商品件数:71 1件~30件 (3ページ中 1ページめ)
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Quality in Education
著者:Jerry Arcaro
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年11月01日
Although hundreds of school improvement programs have been launched in the United States over the past quarter century, very few of them have been successful. The author of Quality in Education: An ……続きを見る
Health IT as a Tool for Prevention in Public Health Policies
著者:Divya Srinivasan Sridhar
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年05月27日
Health IT as a Tool for Prevention in Public Health Policies examines the current state of Health Information Technology (HIT) in the United States. It investigates the converging problems of chroni……続きを見る
Make It To the Top
著者:Payal Nanjiani
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年09月16日
You are working hard. You are sustaining your job. You are doing well in your field. Life seems fine. But there is something that’s holding you back from making it to the top in your field of work. ……続きを見る
Engineering Solutions to America's Healthcare Challenges
著者:Ryan Burge
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年02月16日
Engineering Solutions to America‘s Healthcare Challenges covers the technologies, systems, and processes that are emerging in hospitals, clinics, community centers, universities, and the White House……続きを見る
The Dirty Side of the Garment Industry
著者:Nikolay Anguelov
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年02月17日
When thinking about lowering or changing consumption to lower carbon footprints, the obvious offenders come easily to mind: petroleum and petroleum products, paper and plastic, even food. But not cl……続きを見る
Quality Management in Learning and Development
著者:Hadiya Nuriddin
出版社: Association for Talent Development
発売日: 2024年06月25日
Develop a Quality Management System to Support Learner and Organizational Goals Quality management is collectively all the activities and processes that ensure your learning products meet the standa……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma, Chapter 11 - Failure Mode--Effect Analysis
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
Manufacturing Technology Transfer
著者:Yasuo Yamane, Tom Childs
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2017年10月18日
Based on a bestselling book originally published in Japanese, Manufacturing Technology Transfer: A Japanese Monozukuri View of Needs and Strategies offers time-tested methods and little-known tips f……続きを見る
Mastering Life: Essential Skills for a Fulfilling Everyday
著者:Narayan Parajuli
出版社: Parajuli Publications
発売日: 2023年05月23日
Mastering Life is a transformative guide that empowers readers to unlock their full potential and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Drawing upon the principles of personal growth and self-……続きを見る
20 Keys to Workplace Improvement
著者:Iwao Kobayashi
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2018年02月07日
20 Keys has helped many manufacturing companies integrate the top manufacturing improvement methods into a coordinated system for drastic and continual improvement in involvement, quality, and produ……続きを見る
Production Management
著者:Yacob Khojasteh
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2017年11月14日
Inventory control is an essential task in production management. An effective inventory control can significantly reduce the holding cost and hence, total production cost. Selecting and implementing……続きを見る
Win the Leadership Game Every Time
著者:Payal Nanjiani
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年07月29日
Far away in the jungle of Africa every morning a deer wakes up and decides to run faster than the fastest lion in that jungle. In the same jungle every morning a lion wakes up and decides to run fas……続きを見る
GPS for Success
著者:Barry A. Franklin
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年05月05日
Next to food and clothing, achieving personal and professional success is rated at the very top of the hierarchical order of human needs. Everybody wants to be somebody! In this ultimate success boo……続きを見る
Метод "Шість сигм
著者:Anis Ben Alaya
出版社: 50Minutes.com
発売日: 2023年01月20日
Зрозумійте суть методу "Шість сигм" всього за 50 хвилин за допомогою цієї практичної та лаконічної книги. Метод "Шість сигм" - це сувора, заснована на статистичних даних методологія, спрямована на с……続きを見る
Il metodo Six Sigma
著者:Anis Ben Alaya
出版社: 50Minutes.com (IT)
発売日: 2023年01月20日
Comprendete gli elementi essenziali del metodo Six Sigma in soli 50 minuti con questo libro pratico e conciso. Il metodo Six Sigma è un metodo rigoroso basato sulle statistiche che mira a ridurre i ……続きを見る
Η μέθοδος Six Sigma
著者:Anis Ben Alaya
出版社: 50Minutes.com (GK)
発売日: 2023年01月20日
Κατανοήστε την ουσία της μεθόδου Six Sigma σε μόλις 50 λεπτά με αυτό το πρακτικό και συνοπτικό βιβλίο. Η μέθοδος Six Sigma είναι μια αυστηρή, βασισμένη στη στατιστική μεθοδολογία που αποσκοπεί στη μ……続きを見る
O método Seis Sigma
著者:Anis Ben Alaya
出版社: 50Minutes.com
発売日: 2023年01月20日
Compreender o essencial do método Seis Sigma em apenas 50 minutos com este livro prático e conciso. O método Seis Sigma é um método rigoroso, orientado para a estatística, que visa reduzir os custos……続きを見る
De Six Sigma-methode
著者:Anis Ben Alaya
出版社: 50Minutes.com (NL)
発売日: 2023年01月20日
Begrijp de essentie van de Six Sigma-methode in slechts 50 minuten met dit praktische en beknopte boek. De Six Sigma-methode is een strenge, op statistieken gebaseerde methode die erop gericht is de……続きを見る
Метод "Шесть сигм
著者:Anis Ben Alaya
出版社: 50Minutes.com
発売日: 2023年01月20日
Поймите суть метода "Шесть сигм" всего за 50 минут с помощью этой практичной и краткой книги. Метод "Шесть сигм" - это строгая, основанная на статистике методология, направленная на снижение админис……続きを見る
Metoda Six Sigma
著者:Anis Ben Alaya
出版社: 50Minutes.com
発売日: 2023年01月20日
Înțelegeți esența metodei Six Sigma în doar 50 de minute cu această carte practică și concisă. Metoda Six Sigma este o metodologie riguroasă, bazată pe statistică, care are ca scop reducerea costuri……続きを見る
Social and Sustainability Marketing
著者:Jishnu Bhattacharyya, Manoj Kumar Dash, Chandana Hewege, M.S. Balaji, Weng Marc Lim
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年09月27日
"... an important intervention in the conversation around social and ecological sustainability that draws on both micromarketing and macromarketing scholarship to help the reader understand the chal……続きを見る
Power from Within
著者:Jeffrey A. Krompier, Esq.
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年10月13日
There is no end in sight to the frequency with which physicians, nursing professionals and other healthcare providers will become lawsuit targets in our litigious society. While politicians, practit……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma, Chapter 10 - Design for X
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma, Chapter 1 - Quality Concepts
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma, Chapter 8 - Axiomatic Design
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma, Chapter 17 - Response Surface Methodology
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma, Chapter 9 - Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma, Chapter 5 - Design for Six Sigma Project Algorithm
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
Design for Six Sigma, Chapter 7 - Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
著者:Kai Yang, Basem S. EI-Haik
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
発売日: 2008年06月20日
Here is a chapter from an updated Design for Six Sigma, Second Edition, which has extensive new chapters and learning modules on innovation, lean product development, computer simulation, and critic……続きを見る
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