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Compiling Texts in Eighteenth-Century Britain
著者:Rebeca Araya Acosta
出版社: Springer Nature Switzerland
発売日: 2024年09月24日
This book argues that the act of compiling texts together into collections in the eighteenth century is politically and epistemologically significant. Focusing on the reception of Scottish Enlighten……続きを見る
La poética continua de Javier Sologuren
La obra poética de Javier Sologuren (Lima, 1921-2004) destaca, entre otras particularidades, por la flexibilidad estilística que fue desplegando durante más de medio siglo de escritura. El presente ……続きを見る
Harvard Classics: All 71 Volumes
著者:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Thomas Carlyle, Theodor Storm, Plato, Theodor Fontane, René Descartes, Gottfried Keller, Mark Twain, Immanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, Martin Luther, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Shakespeare, Dante Alighieri, Euripides, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charles Lamb, Henry David Thoreau, Henry James, Samuel Johnson, John Stuart Mill, Victor Hugo, David Hume, Joseph Addison, Jane Austen, John Locke, John Fletcher, Francis Beaumont, Leigh Hunt, Epictetus, Alphonse Daudet, Thomas De Quincey, Guy de Maupassant, George Eliot, Walter Scott, Laurence Sterne, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Jonathan Swift, Christopher Marlowe, Wilhelm Grimm, William Hazlitt, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Daniel Defoe, Aesop, Richard Henry Dana, Henry Fielding, John Dryden, Philip Massinger, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Bret Harte, George Sand, John Ruskin, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ernest Renan, Robert Burns, David Garrick, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Webster, Washington Irving, Izaak Walton, John Bunyan, Juan Valera, Alfred de Musset, James Russell Lowell, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Homer, Edmund Burke, Plutarch, Molière, Aeschylus, Michael Faraday, Sophocles, William Makepeace Thackeray, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Everett Hale, Pierre Corneille, Jean Racine, Voltaire, Robert Browning, Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Dekker, John Milton, Aristophanes, Blaise Pascal, Virgil, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Simon Newcomb, William Penn, Walter Bigges, Philip Sidney, Herodotus, Walter Raleigh, Francis Bacon, Giuseppe Mazzini, Francis Pretty, George Berkeley, Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith, Alessandro Manzoni, Abraham Cowley, Michel de Montaigne, Ben Jonson, John Woolman, Benvenuto Cellini, Sydney Smith, Jean Froissart, William Henry Harrison, William Harvey, Marcus Aurelius, Hans Christian Andersen, Thomas Malory, George Gordon Byron, Thomas à Kempis, Ivan Turgenev, Richard Steele, Thomas Browne, Archibald Geikie, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Tacitus, William Roper, Hippocrates, Miguel de Cervantes, Thomas More, Friedrich von Schiller, Philip Nichols, Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Pliny the Younger, Charles W. Eliot, Edgar Alan Poe, Saint Augustine, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Francis Drake, Edward Haies, Niccolo Machiavelli, Ambroise Paré, William A. Neilson, Honoré Balzac, Alexander L. Kielland
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年11月13日
The Harvard Classics: All 71 Volumes represent an unprecedented anthology that endeavors to compile the quintessential works of Western literature, philosophy, and science. This collection spans mil……続きを見る
Harvard Classics: Complete 51-Volume Anthology
著者:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Thomas Carlyle, Plato, René Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, Martin Luther, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Shakespeare, Dante Alighieri, Euripides, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charles Lamb, Henry David Thoreau, Samuel Johnson, John Stuart Mill, David Hume, Joseph Addison, John Locke, John Fletcher, Francis Beaumont, Leigh Hunt, Epictetus, Thomas De Quincey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Jonathan Swift, Christopher Marlowe, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, William Hazlitt, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Daniel Defoe, Aesop, Richard Henry Dana, John Dryden, Philip Massinger, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, John Ruskin, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ernest Renan, Robert Burns, David Garrick, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Webster, Izaak Walton, John Bunyan, James Russell Lowell, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Homer, Edmund Burke, Plutarch, Molière, Aeschylus, Michael Faraday, Sophocles, William Makepeace Thackeray, Benjamin Franklin, Pierre Corneille, Jean Racine, Voltaire, Robert Browning, Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Dekker, John Milton, Aristophanes, Blaise Pascal, Virgil, Simon Newcomb, William Penn, Walter Bigges, Philip Sidney, Herodotus, Walter Raleigh, Francis Bacon, Giuseppe Mazzini, Francis Pretty, George Berkeley, Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith, Alessandro Manzoni, Abraham Cowley, Michel de Montaigne, Ben Jonson, John Woolman, Benvenuto Cellini, Sydney Smith, Jean Froissart, William Henry Harrison, William Harvey, Marcus Aurelius, Hans Christian Andersen, Thomas Malory, George Gordon Byron, Thomas à Kempis, Richard Steele, Thomas Browne, Archibald Geikie, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Tacitus, William Roper, Hippocrates, Miguel de Cervantes, Thomas More, Friedrich von Schiller, Philip Nichols, Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Pliny the Younger, Edgar Alan Poe, Saint Augustine, Brinsley Sheridan, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Francis Drake, Edward Haies, Niccolo Machiavelli, Ambroise Paré, William A. Neilson
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2023年11月09日
The Harvard Classics: Complete 51-Volume Anthology stands as a monumental compendium of human thought and creativity, spanning centuries of literature, philosophy, history, and science. Within its p……続きを見る
The Complete Harvard Anthology of the Greatest Works of World Literature
Object-Oriented Narratology
著者:Marie-Laure Ryan, Tang Weisheng
出版社: Nebraska
発売日: 2024年06月01日
The quick spread of posthumanism and of critiques of anthropomorphism in the past few decades has resulted in greater attention to concrete objects in critical theories and in philosophy. This new m……続きを見る
100 Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur - Klassiker die man kennen muss
In der Anthologie '100 Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur - Klassiker, die man kennen muss', wird eine einzigartige Sammlung literarischer Schätze präsentiert, die das breite Spektrum der menschlichen E……続きを見る
100 Obras Maestras de la Literatura Universal
著者:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gustave Flaubert, Franz Kafka, Lewis Carroll, Sigmund Freud, Henrik Ibsen, Charles Dickens, Honoré de Balzac, Mark Twain, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Schiller, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Oscar Wilde, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Bram Stoker, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Louisa May Alcott, Victor Hugo, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Jane Austen, José Rizal, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Herman Melville, Jonathan Swift, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Benito Pérez Galdós, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Daniel Defoe, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Virginia Woolf, Washington Irving, Juan Valera, Horacio Quiroga, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Baudelaire, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Voltaire, Apuleius, Leopoldo Alas, John Milton, José Martí, Lope de Vega, Emilio Salgari, Francisco de Quevedo, Rubén Darío, Antonio Machado, José Zorrilla, Tirso de Molina, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Fernando de Rojas, L. Frank Baum, H. G. Wells, J. M. Barrie, H. Rider Haggard, H. P. Lovecraft, Seneca, Hans Christian Andersen, Friedrich Nietzsche, Mary Shelley, Baltasar Gracián, Sófocles, Sun Tzu, Fiódor Dostoyevski, Antón Chéjov, León Tolstoi, Tomás Moro, San Agustín, Nikolái Gógol, Julio Verne, Homero, Platón, Alejandro Dumas, Aristóteles, Hermanos Grimm, Jorge Isaacs, Ignacio de Loyola, Nicolás Maquiavelo, Miguel Cervantes, Teresa de Jesús, Alejandro Dumas hijo, Mijaíl Bakunin, Miguel De Unamuno, Duque de Rivas, Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, Federico García Lorca, Gibrán Jalil Gibrán
出版社: Good Press
発売日: 2023年12月26日
La antología '100 Obras Maestras de la Literatura Universal' congrega una selección sin precedentes de las voces más emblemáticas que han modelado el panorama literario a lo largo de los siglos. Des……続きを見る
The Complete Harvard Anthology of the Greatest Works of World Literature
Broadened Horizons
著者:Dumisani Sibiya, Zilibele Mtumane
出版社: Peter Lang Ltd, International Academic Publishers
発売日: 2024年03月02日
«This is a unique book which is multidisciplinary in the sense that it discusses a variety of genres which cut across film studies, literature and cartoons. The combination of emerging and renowned ……続きを見る
100 Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur - Klassiker die man kennen muss
In '100 Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur - Klassiker, die man kennen muss', wird eine eindrucksvolle Bandbreite literarischer Ausdrucksformen von der Antike bis zur Moderne präsentiert. Diese Sammlung……続きを見る
Die Meisterwerke der Weltliterature
Diese Anthologie, betitelt 'Die Meisterwerke der Weltliterature', präsentiert eine sorgfältig kuratierte Auswahl aus dem Schaffen der herausragendsten Autoren und Denker, die die literarischen und p……続きを見る
著者:Ramón Pérez de Ayala
出版社: Good Press
発売日: 2023年11月11日
A.M.D.G. es una obra escrita por el autor español Ramón Pérez de Ayala que se destaca por su estilo literario único y su profunda reflexión sobre la fe y la búsqueda de la verdad. La novela, ambient……続きを見る
Die Meisterwerke der Weltliterature
In dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker, die ewig bewegende Poesie:: Selbstbetrachtungen (Marcus Aurelius) Aphoris……続きを見る
200 Literarische Meisterwerke der Weltgeschichte
著者:Lew Tolstoi, Virginia Woolf, Henrik Ibsen, Franz Kafka, Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, Lord Byron, Victor Hugo, Giacomo Leopardi, Marcel Proust, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Anne Brontë, William Makepeace Thackeray, Bram Stoker, Henry Fielding, George Eliot, William Shakespeare, D. H. Lawrence, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Thomas Wolfe, Joseph Conrad, Sinclair Lewis, Lewis Carrol, Edgar Allan Poe, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Oscar Wilde, H. G. Wells, Daniel Defoe, James Fenimore Cooper, Lew Wallace, Jonathan Swift, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, Walter Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Laurence Sterne, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins, Edgar Wallace, Jack London, Henry David Thoreau, John Galsworthy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Rudyard Kipling, G. K. Chesterton, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Leo Tolstoi, Nikolai Gogol, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Edmond Rostand, Jean Giraudoux, André Gide, Arthur Schopenhauer, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Gottfried von Straßburg, Wolfram von Eschenbach, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Luigi Pirandello, Niccolo Machiavelli, Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Vicente Blasco Ibañez, Knut Hamsun, Friedrich Nietzsche, Homer, Äsop, Herodot, Thukydides, Xenophon, Platon, Aristoteles, Tacitus, Konfuzius, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Vergil, Ovid, Mark Aurel, Aurelius Augustinus
出版社: e-artnow
発売日: 2023年11月27日
Die Geschichten, die jeder Mensch in seinem Leben erleben sollte – in dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker, die ew……続きを見る
Punishing Transgression in Honor Culture and Face Culture
著者:Ernest W.B. Hess-Lüttich, Mine Krause, Yan Sun, Michael Steppat
出版社: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
発売日: 2023年11月30日
In the world’s so-called honor and face cultures, certain values and codes related to the protection of a family’s stainless reputation are deep-rooted. When they are violated by what is perceived a……続きを見る
Harvard Classics: Complete 51-Volume Anthology
著者:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Thomas Carlyle, Plato, René Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, Martin Luther, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Shakespeare, Dante Alighieri, Euripides, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charles Lamb, Henry David Thoreau, Samuel Johnson, John Stuart Mill, David Hume, Joseph Addison, John Locke, John Fletcher, Francis Beaumont, Leigh Hunt, Epictetus, Thomas De Quincey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Jonathan Swift, Christopher Marlowe, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, William Hazlitt, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Daniel Defoe, Aesop, Richard Henry Dana, John Dryden, Philip Massinger, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, John Ruskin, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ernest Renan, Robert Burns, David Garrick, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Webster, Izaak Walton, John Bunyan, James Russell Lowell, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Homer, Edmund Burke, Plutarch, Molière, Aeschylus, Michael Faraday, Sophocles, William Makepeace Thackeray, Benjamin Franklin, Pierre Corneille, Jean Racine, Voltaire, Robert Browning, Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Dekker, John Milton, Aristophanes, Blaise Pascal, Virgil, Simon Newcomb, William Penn, Walter Bigges, Philip Sidney, Herodotus, Walter Raleigh, Francis Bacon, Giuseppe Mazzini, Francis Pretty, George Berkeley, Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith, Alessandro Manzoni, Abraham Cowley, Michel de Montaigne, Ben Jonson, John Woolman, Benvenuto Cellini, Sydney Smith, Jean Froissart, William Henry Harrison, William Harvey, Marcus Aurelius, Hans Christian Andersen, Thomas Malory, George Gordon Byron, Thomas à Kempis, Richard Steele, Thomas Browne, Archibald Geikie, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Tacitus, William Roper, Hippocrates, Miguel de Cervantes, Thomas More, Friedrich von Schiller, Philip Nichols, Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Pliny the Younger, Edgar Alan Poe, Saint Augustine, Brinsley Sheridan, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Francis Drake, Edward Haies, Niccolo Machiavelli, Ambroise Paré, William A. Neilson
出版社: Good Press
発売日: 2023年12月10日
The Harvard Classics: Complete 51-Volume Anthology represents an unparalleled assembly of the literary genius that has shaped the western canon from antiquity through the 19th century. With a sweepi……続きを見る
200 Meisterwerke der Literaturgeschichte
著者:Franz Kafka, Victor Hugo, Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, Lord Byron, Giacomo Leopardi, Marcel Proust, Henrik Ibsen, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Anne Brontë, William Makepeace Thackeray, Bram Stoker, Henry Fielding, George Eliot, William Shakespeare, D. H. Lawrence, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Thomas Wolfe, Virginia Woolf, Joseph Conrad, Sinclair Lewis, Lewis Carrol, Edgar Allan Poe, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Oscar Wilde, H. G. Wells, Daniel Defoe, James Fenimore Cooper, Lew Wallace, Jonathan Swift, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, Walter Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Laurence Sterne, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins, Edgar Wallace, Jack London, Henry David Thoreau, John Galsworthy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Rudyard Kipling, G. K. Chesterton, Washington Irvin, O. Henry, Ambrose Bierce, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Michail Lermontow, Iwan Sergejewitsch Turgenew, Leo Tolstoi, Nikolai Gogol, Iwan Gontscharow, Nikolai Leskow, Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow, Maxim Gorki, François Rabelais, Jean de la Fontaine, Blaise Pascal, Pierre Corneille, Moliere, Jean Baptiste Racine, Charles Perrault, Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos, Antoine-François Prévost, Marquis de Sade, François René Chateaubriand, Stendhal, Honoré de Balzac, Alexandre Dumas, Alphonse de Lamartine, George Sand, Gustave Flaubert, Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, Alphonse Daudet, Jules Verne, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Prosper Mérimée, Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, André Gide, Arthur Schopenhauer, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jacob Grimm, Gottfried von Straßburg, Wolfram von Eschenbach, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Heinrich von Kleist, Friedrich Hölderlin, Theodor Fontane, Gustav Freytag, Gottfried Keller, Theodor Storm, Stefan Zweig, Joseph von Eichendorff, Klaus Mann, Rainer Maria Rilke, Johanna Spyri, Joseph Roth, Karl May, Robert Musil, Heinrich Mann, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Giacomo Casanova, Luigi Pirandello, Giosuè Carducci, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Niccolo Machiavelli, Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Vicente Blasco Ibañez, Knut Hamsun, Homer, Äsop, Herodot, Thukydides, Xenophon, Platon, Aristoteles, Sophokles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Laotse, Konfuzius, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Titus Livius, Tacitus, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Vergil, Ovid, Lukian, Petronius, Apuleius, Longos von Lesbos, Mark Aurel, Aurelius Augustinus
出版社: e-artnow
発売日: 2023年12月04日
E-artnow bietet Ihnen eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Sammlung der größten Klassiker der Weltliteratur: Englische Meisterwerke: Romeo und Julia (William Shakespeare) Hamlet, Prinz von Dänemark (William ……続きを見る
The Complete Harvard Classics - ALL 71 Volumes
著者:Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn, Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Francis Bacon, John Milton, Thomas Browne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Burns, Saint Augustine, Thomas à Kempis, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Pliny the Younger, Adam Smith, Charles Darwin, Plutarch, Virgil, Miguel de Cervantes, John Bunyan, Izaak Walton, Aesop, Wilhelm Grimm, Jacob Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, John Dryden, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, David Garrick, Oliver Goldsmith, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Robert Browning, George Gordon Byron, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Christopher Marlowe, Dante Alighieri, Alessandro Manzoni, Homer, Richard Henry Dana, Edmund Burke, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Carlyle, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Pierre Corneille, Jean Racine, Molière, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Friedrich von Schiller, Philip Sidney, Ben Jonson, Abraham Cowley, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Johnson, Sydney Smith, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, Charles Lamb, Thomas De Quincey, Thomas Babington Macaulay, William Makepeace Thackeray, John Ruskin, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Alan Poe, Henry David Thoreau, James Russell Lowell, Michael Faraday, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Simon Newcomb, Archibald Geikie, Benvenuto Cellini, Michel de Montaigne, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Ernest Renan, Immanuel Kant, Giuseppe Mazzini, Herodotus, Tacitus, Francis Drake, Philip Nichols, Francis Pretty, Walter Bigges, Edward Haies, Walter Raleigh, René Descartes, Voltaire, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Jean Froissart, Thomas Malory, William Henry Harrison, Niccolo Machiavelli, William Roper, Thomas More, Martin Luther, John Locke, George Berkeley, Hippocrates, Ambroise Paré, William Harvey, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Joseph Lister, Louis Pasteur, William Shakespeare, Thomas Dekker, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, John Webster, Philip Massinger, Blaise Pascal, Charles W. Eliot, William A. Neilson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Jane Austen, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Washington Irving, Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Edward Everett Hale, Henry James, Victor Hugo, Honoré Balzac, George Sand, Alfred de Musset, Alphonse Daudet, Gottfried Keller, Guy de Maupassant, Theodor Storm, Theodor Fontane, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev, Juan Valera, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Alexander L. Kielland
出版社: e-artnow
発売日: 2019年07月26日
The original Harvard Classics Collection contains 51 volumes of the essential works of world literature, showing the progress of man from antics to modern age. In this edition, the original collecti……続きを見る
Cavafy's Hellenistic Antiquities
著者:Takis Kayalis
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2024年01月12日
This book reinterprets C. P. Cavafy’s historical and archaeological poetics by correlating his work to major cultural, political and sexualized receptions of antiquity that marked the turn of the 20……続きを見る
50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2
This book contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! Novels Jerome, Jerome K.: "Three Men in a Boat" Joyce, James: "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"……続きを見る
The Amorous Heart
著者:Marilyn Yalom
出版社: Basic Books
発売日: 2018年01月09日
An eminent scholar unearths the captivating history of the two-lobed heart symbol from scripture and tapestry to T-shirts and text messages, shedding light on how we have expressed love since antiqu……続きを見る
Stanislas de Boufflers y su obra narrativa
著者:Antonio José de Vicente-Yagüe Jara
出版社: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
発売日: 2023年06月15日
Stanislas de Boufflers (1738-1815), más conocido en su época como el caballero de Boufflers, forma parte de esos escritores menores que, por diversas razones, merecen nuestra atención. En estas pági……続きを見る
The Holy War
著者:John Bunyan
出版社: Memorable Classics eBooks
発売日: 2022年07月07日
The Holy War by John Bunyan - The Holy War Made by King Shaddai Upon Diabolus, to Regain the Metropolis of the World, Or, The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul is a 1682 novel by John B……続きを見る
A New Anatomy of Storyworlds
著者:Marie-Laure Ryan
出版社: Ohio State University Press
発売日: 2022年08月02日
The question of how narratives actually do the work of world-building transcends disciplines: from cosmology to philosophy, digital culture, popular culture, and literary theory. In A New Anatomy of……続きを見る
Germaine Dulac
著者:Maryann De Julio
出版社: Manchester University Press
発売日: 2022年08月02日
One of the few women pioneers of cinema and a committed feminist, Germaine Dulac strongly believed that the public had a role to play in shaping the history of cinema and the kinds of films that fil……続きを見る
Harvard Classics - Complete Collection of the Greatest Works of World Literature
Jacob Cuelbis: El Thesoro chorográphico de las Espannas Volumen I
著者:Milka Villayandre Llamazares
出版社: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
発売日: 2021年07月05日
Edición del relato manuscrito de un alemán que visita la península ibérica entre 1599 y 1600. Conservado en la British Library, Colle Harley MSS. 3.822, se publica precedido de tres estudios. El pri……続きを見る
Identity Trouble
著者:Eva Yampolsky, Michael G. Paulson, Tamara Alvarez-Detrell
出版社: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
発売日: 2017年09月06日
In this book, Eva Yampolsky explores the questions of identity, illusion and suicide in the works of Guy de Maupassant. Utilizing a historical context which stimulated numerous social, technological……続きを見る
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