創以解剖學角度分析瑜伽的先河,十六年來協助全球上百萬瑜伽愛好者深入了解瑜伽如何影響自己的身體活動。在此最新増訂版中,作者以解剖學的綜觀……続きを見る
The Sweet Pea Book【電子書籍】[ Graham Rice ]
<p>The sweet pea is one of the most popular and evocative of summer flowers, loved for its unsurpassed fragrance, range of colours and ease of cultivation. Authoritative and inspiring, The Sweet Pea Book covers: History of sweet peas; Classification; Descriptions of all available varieties; Raising sweet peas; Growing and breeding sweet peas; Problems with sweet peas (peasts and diseases); Fragrance; Sweet peas in the garden; Sweet peas in the house (cut flowers); Exhibiting sweet peas; Swee……続きを見る
The Best of Wild Rice Recipes【電子書籍】[ Beatrice Ojakangas ]
<p><strong>Get the cookbook with a varied collection of recipes and “how to” instructions that make cooking with wild rice a breeze.</strong></p> <p>Wild rice, one of the most versatile, nutritious, and flavorful grains, has been an important food source for hundreds of years. The warm, nutty taste and rich texture makes any dish a special one. This varied collection of recipes by Beatrice Ojakangas begins with basic “how to” instructions. Find out the best ways to cook wild rice on ……続きを見る
The Universal Walleye Fishing Guide A Guide to Catching Walleye in All Conditions【電子書籍】[ G.H. Rice ]
<p>‘The Universal Walleye Fishing Manual: A Guide to Catching Walleye in All Conditions,’ provides a complete reference for both the beginner and intermediate walleye fisherman.  This guide covers an incredibly broad range of techniques, providing an excellent reference for fishing any body of water from deep lakes, clear or murky, to the rivers and streams where walleye migrate to their spawning grounds.  The methods featured range far beyond typical sliding float and weight rigs ……続きを見る
Rice Greats: Delicious Rice Recipes, The Top 100 Rice Recipes【電子書籍】[ Franks Jo ]
<p>You'll love this book, the recipes are easy, the ingredients are easy to get and they don't take long to make. Foodlovers turn to Rice Greats for information and inspiration.</p> <p>Everything is in here, from the proverbial soup to nuts: Grain - Rice And Vegetable Salad, A Cajun Rice Dressing / Cajun Dirty Rice, Almond and Rice Flour Bread with Poppy Seeds, Wild Rice Butternut Squash Stuffing, Wild Rice Salad With Sun-Dried Tomato - Al Fresca, Wild Rice With Chili, Wild Rice-Three Gr……続きを見る
Modern Asian Kitchen Essential and Easy Recipes for Ramen, Dumplings, Dim Sum, Stir-Fries, Rice Bowls, Pho, Bibimbaps, and More【電子書籍】[ Kat Lieu ]
<p><strong>The New Asian Cooking is bolder and more assertive, less fussy and more casual. With these easy-to-shop-for, quick-to-cook recipes, you can tryーand will fall in love withーthis trending style right in your own kitchen.</strong></p> <p>Heaped on big plates, Sichuan beef and broccoli and Indian chicken tikka masala are timeless comfort foods, to be sure, but there’s a brand-new style of Asian cooking that’s giving them a run for their money. It’s more about grazing through ……続きを見る
数学的雨?下:理解世界的?趣【電子書籍】[ [法] 米?埃?・洛奈 ]
<p>1.法国数学学会"?朗???"得主科普名作。通???而生?的?触,??了数学在理解世界中的重要性。从代数、几何到相??,从温度?到黒洞,???者更好地思索、?察和理解世界。</p> <p>2.用数学的雨?直面??的?雨。数学是一把雨?,当我????把雨??,便有了?向真相、行走在??中的勇气。解?疑惑后,我?会体会到如雨?天晴般的愉悦。</p> <p>3.?得数学的意?,更好地学?和教授数学。以数学?工具,以思考?快?,了解更多,自我培?!</p> <p>内容?介</p> <p>在了解?个世界的?程中,???常会挑?我?的感官和直?,?我?震?不已。??,数学就像一……続きを見る
米粒Q的環遊世界餐?:簡單快速就得分!隨時隨地用最有風情的方式暖心暖胃上菜?! Recipes and stories, let’s go home with me.【電子書籍】[ 米粒Q(MillyQ) ]
<p>暖心臺味 × 繽紛早午 × 浪漫法餐 × 熱情拉丁× 情迷中東</p> <p>簡單快速就得分!隨時隨地用最有風情的方式暖心暖胃上菜?!</p> <p>環遊世界的各國料理、喚醒靈魂的澎湃早餐、令遊子流?的家?味、</p> <p>滿足?一顆胃的手作甜點、清爽抑或微醺的冰飲特調,</p> <p>一舉完勝?生活中面臨的各種情境!</p> <p>米粒Q:「這?對不是一本我?一,?做一的食譜工具書,而是一本我們聊、我們做、我們吃,以一口接一口的料理環遊世界的食譜故事書,讓?端上?的?一道菜,都有故事。」</p> <p>【暖心暖胃推薦】(依姓名中文……続きを見る
Cooking with Rice More Than 30 Favorite Recipes / Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-124【電子書籍】[ Cornelia M. Parkinson ]
<p>Learn how to cook rice perfectly and how to use it in a wide variety of recipes, from basic Baked Rice and Fried Rice to delicious dishes like Indonesian Rice Salad, Risotto with Peas, Cranberry Rice Croquettes, Paella, Rice Parisienne, Orange Cashew Rice, Indian Pilaf, Ginger Rice Casserole, Brown Rice Bread, Rice Pudding, and more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※こ……続きを見る
Supercharge Your Diet Ten Easy Ways to Get Everything You Need From Your Food【電子書籍】[ Sam Rice ]
<p><strong>Confused and overwhelmed by healthy eating advice? What exactly do we need from our food?</strong></p> <p>Eating healthily is easy, right? Just make sure you have your five-a-day (or is it eight-a-day now?) when it comes to fruit and veg. Eat plenty of fibre (but what exactly is it, and how much of it do I need?). Cut down on meat (which types and by how much?), eat more fish (only sustainable, or is farmed OK?), ensure you're getting enough of the right types of vitamins ……続きを見る
Rice Is Life【電子書籍】[ Caryl Levine ]
<p><strong>A love letter to the humble grain featuring 65 recipes for rice and all its glorious possibilities.</strong></p> <p>Rice is so much more than just a pantry staple. It's the foundation of cuisines across the world, a grain that sustains half the world's people, and the start of a delicious meal at home.</p> <p>In RICE IS LIFE, rice visionaries and founders of Lotus Foods, Caryl Levine and Ken Lee, share 65 recipes that showcase the grain in easy-to-cook meals from aroun……続きを見る
Organic Production of Some Agronomic Crops Basmati Rice, Cotton, Red Gram and Sugarcane【電子書籍】[ Gowri Vijayan ]
<p>This small book is a sincere attempt to provide some basic insights into organic crop production practices of some agronomic crops such as basmati rice, cotton, red gram and sugarcane, especially for those who have no idea about the topic of organic farming. Techniques mentioned in this book are strictly in an Indian context. Production techniques and all other information had been written keeping in mind the present scenario of Indian organic market and crop production practices. However……続きを見る
Rice A Global History【電子書籍】[ Renee Marton ]
<p>From jambalaya to risotto, curry to nasi kandar, few foods are as ubiquitous in our meals as rice. A dietary staple and indispensable agricultural product from Asia to the Americas, the grain can be found in Michelin restaurants and family kitchens alike. In this engaging culinary history, Renee Marton explores the role rice has played in society and the food economy as it journeyed from its beginnings in Asia and West Africa to global prominence.</p> <p>Examining the early years of r……続きを見る
The Remedy for Insulin Resistance Transform Your Health: Reverse Pre-Diabetes, Ignite Your Metabolism, Melt Belly Fat, Guard Against Diabetes ? Your Comprehensive【電子書籍】[ JULIE R. RICE ]
<p>The Remedy for Insulin Resistance: Transform Your Health by Julie R. Rice is a definitive guide designed to empower individuals on a transformative journey towards optimal wellness.</p> <p>With expert insights, Rice unveils a comprehensive approach to reverse pre-diabetes, reignite metabolism, and effectively combat abdominal fat.</p> <p>This guide is a beacon for those seeking to guard against diabetes, offering a wealth of practical strategies and evidence-based advice.</p> <……続きを見る
CAPTIVE AT HER ENEMY'S COMMAND Harlequin Comics【電子書籍】[ Heidi Rice ]
<p>Katie has traveled alone to Amalfi to reinvent herself. But during her trip, her bag is stolen. The last person she expects to come to her rescue is family friend Jared, whom she despises. Katie’s sister asked him to find her, and Jared refuses to listen to Katie’s protests, whisking her away to stay at his villa in Capri. Jared is a frighteningly charming man, but Katie will never be seduced by him again…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページ……続きを見る
Cuisiner avec un rice cooker - super facile【電子書籍】[ ?milie Laraison ]
<p>Superfacile, la cuisine au rice cooker qui va r?concilier les petits budgets avec les bons petits plats ! D?couvrez une cuisine simple et rapide, riche en saveur et en couleur, avec 90 recettes in?dites qui vous rendront la vie plus facile.<br /> A quoi sert un rice cooker, ? part ? cuire du riz ? Surprise... ? pr?parer plein de plats super faciles ! Sans autre cuisson que celle du cuiseur ? riz, d?couvrez 90 recettes super faciles pour le quotidien. Tr?s bon march? (moins de 30 ? en mo……続きを見る
Relish Rice【電子書籍】[ John Rudram ]
<p>Five Rice Recipes to make your afternoon pleasant. Relish Rice!!!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
How To Cook Japanese Rice【電子書籍】[ Cook & Book ]
<p>Cook & Book series is dedicated for cooking different cuisines from Indian to Italian. Every book is uniquely customised and designed for festive seasons. So what are you waiting for …go on to read and make your day joyful.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
PARBOILING RICE MADE EASY How to cook rice to perfection for your partner, children, and visitors.【電子書籍】[ Esther George ]
<p>Why do we parboil rice, some people wonder?</p> <p>Others inquire as to how to parboil rice.</p> <p>We would, however, discuss the advantages of parboiling rice and its preparation in this book.</p> <p>This book is for those who wish to understand the health benefits of parboiling rice as well as how to do it.</p> <p>There is a lot more to learn, so get this and read it. such as the two varieties of rice we have and many others.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待……続きを見る
Ayo?and Grandma’s Special Rice【電子書籍】[ Jolaade Sokan ]
<p>Ayo and his grandma decide to take a day out to the market to look for the special ingredients needed to cook Grandma's special rice. As they journey through the market, Ayo begins to discover the secrets to Grandma's cooking and all the missing pieces in the puzzle of his favourite dish.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook: 25 Amazing Recipes You Can Make In Your Rice Cooker At Home!【電子書籍】[ Martha Stone ]
<p>Do you have a rice cooker at home or are you planning on buying one? Needless to say, a rice cooker is a wonderful addition to your kitchen but did you think that you can only cook rice in it? Think again! The rice cooker is versatile cooking equipment that can be used for making a variety of dishes. The trouble is, not many people are familiar with using a rice cooker to make non-rice dishes.</p> <p>This Book will help familiarize you with the concept of cooking in a rice cooker. Not……続きを見る
Spanish Rice Greats: Delicious Spanish Rice Recipes, The Top 51 Spanish Rice Recipes【電子書籍】[ Jo Franks ]
<p>You'll love this book, the recipes are easy, the ingredients are easy to get and they don't take long to make. Foodlovers turn to Spanish Rice Greats for information and inspiration.</p> <p>Everything is in here, from the proverbial soup to nuts: Callos a la Madrilena, Caparones With Chorizo And Vinegar Peppers, Cassoulet From Toulouse, Spanish Rice With Beef, Spanish Rice With Chicken, Spanish Rice With Chicken and Peppers, Spanish Salad, Spanish Style Beef And Rice, Vaca Frita (Stir……続きを見る
366 Delicious Ways to Cook Rice, Beans, and Grains A Cookbook【電子書籍】[ Andrea Chesman ]
<p>Andrea Chesman presents 366 creative and flavorful "natural gourmet" recipes using a wide variety of beans and grains, like basmati and jasmine rice, adzuki beans, amaranth, and quinoa. Organized by course and main ingredient, these dishes range from light and lively starters to hearty and soul-satisfying foods that stick to your ribs but not to your waistline. American favorites are well represented here, but adventurous cooks will be pleased to find ethnic cuisines dominating this mouth……続きを見る
Mexican Rice Cookbook 101【電子書籍】[ john ahmad ]
<p>Discover the vibrant and mouthwatering flavors of Mexican cuisine with the "Mexican Rice Cookbook 101." This comprehensive guide takes you on a culinary journey through the rich and diverse world of Mexican rice, offering a wide array of authentic recipes, essential techniques, and complementary dishes that will elevate your home cooking to new heights.</p> <p>From traditional favorites like Arroz Rojo (Red Rice), Arroz Verde (Green Rice), and Arroz a la Mexicana (Mexican-style Rice),……続きを見る
What He Who Doesn't Believe in Fate Says Vol. 2 WHAT HE WHO DOESNT BELIEVE IN (What He Who Doesn't Believe in Fate Says) [ Omu the Rice ]
WHAT HE WHO DOESNT BELIEVE IN What He Who Doesn't Believe in Fate Says Omu the Rice SEVEN SEAS PR2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781685797256 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Comics & Graphic Novels続きを見る
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