商品件数:1278 241件~270件 (43ページ中 9ページめ)
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Collecting Dirt
著者:Kuiper Mihai
出版社: iUniverse
発売日: 2018年01月12日
The life of Frank Stiles is far from ordinary. He has done things that would make any sane person shake their head in disbelief. From the totally weird story of how he commanded a small envoy of fut……続きを見る
Aprender a fluir
著者:Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
出版社: Editorial Kairós
発売日: 2012年01月01日
¿Cómo pasamos los días? ¿Qué es lo que nos proporciona placer? ¿Cómo nos sentimos cuando comemos, vemos la televisión, tenemos relaciones sexuales, trabajamos, conducimos el choche o charlamos con l……続きを見る
Fluir (Flow)
著者:Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
出版社: Editorial Kairós
発売日: 2010年09月01日
Al poco de haber aparecido en los Estados Unidos, Fluir (Flow) se ha convertido en un best-seller unánimemente aclamado. El prestigioso New York Times Book Review estima que "Fluir (Flow) es un lib……続きを見る
Governance and Sustainability of Responsible Research and Innovation Processes
This book provides methods and practical cases and experiences with the aim of stimulating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) through the direct engagement of researchers, Civil Society Organ……続きを見る
Melody Nay Stories
著者:Dusica Mihajlovic
出版社: Balboa Press
発売日: 2018年01月15日
Set off to a beautiful journey through the land of magic, laughter, and love with Melody Nay! Along with her three best friends, she will take you on an adventure that will take your breath away and……続きを見る
Total Consciousness
著者:Mihaly Nemeth
出版社: Xlibris US
発売日: 2018年01月14日
As predicted by the Mayans calendar there was a period ending and a new one emerging. The first real evidence was when the magnetic Poles began to move on March 18th, 2018. Triggering shifts in the ……続きを見る
The Itar Travelers
著者:Mihaela Stoica
出版社: Xlibris UK
発売日: 2018年01月15日
UFOs and apparitions have both intrigued and fascinated whole generations. There have been books written and movies made where the creatures of outer space with their flying saucers were described i……続きを見る
Uncle Tom's Cabins
著者:Stefka Mihaylova, Tracy C. Davis
出版社: University of Michigan Press
発売日: 2018年03月06日
As Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin traveled around the world, it was molded by the imaginations and needs of international audiences. For over 150 years it has been coopted for a daz……続きを見る
Evaluating Employee Performance through Christian Virtues
著者:Mihai C. Bocarnea, Joshua Henson, Russell L. Huizing, Michael Mahan, Bruce E. Winston
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2018年03月14日
In this book the authors create a statistically validated scale measuring the display of each of the nine fruit of the spirit in employees. The authors will discuss how biblical values are applicabl……続きを見る
Evidence-Based Medicine, An Issue of Orthopedic Clinics
This issue of Orthopedics Clinics will be surveying a broad range of topics across sub-specialty areas on Evidence-based Medicine in Orthopedics. Each issue in the series is edited by an experienced……続きを見る
Чудодейственная сила материнской молитвы (Chudodejstvennaja sila materinskoj molitvy)
著者:Mihalicyn Pavel
出版社: Glagoslav Distribution
発売日: 2018年03月24日
В этой книге представлены молитвы, которые нужно читать, чтобы помочь своим детям, а также обращения к Богородице, молитвы, тропари и акафисты к чтимым святым. Приводятся молитвы к Ангелу-хранителю,……続きを見る
Neuropharmacotherapy in Critical Illness
The field of research related to neurocritical care has grown significantly in recent years, and the clinical demands for current and dependable expertise has followed suit. It can be a challenge fo……続きを見る
Мудрость Пятикнижия Моисеева
著者:Pavel Mihalicyn
出版社: Glagoslav Distribution
発売日: 2018年04月19日
Популярное изложение и толкование книг Ветхого Завета. 続きを見る
Истины Нового Завета (Istiny Novogo Zaveta)
著者:Mihalicyn Pavel
出版社: Glagoslav Distribution
発売日: 2018年04月19日
Интересно о Четвероевангелии и других книгах Нового Завета. Interesno o Chetveroevangelii i drugih knigah Novogo Zaveta. 続きを見る
Weightlifting For Beginners
著者:Dan Kent, Mihai Ivan
出版社: Powerful Ideas Press
発売日: 2018年04月27日
A complete step-by-step guide to weightlifting, including the snatch, clean and jerk, assistance exercises, mobility, nutrition and beginner training programmes. 続きを見る
Ölüler Evinin Hatıraları
著者:Fyodor Mihailoviç Dostoyevski
発売日: 2015年02月26日
İdam mangasının kendisine ve arkadaşlarına doğrulttuğu silahlar, son dakikada Çar I. Nikolas’tan gelen bir tezkere üzerine ateşlenmedi ve Dostoyevski, gıyabındaki ölüm hükmünün Sibirya’da sürgüne çe……続きを見る
Vegan backen - 300 Lieblingsrezepte
著者:Stefanie Krause, Beate Mihály, Maria Mihály, Erika Müller
出版社: Hans-Nietsch-Verlag
発売日: 2016年09月17日
Das derzeit umfangreichste vegane Backbuch – sehr praxisorientiert und leicht umsetzbar, für Anfänger, Hobbybäcker und Profis Begeistert davon, wie gesund und vital sie sich mit dem veganen Lebensst……続きを見る
Vegan kochen - 300 Lieblingsrezepte
著者:Stefanie Krause, Beate Mihály, Maria Mihály
出版社: Hans-Nietsch-Verlag
発売日: 2016年09月17日
Ein umfangreiches veganes Kochbuch für alle, die „bewusst“ genießen wollen, ohne auf vertraute Geschmackserlebnisse zu verzichten Aus Respekt vor den Tieren, der Umwelt und der Natur und aus purer F……続きを見る
著者:Mihail Aleksandrovič Bakunin
出版社: E-text
発売日: 2015年03月01日
Da uno dei padri fondatori dell’anarchismo moderno una breve serie di conferenze per illustrare i fondamenti del suo pensiero. Dall’incipit del libro: “Nessuno dei grandi avvenimenti accaduti in Eur……続きを見る
The Atheist
著者:Diana Darling, Achdiat K Mihardja, Diana Darling
出版社: The Lontar Foundation
発売日: 2015年10月05日
Atheis (The Atheist), first published in 1949, portrays the spiritual and intellectual crisis of Hasan, a young Muslim who is raised to be devout but comes to doubt his faith after becoming involved……続きを見る
Modern Afghanistan
What impact does 40 years of war, violence, and military intervention have on a country and its people? As the "global war on terror" now stretches into the 21st century with no clear end in sight, ……続きを見る
著者:Gerald Bernhard, Stefanie Dipper, Ralf Klabunde, Wiltrud Mihatsch, Björn Rothstein, Siegfried Süßbier
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2018年06月15日
Dieses Buch führt Sie in die Welt der Linguistik ein. Anhand des Deutschen sowie mit Bezügen zu den Sprachen Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch und Englisch lernen Sie, wie in der Linguistik methodi……続きを見る
出版社: Harlequin / SB Creative Corp.
発売日: 2018年05月27日
Maisie, a veterinary nurse, couldn’t believe it when her fiancé teld her he wanted to break off their engagement. She winds up losing both her love and her job in a single instant. Feeling depressed……続きを見る
A bosszú szolgái
著者:Marcellus Mihály
出版社: Gold Book
発売日: 2021年04月23日
Kr. u. 185. Marcus Aurelius fia és utódja, Commodus császár immár fél évtizede ül a caesarok trónján. Bár uralma békét hozott a birodalomnak és a nép szereti bőkezű, pompakedvelő császárát, Rómának ……続きを見る
Başkasının Karısı
著者:Fyodor Mihayloviç Dostoyevski
出版社: Kafe Kültür Yayıncılık
発売日: 2001年01月01日
"Saygıdeğer beyefendi. Benim ruhum bunalımlar içinde. Benim küçülmemi tam anlamıyla gördünüz işte! Tabii şimdi gece... Karanlıkta bazı şeyler belli olmaz. Ama ya yarın! Sabah... Sabah karşılaşacağım……続きを見る
Hey, Hey, Hay!
著者:Christy Mihaly
出版社: Holiday House
発売日: 2018年08月14日
Every bale of hay has a little bit of summer sun stored in the heart of itー learn from a mother-daughter team how hay is made! Feeding her horses one cold and wintry day, a girl thinks about all th……続きを見る
Jó üzlet
著者:Csíkszentmihályi Mihály
出版社: Libri Kiadó
発売日: 2018年07月10日
A jó befektetés, a „jó üzlet" fogalma alatt leginkább azt értjük, ha maximalizáljuk a nyereséget. Egy vállalkozás sikere azonban nem csak az anyagi sikert jelenti. Az igazán jó üzlet ugyanis az, ami……続きを見る
Save Me
著者:Tami Hair
出版社: PublishDrive
発売日: 2018年07月21日
Misha is a vampire who's been shelter all her life. Determined to get out on her own and see what the world has to offer she soon finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. She is being hel……続きを見る
A Hero of Our Time
著者:Mihail Lermontov
出版社: Seltzer Books
発売日: 2018年08月02日
Classic novel by a great poet. According to Wikipedia, "Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov ( 1814 - 1841), a Russian Romantic writer and poet, sometimes called "the poet of the Caucasus", was the most impo……続きを見る
Povara libertatii. Atei, genii, sfinti si gangsteri: Ce ne-au dat si ce ne-au luat?
著者:Mihail Neamtu
出版社: Mihail Neamtu
発売日: 2018年08月03日
Pe urmele lui Neagu Djuvara, „Povara libertatii” vine si pune civilizatiei occidentale un diagnostic chirurgical. Mihai Neamtu ー filozof si om politic ー ofera o carte de capati tuturor celor dezam……続きを見る
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