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Three Thousand Dollars
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Green Bird Press
発売日: 2017年10月27日
This novel revolves around a plot to steal some goods secured safely within an impenetrable vault within the confines of Mr. Stoughton's business concern. Nobody seems to have any clue as to how the……続きを見る
Midnight In Beachamp Row
著者:Anna Katharine Gree
出版社: Green Bird Press
発売日: 2017年10月30日
A collection of six of Anna Katharine Green's best short stories and novellas: MIDNIGHT IN BEAUCHAMP ROW THE STAIRCASE AT THE HEARTS DELIGHT. THE HERMIT OF ーーー STREET. THE GRAY MADAM. A DIFFICULT……続きを見る
Defiant Passion
著者:Anna Markland
出版社: BleuBelle Press
発売日: 2017年10月31日
Defiant Passion is the prequel to Books Two and Three of The Sons of Rhodri Trilogy, written for readers unfamiliar with the cast of Conquering Passion. It reprises the story of that book through th……続きを見る
The Mill Mystery
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Green Bird Press
発売日: 2017年11月05日
A mystery written by acclaimed mystery author Anna Katharine Green. One of her most interesting mysteries, this explores the nature of moral weakness when confronted with violence. A young clergyman……続きを見る
The Bronze Hand (Serapis Classics)
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Serapis Classics
発売日: 2017年11月13日
HER room was on the ground floor of the house we mutually inhabited, and mine directly above it, so that my opportunities for seeing her were limited to short glimpses of her auburn head as she lean……続きを見る
著者:Anna Zaires, Dima Zales
出版社: Mozaika Publications
発売日: 2017年11月16日
Sequestrada. Levada para uma ilha particular. Nunca achei que isso poderia acontecer comigo. Nunca imaginei que um encontro casual na noite do meu aniversário de dezoito anos mudaria minha vida tão ……続きを見る
A Strange Disappearance
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Jovian Press
発売日: 2017年11月22日
Anna Green was an early 20th century novelist. She was one of the first authors to write detective stories in America. Her stories are known for their well thought out plots and their legal accuracy……続きを見る
THE FORSAKEN INN (A Gothic Murder Mystery)
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Musaicum Books
発売日: 2017年12月14日
Anna Katharine Green's 'The Forsaken Inn' is a captivating Gothic murder mystery that takes place in a secluded inn plagued by mysterious happenings. Green's literary style beautifully blends elemen……続きを見る
The Ghost and Little Marie
著者:Bobbi Holmes, Anna J. McIntyre
出版社: Robeth Publishing, LLC
発売日: 2017年12月22日
The family of Adam Nichols show up in Frederickport when Marie ends up in a nursing home with a broken hip. Yet unlike Adam, who is trying to get his grandmother home, the new arrivals are more conc……続きを見る
Und die Götter schweigen: Ein Fall für Maria Wern - Band 1
著者:Anna Jansson
出版社: dotbooks GmbH
発売日: 2017年12月01日
Abgründige Spannung, fesselnde Charaktere: Der schwedische Kriminalroman 'Und die Götter schweigen' von Anna Jansson jetzt als eBook bei dotbooks. Wie ein grausames Kunstwerk schwingen sie im kalten……続きを見る
The Ghost and the Doppelganger
著者:Bobbi Holmes, Anna J. McIntyre
出版社: Robeth Publishing, LLC
発売日: 2018年03月16日
They say everyone has a double. Walt’s distant cousin, Clint Marlow, could be his twin. When the unscrupulous cousin arrives at Marlow House with his fiancée, he conceals his real reason for being t……続きを見る
An Unsolved Murder
著者:Anna Bain-Marie
出版社: iUniverse
発売日: 2018年01月12日
Sitting at the bar at the class reunion, two friends pored over their copies of the reunion booklet. One page listed all of the students who had passed away since graduation. Pointing to a name, one……続きを見る
著者:Anna L. Jackson
出版社: AuthorHouse
発売日: 2018年01月15日
Spill is a mystery about a town in Maryland. It was a nice place to live until the Churchills moved there. George and Helen Churchill adopted a little boy named Bobby. Bobby was different from the o……続きを見る
The Millionaire Baby
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Green Bird Press
発売日: 2018年02月09日
The Millionaire Baby by Anna Katharine Green is a mystery about an inheritance. 1905. An American detective-story writer, Green's many thrillers were characterized by logical construction and a know……続きを見る
How Things Disappear: A Story from the collection, I Am Heathcliff
著者:Anna James
出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
発売日: 2018年08月16日
A story from Anna James to stir the heart and awaken vital conversations about love. A young woman starts to disappear piece by piece. And lets a man take care of what little is left of her without ……続きを見る
Скелет в шкафу (Skelet v shkafu)
著者:Anna Vladimirskaja
出版社: Glagoslav Distribution
発売日: 2018年08月27日
У каждой семьи свои скелеты в шкафу. Но для бизнесмена Аркадия эта фраза обрела буквальный смысл. В его особняке обнаружили замурованный в стену скелет! А через некоторое время в этом же доме на Рож……続きを見る
The Leavenworth Case
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Dead Dodo Detective Classics
発売日: 2018年03月23日
The Leavenworth Case (1878), subtitled A Lawyer's Story, is an American detective novel and the first novel by Anna Katharine Green. Set in New York City, it concerns the murder of a retired merchan……続きを見る
Дело Ливенворта, т. 9 (Delo Livenvorta, t. 9)
著者:Anna Kjetrin Grin
出版社: Glagoslav Distribution
発売日: 2018年03月24日
Прямо за письменным столом убит богатый торговец! Подозрение падает на его очаровательных племянниц. Молодой адвокат Эверетт Рэймонд берется разобраться в этом непростом деле.Prjamo za pis'mennym st……続きを見る
7 to 12
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Green Bird Press
発売日: 2018年03月24日
7 to 12 by Anna Katharine Green is a detective novel presented as one of her earlier tales. It is a quick, fast-paced mystery sure to have the reader turning pages. 続きを見る
Tod im Jungfernturm: Ein Fall für Maria Wern - Band 3
著者:Anna Jansson
出版社: dotbooks GmbH
発売日: 2018年04月03日
Psychologisch ausgefeilt: Der preisgekrönte schwedische Kriminalroman 'Tod im Jungfrauenturm' von Anna Jansson als eBook bei dotbooks. Gedankenverloren schlendert Mona Jacobson an einem langen Somme……続きを見る
Cuore di femmina
著者:Anna Brasi
出版社: Publisher s24530
発売日: 2016年04月12日
‘Cuore di femmina’ è un noir a tinte rosa, immerso nella luce e nei profumi mediterranei. Tutto ha inizio in una rovente notte d’estate quando sulla litorale ionica la polizia ferma un’auto con targ……続きを見る
Le cinque W
著者:Anna Rita Rossi
出版社: Anna Rita Rossi
発売日: 2013年02月01日
Dopo un incontro casuale con una donna misteriosa, un giornalista si trova coinvolto in un rapimento, in una strana morte e in una pericolosa fuga. Un racconto breve, ma incalzante con un finale a s……続きを見る
La notte di Fatima
著者:Anna Maria Miccoli
出版社: Youcanprint
発売日: 2016年04月05日
La sorte detiene il potere del gioco delle esistenze umane; essa si diverte a cambiarne le regole a suo piacimento, imbrogliando gli uomini che poi abbandona nei travagli delle disillusioni. Fatima ……続きを見る
Peccati di scuola
著者:Anna Maria Miccoli
出版社: Youcanprint
発売日: 2015年05月22日
Uno studente del quinto anno di una scuola superiore viene ucciso da un suo compagno di classe con una pugnalata alle spalle. Due sono gli indagati: Sanpietrino, figlio di un macellaio e Pezzogrosso……続きを見る
Storie di fantasmi per il dopocena
著者:Anna Pelizzi
出版社: ELI Edizioni
発売日: 2012年02月24日
A cura di Anna Pellizzi Fantasmi innamorati, fantasmi dispettosi, fantasmi sbruffoni sono i protagonisti di questo piccolo capolavoro dell’umorismo inglese di fine ottocento. Gli spettri che incontr……続きを見る
Affinché tutto abbia fine
著者:Anna Maria Sdraffa
出版社: 0111 Edizioni
発売日: 2016年05月04日
È l’inverno del ‘53 e ci si appresta a trascorrere il Natale in un piccolo albergo di montagna, al confine con la Svizzera francese. Ma la mattina della vigilia, quando una bufera di neve ha isolato……続きを見る
Le indagini di Catturin
著者:Anna Pellizzaro Tempesta
出版社: Booksprint
発売日: 2017年06月10日
“Il compagno di viaggio” è un racconto giallo con risvolti psicologici. I personaggi ruotano attorno al protagonista ombroso e complessato. I luoghi che fanno da sfondo alla storia sono stati scelti……続きを見る
Un biglietto per Miami, una valigia e me
著者:Anna Alemanno
出版社: Delos Digital
発売日: 2016年11月01日
RACCONTO LUNGO (39 pagine) - NARRATIVA - Un viaggio quasi improvvisato, in solitaria, per ritrovare se stessa e per scoprire l'autentica Miami, vista dalla strada. "Mi piace pensarmi come un'apolide……続きを見る
Un segreto di famiglia
著者:Anna Maria Sdraffa
出版社: 0111 Edizioni
発売日: 2017年08月11日
Un'altra avventura per l'ex commissario Sivori ancora ambientata negli anni '50. Proprio nei giorni in cui si sta per celebrare il processo d'appello per un delitto che aveva scosso l'opinione pubbl……続きを見る
The Leavenworth Case
著者:Anna Katharine Green
出版社: Enrico Conti
発売日: 2017年05月15日
The Leavenworth Case (1878), subtitled A Lawyer's Story, is an American detective novel and the first novel by Anna Katharine Green. Set in New York City, it concerns the murder of a retired merchan……続きを見る
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