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The Naga Hunter's Lost Mate
著者:Robin O'Connor
出版社: Princely Gates Publishing
発売日: 2023年09月17日
I am caught by a beast but the longer he has me, the more I lose the desire to escape. Charlie Everything is terrifying and strange on this alien planet I’ve crashlanded on. Especially the purple-sc……続きを見る
Through the Sands of Time
著者:Janeen Ann O'Connell, John Broughton, Stuart G. Yates
出版社: Next Chapter
発売日: 2023年09月08日
A collection of three historical fiction series starter novels by Janeen Ann O'Connell, John Broughton & Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! No Room For Regret: In the early 19th century, ……続きを見る
Ebony Makepeace is Dead
著者:Janeen Ann O'Connell
出版社: Next Chapter
発売日: 2022年04月01日
When Ebony Makepeace packed a few things in a carry bag and closed the door of her North Melbourne apartment for the last time, she struggled to believe she was dead. But when she saw her parents, b……続きを見る
著者:Geraldo Tinoco, Geratinoco
出版社: Simplíssimo Livros
発売日: 2015年12月16日
Neste livro Azul gostaria de fazer uma homenagem a todos que já deixaram este mundo, que não puderam continuar a vida. Nesse mistério, em que todos nós estamos mergulhados, acredito que a maior home……続きを見る
3:53 a.m.: Food Therapy, Book 2
著者:Nocomus Columbus
出版社: Nocomus Columbus
発売日: 2013年12月09日
A story about some very troubled people who live in the very troubled United States of America. Part 2 Food Therapy introduces new characters into the 3:53 a.m. universe. Corey number two relies on ……続きを見る
3:53 a.m.
著者:Nocomus Columbus
出版社: Nocomus Columbus
発売日: 2013年06月28日
A troubled soldier. A vengeful dreamer. An outcast. A writer. Fates interwoven by an unsettling shared event from the past. Each person deals with pain in their own way. Sex. Drugs. Art. Death. That……続きを見る
著者:約翰‧歐康奈(John O’Connell)
出版社: 聯經出版事業公司
発売日: 2017年10月23日
**香料的意義與人類永遠同在,它們的名字留下了言語的辛香, 呼應了多姿多彩豐富又重要的過往,教人驚喜不已。 從中世紀至今的香料史和廚房烹飪史! 香料,讓你身心和味蕾都歡欣鼓舞,為你勾勒世界的版圖! 埃及艷……続きを見る
Alaturka: Style in Turkish Music (1923–1938)
著者:John Morgan O'Connell
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2016年03月23日
The early-Republican era (1923-1938) was a major period of musical and cultural change in Turkey. Alaturka: Style in Turkish Music is a study of the significance of style in Turkish music and, in pa……続きを見る
The Italian Banking System
著者:Stefano Cosma
出版社: Palgrave Macmillan UK
発売日: 2016年05月24日
Why was the Italian Banking System more resilient during the sub-prime crisis and harder-hit in the sovereign crisis? Will their strength in the retail market result as an asset or a liability for I……続きを見る
Women and Congress
著者:Karen O'Connor
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2012年11月12日
Explore the effects women have had on Congress!Containing vital insights into the role women play in Congress, Women and Congress: Running, Winning, and Ruling is a unique look into the political st……続きを見る
Help, Lord! I'm Having a Senior Moment Again
著者:Karen O'Connor
出版社: Baker Publishing Group
発売日: 2005年04月06日
While growing older certainly has its benefits, its downside poses big challenges. Physical decline; loss of spouses, relatives, and friends; memory lapses; feelings of inadequacy or uselessness--su……続きを見る
Help, Lord! I'm Having a Senior Moment
著者:Karen O'Connor
出版社: Baker Publishing Group
発売日: 2003年10月24日
Like it or not, senior moments happen. We might as well laugh about them and thank God for the way they add interest to our lives. After all, what would life be without the phone ringing faintly fro……続きを見る
Luces y Sombras, la integración en sus inicios
著者:Aitor Olano Collazos
出版社: Aitor Olano Collazos
発売日: 2015年05月15日
Breve cuento de fantasía que relata el encuentro metafórico entre Luz y Sombra y que transcurre dentro de un mundo dividido por las diferencias entre las dos mitades de una misma unidad. 続きを見る
著者:Nocomus Columbus
出版社: ​Nocomus Columbus
発売日: 2015年05月16日
Particle is a short story of transformation and acceptance. 続きを見る
A Descoberta da Índia
著者:Henrique Maximiano Coelho Neto
出版社: (zero papel)
発売日: 2015年03月01日
A procura do caminho marítimo para a Índia foi o grande impulsionador da expansão marítima europeia, que iria culminar com a descoberta das Américas. A viagem da «Descoberta da Índia» foi uma verdad……続きを見る
Italy’s Top Products in World Trade
著者:Marco Fortis, Monica Carminati, Stefano Corradini
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2016年02月16日
This book analyzes Italy’s external competitiveness in detail and introduces a new index, devised by Marco Fortis and Stefano Corradini for Fondazione Edison, that highlights the strengths of Italy’……続きを見る
Twisted Truths: Stories from the Irish
著者:Brian Ó Conchubhair
出版社: Cló lar-Chonnacht
発売日: 2011年09月01日
Twisted Truths is an exciting anthology which brings together some of the finest and most innovative writing in the Irish language published in the past three decades. It features a foreword written……続きを見る
Interstellar III: Below
著者:Kaitlyn O'Connor
出版社: Madris DePasture DBA New Concepts Publishing
発売日: 2015年05月20日
Three quarters of her crew are deep sea miners, geneoids, humans designed with aquatic traits that have created creatures of such beauty that Victoria can’t help but be drawn to them, particularly t……続きを見る
Opening The Way
著者:John O'Connor
出版社: John O'Connor
発売日: 2015年05月07日
Keith Richards is pulled home after his father, Ron Richard’s untimely death. Once there he meets with a few of his father’s associates. Keith begins to go through the mounds of papers his father ha……続きを見る
Football and Integration in Plano, Texas
著者:The Plano Conservancy for Historic Preservation, Inc.
出版社: Arcadia Publishing Inc.
発売日: 2014年09月02日
The year 1964 was momentous for civil rights as Congress passed the Twenty-fourth Amendment and Texas's own Lyndon B. Johnson unveiled his plan for the Great Society. That same year, the Plano schoo……続きを見る
Students with Disabilities Can Meet Accountability Standards
著者:John O'Connor
出版社: R&L Education
発売日: 2009年11月15日
This book provides a road map for all school leaders as they attempt to improve the achievement of students with disabilities. In today's accountability system, school personnel are responsible for ……続きを見る
The Fat Boy with the Bomb
著者:Brian O'Connell
出版社: Myrmidon Books
発売日: 2015年06月12日
This first attempt to catalogue the world’s craziest politicians contains 300 caricatures and profiles drawn from every corner of the globe and representing every shade of the political spectrum. Th……続きを見る
Harmonologia - Um Guia para Relacionamentos Saudáveis através da Música
著者:Stephen John O'Connor
出版社: Babelcube Inc.
発売日: 2016年02月25日
Em Harmonologia - Um Guia para Relacionamentos Saudáveis através da Música, Steve O'Connor combina o conhecimento espiritual com a maestria musical, criando um conceito fascinante que explora as lei……続きを見る
Blues, How Do You Do?
著者:Christian O'Connell
出版社: University of Michigan Press
発売日: 2015年08月12日
Recent revisionist scholarship has argued that representations by white “outsider” observers of black American music have distorted historical truths about how the blues came to be. While these scho……続きを見る
Chapitre L'état du monde 2016 - Vers une hyper-bourgeoisie globalisée ?
著者:Bruno Cousin, Sébastien Chauvin
出版社: La Découverte
発売日: 2015年09月01日
Au cours des trois dernières décennies, l'accélération des processus de mondialisation et l'augmentation des inégalités économiques dans la plupart des pays du monde ont posé la question de l'émerge……続きを見る
著者:Eoghan O'Connell
出版社: Eoghan O'Connell
発売日: 2016年05月04日
Murder, lust, cruelty, and intrigue...This is the story of a great family in turmoil. It is set in a fictional 18th century Europe and concerns an absolute monarch and his four very different sons. ……続きを見る
著者:Kaitlyn O'Connor
出版社: New Concepts Publishing
発売日: 2015年12月08日
Mirdua no longer has men capable of breeding . . .until now. Rebelling the moment she discovers the stranger has nothing but contempt for the 'honor' they have in mind for him, and every intention o……続きを見る
Genus Unknown: Adaptation
著者:Kaitlyn O'Connor
出版社: New Concepts Publishing
発売日: 2015年12月08日
Dr. Kate Drexel had just begun to suspect that the ‘beasts of Sirius’ were far more intelligent than they’d believed when the Sirians escaped containment. What no one hadn’t suspected was the reason……続きを見る
The Book of Spice
著者:John O'Connell
出版社: Profile
発売日: 2015年10月29日
Spices are rare things, at once familiar and exotic, comforting us in favourite dishes while evoking far-flung countries, Arabian souks, trade winds, colonial conquests and vast fortunes. From anise……続きを見る
Hunter's Woman Special Edition
著者:Kaitlyn O'Connor
出版社: Madris DePasture DBA New Concepts Publishing
発売日: 2015年12月15日
Hunter's Woman---Aslyn didn’t remember Earth. She’d been an infant when they’d fled that dying world to settle on a new worldーthe world her people thought of as New Earth that the natives called Pe……続きを見る
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