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The Autonomy Paradox: Teachers’ Perceptions of Self-Governance Across Europe
著者:Wieland Wermke, Maija Salokangas
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2021年04月25日
What do we mean when we speak about teacher autonomy? How free are teachers to go about their work? To answer these complex questions the authors asked thousands of teachers in four national context……続きを見る
Connecting With Kids In A Disconnected World
著者:Trevor Romain
出版社: The Trevor Romain Company
発売日: 2019年05月27日
For the last thirty years, award-winning children’s book author Trevor Romain has been working with children from all walks of life. In the last decade alone, he has presented to over a million chil……続きを見る
Análise Econômica do Direito
著者:Guilherme Maines Caon
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2021年03月29日
Nesta obra, buscou-se examinar o modo como tem sido aplicada a Análise Econômica do Direito pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, por meio de uma pesquisa empírica na jurisprudência, com base na técnica da……続きを見る
Gunshot Wounds
著者:Vincent DiMaio
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年03月31日
Written by the nation's foremost authority on gunshot wounds and forensic techniques as they relate to firearm injuries, this third edition of a bestseller provides critical updates to information o……続きを見る
Réglez vos litiges sans avocat
著者:Catherine Chini-Germain, Alain Yung-Hing
出版社: Eyrolles
発売日: 2018年08月29日
Ce guide pragmatique décrit toutes les démarches et tous les recours pour gérer sans avocat les litiges du quotidien. En s'appuyant sur 27 cas concrets, 23 fiches pratiques et un carnet d'adresses c……続きを見る
Mise en oeuvre et emploi des matériaux de construction
著者:Christian Lemaitre
出版社: Eyrolles
発売日: 2019年06月21日
Voici un panorama des principaux types de matériaux, depuis la caractérisation et l'adaptation des sols jusqu'aux vitrages, en passant par les matériaux de structure, d'isolation et d'enveloppe. Ce ……続きを見る
60 minutes pour reprendre le contrôle de vos mails
著者:Romain BISSERET
出版社: Gereso
発売日: 2019年06月20日
70% des mails professionnels sont ouverts dans les 6 secondes suivant leur réception, et 85% durant les 2 premières minutes ; 73% de tous ces mails ne concernent même pas directement l'activité du d……続きを見る
Character Building
著者:Jamais Jochim
出版社: ​Jamais Jochim
発売日: 2021年05月06日
Writer's Resource: Character Building looks at a number of character issues when it comes to writing comics. This includes a quick character generation process, how to resolve character vs. plot iss……続きを見る
Texturas 44: Retrato de grupo con Editor
En este número de Texturas se pueden encontrar textos de Enrique Tierno Galván, Gustavo Guerrero, Michael Bhaskar, Elea Giménez Toledo, Ana García García, Jorge Mañana Rodríguez, Manuel Rodríguez Ri……続きを見る
Precedentes Obrigatórios do Supremo Tribunal Federal
著者:Adelmar Azevedo Régis, Fábio Vinicius Maia Trigueiro, Marcos Antônio Leite Ramalho Júnior
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2021年05月28日
No Brasil, a jurisprudência apresenta relevância crescente no Direito, à medida que ocorre uma aproximação das regras do sistema do Civil Law ao sistema anglo-saxônico Common Law. Portanto, conhecer……続きを見る
Supporting Children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs in the Early Years
著者:Sonia Mainstone-Cotton
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年06月30日
This accessible book offers essential guidance and practical ideas for Early Years staff to support children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs. It draws upon a wealth of experien……続きを見る
Global Textiles and Clothing Trade
著者:Umair Hafeez Ghori
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
The author presents substantial case studies of the effect of the abolition of quotas on global trade in this sector. Concentrating mainly on China and Pakistan but also examining India, Indonesia, ……続きを見る
Criminal Law in Spain
著者:Lorena Bachmaier Winter
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides a practical analysis of criminal law in Spain. An introduction presents the necessary background inform……続きを見る
Religion and Law in South Africa
著者:Charles Maimela
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this convenient resource provides systematic information on how South Africa deals with the role religion plays or can pla……続きを見る
Reflexões Críticas Sobre Direito e Sociedade
著者:Afranio Silva Jardim, Pierre Souto Maior Coutinho de Amorim
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2021年06月24日
Coletânea de textos com variados assuntos, tratando de direito processual penal, penal, civil, filosofia, política, religião, entre outros muitos temas de interesse comum. 続きを見る
Privacy Litigation
著者:Sebastian Laoutoumai
出版社: Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft
発売日: 2021年04月29日
Bei Datenschutzverstößen in einem Unternehmen können nach der DSGVO nicht nur die Datenschutzbehörden Bußgeldverfahren einleiten, sie bietet auch den Betroffenen selbst sowie auch Verbraucherschutz-……続きを見る
Vereine rechtssicher gründen und führen
著者:Otto N. Bretzinger, Maike Backhaus
出版社: Akademische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verlagsgesellschaft
発売日: 2021年07月30日
Vereine rechtssicher gründen und führen Es gibt sie in Deutschland so oft wie in keinem anderen Land der Welt: Vereine. Sie übernehmen mit ihrem ehrenamtlichen und unentgeltlichen Engagement wichtig……続きを見る
Responsabilidade civil e direito de família
A obra coletiva "Diálogos entre Responsabilidade civil e direito de família: O Direito de danos na parentalidade e conjugalidade", consiste em mais um empreendimento do Instituto Brasileiro de Estud……続きを見る
Elementos das ações reparatórias por danos concorrenciais decorrentes de cartel
著者:Mauricio Oscar Bandeira Maia
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2021年07月14日
O livro busca examinar a racionalidade das ações reparatórias de danos concorrenciais, especialmente aqueles decorrentes de cartéis, sob a perspectiva da União Europeia, dos Estados Unidos da Améric……続きを見る
Práticas formativas na Extensão Universitária
著者:Carina Maia de Castro Mundim, Regina da Silva Pina Neves
出版社: Paco e Littera
発売日: 2021年07月14日
Está obra tem como principal objetivo, apresentar aos leitores as principais ações, no âmbito da Extensão Universitária oferecidas pelos Instituto de Ciências Exatas (IE) da Universidade de Brasília……続きを見る
Die Wunder der weiblichen Sexualität
著者:Maitreyi Piontek
出版社: Allinti Verlag
発売日: 2018年05月02日
Als Einführung in eine ganzheitliche Sexualkunde richtet sich dieses Buch allererst an Frauen, die ihren weiblichen Weg vertiefen wollen, und ist vor allem eines: eine Schatztruhe für experimentierf……続きを見る
DiMaio's Forensic Pathology
著者:Vincent J.M. DiMaio, D. Kimberley Molina
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年09月28日
The first two editions of Forensic Pathology have been highly touted as the definitive*,* go-to text reference on forensic pathology and this latest edition is no exception. DiMaio’s Forensic Pathol……続きを見る
Popular Government - Imperium Press (Studies in Reaction)
著者:Henry Sumner Maine
出版社: Imperium Press
発売日: 2021年08月27日
Churchill once said that "democracy is the worst form of government except for all others..." and in Popular Government, Henry Sumner Maine answers him 60 years in advance with "...unless you examin……続きを見る
Borçlar Hukuku Adli ve İdari Hakimlik Sınavı Soru Bankası
著者:İsmail Hakkı ERÖZ
出版社: Astana Yayınları
発売日: 2021年08月24日
Adli ve idari hâkimlik sınavına yönelik olarak hazırlanan bu kitap özgün hazırlanmış 454 sorudan oluşmaktadır. Borçlar Genel Hukukundan 327 adet ve Borçlar Özel Hukukundan 127 adet soru bulunmaktadı……続きを見る
L'avocat aux colonies et le Prince
著者:Jean-Pierre Maisonnas
出版社: Le Lys Bleu Éditions
発売日: 2021年09月06日
Piégés entre les contradictions coloniales et le silence de leurs confrères métropolitains, les avocats coloniaux répondaient à des règles confuses et mouvantes voulues par Paris. Évoquant de loin l……続きを見る
SmarterLife Essenz 1
著者:Josef Maiwald
出版社: SmarterLife @ A-BiS GmbH
発売日: 2021年09月09日
Ein 'smartes' Leben führen heißt, mit den Lebensumständen klug, gewandt und pfiffig umgehen zu können. Das ist ein durchaus anspruchsvolles aber auch spannendes Vorhaben. Die hier angebotenen '12 Zu……続きを見る
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