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Questions And Observations On The Conflict Between Faith-Based and Secular Rationalities
著者:Joseph E. Keysor
出版社: ​Joseph E. Keysor
発売日: 2023年01月27日
The book is a broad overview of some of the basic questions and topics in the ongoing debates between secular and faith-based (specifically Christian) approaches to understanding reality. The first ……続きを見る
one year child
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年01月28日
The Story is about my little angle how the new born baby grown up and her activities.Finally how she became one year old baby. 続きを見る
著者:Callum Sharkey
出版社: ​Callum Sharkey
発売日: 2023年01月28日
Polly is different to her family she likes to read books and her family like to watch TV her Parents and older brother are also not very nice to her. Polly's school teacher Mrs Star is Horrible and ……続きを見る
Chemistry: From the atom to us
著者:Bala Avaneesh Guhan Karthikeyan
出版社: Bala Avaneesh Guhan
発売日: 2023年01月28日
The book Chemistry: From the atom to us is specifically designed for kids ages 9-14. This book has been reviewed by chemistry professor Thangamuthu Rajendran. All the details of this book have been ……続きを見る
Coincidence or God?
著者:Charlotte Huskey
出版社: AuthorHouse
発売日: 2023年01月31日
Coincidence? Or God? You Decide is a collection of episodes the author’s family and friends experienced. These stories take place in Mexico as well as the United States. In each story, you will find……続きを見る
op jaar kind
著者:karthikeyan k, Vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan k
発売日: 2023年01月30日
Storie gaan oor my hoekie hoe die pasgebore baba grootgeword het en haar aktiwiteite. Uiteindelik hoe sy eenjarige baba geword het. 続きを見る
RAELYN: Book 1: The Last Dragoon
著者:Patrick Dickey
出版社: Writers Republic LLC
発売日: 2023年01月30日
A lone wanderer by the name of Shal’ador takes on a job of escorting a young noble back to his family in the Eastern part of the Kingdom of Elcea, during their journey they meet the members of the T……続きを見る
urtebeteko umea
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
Istorioa nire angelu txikiari buruzkoa da haur jaio berria nola hazi zen eta bere jarduerak. Azkenik, urte bateko haurra nola bihurtu zen. 続きを見る
bambino di un anno
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
La storia parla del mio piccolo punto di vista su come è cresciuta la neonata e sulle sue attività. Infine come è diventata una bambina di un anno. 続きを見る
criança de um ano
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
A história é sobre meu pequeno ângulo de como o bebê recém-nascido cresceu e suas atividades. Finalmente, como ela se tornou um bebê de um ano. 続きを見る
ஒரு வயது குழந்தை
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
புதிதாகப் பிறந்த குழந்தை எப்படி வளர்ந்தது மற்றும் அவளது செயல்பாடுகள் பற்றிய எனது சிறிய கோணம் கதை. இறுதியாக அவள் ஒரு வயது குழந்தையாக மாறியது. 続きを見る
eins árs barn
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
Sagan er um litla hornið mitt hvernig nýfædda barnið ólst upp og athafnir hennar. Loksins hvernig hún varð eins árs barn. 続きを見る
vuoden lapsi
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
Tarina kertoo pienestä näkökulmastani, kuinka vastasyntynyt vauva kasvoi ja hänen toimintaansa. Lopuksi kuinka hänestä tuli vuoden ikäinen vauva. 続きを見る
એક વર્ષનું બાળક
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
વાર્તા મારા નાના એંગલ વિશે છે કે નવું જન્મેલું બાળક કેવી રીતે ઉછર્યું અને તેની પ્રવૃત્તિઓ. આખરે તે એક વર્ષનો બાળક કેવી રીતે બન્યો. 続きを見る
et års barn
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
Historien handler om min lille vinkel, hvordan den nyfødte baby voksede op og hendes aktiviteter. Endelig hvordan hun blev et år gammel baby. 続きを見る
एक साल का बच्चा
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
कहानी मेरे छोटे से कोण के बारे में है कि नवजात शिशु कैसे बड़ा हुआ और उसकी गतिविधियाँ। अंत में वह एक वर्ष की बच्ची कैसे बनी। 続きを見る
leanbh bliana
著者:karthikeyan k, Vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
Scéal faoi mo uillinn beag conas a d'fhás an leanbh nuabheirthe suas agus a cuid gníomhaíochtaí. Ar deireadh conas a tháinig sí aon bhliain d'aois leanbh. 続きを見る
ഒരു വയസ്സുള്ള കുട്ടി
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
നവജാത ശിശു എങ്ങനെ വളർന്നു, അവളുടെ പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾ എന്നിവയെക്കുറിച്ചാണ് കഥ. ഒടുവിൽ അവൾ എങ്ങനെ ഒരു വയസ്സുള്ള കുഞ്ഞായി. 続きを見る
Niño de un año
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
La historia trata sobre mi pequeño ángulo de cómo creció el bebé recién nacido y sus actividades. Finalmente, cómo se convirtió en un bebé de un año. 続きを見る
plentyn blwydd oed
著者:karthikeyan k, vishali k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月01日
Stori yw fy ongl fach i sut y tyfodd y babi newydd-anedig i fyny a'i gweithgareddau. Yn olaf sut y daeth yn fabi blwydd oed. 続きを見る
Resettled Iraqi Refugees in the United States
著者:Jared Keyel
出版社: Berghahn Books
発売日: 2023年02月15日
The American war against Iraq has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and displaced millions of people. Between 20 March 2003 and 30 September 2017, more than 172,000 Iraqis resettled in the Unit……続きを見る
L'Enfer (100 garçons contre 1 fille)
著者:karthikeyan k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月03日
L'incident le plus terrible au monde... l'affaire Junko Furuta. Au Japon, certains des gangs ont fait des affaires illégales. Ainsi, les gangs ne paniquent pas à propos des règles du gouvernement. L……続きを見る
O Inferno (100 meninos contra 1 menina)
著者:karthikeyan k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月03日
O incidente mais terrível do mundo. O caso Junko Furuta. No Japão, algumas das gangues faziam negócios ilegais. Portanto, as gangues não entram em pânico com as regras do governo. Os negócios ilegai……続きを見る
Dark Queen
著者:Ker Dukey
出版社: ​Ker Dukey
発売日: 2023年02月03日
He was my boss. Rich, ambitious, dominating. I was a waitress, struggling to pay the fees for ballet school. Poor, talented, desperate. He needed to marry to appease his dying father, to inherit the……続きを見る
The economic consequences of the peace
著者:John Maynard Keynes
出版社: Synapse Publishing
発売日: 2023年02月03日
In June 1919 John Maynard Keynes communicates to Lloyd George the resignation as Treasury representative at the Versailles Conference. Shortly thereafter he leaves for Charleston, Sussex, to write i……続きを見る
The Hell (100 strákar á móti 1 stelpa)
著者:karthikeyan k
出版社: karthikeyan
発売日: 2023年02月03日
Hræðilegasta atvik í heimi ..Junko Furuta mál. Í japan stunduðu sumar klíkurnar ólögleg viðskipti .þannig að klíka ekki örvænta um reglur stjórnvalda ..ólögleg viðskipti eru aðaláhugamál þeirrar klí……続きを見る
Vintage Woman
著者:D.J. Fronimos, Elke Lakey
出版社: JMS Books LLC
発売日: 2023年01月28日
A childhood trauma instilled Cory Wolff with the compulsive need to be there for others. In addition to managing a hardware store, she helps out her widowed mother and younger sister, and maintains ……続きを見る
Shoals and Schools of Fish
著者:Rachel Stuckey
出版社: Crabtree Publishing
発売日: 2023年02月05日
How do schools of fish confuse predators? Why do similar fish shoal and school together? Why do some fish live in groups only when they are young? Discover the answers in this colorful book and lear……続きを見る
From My Own Prison to Redemption
著者:James S Horkey
出版社: Dorrance Publishing
発売日: 2023年02月05日
From My Own Prison to Redemption: Healing for the Wounded By: James S Horkey A story of survival and victory, From My Own Prison to Redemption: Healing for the Wounded follows the diagnosis, treatme……続きを見る
Faithful Father, Forever Friend
著者:Alice Jane Stuckey
出版社: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
発売日: 2019年08月16日
No one escapes without some growing pains. None of us can get through the life on his own. God knew we would have troubles on our journey. John 16:33 (NLT) states, "I have told you all this so that ……続きを見る
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