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商品件数:1397 1141件~1170件 (47ページ中 39ページめ)
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El Nuevo Testamento Satanista
著者:Mikky Lafey
出版社: Mikky Lafey
発売日: 2021年06月16日
El polémico segundo libro del filósofo y ocultista Mikky Lafey, escrito bajo técnicas de canalización, el autor le da voz a “Aposento” (un alter-ego), para elaborar el discurso presentado en “El Nue……続きを見る
Deconstruction and the Work of Art
著者:Martta Heikkilä
出版社: Lexington Books
発売日: 2021年07月29日
The contemporary idea of the “work of art” is paradoxically both widely used and often unexamined. Therefore, we must re-evaluate the concept before we can understand what the deconstruction of aest……続きを見る
Seeing with the Eye of Dhamma
著者:Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
出版社: Shambhala
発売日: 2022年01月25日
A milestone in Buddhist literature, this comprehensive presentation of the practice of Dhamma shows how it can quench the dissatisfaction and suffering common in our lives. Dhamma--a Pali word meani……続きを見る
Theology for the Future
Wolfhart Pannenberg was one of the most important theologians of the twentieth century, and his work has much to offer contemporary theologians. In this book, the contributors analyze and discusses ……続きを見る
Tantra Awakening
著者:Chaitanya Prabhu Hakkaladaddi
出版社: Notion Press
発売日: 2021年07月31日
What image do you conjure up when you think of ‘awakening’? Who comes to your mind when you think of ‘enlightenment’?Tantra opens up our minds to the possibility of intellectual existence beyond the……続きを見る
Cristianesimo. La tradizione cristiana (1961-1977)
著者:Raimon Panikkar
出版社: Jaca Book
発売日: 2020年04月16日
Che cos'è il cristianesimo. Cristianesimo è un termine semplice, con un significato ben definito. Tale significato è appunto il "concetto" di cristianesimo: molti si fermano qui, e confondono il "cr……続きを見る
Il Dharma dell'India
著者:Raimon Panikkar
出版社: Jaca Book
発売日: 2020年06月17日
Per dharma dell'induismo si intende la sua spiritualità. Il volume comprende un intero libro sull'argomento. Ma che cosa si intende per induismo? Non è possibile capirlo se lo paragoniamo al concett……続きを見る
L'acqua della goccia
著者:Raimon Panikkar
出版社: Jaca Book
発売日: 2020年04月16日
Il titolo, suggerito dalla metafora della «goccia d’acqua» spesso usata dall’autore, intende comunicare il senso del libro, che desidera non tanto ripercorrere gli avvenimenti della vita di Panikkar……続きを見る
Kierkegaard e Sankara
著者:Raimon Panikkar
出版社: Jaca Book
発売日: 2020年04月16日
Questo libro riporta fedelmente la trascrizione di un corso inedito che Panikkar tenne alla Pontificia Università Lateranense di Roma durante l'anno accademico 1962-1963. In esso vengono messe a con……続きを見る
著者:Raimon Panikkar
出版社: Jaca Book
発売日: 2020年04月16日
In questo testo dedicato all'ecosofia, a quella saggezza della Terra che l'uomo ha purtroppo dimenticato di ascoltare, Panikkar offre una cornice interculturale-ermeneutica globale ai fini di instau……続きを見る
Secolarità sacra
著者:Raimon Panikkar
出版社: Jaca Book
発売日: 2020年12月05日
Questo volume è dedicato alla secolarità definita «sacra» perché rappresenta lo stile di vita cui siamo chiamati, superando la dicotomia tra il sacro e il profano. Non si tratta di fuggire dal mondo……続きを見る
Fede, ermeneutica, parola
著者:Raimon Panikkar
出版社: Jaca Book
発売日: 2020年04月16日
Mentre il primo tomo del volume "Mistero ed ermeneutica" trattava di mito, simbolo e culto, tre forme attraverso le quali l'uomo si apre al mistero della Realtà, il secondo tomo è dedicato alla fede……続きを見る
Mito, simbolo, culto
著者:Raimon Panikkar
出版社: Jaca Book
発売日: 2021年03月22日
Questo primo tomo del vol. IX dell'Opera Omnia di Raimon Panikkar è articolato in tre sezioni, che trattano del mito, del simbolo e del culto. Col termine mito oggi spesso s’intende qualcosa di irre……続きを見る
Die Zehn Gebote
著者:Okko Herlyn
出版社: Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft
発売日: 2019年06月03日
Eigentlich sind die Zehn Gebote einer der wichtigsten Texte im christlichen Glauben. Regelmäßig werden sie sogar als "Grundwerte" unserer Gesellschaft bezeichnet. Aber was ist eigentlich gemeint mit……続きを見る
Das Vaterunser
著者:Okko Herlyn
出版社: Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft
発売日: 2017年05月05日
Man kann den Eindruck gewinnen, dass das Vaterunser mitunter eine Art "Allzweckwaffe" ist, die bei jeder möglichen oder unmöglichen Gelegenheit zu passen scheint. Kein Wunder, wenn das Gebet des Her……続きを見る
Del Diario De Un Chico De Clase Media
著者:Ashok Kumawat
出版社: Tektime
発売日: 2021年08月09日
En este libro describo las dificultades de mi vida universitaria. Decidí a escribir este libro cuando, por falta de amigos, no me enteré de los exámenes del último semestre de la universidad y los p……続きを見る
Make Up Your Mind
著者:Erik Konsmo
出版社: Outreach, Inc.
発売日: 2021年08月10日
Remaining Faithful Through Trials and Tribulations Making up your mind is an action, not a reaction. When faced with adversity or challenges, you have two choices: subscribe to what the culture says……続きを見る
Del Diario De Un Chico De Clase Media
著者:Ashok Kumawat
出版社: Tektime
発売日: 2021年08月12日
En este libro describo las dificultades de mi vida universitaria. Decidí a escribir este libro cuando, por falta de amigos, no me enteré de los exámenes del último semestre de la universidad y los p……続きを見る
著者:柯徳納, Derek kidner
出版社: 校園書房出版社
発売日: 2021年08月12日
丁道爾聖經註釋是合乎時代的解經叢書,旨在幫助讀者確實了解聖經的真理,靈活應用聖經的原則。整體架構著力於堅實的神學學術根基上,內容主要分成兩大部分: 導論:簡潔、詳盡地介紹作者、寫作日期及時代背景,不……続きを見る
The Book of Revelation
著者:Scott Storbakken
出版社: Wipf and Stock Publishers
発売日: 2021年08月04日
The Book of Revelation: What the Spirit Says to the Churches in America instructs lay readers to understand the last book of the Bible as its earliest audiences would have. The book aims to stimulat……続きを見る
L’arte di non essere governati
著者:Ekkehart Krippendorff
出版社: Fazi Editore
発売日: 2016年12月15日
Gli effetti della separazione tra azione e morale – dal punto di vista economico, sociale, ambientale e delle relazioni internazionali – sono evidenti e preoccupanti ormai in tutto il mondo. Secondo……続きを見る
TOTC Genesis
著者:Derek Kidner
出版社: IVP
発売日: 2015年01月01日
Genesis - the Bible's account of human origins and the harbinger of human destiny - is a book teeming with critical questions. Who wrote it? When? Does the account of creation square with modern sci……続きを見る
著者:Jack Kuhatschek
出版社: IVP
発売日: 2015年10月16日
We desperately need role models today - people who allow us to be fully human yet inspire us to look beyond our weaknesses to the living God. David is such a person. His struggles with sin are infam……続きを見る
The Rohingya, Justice and International Law
著者:Kriangsak Kittichaisaree
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年11月01日
Written by an international judge, professor and former ambassador with decades of experience in the field, this is an incisive and highly readable book about international law as well as realpoliti……続きを見る
Space Ethics
著者:Brian Patrick Green, Assistant Director of Campus Ethics, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Sa
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
発売日: 2021年10月19日
Throughout history, humans have explored new places, making both good and bad moral decisions along the way. As humanity proceeds to explore space, it is important that we learn from the successes a……続きを見る
The Wisdom of the Enlightenment
著者:Michael K. Kellogg
出版社: Globe Pequot
発売日: 2022年02月15日
EnlightenmentーAufklärung in German, Lumières in Frenchーis more an idea than a period. But it is an idea that took hold in a particular historical context of revolutionary scientific advances, incr……続きを見る
Cracks in the Web
著者:Zak Kramer
出版社: Zak Kramer
発売日: 2021年10月04日
"Intelligent, witty, thought-provoking, and " Freedom after seven years. A boy, barely a man, awakens to a brave new world after freedom is earned through determination and tenacity. William arrives……続きを見る
Nrusimha Dvadashanama Stotram: Twelve Names of Nrusimha
著者:Koushik K
出版社: Koushik K
発売日: 2021年05月27日
The hymn Nrusimha dvadashana nama stotra, the twelve-name hymn of lord narasimha is a traditional short and powerful hymn of lord narasimha, (said to be found in some manuscripts of brahma purana) t……続きを見る
Christian Community
著者:The Navigators, Jack Kuhatschek
出版社: The Navigators
発売日: 2022年09月06日
Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold LifeChange Bible studies train you in good Bible study practices even as you enjoy a robust and engaging Bible study experience. Learn the skill as you study t……続きを見る
The Magic of Jewels and Charms
著者:George Frederick Kunz
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
Jewels, gems, stones, superstitions and astrological lore are all so interwoven in history that to treat of either of them alone would mean to break the chain of association linking them one with th……続きを見る
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