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Commesse all'estero
著者:Piergiorgio Valente, Raffaele Rizzardi, Agostino Nuzzolo, Salvatore Mattia
出版社: Ipsoa
発売日: 2015年07月16日
Le imprese italiane sono sempre più spesso parti di accordi di durata pluriennale per la realizzazione di opere o la fornitura di beni o servizi all’estero, eseguite su ordinazione del committente. ……続きを見る
Sovraindebitamento e usura
Il volume propone una prima lettura delle novità introdotte dalla L. 27 gennaio 2012, n. 3 e dal D.L. 22 dicembre 2011, n. 212 in materia di usura ed estorsione, composizione delle crisi da sovraind……続きを見る
Mathematics for the IB Diploma: Applications and interpretation HL
著者:Paul Fannon, Stephen Ward, Vesna Kadelburg, Ben Woolley, Huw Jones
出版社: Hodder Education
発売日: 2022年02月18日
Enable students to construct mathematical models by exploring challenging problems and the use of technology. - Engage and excite students with examples and photos of maths in the real world, plus i……続きを見る
Home Schooling, Where to Begin
著者:R. C. Cannon
出版社: ​rodney cannon
発売日: 2015年11月20日
Thinking about Home Schooling? This is the book that will give you all of the basic answers along with loads of inspirational quotes. 続きを見る
Dictionary of the Ponca People
著者:Louis V. Headman, Sean O'Neill
出版社: Nebraska
発売日: 2020年01月01日
Published through the Recovering Languages and Literacies of the Americas initiative, supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Dictionary of the Ponca People presents approximately five thousan……続きを見る
EPUB-ABC Réussite Français 1re
著者:Françoise Cahen-Pinon, Ghislaine Zaneboni, Garance Kutukdjian
出版社: Nathan
発売日: 2020年05月20日
Des cours, de la méthode, des exercices et sujets et des corrigés guidés pour réviser le Français en 1re ! - Enseignement commun - + Un livret orientation ONISEP Conforme à la réforme du Lycée ABC d……続きを見る
La pratique du psychologue et l'éthique
著者:Odile Bourguignon
出版社: Mardaga
発売日: 2013年10月24日
Le respect des libertés des patients dans la pratique psychologique. L’éthique pose des questions difficiles au psychologue compétent qui respecte l’être humain et sa liberté. Comment soutenir le dé……続きを見る
The Foundations of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
著者:Paul Lennon
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年07月13日
An introductory textbook that assumes no prior knowledge of linguistics or second language acquisition, this book presents a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations, methods and practi……続きを見る
Theory and Applications for Control of Aerial Robots in Physical Interaction Through Tethers
著者:Marco Tognon, Antonio Franchi
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2020年06月27日
This book studies how autonomous aerial robots physically interact with the surrounding environment. Intended to promote the advancement of aerial physical interaction, it analyzes a particular clas……続きを見る
Minds without Meanings
著者:Jerry A. Fodor, Zenon W. Pylyshyn
出版社: MIT Press
発売日: 2014年12月05日
Two prominent thinkers argue for the possibility of a theory of concepts that takes reference to be concepts' sole semantic property. In cognitive science, conceptual content is frequently understoo……続きを見る
Learn Italian with Short Stories: Appuntamento a Roma (ItalianOnline)
著者:Emma Nanetti, Italian Online
出版社: Italian Online
発売日: 2020年07月04日
Learning Italian Doesn’t Have To Be Boring!Take your Italian to the next level and improve your vocabulary, reading comprehension and grammar with this Italian short story for beginners!In this book……続きを見る
Learn Italian with Short Stories: Il Gatto con gli Stivali (ItalianOnline)
著者:Italian Online
出版社: Italian Online
発売日: 2020年07月04日
Learning Italian Doesn’t Have To Be Boring!Take your Italian to the next level and improve your vocabulary, reading comprehension and grammar with this Italian short story for beginners!In this book……続きを見る
Testing Tolerance
著者:The AEJMC Commission on the Status of Women
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
発売日: 2020年08月05日
Tough topics are inescapable for journalism and mass communication academics. If it’s in the news, journalism and mass communication instructors have to discuss it in class. In Testing Tolerance, Ca……続きを見る
Measuring the Value of a Postsecondary Education
著者:Ken Norrie, Mary Catharine Lennon
出版社: McGill-Queen's University Press
発売日: 2020年08月14日
Measuring the Value of a Postsecondary Education is an insightful collection of essays that respond to current and pressing questions in the field of higher education: What do we mean by "quality" o……続きを見る
Sulla Guerra Alessandrina
著者:Andrea Cornalba, Anonimo legato di Giulio Cesare
出版社: GBL Grande Biblioteca Latina
発売日: 2018年02月06日
Sulla Guerra Alessandrina, De Bello Alexandrino o Bellum Alexandrino Il libro contiene il testo latino e la traduzione in Italiano del De Bello Alexandrino preceduto da un antefatto tratto dal De Be……続きを見る
México: transición y vértigo
En este Análisis Plural convergen varias perspectivas que aportan elementos para desentrañar el acontecer social y para valorar la pertinencia y viabilidad de las decisiones tomadas desde la llamada……続きを見る
Strategic University Management
著者:Loren Falkenberg, M. Elizabeth Cannon
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年11月10日
Universities are being buffeted by multiple disruptive trends, including increased competition for both funding and students, as well as from new institutions that are nimbler and more responsive to……続きを見る
著者:Alberto Giannoni
出版社: Algama
発売日: 2020年09月25日
Ragazzini e cinquantenni, sbandati o ben integrati, residenti nelle grandi periferie urbane e nelle cittadine di provincia. I jihadisti di casa nostra sono un piccolo esercito dell’odio. Per sconfig……続きを見る
Campana e percorsi colorati.
著者:Fausto Presutti, Carmela Bordignon
出版社: I.S.P.E.F.
発売日: 2020年09月28日
Il libro “Campana e Percorsi colorati” propone un percorso formativo/didattico per l’ ACQUISIZIONE MOTORIA DEL NUMERO. Il libro è strutturato in due sezioni: * Sezione 1: ITINERARIO DIDATTICO dove s……続きを見る
出版社: Bilingual Bookstore
発売日: 2020年10月09日
Abstract : Sindbad, die al zijn vaders erfenis heeft uitgegeven, besluit naar zee te gaan om te proberen zijn fortuin terug te winnen. Zijn kapitein en de bemanning gaan van boord op wat zij denken ……続きを見る
出版社: Bilingual Bookstore
発売日: 2020年10月08日
Résumé : Sindbad, qui a dépensé tout l'héritage de son père, décide d'aller en mer pour tenter de regagner sa fortune. Son capitaine et l'équipage débarquent sur ce qu'ils croient être une île. En r……続きを見る
The Intersection of Environmental Justice, Climate Change, Community, and the Ecology of Life
著者:Ande A. Nesmith, Cathryne L. Schmitz, Yolanda Machado-Escudero, Shanondora Billiot, Rachel A. Forbes, Meredith C. F. Powers, Nikita Buckhoy, Lucy A. Lawrence, Lacey Sloan
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2020年10月23日
This book examines and encourages the increasing involvement of those in the social sciences, including social work, as well as everyday citizens, with environmental injustices that affect the natur……続きを見る
著者:Nick Shannon, Bruno Frischherz
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2020年11月27日
This book compels professionals to actively imbibe self-awareness in their thought process in order to help them manage complexities in business. The authors explore dialectical thinking –in contras……続きを見る
Building Pedagogues
著者:Zachary A. Casey, Shannon K. McManimon
出版社: State University of New York Press
発売日: 2020年08月01日
Antiracist professional development for white teachers often follows a one-size-fits-all model, focusing on narrow notions of race and especially white privilege at the expense of more radical analy……続きを見る
Mondo Cinese 167 - Codice Cinese. Xi e il governo della legge
Sono trascorsi quasi dieci anni dall’ultimo numero di Mondo Cinese interamente dedicato al diritto, intitolato “Cina: diritto e rovescio”. Era infatti il 2011, un lasso di tempo esteso per un contes……続きを見る
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2020年07月08日
This book is an awesome project by Onyeneke stephen a graduate of physics from university of Abuja that will change lives for good, yes, once you know what you are dealing with in life ,it becomes e……続きを見る
著者:Alberto Giannoni
出版社: Algama
発売日: 2021年01月09日
La sottomissione delle donne è l’altra faccia della jihad. Dalle milizie del Califfo ai gruppi salafiti, dalla Siria al Maghreb, dall’Iran alla Turchia, la guerra degli integralisti ormai è dichiara……続きを見る
Alex Moves and Finds New Friends
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2020年08月30日
Alex Moves and Finds New Friends is a simple and short early childhood book about a child who moves and wants to fit in at his new school. It challenges children at the end of the book to think of w……続きを見る
Self-Publishing in German
著者:Skye B. MacKinnon
出版社: Peryton Press
発売日: 2021年07月31日
The German e-book market is growing rapidly and readers are hungry for more books - your books. Translations are no longer just reserved for big publishers. More and more indie authors follow suit, ……続きを見る
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