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Advancements in Mental Skills Training
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年07月23日
Advancements in Mental Skills Training presents contemporary evidence-based intervention approaches from leading sport psychology researchers and practitioners. The book comprehensively examines the……続きを見る
Advances in Human Factors in Robots, Drones and Unmanned Systems
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2020年07月03日
This book focuses on the importance of human factors in the development of safe and reliable robotic and unmanned systems. It discusses current challenges, such as how to improve the perceptual and ……続きを見る
Psikologie, depression und humor
著者:Stefano Calicchio
出版社: Stefano Calicchio
発売日: 2020年07月05日
Was ist eine Depression und was sind ihre psychologischen Funktionsmechanismen? Was sind die Symptome von Stimmungsstörungen? Wie wirken sie sich auf das Leben der Menschen aus? In diesem Leitfaden ……続きを見る
Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2020年08月04日
This book reports on the latest research and developments in the field of human factors in cybersecurity. It analyzes how the human vulnerabilities can be exploited by cybercriminals and proposes me……続きを見る
Minha Doce Vida Amarga
著者:Wagner Soares de Lima
出版社: Zoe Integrativa
発売日: 2020年07月04日
Neste texto, você vai entender o que é o diabetes mellitus, a função da insulina e as implicações de seu mau funcionamento para o acúmulo de glicose no sangue e a excreção dessa grande quantidade pe……続きを見る
Dark Psychology: The Practical Uses and Best Defenses of Psychological Warfare in Everyday Life - How to Detect and Defend Against Manipulation, Deception, Dark Persuasion, and Covert NLP
著者:James Williams
出版社: ​James Williams
発売日: 2020年07月07日
Do you feel like you are just a pawn in someone else' chess game? Are you tired of being manipulated at every turn? Would you like to be able to detect and discern genuine emotions in others so that……続きを見る
How to Analyze People: Dark Psychology - Dark Secrets to Analyze and Influence Anyone Using Body Language, Human Psychology, Subliminal Persuasion and NLP
著者:James Williams
出版社: ​James Williams
発売日: 2020年07月07日
If you're tired of being manipulated, then there are ways that you can stop the control others have over you. Whether you're being tricked into doing things you don't want, or others are taking adva……続きを見る
著者:Stefano Calicchio
出版社: Stefano Calicchio
発売日: 2020年07月07日
Was ist Neuropsychologie und wie funktioniert sie? Dieser Leitfaden soll den Leser in die Disziplin einführen. Ziel ist es, den Wissenskörper auf einfache, aber nicht simplifizierende Weise zu vermi……続きを見る
著者:Jane Orloff
出版社: ​Jane Orloff
発売日: 2020年07月08日
• ¿Eres el tipo de persona que prefiere quedarse en casa ya que sabes que aventurarte al exterior con un gran número gente puede dejarte emocionalmente desahuciado? • ¿Te has sentido incomprendido p……続きを見る
El conocimiento y la gestión de las emociones del paciente, del cuidador familiar y del operador
著者:Laura Pedrinelli Carrara
出版社: ​Babelcube Inc.
発売日: 2020年07月08日
Este libro es un verdadero manual que ayuda al médico, al cuidador familiar y a la persona enferma a comprender su propia dinámica emocional y la de los demás y a saber cómo manejarla. El libro cont……続きを見る
Applied Spatial Cognition
出版社: Taylor and Francis
発売日: 2020年07月25日
Applied Spatial Cognition illustrates the vital link between research and application in spatial cognition. With an impressive vista ranging from applied research to applications of cognitive techno……続きを見る
Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications
出版社: Taylor and Francis
発売日: 2020年07月25日
The field of psycholinguistics and the application of psycholinguistic theory to advertising and marketing communication has become a topic of great prominence in the field of consumer behavior. Psy……続きを見る
Ich sehe das, was du nicht sagst
著者:Thorsten Havener
出版社: YES-Verlag
発売日: 2020年10月11日
Sehen, was andere denken Wie können wir die Körpersprache anderer Menschen lesen, verstehen und übersetzen? Wie können wir Vertrauen und Harmonie herstellen? Wie wirken wir souverän und überzeugend?……続きを見る
Kommunikation in der Arbeitswelt
著者:Werner Pfab
出版社: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
発売日: 2020年07月10日
In diesem Essential werden wesentliche arbeitsbezogene Aspekte zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation erläutert, u.a. die Einbindung in die jeweilige Arbeitskultur, das Moment wechselseitiger Abhängigke……続きを見る
Learn to Think Using Riddles, Brain Teasers, and Wordplay: Develop a Quick Wit, Think More Creatively and Cleverly, and Train your Problem-Solving instincts
著者:Patrick King
出版社: PublishDrive
発売日: 2020年07月10日
Learn how to ask the right questions, solve problems, and think more clearly. In traditional education, you're taught to recite and regurgitate. But there is rarely application, and information just……続きを見る
Stoicism: The Timeless Wisdom to Living a Good life - Develop Grit, Build Confidence, and Find Inner Peace
著者:James W. Williams
出版社: ​James W. Williams
発売日: 2020年07月10日
Why am I here? Why do I even exist? Why is my life filled with fear, anxiety, and hopelessness? Why can't I ever get the things I desire? Is my life really worth living? If you have ever asked yours……続きを見る
Die heilsame Wirkung des Waldes in der Integrativen Therapie
著者:Astrid Polz-Watzenig
出版社: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
発売日: 2020年07月11日
Die heilsame Wirkung des Waldes in der Integrativen Therapie steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Vermittlung aktiver Übungen des Walderlebens gelegt, die in der therapeu……続きを見る
Psychology of Selling: Persuasion - Secret Techniques Only The World's Top Sales People Know To Close The Deal Every Time
著者:Ryan James
出版社: ​Ryan James
発売日: 2020年07月12日
If, despite your best efforts, your product or service just doesn't seem to sell, then it might not be the product that's the problem, it could be you. It's no secret that the best salespeople have ……続きを見る
Steuerungsprozesse in der Psychodynamischen Traumatherapie
著者:Rosmarie Barwinski
出版社: Klett-Cotta
発売日: 2020年07月17日
Orientierung für den komplexen Prozess der Traumabehandlung - Neuer Ansatz für die Arbeit mit traumatisierten Patienten - Erläutert das Vorgehen durch Fallbeispiele - Schulen übergreifendes Konzept ……続きを見る
著者:林イク萱, 周裕翔, 蘇益賢
出版社: 時報出版
発売日: 2020年07月14日
或許不久的將來,我們在日常生活中會互相問候:「你今天被騙了嗎?」 當詐騙成為一種新職業,當生活中充斥各種詐騙, 我們要如何知道自己掉入陷阱了? 我們又該如何抵抗、出逃或共存? 為什麼有人會為從沒見過面的……続きを見る
著者:Hans Hopf
出版社: Klett-Cotta
発売日: 2020年07月17日
»Jeder Mensch ist ein Abgrund, es schwindelt einem, wenn man hinabsieht.« Georg Büchner, Woyzeck - Tiefe Einblicke in die Facetten der menschlichen Psyche - Spannendes Buch über die menschliche Exis……続きを見る
著者:Tina Berg
出版社: ​Tina Berg
発売日: 2020年07月20日
Siete stanchi di essere moralmente giù, di essere sfruttati e di vivere una routine? Siete stufi di non avere mai il controllo della situazione? Se lo siete, continuate a leggere. Quando siete un pi……続きを見る
Making an Impact on Mental Health
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年09月23日
Advancements in research in psychological science have afforded great insights into how our minds work. Making an Impact on Mental Health analyses contemporary, international research to examine a n……続きを見る
Self-Management for Persistent Pain
著者:Karen Rodham
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2020年10月03日
This book critiques the current approach to the self-management of persistent pain. The drive towards self-management of chronic pain is flourishing as healthcare systems struggle to facilitate the ……続きを見る
How To Learn Faster
著者:Steven Hopkins
出版社: ​Steven Hopkins
発売日: 2020年07月23日
Do you wish you could accelerate your learning abilitiesand improve your memory instantly**?** Do you want to effortlessly stay focusedandabsorb info like a human sponge? If you answered YES to any ……続きを見る
Die Siegergene
著者:David Epstein
出版社: Redline Verlag
発売日: 2020年09月13日
Usian Bolt, Serena Williams und Michael Phelps - Ausnahmesportler, die jeder kennt, ganz gleich, ob sportbegeistert oder nicht. Doch was befähigt diese Menschen zu ihren Höchstleistungen? Genetische……続きを見る
Die innere Mauer
著者:Ilse Sand
出版社: C.H.Beck
発売日: 2020年08月27日
Wenn das Kind in mir die Liebe zerstört: Auswege aus der Beziehungsangst. Beziehungsangst kann viele Gründe haben: keine Lust auf Verpflichtungen, Angst vor Enttäuschungen, Schutz vor seelischen Ver……続きを見る
How to Analyze People: Influence, Persuasion, Social Skills, and Body Language
著者:Jason Gale
出版社: ​Healthy Pragmatic Solutions Inc
発売日: 2020年07月24日
☆★☆How to Analyze People: Influence, Persuasion, Social skills, and Body language ☆★☆ Every influential leader understood the power of body language and charisma. Winston Churchill, Richard Nixon, B……続きを見る
著者:Carlos Araujo Carujo
出版社: Clube de Autores
発売日: 2019年11月08日
Neste manual, as regras tradicionais para obter resultados denominados “Espelhos de Príncipes”. Seja equilibrando, firme e prudente. São extraordinários recursos que podem lhe colocar à frente de to……続きを見る
Conquering Trauma: Why You Cannot Experience Peace And Joy And How To Finally Point Your Life In The Right Direction
著者:Michael Vitela
出版社: ​M & M Limitless Online Inc.
発売日: 2020年07月26日
Do you have behaviors or reactions that you wish you could change about yourself? Are you often isolated and have a sense that something inside yourself is stopping you from feeling happiness? Or do……続きを見る
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