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Numbers: B2+ (Collins Academic Skills)
著者:Louis Rogers, Dawn Willoughby
出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
発売日: 2014年07月14日
Statistics and data for the non-specialist *The Collins Academic Skills Series - winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.* At university you may be expected to analyse complex……続きを見る
Provenance and Possession
著者:K. J. P. Lowe
出版社: Princeton University Press
発売日: 2024年04月09日
A thought-provoking study of how knowledge of provenance was not transferred with enslaved people and goods from the Portuguese trading empire to Renaissance Italy In the fifteenth and sixteenth cen……続きを見る
Set-Theoretic Multi-Method Research
著者:Carsten Q. Schneider
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2023年11月30日
A state-of-the-art comprehensive exposition of combining Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and case studies, this book facilitates the efficient use and independent learning of this form of SMM……続きを見る
The Theological Metaphors of Marx
著者:Enrique Dussel
出版社: Duke University Press
発売日: 2024年04月02日
In The Theological Metaphors of Marx, Enrique Dussel provides a groundbreaking combination of Marxology, theology, and ethical theory. Dussel shows that Marx unveils the theology of capitalism in hi……続きを見る
出版社: 時報出版
発売日: 2024年04月08日
《消失的愛ーー逆轉我們的時代》 這是我二0一九年病倒後,發願寫作的五本書籍中,最重要的書籍。當時的我已休克三次,身上裝了人工血管。 #如果人生剩下的日子不多我該做什麼? 我想到李敖大哥生前的叮嚀:「文茜……続きを見る
Understanding Theories and Concepts in Social Policy
著者:Ruth Lister, Ruth Patrick, Kate Brown
出版社: Policy Press
発売日: 2024年02月27日
Demonstrating the relevance of theory to political and policy debates and practice, this lively and accessible second edition helps students to grasp the real-life implications of social policy theo……続きを見る
Experimental Design in Psychology
著者:M. Kimberly MacLin
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年12月22日
This text is about doing science and the active process of reading, learning, thinking, generating ideas, designing experiments, and the logistics surrounding each step of the research process. In e……続きを見る
Land and Labour in China
著者:R H Tawney dec'd
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年03月08日
First published in 1932 Land and Labour in China is an introductory volume dealing with certain aspects of economic life in China. R. H. Tawney discusses important themes ranging from rural framewor……続きを見る
World Politics
著者:Jeffrey Haynes, Peter Hough, Bruce Pilbeam
出版社: SAGE Publications
発売日: 2023年04月05日
How can we better resolve issues like climate change or global pandemics? When is resolution of armed conflict achievable? What impact does culture, religion or identity have on world events? Today’……続きを見る
出版社: 城邦出版集團
発売日: 2024年02月05日
他是世界衝突的幕後推手、中美談判桌上僵持不下的議題, 他像幽靈一樣神出鬼沒,世界各大情報機構追捕他20年, 他被視為全球最危險的人之一,他是誰? *主要關鍵字:軍火、情報 *其他關鍵字:伊朗、中東衝突、以……続きを見る
出版社: 楓書坊文化出版社
発売日: 2024年02月27日
〜訓練骨盆底肌,享受舒暢人生!〜 常跑廁所、小腹突出、臀部下垂, 其實問題都出在肌力不足! 【本書特色】 ◎真人大圖示範分解動作,每個動作附上CHECK表,自行操作不NG! ◎安排每週動作訓練,有計畫地實施讓效果……続きを見る
The Korean Welfare State
出版社: Oxford University Press
発売日: 2024年01月05日
The birth and remarkable expansion of Korean social welfare policy over the last several decades has taken place amidst the socio-economic burdens of a rapidly aging society. This book surveys these……続きを見る
Our Biggest Fight
著者:Frank H. McCourt Jr.
出版社: Crown
発売日: 2024年03月12日
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The internet as we know it is broken. Here’s how we can seize back control of our lives from the corporate algorithms and create a better internetーbefore it’s too late. “In th……続きを見る
著者:傅高義, Ezra F. Vogel
出版社: 香港中文大學出版社
発売日: 2023年10月30日
Disparities in Urban Health
著者:Edward V. Wallace
出版社: Johns Hopkins University Press
発売日: 2024年01月30日
A firsthand look at how policies and legal doctrines affect families living in low-income urban neighborhoods. In Disparities in Urban Health, Edward V. Wallace examines the impacts of political and……続きを見る
Public Interest and State Legitimation
著者:Wenkai He
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2023年09月30日
How were state formation and early modern politics shaped by the state's proclaimed obligation to domestic welfare? Drawing on a wide range of historical scholarship and primary sources, this book d……続きを見る
The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society
著者:Joseph E. Stiglitz
出版社: W. W. Norton & Company
発売日: 2024年04月23日
From one of the world’s leading economists, a compelling new vision of personal and economic freedom. We are a nation born from the conviction that people must be free. But since the middle of the l……続きを見る
The Ukraine War & the Eurasian World Order
著者:Glenn Diesen
出版社: Clarity Press
発売日: 2024年02月15日
Five hundred years of Western hegemony has ended, while the global majority’s aspiration for a world order based on multipolarity and sovereign equality is rising. This incisive book addresses the d……続きを見る
Cultural Heritage and Tourism
著者:Dr. Dallen J. Timothy
出版社: Channel View Publications
発売日: 2020年12月03日
Cultural heritage is one of the most important tourism resources in the world. This book provides a comprehensive theoretical overview and applied knowledge of the issues, practices, current debates……続きを見る
Justice, Care, and Value
著者:Thomas Randall
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年07月21日
In Justice, Care, and Value Thomas Randall argues for the radical potential of care ethics as a distinct and preferable theory of distributive justice. Advancing the feminist literature, this book d……続きを見る
The Philosophy of Sex
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
発売日: 2022年02月28日
With twenty-five essays, seven of which are new to the eighth edition, this best-selling volume examines the nature, morality, and social meanings of contemporary sexual phenomena. Topics include: s……続きを見る
Running with the Devil
著者:Robert Walser
出版社: Wesleyan University Press
発売日: 2014年10月02日
Winner of the 1994 Irving Lowens Book Award from the Society for American Music Dismissed by critics and academics, condemned by parents and politicians, and fervently embraced by legions of fans, h……続きを見る
Comparing Defense Innovation Around the World
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年09月29日
Gaining a decisive technological edge is a never-ending pursuit for defense establishments and the countries they protect. Intensifying geo-strategic and geo-economic rivalry among major powers, esp……続きを見る
著者:Robert Bilott
出版社: Simon & Schuster
発売日: 2024年02月13日
The true story of a lawyer’s fight to expose DuPont’s deadly chemical contaminationー“For Erin Brockovich fans, a David vs. Goliath tale with a twist” (The New York Times Book Review) 1998: Attorney……続きを見る
Chronic Pain, BDSM and Crip Time
著者:Emma Sheppard
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年07月14日
This book is a critical disability studies examination of the lived experience of chronic pain, engaging with and making a significant contribution to crip theory and the concept of ‘crip time’. Exp……続きを見る
出版社: 香港中文大學出版社
発売日: 2023年10月30日
On Gaslighting
著者:Kate Abramson
出版社: Princeton University Press
発売日: 2024年03月19日
A philosopher examines the complicated phenomenon of gaslighting “Gaslighting” is suddenly in everyone’s vocabulary. It’s written about, talked about, tweeted about, even sung about (in “Gaslighting……続きを見る
From Social Science to Data Science
著者:Bernie Hogan
出版社: SAGE Publications
発売日: 2022年11月23日
From Social Science to Data Science is a fundamental guide to scaling up and advancing your programming skills in Python. From beginning to end, this book will enable you to understand merging, acce……続きを見る
A Primer on Utopian Philosophy
著者:Jonathan Greenaway
出版社: Collective Ink
発売日: 2024年03月29日
The utopian project lies in ruins, but perhaps in our present moment, there are elements from the history of thought that can provide fresh resources for utopianism. In this groundbreaking introduct……続きを見る
著者:何明修, 吳叡人, 林鶴玲, 孫春在, 黎恩灝, 許菁芳, 呂青湖, 黃克先, 黃舒楣, 陳盈棻, 張詠然, 洪與成, 陳薇安, 陳健民
出版社: 讀書共和國出版集團
発売日: 2024年03月20日
香港如何從爭取民主的反送中運動快速進入白色恐怖時期? 反送中運動之後的「香港人」都去了哪裡?都做了什麼? 台灣人/社會如何看待香港的反送中運動? 台灣的民主運動和香港的民主運動有什麼本質上的不同? 曾經……続きを見る
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