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出版社: 城邦出版集團
発売日: 2023年08月22日
以時間為序,將關鍵場景浮現眼前, 掌握重大歷史事件「為什麼」會發生, 複雜的情‧勢‧變,就不會弄不清、記不住。 本書將龐雜的歷史爬梳為77則關鍵環節,透過精彩「漫畫」重現歷史現場激發想像,核心解說引發思考……続きを見る
History of the World Map by Map
出版社: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
発売日: 2023年09月07日
Witness our incredible human story unfold - from the very first people in Africa to the collapse of Communism and beyond - exquisitely charted map by map. Come on a journey through global history, t……続きを見る
Battles Map by Map
出版社: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
発売日: 2021年05月06日
Experience the world's most significant battles through bold, easy-to-grasp maps. Includes a foreword by Peter Snow, broadcaster and historian. Covering everything from the battlefields of the ancie……続きを見る
著者:Yuval Noah Harari
出版社: HarperCollins
発売日: 2015年02月10日
New York Times Bestseller A Summer Reading Pick for President Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg From a renowned historian comes a groundbreaking narrative of humanity’s creation and evol……続きを見る
This Fleeting World (Yay Pwat Pa Mar E Kabar)
著者:David Christian, Zeya Minn Hline (translator)
出版社: ​Berkshire Publishing
発売日: 2024年03月26日
This Fleeting World tells the story of the universe and history of humanity in only 100 pages. Prize-winning historian David Christian covers it all in this inspiring guide to the history of everyth……続きを見る
This Fleeting World (Ketabe Donya dar Gozar)
著者:David Christian, Amir Kolini
出版社: ​Berkshire Publishing
発売日: 2024年03月26日
Donya Dar Gozar (This Fleeting World) tells the story of the universe and history of humanity in only 100 pages. Prize-winning historian David Christian covers it all in this inspiring guide to the ……続きを見る
The Transformation of the World
著者:Jürgen Osterhammel
出版社: Princeton University Press
発売日: 2014年04月13日
A panoramic global history of the nineteenth century A monumental history of the nineteenth century, The Transformation of the World offers a panoramic and multifaceted portrait of a world in transi……続きを見る
著者:石川禎浩, ISHIKAWA Yoshihiro
出版社: 臺灣商務印書館
発売日: 2023年02月10日
從階級革命、改革開放到一黨一人專政 跳脫傳統檔案及編年龐大敘事 劉少奇的無腳床、毛澤東的藏書齋…… 〈義勇軍進行曲〉、〈東方紅〉、〈我的祖國〉 從領袖逸聞到流行「紅歌」逐一解碼  歸納百年大黨各階段關鍵特……続きを見る
Chronicles of London Bridge
著者:Richard Thompson
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
Richard Thompson's 'Chronicles of London Bridge' is a captivating historical novel that delves deep into the rich tapestry of London's iconic bridge. The book is written in a descriptive and engagin……続きを見る
The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus
著者:Ammianus Marcellinus
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus is a comprehensive historical account of the Roman Empire from 96 to 378 AD, written with a precise and analytical style reminiscent of classical historians……続きを見る
हम अतीत से क्या सीख सकते हैं
著者:Rafael Barracuda
出版社: ​Rafael Barracuda
発売日: 2024年02月13日
यदि हम इतिहास से नहीं सीखेंगे तो हम अतीत और वर्तमान की गलतियाँ दोहराएँगे। यह पहले अच्छी बात नहीं थी, लेकिन आज यह पृथ्वी पर जीवन को ख़तरे में डाल सकती है। यह पुस्तक इस प्रश्न का समाधान करती है, "क्या……続きを見る
出版社: 遠流出版
発売日: 2021年04月23日
§陳文茜陪你讀歷史§ 時勢不是在造英雄, 而是在時勢中, 某些人的典範性格使他成為世紀英雄。 陳文茜決定說這些人的故事,不是因為他們的偉大或是歷史角色,而是他們也曾平凡、也曾失敗、曾備受爭議、曾被排擠,或……続きを見る
How the World Hunger Problem Was not Solved
著者:Christian Gerlach
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年02月14日
The world food crisis (1972–1975) gave rise to new development concepts. To eradicate world hunger, small peasants were supposed to use ‘modern’ inputs like high-yielding seeds, fertilizer, pesticid……続きを見る
The International Bureau of Education (1925-1968)
著者:Rita Hofstetter, Bernard Schneuwly
出版社: Springer Nature Switzerland
発売日: 2024年01月24日
This open access book offers a critical analysis of the history of the International Bureau of Education (IBE) from its founding in 1925 to its integration into UNESCO in January 1969. Based on the ……続きを見る
The World History Workbook
著者:David Hertzel
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
発売日: 2016年04月14日
This innovative and user-friendly workbook, now combined into a single volume organized chronologically, guides students and instructors through the ideas and methods of world history. Designed to b……続きを見る
Far From the Truth
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年12月28日
Information and knowledge were essential tools of early modern Europe’s global ambitions. This volume addresses a key concern that emerged as the competition for geopolitical influence increased: ho……続きを見る
Globalizing Social Rights
出版社: Palgrave Macmillan UK
発売日: 2016年05月31日
Based on the case of the ILO, both as an actor and driver of international social policy, this collection explores the internationalization process of social rights, in a number of national and inte……続きを見る
著者:Vaclav Smil
出版社: Penguin Books Ltd
発売日: 2023年05月04日
'There is no author whose books I look forward to more' Bill Gates The New York Times bestselling author returns with a mind-opening exploration of how size defines life on Earth. Explaining the key……続きを見る
The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年10月24日
The time span covered by The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress starts in the nineteenth century, with the aftermath of the consumers’ revolution, and reaches all the way to the present. The fas……続きを見る
A History of Diplomacy
著者:Jeremy Black
出版社: Reaktion Books
発売日: 2010年05月15日
In A History of Diplomacy, historian Jeremy Black investigates how a form of courtly negotiation and information-gathering in the early modern period developed through increasing globalization into ……続きを見る
出版社: 臺灣商務印書館
発売日: 2023年06月15日
從作祟妖怪到寵物明星,從捕鼠工具到家庭成員 不管是遇上愛貓成癡的大文豪,還是嫉貓如仇的老百姓 紛紛擾擾的人類社會裡,貓咪始終漫步在你我身邊 跟著牠們小巧輕靈的腳步,見證歷史發展的軌跡! 店家擺的招財貓,……続きを見る
Soviet-North Korean Relations During the Cold War
著者:Fyodor Tertitskiy
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年08月25日
This book explores Soviet–North Korean relations during the Cold War (1945–1991). Based on many primary documents and sources (including Russian and Korean), it reveals how the influence of the Sovi……続きを見る
出版社: 臺灣商務印書館
発売日: 2023年07月14日
158篇跨越歐亞非洲大陸、穿梭六千年歷史的關鍵課題 148位日本歷史學界第一線學者親自操刀 背景知識 → 探究論點 → 延伸思考 3大閱讀步驟 名詞解說 + 關連指引 + 參考文獻 3項專業參照 不論你是人文史地的愛好者……続きを見る
Modern Japan’s Place in World History
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2023年04月25日
This Open Access book includes chapters on the key turning points in modern Japanese history from the Meiji Restoration to Japan-China diplomatic normalization in the 1970s and beyond. The topics co……続きを見る
Globalizing the Soybean
著者:Ines Prodöhl
出版社: Taylor and Francis
発売日: 2023年03月09日
Globalizing the Soybean asks how the soybean conquered the West and analyzes why and how the crop gained entry into agriculture and industry in regions beyond Asia in the first half of the twentieth……続きを見る
History from Loss
出版社: Taylor and Francis
発売日: 2023年05月31日
History from Loss challenges the common thought that "history is written by the winners" and explores how history-makers in different times and places across the globe have written histories from lo……続きを見る
How to Be a Dictator
著者:Frank Dikötter
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2019年12月03日
From the Samuel Johnson Prize-winning author of China After Mao**, a sweeping and timely study of twentieth-century dictators and the development of the modern cult of personality.** No dictator can……続きを見る
A Little History of Economics
著者:Niall Kishtainy
出版社: Yale University Press
発売日: 2017年03月01日
A lively, inviting account of the history of economics, told through events from ancient to modern times and through the ideas of great thinkers in the field “A whistle-stop introduction to the grea……続きを見る
Making Humanitarian Crises
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2023年01月07日
This open access collection of essays explores the emotional agency of images in the construction of ‘humanitarian crises’ from the nineteenth century to the present. Using the prism of the historie……続きを見る
Civic Continuities in an Age of Revolutionary Change, c.1750–1850
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2023年01月05日
This open access book explores the role of continuity in political processes and practices during the Age of Revolutions. It argues that the changes that took place in the years around 1800 were ena……続きを見る
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