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Horóscopo da Gatinha - Dezembro de 2022
著者:L P Baçan
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2022年11月22日
Chegou dezembro e com ele as perspectivas de festas, diversão e mais um ano que se finda. Hora de analisar o que foi feito em 2022 e o que esperar para 2023. Trace planos, organize-se, reveja o que ……続きを見る
Horóscopo da Gatinha - Junho de 2022
著者:L P Baçan
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2022年05月30日
Estamos chegando à metade do ano. 2022 está sendo um ano de readaptação, após todos os problemas e restrições causados pela pandemia. Alguns já se readaptaram, outros ainda encontram um pouco de dif……続きを見る
Horóscopo da Gatinha - Maio de 2022
著者:L P Baçan
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2022年05月02日
Já começaram as festas de aniversário, onde todos querem saber quem fica com quem ou quem está shipando quem? Após o início das aulas, os grupos vão se formando e as amizades se solidificando. Surge……続きを見る
How Your Star Sign Affects Your Personality
著者:Hanzla Ahmed
出版社: ​Hanzla Ahmed
発売日: 2021年10月09日
The people of the world live their lives by the alignment of the stars. And for this reason, we want to know how our zodiac sign affects us someday. In this eBook, I'm going to share with you a few ……続きを見る
Vedic Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to Hindu Astrology and the 12 Zodiac Signs
著者:Mari Silva
出版社: ​Mari Silva
発売日: 2022年04月05日
If you want to unlock the secrets of Vedic Astrology, then keep reading… Have you ever wondered if the sky above, which holds a multitude of heavenly bodies, affects your life? Have you ever wondere……続きを見る
Nakshatras: The Ultimate Guide to the 27 Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology
著者:Mari Silva
出版社: ​Mari Silva
発売日: 2022年04月05日
Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered if their presence affected your life? Have you seen the twinkle of these wondrous-looking heavenly bodies and wondered which of them represents you ……続きを見る
As A Man Thinketh
著者:James Allen
出版社: James Allen
発売日: 2020年07月28日
THIS little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanat……続きを見る
Harry Potter - A History of Magic
著者:British British Library
出版社: Pottermore Publishing
発売日: 2017年10月20日
Harry Potter: A History of Magic is the official eBook of the once-in-a-lifetime exhibition from the brilliant curators of the British Library. It promises to take readers on a fascinating journey t……続きを見る
Sodiaagimärgid ja inimese iseloom
出版社: AnnaL
発売日: 2020年01月18日
Raamat on loodud 2018. aastal läbiviidud uurimistöö põhjal. "Sodiaagimärgid ja inimese iseloom" tutvustab kõiki kahteteist sodiaagimärki lähemalt, nende ajalugu ning analüüsib uuringu tulemusi. 続きを見る
The Scientific Basis of Astrology
著者:Michel Gauquelin
出版社: Stein & Day
発売日: 2013年01月15日
Can the Stars determine our future? Millions of people believe so. And as a matter of scientific fact, it is more reasonable to assume astral influences on the human body than to believe that the hu……続きを見る
Our Cosmic Neighbors
著者:Rodman R. Clayson
出版社: Rosicrucian Order AMORC
発売日: 2015年06月16日
This little book is for those men, women, and children who desire to become better acquainted with the stars of the night. While our information is factual and the charts are accurate, no attempt ha……続きを見る
Le Traite d'Astrologie Chinoise - Tome 0
著者:Hélios de Lemme
出版社: Delemme Diffusion
発売日: 2013年02月04日
Le "Grand Jeu" est basé sur l'astrologie chinoise, dont les principes essentiels sont tout doucettement expliqués, sans traumatisme inutile. Il se joue sur un échiquie……続きを見る
An Introduction to Astrology
著者:William Lilly
発売日: 2020年12月08日
First published in 1647, as "Christian Astrology", this is one of the best known post-classical works on Astrology. the present edition, heavily edited by 'Zadkiel,' was released under the current t……続きを見る
Healing Pluto Problems
著者:Donna Cunningham
出版社: Red Wheel Weiser
発売日: 2023年12月04日
Discover how understanding Pluto in your birth chart can help you understand aspects of your childhood, adulthood, and your life. In Healing Pluto Problems, Donna Cunningham explains how Pluto funct……続きを見る
出版社: 大慕影藝
発売日: 2022年12月10日
《共時曆》是唐綺陽繼每年星座運勢書後的全新作品,以日曆的形式、365 天與你日日同在。 透過一頁文字、一段對話,帶領你從占星的角度看見生活的指引,更借給你獨自對抗孤獨的勇氣。 2023年, 會是怎麼樣的一年? ……続きを見る
著者:瑟萊絲托.提爾(Celeste Teal)
出版社: 大雁文化事業股份有限公司
発売日: 2019年04月03日
業力並非懲罰,而是實現責任 星盤中「月亮南北交點」,透露你此生的天職 像一盞聚光燈,讓我們看見累世未竟的挑戰與課題 ・一本最詳盡「月亮南北交點」專書 ・基礎篇:南北交在12星座、12宮位、與各行星的相位 ・……続きを見る
Virgem - Previsões 2023
著者:L P Baçan
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2022年12月05日
Virgem - Previsões Para 2023A Astrologia pode ser reconhecida como uma ciência, pois seu estudo já conta com milênios e sábios de todo o mundo, em diferentes épocas, se debruçaram sobre o assunto, b……続きを見る
出版社: 楓書坊文化出版社
発売日: 2020年04月26日
〜奠基於「榮格心理學」的個人成長工具****〜 現代占星學****以星盤+榮格心理學,探索靈魂的真正目標。 幫助人們流暢運用個人潛能、破除舊習,運用自我意志創造人生。 ★愛智者書窩版主、諮商心理師 鐘穎**ーー**……続きを見る
Vedic Nadi Secrets in Sastriya Jyotisa
著者:Satyanarayana Naik
出版社: ​Sagar Publications
発売日: 2022年09月18日
The contents of this book having its classical base will explore many secrets of Naadi. It is an integrated overview (not a system) having independent approaches explained for both Naadi and Classic……続きを見る
Naadi Astrology - Transit Secrets
著者:Satyanarayana Naik
出版社: ​Sagar Publications
発売日: 2022年08月09日
This is the book based on the works of Guruji Sri R.G. Rao in general and specifically an extended version of Transit results of Rao's System of Naadi Astrology. This Book is structured: Rules of ……続きを見る
出版社: 南瓜國際有限公司
発売日: 2019年07月17日
從行星與星座的能量互動中 透視愛情、財富、工作、健康的宇宙智慧   星座不只是幾個關鍵字,更不是幾個形容詞,它是推動宇宙萬物運作的基本能量。深入了解星座能量的本質,才能真正了解每個人的小宇宙跟大宇宙能量……続きを見る
Ghost Stories: The Most Terrifying REAL ghost stories from around the world - NO ONE CAN ESCAPE FROM EVIL
著者:Ben Nichols
出版社: ​Ben Nichols
発売日: 2023年01月07日
Keep The Door Locked... Are you Intrigued by REAL Paranormal/ghost stories that make your spine tingle? Have you always been curious about strange events, Unexplained mysteries, Haunted houses, Poss……続きを見る
Prediction Secrets – Naadi Astrology
著者:Satyanarayana Naik
出版社: ​Sagar Publications
発売日: 2022年08月26日
This book has extended details of transit, elaborated planetary combinations and is extensively improved than earlier version. This will be a hand book on Naadi Astrology. 続きを見る
Revelation from Naadi Jyotisha
著者:Satyanarayana Naik
出版社: ​Sagar Publications
発売日: 2022年09月10日
The present research work on the Naadi is unique in its presentation and it has many hitherto untold secrets of astronomy relating to astrology. Many astronomical mechanisms are set in astrological ……続きを見る
Self Learning Course in Astrology
著者:V.K. Choudhry, K. Rajesh Chaudhary
出版社: ​Sagar Publications
発売日: 2022年03月05日
Complete book for beginners and advance learners, must for those pursuing predictive accuracy, case studies pre marital pleasures marital discord heart diseases. 続きを見る
著者:麗莎.塔希爾(Lisa Tahir)
出版社: 大雁文化事業股份有限公司
発売日: 2021年04月12日
療癒之星凱龍星,落在你的哪個宮位和星座? 針對此生心靈痛點,完成自我療癒使命 拿回心靈力量,做自己的靈魂療癒師! 傷痛的根源,也能成為生命中療癒與力量的來源 希臘神話裡,凱龍原是植物學、藥草學等知識的祖……続きを見る
Astrology For Beginners
著者:Karen Brown
出版社: Mihails Konoplovs
発売日: 2015年01月27日
Astrology is a study of patterns and co-relations between celestial bodies and the living beings, here on Earth. Every celestial event or movement in the sky affects how humans behave on Earth which……続きを見る
Nasty Astrology: What your astrologer won't tell you!
著者:Richard MacDonald
出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
発売日: 2020年01月01日
Exploring exactly what hidden demons lurk within other people’s psyches, Nasty Astrology reveals all the unspoken truths about people’s star signs. Aren’t you bored with all the astrology books that……続きを見る
The Influence Of The Zodiac Upon Human Life
著者:Eleanor Kirk
出版社: Jazzybee Verlag
発売日: 2013年12月10日
Although countless volumes have been written upon the subject of Astrology, this is the only book which states the simple principles of the Zodiac in simple terms, making the entire matter clear to ……続きを見る
Nadi Astrology Book
著者:Astrologer Gopalakrishnan
出版社: amazon
発売日: 2021年05月11日
The book principles of Nadi astrology is the very first book of Astrologer Gopalakrishnan is an eye opener in the world of Nadi astrology. Many people has not understood the usage of transit in Nadi……続きを見る
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