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被發明的昨日:人類五萬年?史的衝突與連結【電子書籍】[ 塔米.安薩里 ]
<p><strong>世界分崩離析,文明漸行漸遠,</strong></p> <p><strong>如何跨越分?,找出連結彼此的新敘事?</strong></p> <p>  萬里長城牽動羅馬帝國衰亡?北歐歉收促成土耳其征服耶路撒冷?伊斯蘭教教義讓中國羅盤成為西歐航海家的利器?</p> <p>  ──《中斷的天命》作者,連結人類?史與命運的宏觀之作</p> <p>  ※※※</p> <p> ** 「敘事」不只是?故事,還是人類認知世界的方式,更是推動文明前行、改變?史的關鍵力量。**</p> <p>  什麼是左右世界?史的關鍵力量?我們很常想到戰爭與英雄、政……続きを見る
Solstice Moon A Time Travel Romance Novella【電子書籍】[ Abby Rice ]
<p><strong>“A romantic time travel story with a Solstice twist. An unexpected time leap (courtesy of a bit of Solstice magic) brings a woman the love she’d thought was impossible -- but will she stay more than a century in the past?”</strong></p> <p>Who needs a man in their life? I don’t. I’ve thrown myself into my job as a docent at the historic Danforth Ranch -- leading tours in a delightfully swishy Victorian costume, regaling tourists with true tales of Carson Valley in the 1880s……続きを見る
知識的不正義:偏見和缺乏理解,如何造成不公平? Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing【電子書籍】[ 米蘭達.弗里克 ]
<p><strong>不正義的?一種面貌<br />   貶低一個人的人性,<br />   並且?奪一個人的力量的最好方法,<br />   就是?奪他的發言權</strong></p> <p>  正義是哲學裡面最古老、最核心的主題,人們總以為只要了解正義是什麼,便能以否定的方式來理解所謂的不正義。然而,本書作者弗里克透過?示認知活動的倫理向度,將焦點從正義轉向了不正義,藉由不正義開展的空間,更深刻反思正義是什麼。</p> <p>  在不正義的範疇中,除了女性和少數群體所面臨的社會或政治不正義之外,還存在著一種獨特的認知類型的不正……続きを見る
最後14堂星期二的課(十年典藏版)【電子書籍】[ 米奇.艾爾邦 ]
<p><strong>全臺70萬人,全世界1,100萬人購買這本書,<br /> 開?熱?中洗滌人生的?讀之旅.<br /> 生命中最根本的震動!</strong></p> <p>?本書作者,米奇,曾經是老師眼中的希望。大學畢業後,他進入社會,載浮載沈,曾有的理想逐漸幻滅,人生的課題日益?大難以面對。十六年後,他偶然與大學時代的恩師重逢,而這時他的老師只剩下最後幾個月可活。於是,他又上了十四堂他老師的課……<br /> ?米奇?個星期二到老師家探望他。這位老師,墨瑞?史瓦茲(Morrie Schwartz),面對著死亡一??接近,誠實看見自己在死亡面前的恐懼與……続きを見る
找出生活中的灰犀牛:認識?的風險指紋,化危機為轉機 You Are What You Risk:The New Art and Science of Navigating an Uncertain World【電子書籍】[ 米歇爾.渥克 ]
<p><strong>彼得.杜拉克:「風險來自於?自己不知道?在做什麼。」</strong></p> <p><strong>高風險時代下必讀的決策指南!培養洞察「風險指紋」的敏?能力,</strong></p> <p><strong>為個人生涯、投資理財、企業經營、組織領導,</strong></p> <p><strong>做出勇敢、堅定又明智的抉擇!</strong></p> <p>1901年,一名64?的女性自願爬進?菜桶裡,</p> <p>被人從北美洲尼加拉瀑布制高點(約51公尺高)推落,</p> <p>一舉締造史上首位活著横渡尼加拉瀑布的瘋狂紀?。</p> <p>究竟是什麼原因……続きを見る
Rice Paddy Recon A Marine Officer's Second Tour in Vietnam, 1968-1970【電子書籍】[ Andrew R. Finlayson ]
<p>A young U.S. Marine officer recounts his experiences of the Vietnam War over a nineteen month period. He graphically describes what it was like to perform three distinct combat missions: long-range ground reconnaissance in the Annamite Mountains of I Corps, infantry operations in the rice paddies and mountains of Quang Nam Province and special police operations for the CIA in Tay Ninh Province. Using Marine Corps official unit histories, CIA documents, and his weekly letters home, the aut……続きを見る
Stone Cold A Southern Mystery Thriller (Book 1 of the Zoe Nichols Van-Life series)【電子書籍】[ Abby Rice ]
<p>a<strong>a****An intriguing murder mystery-thriller set in coastal Georgia!</strong> Van-life nomad Zoe Nichols hoped to find her biological father in small-town Brunswick, Georgia. Instead, a murder the day she arrives catapults Zoe into a search for the killer ? and on a mission to clear the teen who’s falsely accused. In a small town filled with secrets, can Zoe unravel the mystery and find the real killer ? before she becomes the next victim?</p> <p><em>This is the first boo……続きを見る
The Collected Tarzan Series (8 Tarzan Novels in 1 volume)【電子書籍】[ Edgar Rice Burroughs ]
<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "The Collected Tarzan Series (8 Tarzan Novels in 1 volume)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Tarzan ("...the Apeman") is a fictional character, an archetypal feral child raised in the African jungles by the Mangani "great apes"; he later experiences civilization only to largely reject it and return to the wild as a heroic adventurer. Created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan first appeared in the novel Tarzan of th……続きを見る
海奧華預言:第九級星球的九日旅程?奇幻不思議的真實見聞 Thiaoouba Prophecy【電子書籍】[ 米歇?戴斯馬克特(Michel Desmarquet) ]
<p>出版十五種語言,暢銷世界多國!</p> <p>全新完整中文翻譯,全球華人期待!</p> <p>這不是科幻小?,是地球人真實外星遊記!</p> <p>比科幻電影還要不可思議的奇異旅程</p> <p>超乎想像卻??在目的平行時空體驗</p> <p>【解密大推薦】</p> <p>台灣外星人研究所所長/生物科技專家 江晃榮博士</p> <p>用科學證實靈界存在/台大電機系教授 李嗣?博士</p> <p>====================================</p> <p>「就是那道光!我……我飛起來了!」</p> <p>故事的起點是一九八七年六月二十六日的?晨……続きを見る
瑜伽就是心靈修行:斯瓦米韋達的22堂覺醒生活課【電子書籍】[ 斯瓦米韋達.?若堤(Swami Veda Bharati) ]
<p>「坐著把眼睛閉起來的那種修行不難,把種種誡律和情緒淨化應用在日常生活裡,才是更難的修行。」──斯瓦米韋達</p> <p><strong>在靜默中?法的瑜伽大師──****斯瓦米韋達 經典談話集</strong></p> <p><strong>傳達待人處事的圓融智慧、疾病療癒的真相、職場管理的訣竅</strong></p> <p><strong>──<strong><strong>?實語</strong></strong>,<strong><strong>?悦語</strong></strong>。<strong><strong>勿?不實的悦語</strong></strong>,<strong><strong>也勿?不悦的實語</stron……続きを見る
古馬雅?法大解密:活出?的靈魂印記,取用宇宙能量頻率【電子書籍】[ 米格爾(Miguel Angel Vergara),王慧芳(Rita Wang) ]
<p><strong>華文世界第一本!結合太陽?與月亮?,傳承自馬雅長老</strong></p> <p><strong>認識此生的靈性使命,及需體驗的人生課題</strong></p> <p><strong>十九個古馬雅月+二十個古馬雅日,圖騰意義解析</strong></p> <p><strong>重新連結古馬雅手抄本的圖騰頻率</strong></p> <p><strong>可融入個人冥想,取用?一天宇宙能量做靜心</strong></p> <p><strong>本書簡介</strong></p> <p>馬雅大師們從遠古時代至今持續不斷給予人類指引,藉著他們所傳下來的馬雅?法,我們能?提升自己……続きを見る
The Mother of George Washington and her Times Illustrated Edition【電子書籍】[ Sara Agnes Rice Pryor ]
<p>Sara Agnes Rice Pryor's 'The Mother of George Washington and her Times' is a meticulously researched and engaging account of Washington's mother, Mary Ball Washington, and the historical context in which she lived. Pryor delves into the complexities of Mary Ball Washington's life, from her upbringing to her role in shaping the future first president of the United States. The book is written in a compelling narrative style that brings to life the struggles and triumphs of a remarkable woma……続きを見る
Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis The Vampire Chronicles【電子書籍】[ Anne Rice ]
<p><strong>NATIONAL BESTSELLER ? In this ambitious, rich vampire novel of vision and power, the indomitable vampire hero, Lestat de Lioncourt, returns ... caught up in an urgent and fundamental quest to understand the origins of the Undead and the deeper meanings of existence for both mortals and immortals.</strong></p> <p>“In my dreams, I saw a city fall into the sea . . . And all the world was shaken . . .”</p> <p>Now Lestat, Prince of the vast tribe of the undead, finds himsel……続きを見る
MICHAEL BOOTH VINTAGE BOOKS UKイギリス ISBN:9781784704230 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他)続きを見る
Cry to Heaven A Novel【電子書籍】[ Anne Rice ]
<p>In a sweeping saga of music and vengeance, the acclaimed author of The Vampire Chronicles draws readers into eighteenth-century Italy, bringing to life the decadence beneath the shimmering surface of Venice, the wild frivolity of Naples, and the magnetic terror of its shadow, Vesuvius. This is the story of the castrati, the exquisite and otherworldly sopranos whose graceful bodies and glorious voices win the adulation of royal courts and grand opera houses throughout Europe. These men are……続きを見る
The Collected Tarzan Series (8 Tarzan Novels in 1 volume)【電子書籍】[ Edgar Rice Burroughs ]
<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "The Collected Tarzan Series (8 Tarzan Novels in 1 volume)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Tarzan ("...the Apeman") is a fictional character, an archetypal feral child raised in the African jungles by the Mangani "great apes"; he later experiences civilization only to largely reject it and return to the wild as a heroic adventurer. Created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan first appeared in the novel Tarzan of th……続きを見る
?Locos por insectos y ara?as!【電子書籍】[ Dona Herweck Rice ]
<p>Los lectores principiantes aprenden sobre insectos y ara?as en este libro de no ficci?n traducido al espa?ol. Con sus colores brillantes, glosario con im?genes y texto informativo, los lectores estar?n inmersos en el mundo de insectos y ara?as.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。続きを見る
可以強悍,也可以示弱 有身段也有手段,人生的規矩我?了算【電子書籍】[ ?大米 ]
<p><strong>最誠實的?大米,給?看?跌倒的狼狽,</strong></p> <p><strong>也展現?奮起的強悍,這才是真實的人生</strong></p> <p><strong>23篇又痛又暖的人生對策,</strong></p> <p><strong>讓?即使在低谷,也有勇氣起飛,並且飛得更高更遠</strong></p> <p>我二十幾?時,受委屈總希望有人?忙出口氣,</p> <p>更覺得命運苛薄自己,</p> <p>機會老是站在別人那一邊,永遠沒我的分。</p> <p>三十幾?時,爬上更高的位子,凡事針鋒相對廝殺,</p> <p>就怕一閃神,被?落下去的就是我。<……続きを見る
Memnoch the Devil MEMNOCH THE DEVIL (Vampire Chronicles) [ Anne Rice ]
MEMNOCH THE DEVIL Vampire Chronicles Anne Rice BALLANTINE BOOKS英語 多読 アン・ライス 1997 Mass Market Paperbound English ISBN:9780345409676 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction続きを見る
Blood Communion: A Tale of Prince Lestat BLOOD COMMUNION (Vampire Chronicles) [ Anne Rice ]
BLOOD COMMUNION Vampire Chronicles Anne Rice ANCHOR2019 Paperback English ISBN:9780525433927 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction続きを見る
指導靈全書:召喚七種靈性?手,完成?的今生使命【電子書籍】[ 賈米莉.潔穆賈(Yamile Yemoonyah) ]
<p><strong>認識七種最常見指導靈!</strong></p> <p><strong>神明/祖先/揚升大師/自然靈/動物指導靈/星際存有/天使</strong></p> <p><strong>和?的指導靈團隊連線,獲得靈性揚升之路上的指引</strong></p> <p>指導靈是?我的守護靈,?們來自更高的維度</p> <p>透過無條件的愛與我們連結,希望在靈性道路上?助我們</p> <p>?一個人,都有一支完整的指導靈團隊</p> <p>以及和自己最相應的指導靈類型!</p> <p>不同類型的指導靈,有不同的特?及能力</p> <p>本書開頭的測驗,將會?助?清……続きを見る
Pouze kdo je hoden (Cesta oceli ー kniha prvn?)【電子書籍】[ Morgan Rice ]
<p>?Morgan Rice to znovu dok?zala! Vytvo?ila silnou sestavu postav a vykouzlila dal?? magick? sv?t. POUZE KDO JE HODEN je kniha pln? intrik, zrad, ne?ekan?ch p??telstv? a v?bec v?ech skv?l?ch ingredienc?, d?ky nim si budete vychutn?vat ka?dou oto?enou str?nku. Tenhle p??b?h je nabit? akc? a p?i jeho ?etb? se nebudete moct odtrhnout.“</p> <p>--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos</p> <p>Toto je nov? vyd?n? knihy POUZE KDO JE HODEN s v?razn?mi zm?nami a nov? vydan? v prosinci 2018!……続きを見る
Ethnomusicology: A Very Short Introduction【電子書籍】[ Timothy Rice ]
<p>Ethnomusicologists believe that all humans, not just those we call musicians, are musical, and that musicality is one of the essential touchstones of the human experience. This insight raises big questions about the nature of music and the nature of humankind, and ethnomusicologists argue that to properly address these questions, we must study music in all its geographical and historical diversity. In this <em>Very Short Introduction</em>, one of the foremost ethnomusicologists, Timot……続きを見る
The Complete Works The Mother of Washington and her Times, Reminiscences of Peace and War, The Birth of the Nation, My Day【電子書籍】[ Sara Agnes Rice Pryor ]
<p>Sara Agnes Rice Pryor's 'The Complete Works' is a literary masterpiece that showcases a variety of genres including fiction, poetry, and non-fiction essays. The book's literary style is characterized by its eloquent prose and insightful observations on society and human nature. Set in the 19th century, Pryor's work reflects the literary context of the time, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs of the period. Readers will be drawn into Pryor's vivid storytelling and……続きを見る
?柔甜心【甜心系列之二】〔限〕【電子書籍】[ 米キ ]
The Carson of Venus MEGAPACK?【電子書籍】[ Edgar Rice Burroughs ]
<p>Carson Napier, first Earthman to reach Venus, had to keep alert every instant of his stay on that world of mist and mystery. For its lands were unmapped, its inhabitants many, varied, and strange, and he had taken an obligation to restore a native princess to her lost homeland... This volume collects the entire “Venus” series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Burroughs (1875-1950) is most famous for his jungle hero, Tarzan, but he created many other series in the science-fantasy and adventure fiel……続きを見る
Moon of the Crusted Snow MOON OF THE CRUSTED SNOW [ Waubgeshig Rice ]
MOON OF THE CRUSTED SNOW Waubgeshig Rice ECW PR2018 Paperback English ISBN:9781770414006 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction続きを見る
生命中不能承受之輕【全新版】 Nesnesiteln? lehkost byt?【電子書籍】[ 米蘭.昆徳拉 ]
<p><strong>這本書奠定了米蘭.昆徳拉</strong></p> <p><strong>作為世界上最偉大作家之一的地位</strong></p> <p><strong>文壇大師昆徳拉最膾炙人口的代表作</strong></p> <p><strong>二十世紀最動人的小?</strong></p> <p><strong>此生必讀的文學經典</strong></p> <p>★本書曾在華文世界掀起一股昆徳拉熱潮,暢銷逾百萬冊!</p> <p>★全新版書封以昆徳拉早期親手繪製的書中小狗「?列寧」珍貴插畫做設計,並採用200g維納斯麗綺紙,書名?藍,極具珍藏價?!</p> <p>★改編拍成電影「布……続きを見る
The Mummy or Ramses the Damned A Novel【電子書籍】[ Anne Rice ]
<p>**<em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? Ramses the Great returns in this “darkly magical” (<em>USA Today</em>) novel from bestselling author Anne Rice</p> <p>“The reader is held captive and, ultimately, seduced.”ー<em>San Francisco Chronicle</em>**</p> <p>Ramses the Great lives!</p> <p>But having drunk the elixer of live, he is now Ramses the Damned, doomed forever to wander the earth, desperate to quell hungers that can never be satisfiedーfor food, for wine, for w……続きを見る
The Wolves of Midwinter The Wolf Gift Chronicles【電子書籍】[ Anne Rice ]
<p><strong>NATIONAL BESTSELLER ? The tale of <em>The Wolf Gift</em> continues ... It is winter at Nideck Point and for Reuben Golding, now infused with the Wolf Gift, this promises to be a season like no other.</strong></p> <p>Oak fires burn in the stately flickering hearths, and the community organizes its annual celebration of music and pageantry. Reuben is preparing to honor an ancient Midwinter festival with his fellow Morphenkinderーa secret gathering that takes place deep w……続きを見る
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