商品件数:4 1件~4件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
Reconciling Law and Legal Theory
著者:Mohammad S. Alrahawan
出版社: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
発売日: 2020年04月07日
Being structured to found a correlation between Islamic legal theory and positive law, Tilmisānī’s Miftah is basically intended to elaborate on showing the impact of various precepts of legal theory……続きを見る
Law Dissertations
著者:Laura Lammasniemi
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年12月14日
Law Dissertations: A Step-by-Step Guide provides law students with all the guidance and information they need to complete and succeed in their LLB, LLM or law-related dissertation. Written in an acc……続きを見る
著者:Joshua E. Hummer, Anna Michal
出版社: Law Office of Joshua E. Hummer, PLC
発売日: 2020年02月12日
Traditionally, estate planning only focuses on your assets and passing them on to your heirs. But what if it could be so much more? In this new take on estate planning, Joshua E. Hummer, Esq. and An……続きを見る
Law Dissertations
著者:Laura Lammasniemi
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2018年03月12日
Law Dissertations: A Step-by-Step Guide provides you with all the guidance and information you need to complete and succeed in your LLB, LLM or law-related dissertation. Written in a simple, clear f……続きを見る

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