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Besteuerung der Gesellschaften
著者:Uwe Grobshäuser, Walter Maier, Dieter Kies, Hartwig Maier
出版社: Schäffer-Poeschel
発売日: 2023年03月10日
Das Lehrbuch stellt zum einen die Grundlagen der Besteuerung von Gesellschaften systematisch und methodisch anhand einer Vielzahl von ausführlichen Beispielen und Übersichten dar. Zum anderen bietet……続きを見る
Comentários à Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falência: Lei n. 11.101, de 09 de fevereiro de 2005
著者:Fernando Antonio Maia da Cunha, Maria Rita Rebello Pinho Dias
出版社: Editora Contracorrente
発売日: 2022年12月22日
A Editora Contracorrente tem a satisfação de anunciar a publicação do livro Comentários à Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falência: Lei n. 11.101, de 09 de fevereiro de 2005, dos ilustres juristas ……続きを見る
English Language Learners
著者:Ashraf Esmail, Alice Duhon Ross, Judith Blakely, H. Prentice Baptiste, Abul Pitre, Fayetteville State Univer
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
発売日: 2023年03月08日
The recent increase in immigration patterns in the United States has meant an increase in the number of children entering American schools whose first language is not English. Some reports indicate ……続きを見る
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana 2022
著者:hartanto, H.M.Ismail, SH, MH.
出版社: LPMI
発売日: 2023年01月03日
Buku Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana 2022 berisi petikan KUHP yang disah kan DPR pada tanggal 6 Desember 2022, yang memuat dari buku satu (pasal 1 sampai dengan pasal 187), buku dua (Pasal 188 samp……続きを見る
Story Development:: Unlock Your Imagination
著者:Margreit Maitland
出版社: Maitland Writing
発売日: 2023年02月01日
Don't miss this comprehensive resource for your creative writing project! It's all quite exciting. The very thought of writing something. Of taking an idea and turning it into something special. But……続きを見る
Epreuve d'entretien - CRPE 2023- Epreuve orale d'admission
著者:Laurence Chafaa, Elodie Foussard, Estelle Zuliani, Romain Zuliani
出版社: Hatier
発売日: 2022年09月14日
LA COLLECTION DE RÉFÉRENCE pour tous les candidats et les candidates au concours de professeur des écoles. Un ouvrage pour réussir l'épreuve orale d'entretien. Toutes les connaissances nécessaires :……続きを見る
ECG 2 - Histoire Géographie Géopolitique du monde contemporain - Programmes 2022
著者:Yannick Clavé, Pierre Agéron, Edouard de Bélizal, Maie Gérardot, Thomas Merle, Sabrina Tricaud
出版社: Dunod
発売日: 2022年08月24日
UN MANUEL DE RÉFÉRENCE pour les élèves en 2e année de classes préparatoires commerciales ayant choisi l'option Histoire Géographie Géopolitique. Les étudiants trouveront dans ce manuel : Tout le pr……続きを見る
OnlineBookClub Magazine- 3rd Edition (April 2023)
著者:Scott Hughes, OBC Magazine, S. Jeyran Main
出版社: OnlineBookClub.org
発売日: 2023年04月01日
Founded in 2006, OnlineBookClub.org by Scott Hughes has over three million members and counting. He has worked with over ten thousand authors in promoting their work. His website and magazine are de……続きを見る
Le DELF Scolaire et Junior 100% Réussite A1 - édition 2017-2018 - Ebook
著者:Romain Chrétien
出版社: Didier
発売日: 2018年05月30日
- Une préparation en 4 étapes : comprendre l’épreuve, se préparer, s’entraîner, prêt pour l’examen ! - Des activités collectives et individuelles, des astuces et des stratégies pour progresser et ga……続きを見る
Hybrid L1 Adaptive Control
著者:Roshni Maiti, Kaushik Das Sharma, Gautam Sarkar
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2023年02月17日
This book details the designing of hybrid control strategies for practical systems containing time varying uncertainties, disturbances, nonlinearities, unknown parameters, unmodelled dynamics, delay……続きを見る
Casse-moi l'os!
著者:Yves Hirschfeld, Salah Ben Meftah, Romain Eyheramendy
出版社: Le Livre de Poche
発売日: 2017年05月24日
Que signifie ce drôle de titre, C**asse-moi l’os ! ? Vous avez besoin d’un indice ? Indice 1 : Faisons la paix ! Indice 2 : Mais rassure-moi, tu t’es lavé les mains ? Cette expression veut dire, au ……続きを見る
Précis de grammaire pour les concours - 5e éd.
著者:Dominique Maingueneau
出版社: Armand Colin
発売日: 2015年06月03日
Cette 5e édition est mise à jour conformément à la réforme des concours de l'enseignement. Elle propose également d'inscrire le livre dans la nouvelle collection "Horizon", avec une nouvelle couvert……続きを見る
Designing for Digital Wellbeing
著者:Dana Rad, Tiberiu Dughi, Roxana Maier, Sonia Ignat
出版社: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
発売日: 2023年02月22日
Screens and smart technology have transformed into amazing doors to other worlds, people, and emotions in the Digital Age, yet our relationship with our gadgets is nuanced and occasionally tense. We……続きを見る
Urban nature : inclusive learning through youth work and school work
An increased globalization and growth of cities also highlights the boundaries between nature and civilization from educational and experiential perspectives, especially with regards to issues of de……続きを見る
A Multitude of Sins
著者:Patrick Badonnel, Claude Maisonnat
出版社: Armand Colin
発売日: 2007年11月07日
Cet ouvrage traite de la nouvelle question au CAPES d'anglais. 続きを見る
Action Research for the Classroom
著者:Máirín Glenn, Bernie Sullivan, Mary Roche, Caitriona McDonagh
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年05月02日
What is action research? Why does it matter in education? This practical and accessible book provides answers to these questions, guiding readers through a meaningful and manageable approach to rese……続きを見る
著者:José Carlos Couto Carvalho, Mainara Teles Dourado
出版社: Editora CRV
発売日: 2023年03月02日
A presente obra, elaborada de acordo com o consagrado método de estudo de Direito Penal Militar do Curso do Professor José Carlos Couto, tem o objetivo de proporcionar o conhecimento do Direito Pena……続きを見る
Dipendenza affettiva
著者:Antonella Lebruto, Valentina Ciorciari, Giulia Calamai, LAURA CACCICO
出版社: Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson
発売日: 2023年03月03日
Il volume propone un modello di funzionamento del disturbo da dipendenza affettiva e il corrispondente protocollo di valutazione e trattamento. Illustra un inquadramento generale del disturbo, sched……続きを見る
Filosofia da educação
著者:Elói Maia de Oliveira
出版社: Editora Senac São Paulo
発売日: 2023年03月07日
A Série Universitária foi desenvolvida pelo Senac São Paulo com o intuito de preparar profissionais para o mercado de trabalho. Os títulos abrangem diversas áreas, abordando desde conhecimentos teór……続きを見る
Dick sein ist eine Entscheidung
著者:Maike Harich
出版社: tredition
発売日: 2023年04月01日
Auch wenn diese Erkenntnis für den ein oder anderen schmerzlich ist, entspricht sie den Tatsachen. Dick wird man nicht einfach so, es sind die Entscheidungen Ihres bisherigen Lebens, die Sie zu dem ……続きを見る
著者:Diarmait Mac Giolla Chríost
出版社: University of Wales Press
発売日: 2012年05月15日
This book tells the dramatic and often surprising story of the learning of the Irish language by Irish Republican prisoners held in the infamous H-block cells during the bloody political conflict in……続きを見る
Language Teacher Wellbeing across the Career Span
著者:Giulia Sulis, Sarah Mercer, Sonja Babic, Astrid Mairitsch
出版社: Channel View Publications
発売日: 2023年04月12日
This book explores language teacher wellbeing across the career span from an ecological perspective. It reports on empirical findings from an extensive investigation into language teacher wellbeing ……続きを見る
Diventare un asso di LinkedIn
著者:Maïllys Charlier
出版社: 50Minutes.com (IT)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
Imparate a ottimizzare il vostro profilo LinkedIn in soli 50 minuti con questo libro pratico e conciso. LinkedIn è il social network professionale più popolare al mondo, il che significa che sta rap……続きを見る
Een LinkedIn®-expert worden
著者:Maïllys Charlier
出版社: 50Minutes.com (NL)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
Leer hoe u uw LinkedIn profiel in slechts 50 minuten kunt optimaliseren met dit praktische en beknopte boek. LinkedIn is 's werelds populairste professionele sociale netwerk, wat betekent dat het sn……続きを見る
Tornar-se um ás do LinkedIn®
著者:Maïllys Charlier
出版社: 50Minutes.com (PT)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
Saiba como optimizar o seu perfil no LinkedIn em apenas 50 minutos com este livro prático e conciso. O LinkedIn é a rede social profissional mais popular do mundo, o que significa que está rapidamen……続きを見る
The LMS Princess Coronation Pacifics, 1937-1956
著者:David Maidment
出版社: Pen and Sword
発売日: 2023年07月06日
This book covers the design, construction, operation and performance of Sir William Stanier’s masterpiece, the Princess Coronation pacific locomotives, better known as the ‘Duchesses’. Included are ……続きを見る
Να γίνετε άσος του LinkedIn®
著者:Maïllys Charlier
出版社: 50Minutes.com (GK)
発売日: 2023年03月30日
Μάθετε πώς να βελτιστοποιείτε το προφίλ σας στο LinkedIn σε μόλις 50 λεπτά με αυτό το πρακτικό και συνοπτικό βιβλίο. Το LinkedIn είναι το πιο δημοφιλές επαγγελματικό κοινωνικό δίκτυο στον κόσμο, πρά……続きを見る
Restorative Justice in the English Language Arts Classroom
著者:Maisha T. Winn, Hannah Graham
出版社: National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
発売日: 2022年10月18日
The authors show how English teachers can think and plan using a restorative justice lens to address issues of student disconnection and alienation; adult and youth well-being in schools; and inequi……続きを見る
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