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商品件数:455 361件~390件 (16ページ中 13ページめ)
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Algerian Imprints
著者:Brigitte Weltman-Aron
出版社: Columbia University Press
発売日: 2015年08月18日
Born and raised in French Algeria, Assia Djebar and Hélène Cixous represent in their literary works signs of conflict and enmity, drawing on discordant histories so as to reappraise the political on……続きを見る
著者:拉瑪那尊者, Sri Ramana Maharshi, 蔡神鑫 譯, A.達瓦拉吉.穆達利爾 編, A. Devaraja Mudaliar
出版社: UnderTable Press
発売日: 2020年07月26日
字字珠璣的絕世智慧 近代最著名的印度靈性大師 拉瑪那尊者(Sri Ramana Maharshi)的教誨薈萃 印度拉瑪那道場(Sri Ramanasramam)正式授權唯一中譯本 拉瑪那尊者,近世印度鳳毛麟角的聖者,影響力遍於全球。勉人……続きを見る
A dalai láma
著者:Norman Alexander
出版社: Cartaphilus Kiadó
発売日: 2020年08月18日
A dalai láma egyetlen igazán hiteles életrajzát tartja kezében az olvasó - egy olyan elismert Tibet-szakértő tollából, aki jó ismerőseként és közeli munkatársaként talán minden más életrajzírójánál ……続きを見る
A Book About Myself
著者:Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2020年03月16日
DURING the year 1890 I had been formulating my first dim notion as to what it was I wanted to do in life. For two years and more I had been reading Eugene Field’s “Sharps and Flats,” a column he wro……続きを見る
Enseñanza de la ética profesional y su transversalidad en el currículo universitario
著者:Ana María Ayala Romána, Rafael Silva Vega
出版社: Editorial Universidad Icesi
発売日: 2020年05月27日
En Enseñanza de la ética profesional y su transversalidad en el currículo universitario, se propone aportar algunos elementos conceptuales, ciertos puntos de vista teóricos y una experiencia pedagóg……続きを見る
Easy Journey to Goloka
著者:Ramananda Kanai Das
出版社: Notion Press
発売日: 2020年10月27日
All of us want to remain happy, immortal and live a disease-free life. But we waste our most precious human life searching for happiness in the wrong place. When the scriptures say that this materia……続きを見る
The World's Great Sermons
Collections of sermons by noted preachers of different periods are not an altogether uncommon contribution to literature. Italy, Germany, Holland, France, Great Britain and the United States have in……続きを見る
Going to Amma and Kalki? The 21 Day Course? Amma's Ashram, Nemam?: Or Thinking of Going?
著者:Jeannie Alvin M.A. (Nadhashree)
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2011年03月25日
If you are going to Bhagavan Kalki's and Amma's Oneness University for any course, Level 2, or the Trainer's course, or are thinking of going, this is the practical guide to prepare. Have taxi drive……続きを見る
Who Am I?
著者:Sri Ramana Maharshi
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2014年10月14日
Who am I? is the title given to a set of questions and answers bearing on Self-enquiry. The questions were put to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi by Sri M. Sivaprakasam Pillai, about the year 1902. Sri……続きを見る
Self Enquiry
著者:Sri Ramana Maharshi
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2016年12月04日
The present work in prose consists of forty questions with answers covering the entire range of spiritual disciplines required for the gaining of release (moksha). The questioner was Gambhiram Sesha……続きを見る
Étude biblique
著者:Jean-Luc Ramanantombotsoa
出版社: Le Lys Bleu Éditions
発売日: 2020年12月16日
Ce cahier d’étude biblique a pour but d’aider les non-initiés à découvrir le livre de l’Apocalypse. Il nous aide également à démystifier et à dédramatiser le discours apocalyptique que nous avons to……続きを見る
Paroles essentielles
著者:Ramana Maharshi
出版社: Dervy
発売日: 2021年02月04日
Ce livre contient les réponses de Ramana Maharshi aux nombreuses questions des chercheurs de vérité qui sont venus le visiter à Tiruvanamalai, dans le sud de l'Inde. Publié pour la première fois en ……続きを見る
Riba In Mubadalah
著者:Nizar Abdulrahman Alshubaily
出版社: ​The Persuader Publishing
発売日: 2021年01月27日
Riba is a most mysterious subject. Even to our great predecessors it proved to be a very enigmatic prospect. Where does Riba manifest itself? How? Where does one draw the line? How does one know whe……続きを見る
Antequera, su Semana Santa
著者:Agrupación de Hermandades y Cofradías de Semana Santa de Antequera, José Escalante Jiménez
出版社: Exlibric
発売日: 2015年03月25日
La Semana Santa de Antequera en un libro que no debe faltar la biblioteca de cualquier cofrade ni del público de Antequera en general. La Agrupación de Cofradías de Antequera, junto con ExLibric, ed……続きを見る
Riba In Jewelry
著者:Nizar Abdulrahman Alshubaily
出版社: ​Nizar Abdulrahman Alshubaily
発売日: 2021年02月14日
As in many areas of Fiqh, Riba is a most contentious issue. It is in fact a very difficult subject, to which scholars; past and present have dedicated many pages and years to understand and to educa……続きを見る
The Kashf al-mahjúb: The Oldest Persian Treatise on Súfiism
著者:Ali b. `Uthman Al-Jullabi Al-Hujwiri
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
He was profoundly versed in úfiism. He said, by way of precept: “See that ye guard your hearts, for God knows your secret thoughts.” “Guarding the heart” consists in not turning to others (than God)……続きを見る
著者:Germana di Gesù
出版社: Edizioni OCD
発売日: 2021年03月30日
Testimone privilegiata dell’opera che Dio ha compiuto in Elisabetta della Trinità, sia per il ruolo ricoperto che per la profonda amicizia che si era formata tra le due donne, Madre Germana si lasci……続きを見る
Saul, Saul, Why Do You Persecute Me?
著者:Deacon Norman Alexander
出版社: Deacon Norman Alexander
発売日: 2014年09月09日
Saul, Saul, Why Do You Persecute Me seems to accentuate what the Greeks called the tragedy of man versus God. This book highlights struggles between good and evil in Sacred Scripture. How blessed we……続きを見る
Unity and the Flame of Love
著者:Deacon Norman Alexander
出版社: Deacon Norman Alexander
発売日: 2019年02月25日
Unity and the Flame of Love illustrates that God never gives up on His children. His deepest desire is to draw everyone to himself. From Adam to Jesus, and from the apostles to the present Flame of ……続きを見る
著者:Francesca Romana De’ Angelis
出版社: Edizioni Studium S.r.l.
発売日: 2021年04月02日
Meraki è una parola greca di quelle intraducibili, come ce ne sono in quasi tutte le lingue, che significa fare qualcosa, una grande impresa o un piccolo gesto quotidiano, con tutto il cuore. France……続きを見る
Happiness Is A State of Mind
著者:Dr Sriram Ananthan
出版社: Alphabets Business Innovation Ltd
発売日: 2019年05月09日
There are certain words that are so much more than all the possible words you could use to define them. They truly transcend the bounds of words and take meaning in the most practical of manners to ……続きを見る
On Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha
著者:Arya Nagarjuna, Shramana Shixian, Bhikshu Dharmamitra
出版社: Kalavinka Press
発売日: 2020年09月07日
In this volume, Bhikshu Dharmamitra presents translations of three classic works on the bodhisattva vow (bodhicitta) authored by: The early Indian monastic eminence, Arya Nagarjuna (2nd c.); The Dhy……続きを見る
The Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime
著者:Shramana Zhiyi
出版社: Kalavinka Press
発売日: 2020年09月07日
"The Six Gates to the Sublime" is a classic Buddhist meditation instruction manual explaining the six practices crucial to success in traditional Indian Buddhist breath-focused (anapana) meditation ……続きを見る
Islamic Political Theology
Can we affirm that a political theology exists in Islam? This apparently simple question is the core of Massimo Capanini and Marco Di Donato's edited collection of essays. Considering the wide range……続きを見る
A Sale Is Like Riba
著者:Nizar Abdulrahman Alshubaily
出版社: ​Nizar Abdulrahman Alshubaily
発売日: 2021年07月12日
It is perhaps the most famous verse about Riba in The Qur'an. Revealed over 1400 years ago, it is still a cause of mystery for many. But so obviously absent from it is an explanation of the differen……続きを見る
A Chariot to Freedom
著者:Schechen Gyaltsap Gyurme Pema Namgyal
出版社: Shambhala
発売日: 2021年12月28日
A unique commentary on the preliminary practices of Vajrayāna Buddhism, from a beloved Nyingma master. A Chariot to Freedom is one of the most beloved presentations of the preliminary practices, or ……続きを見る
The Curious Mind
著者:Manas Agrawal
出版社: Notion Press
発売日: 2021年07月11日
Suffering from Corona causes fear, and fear is the unimagined thought which came to our mind at a glance. Emerging of this thought is obvious, but due to it, creating havoc in the mind is not good. ……続きを見る
Souls from Mercury: Chakra Magic
著者:Raju Ramanathan
出版社: Mercury Man Publishing
発売日: 2021年07月29日
Charles Darwin pointed out that the future evolution of mankind cannot happen through the continuation of the "survival of fittest" ideology. It lies in the courage to stand up like the first animal……続きを見る
The Hadith Of Riba
著者:Nizar Abdulrahman Alshubaily
出版社: ​The Persuader Publishing
発売日: 2021年08月03日
What are the main sayings of The Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM) on the issue of Riba? How have they been explained by the predecessor scholars, and what rulings do they give? Are some of the statements……続きを見る
著者:Abdulrahman Albatarni
出版社: Lulu Press, Inc.
発売日: 2021年09月13日
A study of the most important prophecies that reveal the events of the end time with explanation and scrutiny. This research is distinguished from others through compiling an integrated picture from……続きを見る
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