商品件数:34 1件~30件 (2ページ中 1ページめ)
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Politics Recoded
著者:Aure Schrock
出版社: MIT Press
発売日: 2024年09月24日
The first detailed history of Code for America that examines how democratically designed government systems can collectively improve technology’s impact on society. For decades, tens of thousands of……続きを見る
Earth for All
著者:Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, Owen Gaffney, Jayati Ghosh, Jorgen Randers, Johan Rockstrom, Per Espen Stoknes
出版社: New Society Publishers
発売日: 2022年09月20日
The economic operating system keeps crashing. It’s time to upgrade to a new one. Five decades ago, The Limits to Growth shocked the world by showing that population and industrial growth were pushin……続きを見る
Public-Private Partnerships in Africa
In the twenty-first century, governments around the world began to engage the private sector with the objective of achieving public service delivery targets, and the African continent has as such, b……続きを見る
Synthetic Biology and the Question of Public Participation
著者:Stephanie Siewert, Katharina Kieslich, Matthias Braun, Peter Dabrock
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2023年04月16日
The book considers the relationship between governance and participation, and the ways participation has been understood, framed and applied in the context of synthetic biology (SB) governance appro……続きを見る
Basic Income and Sovereign Money
著者:Geoff Crocker
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2020年02月25日
“This is a radical, thought-provoking book, which brings together debates that are often kept separate about basic income and 'sovereign money'. You might not agree with all of it, but it makes big ……続きを見る
Illegal Modified Exhaust Is a Road Hazard
出版社: ​Rocko
発売日: 2023年09月29日
My real good friend passed away, and I decided to put our work and thoughts about these illegally modified exhausts into a book. His view on this new phenomenon resonated with me because we always d……続きを見る
American Poverty
著者:Laurel A. Rockefeller
出版社: Laurel A. Rockefeller
発売日: 2016年03月29日
In this thought-provoking historical and economic analysis, Laurel A. Rockefeller takes on poverty culture head-on, exploring what it means to poor in the United States while taking a look at how Am……続きを見る
著者:Patrik Hummel, Matthias Braun, Steffen Augsberg, Ulrich von Ulmenstein, Peter Dabrock
出版社: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
発売日: 2022年05月09日
In diesem Open-Access-Buchuntersuchen wir, was Datensouveränität aus ethischer und rechtlicher Perspektive bedeuten kann und entwickeln mittels des Modells der dynamischen Einwilligung konkrete Gove……続きを見る
Institutional Racism, Organizations & Public Policy
著者:James D. Ward, Mario A. Rivera, Rochelle Brock, Richard Greggory Johnson III
出版社: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
発売日: 2013年12月31日
Institutional racism may be described as a self-perpetuating and opaque process where, either intentionally or unintentionally, barriers and procedures which disadvantage ethnic minority groups are ……続きを見る
'Alexa, ich mach Schluss mit dir'
著者:Johannes Bröckers
出版社: Westend Verlag GmbH
発売日: 2022年01月12日
Fast alle kaufen bei Amazon - ist ja so bequem. Die Innenstädte veröden, die Straßen verstopfen und die Papiertonnen quellen über. Die Hersteller von qualitativen Waren werden ökonomisch ausgepresst……続きを見る
Shut up, Alexa!
著者:Johannes Bröckers
出版社: Westend Verlag GmbH
発売日: 2022年01月12日
Almost everyone is shopping at Amazon - it is so convenient after all. The city centres become deserted, the streets get clogged and the trashcans spill over. The manufacturers of quality products a……続きを見る
Die Drogenlüge
著者:Mathias Bröckers
出版社: Westend Verlag GmbH
発売日: 2022年01月20日
Der Krieg gegen die Drogen ist nicht zu gewinnen. Bestsellerautor Mathias Bröckers zeigt, wie und warum das Geschäft mit den Drogen gerade durch die Prohibition so attraktiv ist und wie Politik, Maf……続きを見る
Schnauze, Alexa!
著者:Johannes Bröckers
出版社: Westend Verlag GmbH
発売日: 2022年01月12日
Fast alle kaufen bei Amazon - ist ja so bequem. Die Innenstädte veröden, die Straßen verstopfen und die Papiertonnen quellen über. Die Hersteller von qualitativen Waren werden ökonomisch ausgepresst……続きを見る
Mythos 9/11
著者:Mathias Bröckers
出版社: Westend Verlag GmbH
発売日: 2022年01月13日
Die Anschläge des 11.9.2001 dürften als das Jahrhundertverbrechen in die Geschichte eingehen. Wie aber kann es sein, dass auch nach zwanzig Jahren noch immer an der 'offiziellen Wahrheit' festgehalt……続きを見る
Celebrity and the Environment
著者:Dan Brockington
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2021年11月12日
The battle to save the world is being joined by a powerful new group of warriors. Celebrities are lending their name to conservation causes, and conservation itself is growing its own stars to fight……続きを見る
Camp Life of Sri Lankan Refugees in India
著者:Arockiam Kulandai
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年09月29日
This book looks at the mass migration of refugees into India during the Sri Lankan civil war, the lives of the displaced people in refugee camps and the politics around the issue. It analyses the ci……続きを見る
The Human Quest: Prospering within Planetary Boundaries
著者:Johan Rockström, Mattias Klum
出版社: Stockholm Text Publishing AB
発売日: 2012年06月16日
The Human Quest serves as an inspiration and guide for action as humankind faces a turning point in our history and the state of the Earth. For the first time arises science and art in a way that ha……続きを見る
Free Enterprise Environmentalism
In Free Enterprise Environmentalism, Walter E. Block argues that laissez-faire capitalism can address climate change more effectively than socialism and government regulation. Block advocates for th……続きを見る
Celebrity Advocacy and International Development
著者:Dan Brockington
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2014年04月03日
Celebrity advocacy is a curious phenomenon. It occupies a significant proportion of the public domain, but does so without engaging particularly well with much of the public. Yet this may not matter……続きを見る
US Defense Budget Outcomes
著者:Heidi Brockmann Demarest
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2017年04月01日
This book offers a systematic guide to the allocation of American taxpayer dollars used to provide for the common defense. With engaging and illustrative examples like the narrative of a helicopter ……続きを見る
Wie man eine Wahl gewinnt
著者:Lorenz Brockmann
出版社: abc Buchverlag
発売日: 2017年09月07日
Wer eine Wahl gewinnen will, braucht eine durchdachte Strategie, eine klare und kluge Kampagne und ein starkes Team. Wahlkampf heißt Ausnahmezustand. Insbesondere in den Wochen vor der Wahl sind die……続きを見る
Female Choice
著者:Meike Stoverock
出版社: Tropen
発売日: 2021年02月13日
Wie Männer sich die Macht über Frauen nahmen und warum das jetzt aufhört In der Natur kontrollieren Weibchen den Zugang zu Sex. Die Biologie nennt das FEMALE CHOICE. Bis zur Sesshaftwerdung galt das……続きを見る
Framing Citizen Participation
著者:A. Röcke
出版社: Palgrave Macmillan UK
発売日: 2016年05月24日
Originally developed in Brazil, participatory budgeting is widely recognised as democratic innovation yet its concrete results vary greatly. Collating evidence from empirical and theoretical analysi……続きを見る
Global Perspectives on the United States
This daring collaborative effort showcases dialogues between international scholars engaged with the United States from abroad. The writers investigate the analytic methods and choices that label ce……続きを見る
Let the People Judge
One of the most serious challenges to environmentalism that has emerged in the 1990s is the so-called Wise Use movement. While operating under the guise of an independent movement of small landowner……続きを見る
Saving All the Parts
著者:Rocky Barker
出版社: Island Press
発売日: 2013年04月10日
Saving All the Parts is a journalist's exploration of the intertwining of endangered species protection and the economic future of resource dependent communities -- those with local economies based ……続きを見る
The Philosophy of Social Research
著者:John A. Hughes, W. W. Sharrock
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2019年05月01日
This fully revised, updated and extended edition of a successful text, introduces some of the important philosophical issues arising from social research practices and historical research in the soc……続きを見る
Elektromobilität und Sektorenkopplung
著者:Przemyslaw Komarnicki, Jens Haubrock, Zbigniew A. Styczynski
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2020年12月11日
Den Kern des Buches bildet die systematische, durchgehende und logische Darstellung von Elektromobilität in Verbindung mit der Erzeugung der elektrischen Energie aus regenerativen Energiequellen. Du……続きを見る
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