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Zagor. I padroni del fuoco Zagor 016 a colori. I padroni del fuoco【電子書籍】[ Guido Nolitta ]
<p>Dopo aver sventato il colpo preparato dall'astuto Buddy Fox ai danni dei proprietari di una villa, e dopo aver aiutato il dottor Galloway, prigioniero dei pellerossa, per colpa di un errore di Cico, Zagor e il suo panciuto pard attraversano in canoa gli oscuri abissi della Porta della Paura! Si ritrovano cos? in una valle dove il tempo si ? fermato al Paleolitico. I pacifici Tutelos sono dominati dai Wasaki, che conoscono il grande segreto del fuoco!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばら……続きを見る
...e il cane decise di incontrare l'uomo【電子書籍】[ Giovanni Padrone ]
<p>Da quando gli antenati del cane 130.000 anni fa lasciarono la vita selvatica per convivere insieme all’uomo, qualcosa ? cambiato. Infatti, nonostante in natura fosse gi? presente la convivenza fra specie diverse, cane e uomo hanno esaltato ai massimi livelli la cooperazione interspecifica, arrivando a veri e propri scambi culturali: il cane impara dall’uomo e l’uomo impara dal cane. E’ questo l’unico modo che l’essere umano ha per poter carpire dal proprio compagno i segreti che lo rendon……続きを見る
Scelte professionali e lavoro di cura Una ricerca quali-quantitativa longitudinale realizzata su di un gruppo di studenti del corso di studi in Infermieristica dell'Universit? di Padova【電子書籍】[ Natascia Bobbo ]
<p>Negli ultimi decenni si ? assistito ad un progressivo invecchiamento generale della popolazione. Inevitabilmente ci? ha prodotto un aumento correlato dell’incidenza di patologie di tipo cronico-degenerativo. La possibilit? per un infermiere neo-laureato di rispondere in modo adeguato alle aspettative connesse al suo ruolo professionale e ai nuovi target di assistenza, si lega alle competenze che egli acquisisce nel percorso di studi, cos? come alla struttura motivazionale che definisce e ……続きを見る
Armonia a quattro zampe【電子書籍】[ Giovanni Padrone ]
<p>In quanti e quali modi i cani cercano di farsi capire dai proprietari? Come comunicano fra loro? Questo libro ? il frutto di 5 anni di studio, uno studio approfondito, della etologia e del comportamento sociale dell'unica specie animale che nel corso della propria storia ha deciso di evolversi in compagnia dell'Homo sapiens. Scoprirete che il cane ha un linguaggio sociale, relazionale, emozionale ed affettivo molto complesso che ? frutto di una evoluzione durata milioni di anni, pervenuta……続きを見る
Di padre in figlio. Conversazioni sul rischio di educare【電子書籍】[ Franco Nembrini ]
<p>Quarto di dieci figli, insegnante, padre di famiglia, oggi rettore della scuola paritaria La Traccia e responsabile degli insegnanti e degli studenti medi superiori del movimento di Comunione e Liberazione, per Franco Nembrini l’educazione ? la vocazione della vita; e innumerevoli volte ? stato chiamato a parlarne: a genitori, a insegnanti, a educatori di strutture di vario genere, perfino a medici e a funzionari pubblici. Qui sono raccolti alcuni degli interventi pi? significativi, che ?……続きを見る
Forever Just Married Sage Relationship Advice from a Couple Who Have Made It Work for over Half a Century【電子書籍】[ Marilyn Pelz ]
<p>It is said that every life has a story and every story has a lesson. Forever Just Married is the story of a young man and woman who fell madly in love the first time they met and parlayed the initial fireworks into an amazing 55+ year relationship overcoming betrayal, heartbreak and deception. The result is a unique coupling of two strong willed, independent people who grew both individually and together because of one important decision they made along the way: We will give in but we wil……続きを見る
What Mama Didn't Tell Ya Relationship Advice for the Young and Young at Heart【電子書籍】[ Jae J. LeBrou ]
<p>What Mama Didnt Tell Ya! (Relationship Advice for the Young and Young at Heart) While it is envisioned the main readership will be female, this book will also appeal to a male audience in enabling them to seek guidance as to how to successfully address their own interactions with the world. It is a must read for young girls even before they enter their first relationship, women who are at various stages in the relationship world as well as boys and men who are interested in finding out ab……続きを見る
En Busca De Mi Padre La Lucha De Una Familia En Medio De La Adversidad, Y El Sue?o De Una Mujer En Busca De Su Identidad Y Significado En La Vida.【電子書籍】[ Adriana Kuhar M. ]
<p>Cuando el padre de Mara desaparece misteriosamente, muchas necesidades estremecen a su familia. Afrontando esta realidad, Mara, y su hermano se lanzan a trabajar en las calles de Mxico. Poco a poco, todo tipo de obstculos, y sus decisiones erradas, van arrasando con su autoestima e ilusiones. La historia de Mara cobra vigencia porque es la realidad de miles de mujeres latinas. La diferencia es que su final rompe con el molde. Descubre cmo esta madre soltera, decide salir del ciclo de auto……続きを見る
Law School Sex and Relationship Advice from Benjamin Law and his mum Jenny Phang【電子書籍】[ Benjamin Law ]
<p>“Warning: this book contains a back-to-back feast of frank, funny and adorably inappropriate intergenerational wisdom.”</p> <p>Tara Moss, author of The Fictional Woman and Speaking Out</p> <p>“Law School is part sex-ed, part life-coaching, part-comedy double act. Benjamin Law and his mother Jenny are not always the most wise (or appropriate) of agony aunts, but they’re easily the most honest, heart-warming and unflinchingly hilarious. The Margaret and David of romance and sex advi……続きを見る
Tablets im Unterricht - Ein praktischer Leitfaden iPads* & Co. produktiv einsetzen und Apps didaktisch sinnvoll einbinden (Alle Klassenstufen)【電子書籍】[ A. Hofmann ]
<p>Wie k?nnen Tablets sinnvoll und mit didaktischem Mehrwert in den</p> <p>Unterrichtsalltag einbezogen werden? Dieser Ratgeber zeigt, wie Sie die <strong>digitalen Medien produktiv in Ihren Unterricht implementieren</strong>und Ihren Sch?lern den richtigen Umgang mit Tablets vermitteln. Neben konzeptionellen und technischen Rahmenbedingungen werden <strong>konkrete Lernsituationen</strong>behandelt, in denen Tablets im Unterricht eingesetzt werden k?nnen. Informationen recherchi……続きを見る
Brasil 50 Retratos del Mundial del Maracanazo【電子書籍】[ Toni Padilla Montoliu ]
<p>El 16 de julio de 1950, se disput? la final de la Copa del Mundo de Brasil en el reci?n inaugurado estadio de Maracan?, en R?o de Janeiro. Frente a una afici?n de doscientos mil enfervorecidos brasile?os, la selecci?n anfitriona, la gran favorita, sufri? una inesperada derrota ante el combinado de Uruguay, que con un gol de Alcides Edgardo Ghiggia en el minuto 79 dej? al colosal estadio en silencio. Era el Maracanazo, o la peor derrota deportiva de la historia de Brasil y una de las m?s c……続きを見る
Mi Padre Mexican Immigrant Fathers and Their Children's Education【電子書籍】[ Sarah Gallo ]
<p><em>Mi Padre</em> centers on the promise of parent involvement practices that build upon the range of linguistic and sociocultural resources that Latin immigrant students and their families bring to school. Through the experiences of Mexican immigrant fathers and their children, this book illustrates the need for humanizing family engagement. Gallo identifies the many ways these fathers contribute to their children’s education and how educators can communicate more effectively with im……続きを見る
Di padre in padre【電子書籍】[ De Vanna F. ]
<p>"Quello che vi accingete a leggere ? un libro che pu? essere apprezzato da genitori, educatori e studiosi, ricco com'? di riflessioni ed esemplificazioni esposte in un linguaggio semplice e scorrevole." (dalla Prefazione di Fulvio Scaparro)Pu? un padre esprimere la propria vulnerabilit? affettiva e la ricchezza delle sue tensioni emotive senza perdere la sua identit? o rinunciare alla possibilit? di proporre percorsi di vita per il figlio?E' il problema di fondo che emerge nelle nuove gen……続きを見る
Il mestiere di padre【電子書籍】[ Claudio Ris? ]
<p>Che fare se il figlio vuole appendersi un anello al naso? E se la figlia vuole una crestina colorata di verde? Come evitare la devastazione delle serate in discoteca? Ma, soprattutto, come dosare opportunamente presenza e assenza, tenerezza e severit?, senza diventare un persecutore dei figli, ma evitando anche la patetica figura del padre/fratello maggiore? Che rischi si corrono, sbagliando, e cosa si ottiene quando va bene?Questi, e molti altri aspetti dell’ancora poco conosciuto mestie……続きを見る
Dirty Talk: Hot, Sexy Phrases That Will Both Get You in the Mood to Make Sex More Sizzling Couple Intimacy and Relationship Advice【電子書籍】[ Marcus Patton ]
<p>So you want to come over and have a little fun? Sure, I will be right over. This is the beginning of a night that most of us will never forget. Going over to a lover’s house to engage in a night of passionate love making that will bring you both closer together physically and emotionally.</p> <p>During this encounter many people will begin in the act of talking dirty to one anther. This act of talking dirty is usually the foreplay to physical stimulation. The problem is that most peop……続きを見る
Cocina para hijos emancipados【電子書籍】[ Carmeta Mor?n ]
<p>Si no tienes mucho tiempo ni muchas ganas de pasarte horas en la cocina; si est?s harto de comer fuera de casa, pero no sabr?as c?mo prepararte un plato de macarrones; si no quieres o no puedes gastar mucho dinero…este libro es para ti. Encontrar?s trucos, consejos, sugerencias, pero, sobre todo, recetas claras y sencillas que te permitir?n solucionar tus comidas sin problemas, e incluso quedar como un gran cocinero ante tus conocidos. As?, encontrar?s comida r?pida (pero no comida basura……続きを見る
New Year: Ugadi/ Navreh/ Gudi Padwa/ Cheti Chand/ Sajibu Cheiraoba/ Chaitra Shukladi/ Puththaandu/ Vishu/ Bsaisakhi/ Rongali Bihu/ Pohela Boishakh/ Pana Sankranti/ Thapna/ Bestu Varas/ Losoong/ Namsoong/ Bizu【電子書籍】[ Lalitha Chittoor ]
<p>This book, NEW YEAR, the third in the series, Indian Festivals, describes not only how the New Year is celebrated all over the diverse India in its myriad forms and names but also the astronomical phenomena that are the precursors for the formulation of the different types of calendars, viz., lunar, solar and lunisolar calendars.<br /> Festivals are an integral part of a society, be it in any country. They are an expressive way to celebrate the glorious culture, heritage and traditions ……続きを見る
O conceito do outro na liberta??o latino-americana A fus?o entre o pensamento filos?fico emancipador e as revoltas sociais【電子書籍】[ Eugene Gogol ]
Neste livro, o autor entrela?a tr?s vertentes que formam a base intelectual para o conceito do Outro no contexto da Am?rica Latina: a dial?tica da negatividade, o humanismo de Marx, o pensamento emancipador aut?ctone de Hegel. A partir dessa base, explora a rela??o do pensamento filos?fico liberat?rio para os movimentos sociais e de classe de hoje. Gogol considera a l?gica do capitalismo em solo latino-americano, a crise ecol?gica na Am?rica Latina, e o conceito e a pr?tica da autoliberta??o.A……続きを見る
The IP address Handbook - Everything You Need To Know About IP address【電子書籍】[ John Hebert ]
<p>This book is your ultimate IP address resource. Here you will find the most up-to-date information, facts, quotes and much more.</p> <p>In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about IP address's whole picture right away. Get countless IP address facts right at your fingertips with this essential resource.</p> <p>The IP address Handbook is the single and largest IP address reference book. This compendium of information i……続きを見る
iPads in the Classroom: From Consumption and Curation to Creation【電子書籍】[ Justin Reich ]
<p>Your school may have a technology plan, but how will that plan advance learning? Millions of iPads are in the hands of students worldwide. Many educators, however, see them only as game stations or replacements for notebooks and textbooks. In iPads in the Classroom, authors Tom Daccord and Justin Reich explain why iPads can be so much more useful. They present a tremendous opportunity for teachers to rethink the design of learning environments to best suit the needs of their students.</p……続きを見る
Stop Being a Bitch: And Other Helpful Relationship Advice For Women【電子書籍】[ Brandy Fortuna ]
<p>This no nonsense look at dating and relationship advice is long overdue. Sometimes we need to stop sugarcoating the obvious and trust our gut instinct. The keys to everlasting love and affection are based in logic and common sense. It's time to Stop Being a Bitch.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
Not a Toy, but a Tool An Educator’s Guide for Understanding and Using iPads【電子書籍】[ Carrie Thornthwaite ]
<p>iPads are powerful tools for engaging students, encouraging creativity, stimulating critical thinking, and making significant strides in learning. This book is part of a two book set that will allow educators to realize the full potential of the iPad. Over 200 highly rated apps are covered with specific ideas for classroom activities and teaching strategies. Descriptions include ideas for using iPads in classrooms where each student owns an iPad, as well as where there is just a small num……続きを見る
iPads in the Early Years Developing literacy and creativity【電子書籍】[ Michael Dezuanni ]
<p>Digital devices, such as smart phones and tablet computers, are becoming commonplace in young children’s lives for play, entertainment, learning and communication. Recently, there has been a great deal of focus on the educational potential of these devices in both formal and informal educational settings. There is now an abundance of educational ‘apps’ available to children, parents, and teachers, which claim to enhance children’s early literacy and numeracy development, but to date, ther……続きを見る
What’s behind Your Relationship Problems & Relationship Issues? Actionable Relationship Advice for Couples with Relationship Issues【電子書籍】[ Peta Jane Kayes ]
<p>Relationship problems, left unresolved, can undermine the most promising of relationships. Understanding what is really behind your relationship problems and relationship issues gets you halfway there to resolve them.</p> <p>Discover 5 faulty beliefs behind most relationship problems and how to avoid these beliefs or change them.</p> <p>Your relationship will benefit from:</p> <p>? A better understanding of the basic nature of relationship problems and some of the faulty belie……続きを見る
<p>EMANCIPADOS Y MEDIOCRES EN EL SENO DE LA FAMILIA naci? a partir de una relectura, de la necesidad de dar un nuevo sentido a lo paradojo entre el pensamiento de los dos grandes fil?sofos: Arist?teles, pensador de origen Macedonia, divergentes disc?pulo de Plat?n, de la antigua Grecia, (b. c. ); Y Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980) fil?sofo existencialista del siglo 20. Epistemol?gicamente, este problema est? ubicado entre las dos distintas teor?as de ser: Arist?teles, centrada en las c……続きを見る
Relationship Advice Discover Everything You Need To Know About Online Dating Tips, Relationship Tips, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women and More【電子書籍】[ Paula Bagley ]
<p>With this easy to use book discover how to develop successful relationships by learning everything you need to know about online dating tips, relationship tips, dating tips, dating tips for men, dating tips for women and much more with this block-buster relationship advice guide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
Searching for Higher Education Leadership Advice for Candidates and Search Committees【電子書籍】[ Jean A. Dowdall ]
<p>Dowdall's book offers sample documents for candidates as well as for the search committees, and includes a substantive bibliography. From her vantage point outside the institution, Dowdall is able to provide a unique point of view and insightful comments on the complex and often daunting process of the academic executive search. Key selling points include: The eagerness for career advice that exists, both from candidates (Part I of the book) and search committees (Part II of the book); a ……続きを見る
Comic Book Series: Space Ship Adventures 1【電子書籍】[ Worlds Publishing ]
<p>This is Part 1 of the Comic Book Series: Space Ship Adventures is about how a young boy accidently lands on a space ship and is appointed as the administrator of the Space Ship. Will he be able to fulfill his duties while on the ship? What happens when they find out that he is not the real administrator … enjoy this Comic Book Series!</p> <p>*****************************<br /> Connect with us:<br /> Website: www.worldsshopoffers.com<br /> Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldsshop<b……続きを見る
Comic Book Series: Spaceship Adventures 2【電子書籍】[ Worlds Publishing ]
<p>This is Part 2 of the Comic Book Series: Space Ship Adventures is about how a young boy accidently lands on a space ship and is appointed as the administrator of the Space Ship. The staff at the Spaceship discover that he is an imposter and has landed on the ship for something. What is here for? Will he be able to escape? … enjoy this Comic Book Series!</p> <p>***********************************<br /> Connect with us:</p> <p>Website: www.worldsshopoffers.com<br /> Facebook: ww……続きを見る
Stay Happily Married???Forever! Get Marriage Tips And Relationship Advice To Help You Deal With Marriage Problems So You Can Create And Preserve A Lifelong Happy Marriage【電子書籍】[ KC F. Roberts ]
<p> With the divorce rate rapidly growing, to stay happily married forever seems like a very impossible thought nowadays.<br /> <br /> For many people, staying married, and happily at that, is an impossible task; most even believe that it does not exist. But, it does! Take it from thousands other successful married couples who have stayed loving and happy throughout their years together.<br /> <br /> They certainly don’t say it is easy. In fact, they strongly advice that it is indeed……続きを見る
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