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The Slaveholding Indians (Vol.1-3)
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2023年11月13日
Annie Heloise Abel's monumental work, 'The Slaveholding Indians' (Vol. 1-3), delves into the complex history of Native American tribes who owned and exploited African slaves. This meticulously resea……続きを見る
The American Indians in the Civil War
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2023年11月22日
Annie Heloise Abel's 'The American Indians in the Civil War' is a meticulously researched and thought-provoking exploration of the often-overlooked role of Native American tribes during the tumultuo……続きを見る
The American Indians in the Civil War
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: e-artnow
発売日: 2023年12月11日
The American Indian in the Civil War is one of the first historical accounts dealing with the participations of Native American in the American Civil War. Native Americans took active participation ……続きを見る
The American Indians in the Civil War
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Good Press
発売日: 2023年12月22日
Annie Heloise Abel's 'The American Indians in the Civil War' provides a fascinating and in-depth exploration of the often overlooked role of Native Americans in the American Civil War. Abel meticulo……続きを見る
The History of American Indian in the Period of Reconstruction
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Musaicum Books
発売日: 2022年01月04日
Annie Heloise Abel's 'The History of American Indian in the Period of Reconstruction' delves into the tumultuous post-Civil War era where Native American tribes faced unprecedented challenges in the……続きを見る
The Slaveholding Indians (Vol.1-3)
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Good Press
発売日: 2023年12月14日
The Slaveholding Indians is a three volume series dealing with the slaveholding Indians as secessionists, as participants in the Civil War, and as victims under reconstruction. The series deals with……続きを見る
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Madison & Adams Press
発売日: 2021年04月01日
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War is one of the first historical accounts dealing with the participations of Native American in the American Civil War. Native Americans took active……続きを見る
Războiul de șase zile
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (RO)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
La 5 iunie 1967, israelienii au lansat un nou atac asupra Egiptului după blocarea Strâmtorii Tiran, începând Războiul de Șase Zile. Indignată, întreaga lume arabă a condamnat imediat ofensiva, iar I……続きを見る
Шестиденна війна
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (UA)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
5 червня 1967 року ізраїльтяни здійснили новий напад на Єгипет після блокади Тиранської протоки, розпочавши Шестиденну війну. Обурений, весь арабський світ негайно засудив цей наступ, а Йорданія, Си……続きを見る
Altı Gün Savaşı
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (TU)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
5 Haziran 1967'de İsrailliler, Tiran Boğazı'nın ablukaya alınmasının ardından Mısır'a yeni bir saldırı başlatarak Altı Gün Savaşı'nı başlattı. Öfkeye kapılan tüm Arap dünyası saldırıyı derhal kınadı……続きを見る
Шестидневная война
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (RU)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
5 июня 1967 года израильтяне предприняли новую атаку на Египет после блокады Тиранского пролива, начав Шестидневную войну. Возмущенный, весь арабский мир немедленно осудил это наступление, а Иордани……続きを見る
Ο πόλεμος των έξι ημερών
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (GK)
発売日: 2023年02月23日
Στις 5 Ιουνίου 1967, οι Ισραηλινοί εξαπέλυσαν νέα επίθεση κατά της Αιγύπτου μετά τον αποκλεισμό του Στενού του Τιράν, ξεκινώντας τον Πόλεμο των Έξι Ημερών. Εξοργισμένος, ολόκληρος ο αραβικός κόσμος ……続きを見る
De Zesdaagse Oorlog
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (NL)
発売日: 2023年02月23日
Op 5 juni 1967 lanceerden de Israëli's een nieuwe aanval op Egypte na de blokkade van de Straat van Tiran, waarmee de Zesdaagse Oorlog begon. Woedend veroordeelde de hele Arabische wereld het offens……続きを見る
La Guerra dei Sei Giorni
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (IT)
発売日: 2023年02月23日
Il 5 giugno 1967, gli israeliani lanciarono un nuovo attacco all'Egitto dopo il blocco dello Stretto di Tiran, dando inizio alla Guerra dei Sei Giorni. Indignato, l'intero mondo arabo ha immediatame……続きを見る
Wojna sześciodniowa
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (PL)
発売日: 2023年02月23日
5 czerwca 1967 roku Izraelczycy po zablokowaniu cieśniny Tiran przypuścili ponowny atak na Egipt, rozpoczynając wojnę sześciodniową. Oburzony, cały świat arabski natychmiast potępił ofensywę, a Jord……続きを見る
A Guerra dos Seis Dias
著者:Héloïse Malisse
出版社: 50Minutes.com (PT)
発売日: 2023年02月23日
A 5 de Junho de 1967, os israelitas lançaram um novo ataque ao Egipto após o bloqueio do Estreito de Tiran, dando início à Guerra dos Seis Dias. Indignado, todo o mundo árabe condenou imediatamente ……続きを見る
The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Adventure Journeys
発売日: 2022年11月03日
"Explores the diplomatic maneuvers of the Confederacy to secure alliances with the Five Civilized Tribes." -The Daily Oklahoman, Apr. 24, 2011 "Deals with...efforts made by the South to get Indian s……続きを見る
The History of Slaveholding Indians
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Musaicum Books
発売日: 2022年01月04日
In 'The History of Slaveholding Indians' by Annie Heloise Abel, the author delves into the complex history of the Native American tribes who practiced slaveholding. Abel presents a detailed examinat……続きを見る
The American Indians in the Civil War
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Musaicum Books
発売日: 2022年01月04日
In 'The American Indians in the Civil War,' Annie Heloise Abel delves into a previously overlooked aspect of American history, exploring the role of Native American tribes in the divisive conflict. ……続きを見る
The American Indians as Slaveholders and Secessionists
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Musaicum Books
発売日: 2022年01月04日
Annie Heloise Abel's 'The American Indians as Slaveholders and Secessionists' is a groundbreaking analysis of the role played by Native American tribes in the antebellum South. Through meticulous re……続きを見る
The Slaveholding Indians (Vol.1-3)
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Madison & Adams Press
発売日: 2021年04月01日
The Slaveholding Indians is a three volume series dealing with the slaveholding Indians as secessionists, as participants in the Civil War, and as victims under reconstruction. The series deals with……続きを見る
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: VolumesOfValue
発売日: 2013年07月28日
This edition features • illustrations • a linked Table of Contents and Footnotes CONTENTS I THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, OR ELKHORN AND ITS MORE IMMEDIATE EFFECTS II LANE'S BRIGADE AND THE INCEPTION OF ……続きを見る
The American Indian as Slaveholder and Seccessionist: An Omitted Chapter in the Diplomatic History of the Southern Confederacy
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
Veterans of the Confederate service who saw action along the Missouri-Arkansas frontier have frequently complained, in recent years, that military operations in and around Virginia during the War be……続きを見る
The American Indian as Slaveholder and Seccessionist: An Omitted Chapter in the Diplomatic History of the Southern Confederacy
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2009年07月29日
THE GENERAL SITUATION IN THE INDIAN COUNTRY, 1830-1860 Veterans of the Confederate service who saw action along the Missouri-Arkansas frontier have frequently complained, in recent years, that milit……続きを見る
Black and American Indian Soldiers in the Civil War
著者:Joseph T. Wilson, Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: AfterMath
発売日: 2013年02月20日
This volume contains the complete text of two books about the important contributions of two ethnic groups whose exemplary military service during the United States Civil War are not as well known ……続きを見る
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, OR ELKHORN, AND ITS MORE IMMEDIATE EFFECTS The Indian alliance, so assiduously sought by the Southern Confederacy and so laboriously built up, soon revealed itself to be mos……続きを見る
The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Madison & Adams Press
発売日: 2021年04月01日
Holding humans in slavery was not a new concept to indigenous American peoples.In inter-Native American conflict tribes often kept prisoners-of-war, and these captives often replaced slain tribe-mem……続きを見る
The American Indian Under Reconstruction
著者:Annie Heloise Abel
出版社: Madison & Adams Press
発売日: 2021年04月01日
The American Indian Under Reconstruction is a historical book which primarily deals with the establishment of a new relationship with the United States government and the great southern tribes. The ……続きを見る
The Letters of Abelard and Heloise
著者:Peter Abelard, Mint Editions, Heloise
出版社: Mint Editions
発売日: 2020年12月01日
Soon after meeting near the famed city of love, Paris, Heloiseand Abelard fall into a deep and passionate love. Abelard is a well-known man and famous teacher; his students are considered to be lu……続きを見る
The truest form of patriotism'
著者:Heloise Brown
出版社: Manchester University Press
発売日: 2013年07月19日
This text explores the pervasive influence of pacifism on Victorian feminism. Drawing on previously unused source material, it provides an account of Victorian women who campaigned for peace and the……続きを見る
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