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出版社: 一心文化有限公司
発売日: 2022年09月07日
・會講中文的日籍老師井上一宏,為零基礎者設計的22堂YouTube影音日語課 **  ・免費600分鐘YT真人影音課程無限回放×日籍老師母語發音!媲美上萬元補習班和線上課程** **  ・50音×10種動詞變化×100句基礎句型,……続きを見る
100 ejercicios de Español A2-B1
著者:Valeria Novelliere
出版社: ​Valeria Novelliere
発売日: 2023年11月08日
100 Ejercicios de Español es un libro de prácticas de español para extranjeros, estructurado en tres diferentes niveles: A1-A2, A2-B1, B1-B2, según los indicadores del Marco Común Europeo de Referen……続きを見る
The Mystery of the Lost House: Bilingual French-English Short Stories
著者:Coledown Bilingual Books
出版社: ​Coledown Bilingual Books
発売日: 2023年10月14日
Embark on a journey of language and imagination with our captivating collection of three bilingual French short stories designed to captivate language learners of all levels. The Mystery of the Lost……続きを見る
La doble inmersión en dos lenguas nacionales
著者:Joan Marie Feltes
出版社: Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.
発売日: 2022年02月02日
El presente libro es una guía metodológica para la enseñanza de contenidos académicos y habilidades lingüísticas en lenguas indígenas y en español que busca establecer líneas para la interculturalid……続きを見る
Lido English Superheroes
著者:Lido Learning
出版社: ​Lido Learning
発売日: 2021年12月13日
A collection of beautifully scripted writing projects curated by Grade 8 and 9 students of LIDO Learning, English . The topics and prompts covered are part of the CBSE and ICSE curriculum. Spanning ……続きを見る
Mind Maps: Quicker Notes, Better Learning, and Improved Memory 3.0
著者:Kam Knight
出版社: ​MindLily.com
発売日: 2021年11月23日
The Book that Revolutionized Mind Maps This is the go-to book to help students, teachers, planners, organizers, decision makers, and life-long learners to better study, teach, organize, and learn in……続きを見る
Latin for Beginners
著者:Benjamin L. D'Ooge
出版社: e-artnow
発売日: 2013年02月20日
D'Ooge designed this beginners grammar to prepare the student for reading Caesar. The grammar consists of seventy-nine lessons divided into three parts. The lessons are very well structured, gradual……続きを見る
Master IELTS Listening with High Frequency Vocabulary Words: Hundreds of Key Words to Know
著者:Jackie Bolen
出版社: ​Jackie Bolen
発売日: 2023年12月16日
Learn hundreds of essential vocabulary words to help you get a higher score on IELTS listening. Improve your IELTS score by mastering these important expressions, phrases, idioms, and phrasal verbs.……続きを見る
First Words (In Context)
著者:Philip Gibson
出版社: ​Philip Gibson
発売日: 2021年03月29日
Teach children the most important and commonly used words first. Teach them in the form of simple sentences and fun illustrations. 続きを見る
English Usage (Collins Cobuild)
著者:Collins Cobuild
出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
発売日: 2013年05月01日
The new second edition of the Collins COBUILD English Usage has been specially designed for upper-intermediate and advanced students and teachers of English. Its comprehensive coverage of different ……続きを見る
Easy Spanish Stories For Beginners
出版社: Lingo Mastery
発売日: 2019年09月09日
Have you been searching for an effective Spanish language-learning method that can provide you better results than previous strategies? Are the traditional methods of learning Spanish just not cutti……続きを見る
PNL è libertà
著者:Alessio Roberti, Richard Bandler, Owen Fitzpatrick
出版社: Unicomunicazione.it
発売日: 2020年02月20日
Un libro davvero unico; nelle sue pagine vengono raccontate tre giornate di corso tenuto da Richard Bandler, co-creatore della Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica, che si fondono con esperienze e tecni……続きを見る
The Rosetta Stone Challenge: Before You Begin
著者:Sean L. Young
出版社: Sean L. Young
発売日: 2020年01月26日
If you're trying to decide to learn a language, or which language to learn, you will have quite a few questions. What to learn? How to learn it? Should I attend a class, or get some books? What kind……続きを見る
20 Entertaining Short Stories for Home Learners in English French and German
著者:Christian Stahl
出版社: PublishDrive
発売日: 2020年05月12日
20 Entertaining Short Stories for Home Learners in English French and German - Mystery Short Stories for Language Students What do you think is the hardest thing for a new language learner? Finding ……続きを見る
Project-Based Learning in Second Language Acquisition
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2019年08月12日
This book showcases pedagogical tools for learning languages through interdisciplinary project-based learning (PBL). Chapters demonstrate a diverse range of PBL activities that help students build c……続きを見る
小學生古詩遊:聽‧讀‧學 高階(下)
出版社: 中華書局(香港)有限公司
発売日: 2019年07月16日
本系列特點: 分級:按程度分為初中高階,適合不同讀者需要。 規範:收錄由教育局課程發展處中國語文教育組所選定的100首小學必讀古詩。 有聲:粵普朗誦古詩,欣賞音律之美。 活學: 每篇含作者簡介、原文、注釋、……続きを見る
The Elements of Style
著者:William Strunk Jr.
出版社: e-artnow
発売日: 2018年05月11日
The Elements of Style William Strunk concentrated on specific questions of usageーand the cultivation of good writingーwith the recommendation "Make every word tell"; hence the 17th principle of com……続きを見る
Learn Languages : How To Learn Any Language Fast In Just 168 Hours (7 Days)
著者:Scott Green
出版社: Yap Kee Chong
発売日: 2018年09月07日
Learning a foreign language is just as beautiful as it is challenging. Learning a language is different from learning other disciplines, such as mathematics, geography, or poetry writing. You cannot……続きを見る
БУКОВАЧКЕ НАРОДНЕ: Изворне ријечи, изрази, пјесме, приче и предања српског народа из Буковице и Далмације
著者:Miroslav Reljic
出版社: ​BNG Press
発売日: 2019年11月02日
Подсјетите се или научите изворне буковачке народне ријечи, изразе, пјесме, поштапалице, узречице, брзалице, надимке, имена, загонетке, здравице, натпјевавања, псовке, бугараљке, сујеверја, приче и ……続きを見る
著者:Benjamin L. D'Ooge
出版社: Musaicum Books
発売日: 2017年12月06日
D'Ooge designed this beginners grammar to prepare the student for reading Caesar. The grammar consists of seventy-nine lessons divided into three parts. The lessons are very well structured, gradual……続きを見る
Antiacademia, Diccionario del idioma español, Volumen 2 DEF
著者:Estéfano Luján
出版社: Estéfano Luján
発売日: 2018年10月31日
El único diccionario analítico del idioma español, en el cual se incluyen citas literarias, análisis etimológico, y muchas otras cualidades que lo hacen mejor que aquellos compilados por Littré y We……続きを見る
Scuole "sparse" sul territorio?
著者:Alberto Pian
出版社: Didanext
発売日: 2018年05月21日
La "riforma" degli istituti Professionali é sancita dal Decreto Legge 61 del 13 aprile 2017, in attuazione della Legge 107 (Buona scuola). Qual é l’obiettivo di questa riforma? La prima cosa da comp……続きを見る
You Are An English Teacher!
著者:Mark Wilson
出版社: Mark Wilson
発売日: 2015年07月27日
A Guide To The True Basics - for Parents, Pupils, Pedagogues, Politicians...Presidents and probably even Prime Ministers. A trip through the learning of English as a mother tongue from minute one on……続きを見る
出版社: 一心文化有限公司
発売日: 2023年10月04日
  ・日文自學新經典,不斷再版的《從零開始,用YouTube影片學日文》好評續集   ・搭配專屬660分鐘免費YT真人影音課程!新増每日「跟讀練習」,潛移默化日文語感   ・課本沒教的口語用法大特訓!破千組對話例……続きを見る
THESAURUS for Students of Science
著者:Roman Thomas Sedlar
出版社: Roman Thomas Sedlar
発売日: 2019年11月04日
This book is a combination of an explanatory dictionary and a thesaurus - it provides unique vocabulary clarification not only when studying science in English, but also when reading professional te……続きを見る
Chipping Away
著者:Owen Rosa
出版社: Owen Rosa
発売日: 2023年07月18日
Chipping Away is a 15,000-word non-fiction work that approaches Japanese language learning and culture through the lens of a foreigner’s real-life experiences in Japan. It provides readers with a wa……続きを見る
Active English Grammar (Collins Cobuild)
著者:Collins Cobuild
出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
発売日: 2011年08月25日
The Collins COBUILD Active English Grammar offers intermediate learners of English a quick and easy-to-use reference guide to the most important points in English Grammar. Illustrated by thousands o……続きを見る
Studying Abroad
著者:Beth D. Tolley
出版社: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
発売日: 2022年09月27日
Studying Abroad: What We Didn’t See Coming is a collection of testimonials that documents the unexpected outcomes of study-abroad cultural experiences. It highlights the value of such experiences an……続きを見る
Easy Learning Writing: Your essential guide to accurate English (Collins Easy Learning English)
出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
発売日: 2011年08月25日
Collins Easy Learning Writing is an easy-to-use guide on how to write good, clear and effective English. With simple explanations of everything from the basics of sentence and paragraph structure, t……続きを見る
Soft CLIL and English Language Teaching
著者:Makoto Ikeda, Shinichi Izumi, Yoshinori Watanabe, Richard Pinner, Matthew Davis
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年08月20日
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a transformative and powerful approach to language education and has had a significant impact on educational pedagogy in recent years. Despite burg……続きを見る
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