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Next Generation (E-Book)
著者:Antje Barabasch, Anna Keller, Marc Marthaler
出版社: hep verlag
発売日: 2020年05月01日
Dieses E-Book enthält komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergrössern lassen. Was zeichnet eine innovative Lernkultur aus? Wer einen Einbl……続きを見る
The English Governess at the Siamese Court
著者:Anna Harriette Leonowens
出版社: Seltzer Books
発売日: 2021年08月12日
First published in 1870. "Being recollections of six years in the royal palace at Bangkok." According to Wikipedia: "Anna Harriette Leonowens (6 November 1831 – 19 January 1915) born Anna Harriet Em……続きを見る
Giuseppe De Donno - Il medico che guariva dal Covid con il plasma iperimmune
著者:Antonino D'Anna
出版社: Algama
発売日: 2021年08月15日
Nella primavera del 2020, nella Lombardia gravemente colpita dalla pandemia da Covid-19, gli ospedali San Matteo di Pavia e Carlo Poma di Mantova sperimentano, con successo, una terapia in grado di ……続きを見る
Le idee di una donna
著者:Anna Zuccari
出版社: SAGA Egmont
発売日: 2021年09月10日
Un saggio dal carattere pionieristico che precede di oltre cinquant'anni l'ondata femminista simbolo delle rivoluzioni di metà Novecento. L'elogio alle donne narrato da Neera si riferisce a un mondo……続きを見る
Parole per Cesare
著者:Stefano Lorenzetto, Paolo Baratta, Pierluigi Battista, Mario Baudino, Claudio Bertorelli, Gianfranco Bettin, Irene Bignardi, Mario Biondi, Enrica Bonaccorti, Alberto Bonisoli, Alberto Bovo, Luigi Brugnaro, Giampiero Brunello, Michele Bugliesi, Errico Buonanno, Massimo Cacciari, Domenico Cacopardo, Ilaria Capua, Francesco Chiamulera, Annalisa Chirico, Antonio Costa, Giovanni Costa, Stefania Craxi, Giuliano Da Empoli, Annalisa De Simone, Marco Di Marco, Paolo Di Mizio, Giuseppe Fantasia, Federica Fantozzi, Piero Fassino, Carlo Feltrinelli, Giuliano Ferrara, Gian Arturo Ferrari, Massimo Fini, Giorgia Fiorio, Maurizio Galimberti, Chiara Gamberale, Gabriella Genisi, Marco Gervasoni, Francesco Giavazzi, Lisa Ginzburg, Lella Golfo, Silvana Grasso, Paolo Isotta, Anna Kanakis, Camillo Langone, Giulio Lattanzi, Enrico Letta, Giuseppe Lupo, Claudio Magris, Carlo Mastelloni, Luca Mastrantonio, Paolo Mauri, Paolo Messa, Ezio Micelli, Stefano Micelli, Paolo Mieli, Alberto Mingardi, Franco Miracco, Giovanni Montanaro, Giulio Mozzi, Giampiero Mughini, Michela Murgia, Giorgio Napolitano, Alessandra Necci, Massimo Ongaro, Manuel Orazi, Fortunato Ortombina, Carlo Ossola, Stefano Parisi, Giovanni Pelizzato, Angelo Petrella, Stefano Petrocchi, Enrico Remmert, Mario Rigo, Gianni Riotta, Rosario Rizzuto, Andrea Romano, Riccardo Ruggeri, Alessandro Russello, Maurizio Sacconi, Marco Sassano, Giuliano Scabia, Giuliano Segre, Mattia Signorini, Francesco Specchia, Angelo Tabaro, Susanna Tamaro, Jacopo Tondelli, Chiara Valerio, Marcello Veneziani, Gian Mario Villalta, Giuseppe Zaccaria, Alessandro Zaccuri, Luca Zaia, Matteo Zoppas, Filiberto Zovico, Cristina Fiorentini
出版社: Marsilio
発売日: 2019年03月10日
"Parole per Cesare" raccoglie messaggi, lettere, articoli ricevuti o pubblicati degli amici di Cesare De Michelis, presidente di Marsilio Editori, che nei giorni successivi alla sua scomparsa ne han……続きを見る
Blossom in the Dust
著者:Anna Birch
出版社: Debborah Olsen
発売日: 2021年09月21日
"I vowed then that I would never let the bastards win." The young girl could see no escape from the terror she experienced at the hands of those who she should have been most able to trust. But when……続きを見る
Una giovinezza del secolo XIX
著者:Anna Zuccari
出版社: SAGA Egmont
発売日: 2021年10月15日
Spinta dal desiderio di lasciare una testimonianza spirituale della sua vita, Neera, ormai moribonda, sopraffatta dai dolori causati da un male incurabile, ripercorre gli anni spensierati della sua ……続きを見る
Im Schatten von Assange
著者:Anna Ardin
出版社: Salis Verlag
発売日: 2021年10月18日
Anna Ardin ist eine der beiden schwedischen Frauen, die Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange 2010 wegen sexuellem Missbrauch angezeigt haben. Eine Entscheidung, die unabsehbare Konsequenzen von weltwei……続きを見る
Lenka Reinerová - Abschied von meiner Mutter
著者:Anna Fodorová, Jaroslav Rudiš
出版社: Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH
発売日: 2022年04月11日
Über die große Dame der deutsch-tschechischen Literatur – Weggefährtin von Anna Seghers, Egon Erwin Kisch und Max Brod. Sie war die letzte deutschsprachige Autorin Prags, die große Dame der deutsch-……続きを見る
The Story of a Pioneer: Autobiography
著者:Anna Howard Shaw
出版社: Musaicum Books
発売日: 2018年03月21日
In 'The Story of a Pioneer: Autobiography' by Anna Howard Shaw, readers are taken on a journey through the life of a pioneering woman in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Shaw's autobiography ……続きを見る
18 Months in the Spanking Scene
著者:Anna J Skye
出版社: Linellen Press
発売日: 2021年11月15日
This is the true story of how Anna entered the world of spanking to pay off a 〓20,000 debt left by her husband when he died suddenly of a heart attack. At the age of 57, she discovered she could ch……続きを見る
I Could See Nothing
著者:Mary Lou Crump Koehler, Lou Anna Koehler
出版社: Lou Anna Koehler
発売日: 2017年08月20日
"Howdy, folks. This story starts back in 1886, in Henrietta, Texas. My name is Bob and I was six years old back then..." Thus speaks Bob Crump, the author's father, as he begins to describe the fami……続きを見る
Pupille 0877PE
著者:Anna Nathalie D.
出版社: Libre2Lire
発売日: 2021年11月22日
Fin des années 60 en France, Anna, 4 ans, est abandonnée à l’hôpital Saint-Vincent de Paul. Elle devient pupille, et sous la « protection » de l’État ira de Charybde en Scylla, de familles d’accueil……続きを見る
Zigzags de la vie
著者:Anna Dvorak
出版社: Dricot
発売日: 2018年08月10日
L’histoire vraie d’une famille de 1924 à 1984. Pour quelle raison ai-je envie, par moments, de mettre sur papier ces quelques souvenirs ? Le temps a depuis longtemps balayé les cendres de ceux qui s……続きを見る
De la banque à la cuisine
著者:Anna Melloul
出版社: La Boîte à Pandore
発売日: 2020年07月22日
Le parcours d'une femme qui a osé sauter le pas et changer de vie ! Anna Melloul a 50 ans. Elle mène une jolie carrière de cadre supérieure dans une grande banque et compte même parmi les rares femm……続きを見る
Córrer per amor
著者:Anna Comet
出版社: Columna CAT
発売日: 2022年02月02日
«El dia que vàrem saber que estava embarassada, la meva ginecòloga, que coneix molt bé la meva trajectòria, em va dir: "Anna, estàs embarassada, no malalta"». Per què una dona embarassada amb panxa ……続きを見る
La Danza
著者:Anna Harsh
出版社: ​Anna Harsh
発売日: 2022年03月08日
Imagine an assignment in college as a dance major opening a door and leading you to a life-long mission after just one performance. Anna Harsh made a vision board in 6th grade about dancing professi……続きを見る
Out of the Red
著者:Anna J Skye
出版社: Memoirs Publishing
発売日: 2015年06月08日
When Anna Skye discovered that there are men around who will pay an attractive woman generously for the privilege of giving her a good spanking, belting, slippering, thrashing, paddling or caning, s……続きを見る
Under the Fig Tree
著者:Rita Wright, Anna M Wright
出版社: AuthorHouse UK
発売日: 2022年01月25日
When your loved one commits suicide, life is irreversibly changed. This searingly honest book just might help you understand how to survive the loss of a loved one. The author shares feelings of imm……続きを見る
La revancha de Mona Lisa
著者:Anna Nihil
出版社: ​Babelcube Inc.
発売日: 2022年02月24日
Todos conocen su rostro, pero ¿cuántos conocen su verdadera historia? Mona Lisa nunca fue una mujer ordinaria. Descendiente de la realeza de Nápoles, duquesa de Milán y de Bari. La nobleza no le dio……続きを見る
The Loving Touch of Piano Man
著者:Anna Cimini Guglietti
出版社: Anna Cimini Guglietti
発売日: 2022年04月29日
High atop a luxury condo overlooking Lake Ontario, Anna has a bird’s eye view of her world but not herself. She explores her life and the forces that shaped it. She was born in the middle of Italy’s……続きを見る
Călători străini
著者:Anna Ercsei
出版社: epubli
発売日: 2021年03月06日
Cartea descrie pașii prin care trec majoritatea celor care aleg și decid să își refacă viața în străinătate. Deși nu e ușor, unii nu știu cum să își gestioneze emoțiile, cu ce anume să înceapă, sau ……続きを見る
著者:Anna Nihil
出版社: ​Babelcube Inc.
発売日: 2022年04月25日
Descubre este período histórico fundamental y fascinante a través de las vicisitudes de una dama italiana. Del esplendor del palacio de Versalles a la miseria de las calles de París. 続きを見る
La vie d’Anna Stein
著者:Anna Stein
出版社: Le Lys Bleu Éditions
発売日: 2022年04月29日
La vie d’Anna Stein retrace le chemin d’une existence à travers le XXe siècle. Anne le commence pour sa survie dans la Hongrie des années 30 mais avec des racines plus lointaines au milieu des année……続きを見る
Destination Fabulous
著者:Anna Murphy
出版社: Octopus
発売日: 2023年03月02日
'Full of uplifting advice, practical wisdom and kind intelligence: I certainly felt more fabulous after reading it.' Elizabeth Day 'An encouraging and exhilarating celebration of ageing. Full of lif……続きを見る
Christine de Suède
著者:Anna Moretti
発売日: 2022年04月26日
Reine, elle abdique. Luthérienne, elle se convertit. Femme, elle s’habille en homme. À partir de ces trois « étrangetés », une historiographie – volontiers mensongère – a portraituré sa biographie a……続きを見る
As the Lilacs Bloomed
著者:Anna Molnár Hegedűs
出版社: Azrieli Foundation
発売日: 2015年11月10日
In the spring of 1944, as Germany occupied her native Hungary, Anna Hegedűs barely had time to notice the flowers blooming around her. One year later, as the lilacs blossomed once again, she return……続きを見る
Secret Desires of the One Percent
著者:Anna Gristina
出版社: Wahida Clark Presents Publishing, LLC
発売日: 2022年12月06日
Have you ever wondered what money and power could buy that you can't find in a store? My kids call me mum, my friends call me Anna, but others know me by another name. The World's Most Notorious Mad……続きを見る
Sulla roccia
著者:Anna Fleming
出版社: Solferino
発売日: 2022年08月26日
Anna Fleming comincia ad arrampicare nel 2008, diciottenne, sui muri di una chiesa sconsacrata di Edimburgo. La parete indoor trasforma il suo corpo in una rete di muscoli, membra, sensi, nervi, cel……続きを見る
A Love That Kills
著者:Anna Motz
出版社: Orion
発売日: 2023年03月02日
'An empathetic and necessary corrective to the stereotypes peddled by so many sensational true crime shows' Oprah Daily Anna Motz is one of the most internationally acclaimed forensic psychotherapis……続きを見る
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