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著者:瑪塔.威廉斯(Marta Williams)
出版社: 大雁文化事業股份有限公司
発売日: 2023年01月10日
毛小孩說不出口的心事,現在你都能懂! 以溝通取代調教,以理解拉近距離 ★全球動物溝通師口碑推薦Top1 ★美國首席動物溝通師代表作 ★國內外獸醫師專文推薦 全台寵物、野生動物集氣發念力, 呼喚毛孩爸媽、獸醫師、……続きを見る
著者:凱倫.安徳森(Karen A Anderson)
出版社: 圓神出版事業機構
発売日: 2024年02月01日
★美國亞馬遜分類榜冠軍書 ★榮獲16項全美及國際好獎,長銷至今! ★《黃阿瑪的後宮生活》志銘與狸貓、寶總監的寶之國與他的狗王子們、《認識動物溝通的第一本書》作者/源頭療育法創立者林怡芳 感動推薦 一位天賦異……続きを見る
Der tut nix!
著者:Hildegard Jung, Dorothea Döring, Ulrike Falbesaner
出版社: Verlag Eugen Ulmer
発売日: 2023年09月21日
Mit diesem fundierten Ratgeber sind Sie bestens gerüstet für den Hundeführerschein und Sachkundenachweis. Er begleitet Sie von der Auswahl Ihres Welpen bis zum gut erzogenen erwachsenen Hund und ver……続きを見る
Agenda mensile gatti 2023
著者:Evelyne Nicod
出版社: Gatteria
発売日: 2022年02月07日
PRESENTAZIONE DI QUESTA EDIZIONE Best of 2003-2023 Evelyne Nicod è conosciuta per le sue creazioni artistiche legate al mondo felino, dipinti, acqueforti e illustrazioni di prodotti commerciali, com……続きを見る
How To Raise Backyard Chickens For Eggs And Meat Or, Keeping Poultry As Pets Discover 10 Quick Tips On Raising Hens And 20 Fun Facts About Chickens
著者:Stirling De Cruz Coleridge
出版社: ​Stirling De Cruz Coleridge
発売日: 2021年12月24日
How To Raise Backyard Chickens For Eggs And Meat Or, Keeping Poultry As Pets Discover 10 Quick Tips On Raising Hens And 20 Fun Facts About Chickens Raising or keeping chickens has become an increasi……続きを見る
Dog Lovers Colorful Cartoons
著者:Jasmine Taylor
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2019年03月21日
This Dog Lovers Colorful Cartoon Illustrated eBook is ideal for kids of any age (and adults too) who love dogs of all shapes, styles, colors and sizes. URL Link inside for unlimited coloring page do……続きを見る
365 Fascinating Facts You Didn't Know About Your Cat
著者:Peter Scottsdale
出版社: ​Peter Scottsdale
発売日: 2020年04月20日
"I absolutely loved reading this book. I am a big animal fan in general, so maybe it's just me. But this book is a great book for cat lovers out there to learn more about their feline friends! There……続きを見る
Nests and Eggs of Familiar British Birds, Second Series
著者:H. G. Adams
出版社: Good Press
発売日: 2019年12月18日
"Nests and Eggs of Familiar British Birds, Second Series" by H. G. Adams. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics ……続きを見る
Bizarre Cat Facts: Strange & Unusual Things About Kitties
著者:Peter Scottsdale
出版社: ​Peter Scottsdale
発売日: 2020年04月25日
This little book is all about the strange and unusual things cats do and be. You'll be stunned by what you find in here. Get yours today. 続きを見る
Dog Training Colorful Cartoons
著者:Jasmine Taylor
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2019年09月05日
This Dog Training Colorful Cartoon Illustrated eBook is ideal for kids of any age (and adults too) who enjoy dogs and dog training. Watch owners and trainers as they teach their dogs to obey command……続きを見る
Nabo forrageiro
著者:Ana Paula de Souza Fortaleza
出版社: Simplíssimo
発売日: 2015年08月19日
O livro aborda o nabo forrageiro como matéria prima para produção do biodiesel e a utilização do farelo e da torta, resultante do processo de produção do biodiesel na alimentação animal. 続きを見る
Insights Into Dog Behavior
著者:Jaimie Scott
出版社: Jaimie Scott
発売日: 2018年05月03日
This eBook is a collection of articles I have written over my first decade of training dog owners. Most of these articles can be classified as “alternative ways to look at dog behavior.” The views p……続きを見る
Two Legs, Three Legs, Four Legs
著者:Katie Woods
出版社: LST Publishing
発売日: 2019年05月31日
Would you like to meet them? All rescue dogs, all with different backgrounds and personalities, but together they made up my Gang of Four and were a part of my life for many years. Seamus - 'Head B……続きを見る
Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs, And Wool
著者:Greg Dinneen
出版社: Greg Dinneen
発売日: 2016年11月15日
How to produce healthy Animal Products, such as milk, eggs, and wool, humanely and sustainably. MORE HEALTHY Meta-analyses show that people who drink the most milk have the lowest overall death, IHD……続きを見る
La mucca dagli zoccoli laccati
著者:Rachele Favero
出版社: Rachele Favero
発売日: 2016年11月18日
Una mucca in un caseificio non è soddisfatta della sua esistenza, sempre chiusa in un box a far latte. Quando incontra il giovane Fausto le cose cominciano a cambiare. Insieme, Lara e Fausto riuscir……続きを見る
Showing Off - your guide to showing rabbits
著者:Christine Carter
出版社: Christine Carter
発売日: 2017年10月06日
The 'Showing Off' eBook provides helpful information in regard to what's involved in showing rabbits as well as encourages confidence in the exhibitor. Subject titles include: The club scene, Novelt……続きを見る
Astrology For Pets - Part 2 (Astrology For Everyone series)
著者:Juliet Atherton
出版社: Juliet Atherton
発売日: 2015年10月20日
Astrology for Pets Part 2 is an informative look at your pet's persona, using the astrological alphabet of N to Z - and showing how you can use astrology when naming the new addition to your househo……続きを見る
Fun Facts About Penguins
著者:Richard Butler
出版社: Richard Butler
発売日: 2015年03月06日
This particular book is about penguins. In it you will learn if penguins fly, where they live, what they eat and more! The Fun Facts About Animals series is a part of a read along book series, desig……続きを見る
著者:Marla Braziel
出版社: Marla Braziel
発売日: 2012年10月15日
Imagine being born in captivity with a crippling disability. Your life is in the hands of alien creatures that provide sustenance and affection. How much does your happiness mean? Despite the tit……続きを見る
3Rs Disaster Prevention for Your Pets
著者:Junko Hirai, Noriko Suzuki, Satoshi Ogura
出版社: Specified Nonprofit Corporation ANICE
発売日: 2015年04月15日
In Japan, various kinds of disaster can happen at any time. Disasters could be caused by heavy rain storms, snow storms, volcanic eruptions, typhoons and earthquakes which we experience often. In ad……続きを見る
Charlie The Pissed Off Mutt
著者:Corey Thompson
出版社: C.J Thompson
発売日: 2015年03月04日
Charlie is a dog who suffers from anger issues. Trying to impress his owner, his number one goal in life is to become a house dog. Things are looking good until Jasper the stray dog shows up uninvit……続きを見る
Astrology For Pets - Part 1 (Astrology For Everyone series)
著者:Juliet Atherton
出版社: Juliet Atherton
発売日: 2015年10月18日
What's in a name? Plenty! Astrology for Pets is an informative look at your pet's persona, using the astrological alphabet - and showing how you can use astrology when naming the new addition to you……続きを見る
Introducing the Water Buffalo
著者:Sue Weaver
出版社: Sue Weaver
発売日: 2015年05月11日
Sue Weaver has been writing professionally for over 40 years. She has hundreds of published magazine articles, five Smashwords ebooks, and 11 print books about farm animals to her credit. Sue fell i……続きを見る
Monarch Butterfly, Monarch Butterfly Migration, Facts, Life Cycle, What Do They Eat, Habitat
著者:Harry Goldcroft
出版社: Harry Goldcroft
発売日: 2016年04月26日
This book covers many topics about the monarch butterfly, including migration, interesting facts, their life cycle, what they eat, their habitat and many other aspects of their lives. They are on th……続きを見る
著者:好味小姐Lady Flavor、好味營養師品瑄、歐陽銘文
出版社: 城邦出版集團
発売日: 2020年01月02日
讓更多貓奴與貓咪們過上更幸福、健康的日子, 一起體會到「養隻貓,做頓飯,一起過日子」的美好。 好味小姐的正餐貓鮮食食譜書 貓奴敲碗期待第二彈隆重推出! ───|本書的特色|─── ▍簡單的做法,方便取得的食材,……続きを見る
Doggie Language
著者:Lili Chin
出版社: Summersdale
発売日: 2020年10月08日
Dogs communicate with so much more than barks and tail wags. Misreading doggie body language makes life challenging for dogs and their humans. This small but mighty book is your perfect illustrated ……続きを見る
著者:Beatrix Potter
出版社: Higs Publishing
発売日: 2012年11月28日
In 1893 Beatrix Potter wrote The Tale of Peter Rabbit in a picture letter to a little boy she knew who had been ill for a long time. In 1901 she went on to privately print 250 copies of the tale in ……続きを見る
Sugar Gliders
著者:David Oconner
出版社: David Oconner
発売日: 2015年05月09日
The ultimate handbook for raising happy healthy sugar gliders. Sugar gliders can make excellent pets, but this greatly depends on the care they are given from their owner. They are extremely social ……続きを見る
柴犬禪語 MARU禪
出版社: 楓葉社文化事業有限公司
発売日: 2019年10月02日
〜柴犬MARU×禪語故事〜 收錄大量MARU的可愛照片&讓人安定自在的禪語故事。 細細咀嚼禪語的奧祕**,**今天也保持微笑,圓滿生活吧! 【友情推薦】 ◎**〔柴犬大學** Shiba University**〕** ◎台灣官方MARU粉絲團**……続きを見る
出版社: 采實文化
発売日: 2021年08月25日
狗狗7歲就開始老化,你是否已準備好迎接愛犬老去? 史上最完備、最專業的【老犬居家照護全書】 ★電影《十二夜》導演 Raye 專文推薦 ★各界愛狗名人 Cherry拔、林イク淳、楊靜宇、譚艾珍 好評推薦 愛狗飼主必備……続きを見る
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