Over 7 Million Sold in the Series
For fifty years, the bestselling Design for Discipleship Bible study series (DFD) has offered millions of new and experienced believers a chance to learn firsthand ……続きを見る
Over 7 Million Sold in the Series
For fifty years, the bestselling Design for Discipleship Bible study series (DFD) has offered millions of new and experienced believers a chance to learn firsthand ……続きを見る
Over 7 Million Sold in the Series
For fifty years, the bestselling Design for Discipleship Bible study series (DFD) has offered millions of new and experienced believers a chance to learn firsthand ……続きを見る
Il libro 'Storia degli Esseni: Lezioni' di Elia Benamozegh offre una profonda analisi sulla storia antica degli Esseni, un gruppo religioso ebraico con pratiche ascetiche. Benamozegh esplora le radi……続きを見る
La literatura rabínica, conocida también como la literatura de los Sabios o del judaísmo clásico, comprende la Misná-Tosefta y el Talmud, que forman el segundo canon del judaísmo y que fueron escrit……続きを見る
著者:Elena di Pede
出版社: Editorial Verbo Divino
発売日: 2016年04月11日
La alianza está en el corazón de los escritos bíblicos. Define la relación privilegiada entre el Dios uno y su pueblo Israel. Después de Noé y Abrahán, culmina en el don de la Ley en el Sinaí. ¿Cómo……続きを見る
著者:John P. Keenan
出版社: Wipf and Stock Publishers
発売日: 2022年09月09日
This is volume 2 of a wide-ranging interfaith reading of the Letter to the Ephesians--a New Testament text whose words have inspired and enhanced Christian spiritual life and liturgy over the centur……続きを見る
Questa è la storia dell’esegesi scientifica della Genesi Biblica compiuta contro ogni previsione. Tutto è conforme alla dottrina della Chiesa Cattolica e alla Genomica, scienza del terzo millennio,
Covering the period from 200 BCE to 600 CE, this book describes important aspects of identity formation processes within early Judaism and Christianity, and shows how negotiations involving issues o……続きを見る
Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold
LifeChange Bible studies train you in good Bible study practices as you enjoy a robust and engaging topical study. Learn the skill as you study the Word. Your ……続きを見る
Reflections for Daily Prayer continues to be one of the most popular and highly valued daily Bible reading companions. Regular favourites and new contributors offer insightful, informed and inspirin……続きを見る
Was ist die Endzeit? Viele biblische Prophezeiungen lassen keinen Zweifel daran, dass zunehmend katastrophale Ereignisse eintreten werden, bevor Gott vor der Wiederkunft Jesu Christi direkt in die m……続きを見る
Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Jesus displayed these excellent qualities th……続きを見る
Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold
When you ask people today who they think Jesus is, you will get a variety of answers. Some will reply that Jesus was the greatest teacher who ever lived. Other……続きを見る
著者:Ken Anderson
出版社: Thomas Nelson
発売日: 2021年11月09日
Have you ever tried to find a Scripture passage related to a specific topic? Maybe you wanted to know what the Bible says about ambition, crowds, fashion, fast food, or even procrastination. With ov……続きを見る
Ce livre numérique est conçu pour une utilisation simple et efficace avec vos liseuses et applications Kobo. Il contient une table des matières interactive.
Ernest Renan (1823-1892) est un écrivain,……続きを見る
L'autrice, nota esegeta, affronta il più semitico dei Vangeli sinottici, dapprima descrivendone il profilo architettonico e teologico e in seguito accostando direttamente il testo. Ne emerge con chi……続きを見る
Get a Clear Picture of the Last Days
In these unpredictable times, nothing is more encouraging than realizing the God who loves you has a fabulous future awaiting all who love Him. The more you stud……続きを見る
Life is a journey, full of surprises, emotions, possibilities, and encounters. Some of these encountersーwhether sought or unexpectedーcan change the trajectory of our lives. They are decisive encou……続きを見る
Il y a des rencontres qui changent le cours de notre vie. On se sent seul, insatisfait, déboussolé, malheureux… Et voilà que la rencontre se produit. Au moment où l'on s'y attend le moins : au petit……続きを見る
Hay un primer encuentro. Y llegará el último. Y entre ambos todos tenemos otros muchos. Algunos incluso determinan un cambio de rumbo en la vida. Pero solo uno puede convertirla en plena y perdurabl……続きを見る
There is a first encounter. And the last one will come. Between both we all have many more. Some of them change the course of life. But there is just one that can make it attractive and everlasting.……続きを見る
Embrace gratitude as a worthy virtue, and the grace of Jehovah God will transform your life. Let it be your companion wherever you go, and you will reap life-sustaining benefits.
Hält die Bibel einer kritischen Prüfung stand? Ist sie wahr, nur weil sie das von sich behauptet? Kann man ihr Glauben schenken? Beweise aus den Bereichen Archäologie, Astronomie, Prophetie und Medi……続きを見る
Experience Jesus life up close and personal.
In the sixth volume of the That The World May Know series, travel with teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan to the places where Jesus walked: you'll go ……続きを見る
Discover how God answers the cry of his persecuted people and proclaims himself Lord to them and their oppressors.
In this eighth volume of the series That The World May Know, journey with teacher a……続きを見る
How Jesus' call to follow him turned the world upside down.
In the third volume of the series That The World May Know, journey back to the time of Jesus. Marvel at the magnificence of Herod’s palace……続きを見る
Vanité des vanités, disait Cohélet ; vanité des vanités ; tout est vanité ! Quel profit l’homme retire-t-il des peines qu’il se donne sous le soleil ? Une g……続きを見る
See the Unseen
Encounter a deeper reality through the minor prophets. Expand the borders of your day-to-day existence and discover God’s presence all around you, woven into the fabric of every perso……続きを見る
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Theologie - Biblische Theologie, Note: 2,7, Universität Bremen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ich habe mich im Rahmen des Seminars 'Prophetie in Israel u……続きを見る