商品件数:178 1件~30件 (6ページ中 1ページめ)
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İstanbul Deprem Çalıştayı
著者:İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi
出版社: İstanbul Planlama Ajansı
発売日: 2020年03月31日
Gelecekte, İstanbul’da olası yıkıcı bir deprem yaşanacağı ve bu depremin de sonuçlarının afet boyutunda kayıplar yaratacağı gerçeği, birçok bilimsel çalışma ile öngörülmektedir. Olası deprem kayıpla……続きを見る
Revision Exercises in Basic Engineering Mechanics
著者:Gregory Pastoll
出版社: Gregory Pastoll
発売日: 2023年07月15日
Revision Exercises inBasic Engineering Mechanics For study, revision, teaching and assessment This book would be found useful by anyone studying, teaching, or using the science of mechanics. It pres……続きを見る
Dynamics and Analytic Number Theory
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2016年10月31日
Written by leading experts, this book explores several directions of current research at the interface between dynamics and analytic number theory. Topics include Diophantine approximation, exponent……続きを見る
Practical Time Series Analysis
著者:Aileen Nielsen
出版社: O'Reilly Media
発売日: 2019年09月20日
Time series data analysis is increasingly important due to the massive production of such data through the internet of things, the digitalization of healthcare, and the rise of smart cities. As cont……続きを見る
Mathematical Models in Contact Mechanics
著者:Mircea Sofonea, Andaluzia Matei
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2015年11月10日
This text provides a complete introduction to the theory of variational inequalities with emphasis on contact mechanics. It covers existence, uniqueness and convergence results for variational inequ……続きを見る
Dynamics of Multibody Systems
著者:Ahmed A. Shabana
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2015年11月10日
This enhanced fourth edition of Dynamics of Multibody Systems includes an additional chapter that provides explanations of some of the fundamental issues addressed in the book, as well as new detail……続きを見る
Waves and Mean Flows
著者:Oliver Bühler
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2015年11月10日
Interactions between waves and mean flows play a crucial role in understanding the long-term aspects of atmospheric and oceanographic modelling. Indeed, our ability to predict climate change hinges ……続きを見る
Heat Transfer Physics
著者:Massoud Kaviany
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2015年11月10日
This graduate textbook describes atomic-level kinetics (mechanisms and rates) of thermal energy storage, transport (conduction, convection, and radiation), and transformation (various energy convers……続きを見る
Statics For Dummies
著者:James H. Allen III
出版社: Wiley
発売日: 2016年05月16日
The fast and easy way to ace your statics course Does the study of statics stress you out? Does just the thought of mechanics make you rigid? Thanks to this book, you can find balance in the study o……続きを見る
Action-minimizing Methods in Hamiltonian Dynamics (MN-50)
著者:Alfonso Sorrentino
出版社: Princeton University Press
発売日: 2015年06月09日
John Mather's seminal works in Hamiltonian dynamics represent some of the most important contributions to our understanding of the complex balance between stable and unstable motions in classical me……続きを見る
Philosophy and the Foundations of Dynamics
著者:Lawrence Sklar
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2015年11月10日
Although now replaced by more modern theories, classical mechanics remains a core foundational element of physical theory. From its inception, the theory of dynamics has been riddled with conceptual……続きを見る
Flow through Heterogeneous Geologic Media
著者:Raziuddin Khaleel, Kenneth C. Carroll, Tian-Chyi Yeh
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2015年11月10日
This textbook integrates classic principles of flow through porous media with recently developed stochastic analyses to provide new insight on subsurface hydrology. Importantly, each of the authors ……続きを見る
High-Speed Marine Craft
著者:Peter J. Mantle
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2015年11月10日
This book details the efforts to build a large naval vessel capable of traveling at one hundred knots. It is the first book to summarize this extensive work from historical and technical perspective……続きを見る
Protons Neutrons Electrons: Physics Kids | Children's Physics Books Education
著者:Baby Professor
出版社: Speedy Publishing LLC
発売日: 2017年02月15日
Name a child who loves physics. Maybe you can only think of a few. Wouldn't it feel great to have your son/daughter be that child? You can train your child to love physics by introducing a fun and h……続きを見る
Forces and Movement (Push, Pull, Fast, Slow and More): 2nd Grade Science Workbook | Children's Physics Books Edition
著者:Baby Professor
出版社: Speedy Publishing LLC
発売日: 2017年02月15日
Let’s get moving, and learn the science behind it, too! This book is an adrenaline-pumping and mentally-stimulating educational resource that your child would love to own. It explains in detail the ……続きを見る
A First Course in Computational Fluid Dynamics
著者:H. Aref, S. Balachandar
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2017年10月12日
Fluid mechanics is a branch of classical physics that has a rich tradition in applied mathematics and numerical methods. It is at work virtually everywhere, from nature to technology. This broad and……続きを見る
Structural Stability and Vibration
著者:Sine Leergaard Wiggers, Pauli Pedersen
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2018年02月17日
This book offers an integrated introduction to the topic of stability and vibration. Strikingly, it describes stability as a function of boundary conditions and eigenfrequency as a function of both ……続きを見る
著者:Stefano Boccaletti, Alexander N. Pisarchik, Charo I. del Genio, Andreas Amann
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2018年03月31日
A modern introduction to synchronization phenomena, this text presents recent discoveries and the current state of research in the field, from low-dimensional systems to complex networks. The book d……続きを見る
Cani & Razze Canine - Vol. III
著者:Mario Canton
出版社: Mario Canton
発売日: 2015年10月30日
Dopo più di dieci anni dall'uscita della prima edizione a stampa di «Cani & Razze Canine» esce ora la prima edizione digitale dell'opera. Molto tempo è passato da allora e ancor più da quando inziar……続きを見る
Princìpi di Locomozione
著者:Mario Canton
出版社: Mario Canton
発売日: 2015年11月10日
La locomozione è l’atto di spostarsi da un posto all’altro cioè la capacità di muoversi, di percorrere lo spazio. L’apprezzamento del c.d. «movimento» – il modo di produrre locomozione da parte del ……続きを見る
Esercizi di fisica: meccanica classica
著者:Simone Malacrida
出版社: Simone Malacrida
発売日: 2016年04月29日
In questo libro sono svolti degli esercizi riguardo i seguenti argomenti fisici: cinematica del punto e dei sistemi statica e dinamica del punto, dei sistemi e dei corpi rigidi teoria classica della……続きを見る
Fisica: dinamica, statica e gravitazione
著者:Simone Malacrida
出版社: Simone Malacrida
発売日: 2016年04月28日
In questo libro sono presentati i seguenti argomenti di fisica di base: sistemi dinamici classici sistemi statici classici teoria della gravitazione nella meccanica classica formalismi lagrangiani e……続きを見る
LA MECCANICA DI NEWTON: Didattica Flipped per le scuole secondarie
著者:Fiorentino Marco Lubelli
出版社: Fiorentino Marco Lubelli
発売日: 2017年05月07日
Dopo la prima esperienza di flipped classroom dedicata all'evoluzione delle specie di Charles Darwin, questa volta io ed i miei studenti ci siamo cimentati sull'approfondimento dell'opera di Isaac N……続きを見る
Wood Fracture Characterization
著者:Marcelo F. S. F. de Moura, Nuno Dourado
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2018年06月28日
Wood Fracture Characterization provides a guide to the application of modern fracture mechanics concepts to wood materials used in structural engineering, which commonly involve discontinuities and ……続きを見る
Nonlinear Dynamics
著者:H.G Solari
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2019年01月11日
Nonlinear Dynamics: A Two-Way Trip from Physics to Math provides readers with the mathematical tools of nonlinear dynamics to tackle problems in all areas of physics. The selection of topics emphasi……続きを見る
Physico-Mathematical Theory of High Irreversible Strains in Metals
著者:V.M. Greshnov
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2019年02月06日
Presents a new physical and mathematical theory of irreversible deformations and ductile fracture of metals that acknowledges the continuous change in the structure of materials during deformation a……続きを見る
Advanced Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity
著者:Ashok Saxena
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2019年02月08日
Advanced Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity is organized to cover quantitative descriptions of crack growth and fracture phenomena. The mechanics of fracture are explained, emphasizing elas……続きを見る
Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing, Volume 8
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2019年05月14日
Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing, Volume 8: Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2019, the eighth volume of eight from the Conference brings together c……続きを見る
Interdisciplinary Applications of Kinematics
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2019年05月18日
This is the proceedings of the Third Conference on Interdisciplinary Applications of Kinematics (IAK 2018) held in Lima, Peru, March 5–7, 2018. The conference brought together scientists from severa……続きを見る
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2019年07月09日
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2019, the second volume of eight from the Conference brings together contrib……続きを見る
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