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Spielen macht Kinder stark
著者:Christiane Kutik
出版社: Verlag Freies Geistesleben
発売日: 2021年10月28日
Die bekannte Buchautorin und Elternberaterin Christiane Kutik zeigt die unersetzliche Bedeutung des Spielens und gibt viele Hinweise, wie man es im Alltag anregen und unterstützen kann. So gibt man ……続きを見る
Afinado Seu Cérebro
著者:Lielson Fernandes
出版社: Clube de Autores
発売日: 2021年10月27日
Se você pudesse aumentar o poder do seu cérebro, teoricamente poderia realizar quase qualquer coisa. Embora ter um corpo saudável e forte também seja muito importante, a maioria de nós provavelmente……続きを見る
Building a Trauma-Responsive Educational Practice
著者:Em Daniels
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年12月17日
This timely manual presents a new perspective on teaching and learning focused on countering the impacts of trauma on adults’ ability to learn. Within its detailed and useful approaches, Daniels pro……続きを見る
Sin instrucciones
著者:Emmanuel Salazar Aparicio
出版社: Editorial Bubok Publishing
発売日: 2021年11月02日
El libro trata sobre cómo el ser humano ha ido perdiendo la esencia del yo ante la adaptación del incesante crecimiento tecnológico que ha subyugado a la sociedad a ser cada vez más dependientes de ……続きを見る
Entwicklungspsychologie im Kindes- und Jugendalter
著者:Robert Siegler, Jenny R. Saffran, Elizabeth T. Gershoff, Nancy Eisenberg, Campbell Leaper, Sabina Pauen
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2021年12月11日
Dieses Standardwerk bietet allen, die sich beruflich oder privat für die Entwicklung im Kindes- und Jugendalter interessieren, umfassende Einblicke in den spannenden Prozess des Erwachsenwerdens. Di……続きを見る
Beyond Rain Man
著者:Anne K. Ross
出版社: Anne K. Ross
発売日: 2016年04月05日
Although one child in 68 is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, psychologist Anne Ross is stunned when she learns her son has Asperger’s Syndrome. The diagnosis propels her more deeply into ……続きを見る
The Social, Cultural, and Political Discourses of Autism
著者:Jessica Nina Lester, Michelle O'Reilly
出版社: Springer Netherlands
発売日: 2021年12月15日
Taking up a social constructionist position, this book illustrates the social and cultural construction of autism as made visible in everyday, educational, institutional and historical discourses, a……続きを見る
L'observation psychoéducative : Concepts et méthodes 2ième Édition Revue et Augmentée
著者:Jocelyne Pronovost, Martin Caouette, Jonathan Bluteau
出版社: Béliveau Éditeur
発売日: 2021年02月15日
Depuis la création de l’OPPQ, l’encadrement de la profession vise à favoriser un rehaussement des normes de pratique chez ses professionnels qui ont des compétences reconnues. Une de ces compétences……続きを見る
Pedagogia speciale e sport
著者:Angela Magnanini
出版社: Soares Editore
発売日: 2021年11月29日
Il volume affronta il complesso intreccio tra Pedagogia speciale e sport, presentando un modello sportivo inclusivo, che attraverso una analisi della letteratura nazionale ed internazionale e la sua……続きを見る
Forge of the Heart
著者:Jonathan Miah
出版社: Jonathan Miah
発売日: 2021年11月01日
Charles Simpson was a shattered man. Having his heart broken by his long-time girlfriend, Charles' best mates Russell and Garry insist only a change of scenery could mend his broken heart. His worka……続きを見る
Nudging & Overtuigen
著者:Reinout Van Zandycke, Ciska Wybo
出版社: Die Keure Publishing
発売日: 2021年12月06日
Nudging won de laatste jaren sterk aan belangstelling. Verschillende overheden en organisaties maken er reeds gebruik van. Maar wat houdt nudging nu concreet in? En hoe kan je het zelf toepassen? Ee……続きを見る
Transforming Education in Practice
著者:Wai-yan Ronald Tang
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2021年12月09日
This book inspires educational practitioners with special regard to the way how practice in the frontline service is able to inform leadership and policy decision. It empowers them to identify what ……続きを見る
Psicopedagogía: revisión de conceptos y problemas
著者:Norma Filidoro, Sandra Bertoldi, Patricia Enright
出版社: Editorial Biblos
発売日: 2021年12月10日
Renovamos nuestro propósito y nuestro deseo de conceptualizar las prácticas psicopedagógicas en su relación con la posición profesional que sostiene y se sostiene no solo en teorías, experiencias y ……続きを見る
Autismos e Psicanálise Brasileira Práticas e Reflexões
著者:Anahi Canguçu Marfinati, Jorge Luís Ferreira Abrão
出版社: Editora Appris
発売日: 2021年12月14日
A prática clínica com crianças autistas suscita inúmeros questionamentos: seria mesmo possível uma criança fadada, quase que inevitavelmente, à recusa? Ou seja, seria possível uma criança resistente……続きを見る
Experiences and Explanations of ADHD
著者:Mikka Nielsen
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2019年09月10日
Experiences and Explanations of ADHD: An Ethnography of Adults Living with a Diagnosis presents research on the lived experiences of those diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD……続きを見る
Leveraging Digital Tools to Assess Student Learning
著者:Stephanie Smith Budhai
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年11月30日
Leveraging Digital Tools to Assess Student Learning provides a practical approach to using technology to collect, interpret, and curate assessment data in K-12 in-person, online, hybrid, and dual le……続きを見る
De La guerre des boutons à Harry Potter
著者:Roger Moukalou, Jean-Marie Gauthier
出版社: Mardaga
発売日: 2013年10月24日
Quels sont les impacts psychologiques et sociologiques de La Guerre des boutons et d'Harry Potter ? Relisant le roman de Pergaud (1906) et le best-seller de Rowling (1997), les auteurs montrent l'év……続きを見る
Watch Her Feet
著者:Emanuele M. Barboni Dalla Costa
出版社: Arcadia Publishing
発売日: 2021年12月23日
Did you know that the lower part of your body is governed by the unconscious and is able to send hundreds of messages into the world in a completely unconscious way? Have you ever wondered how your ……続きを見る
Experiencias pedagógicas en pandemia
著者:Rosana Serafini
出版社: Editorial Biblos
発売日: 2021年11月24日
Todo comenzó en marzo 2020. Un estrepitoso mal venía aquejando al mundo desde unos meses antes. Un mal que rápidamente se convirtió en pandemia y, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, nos encontramos recon……続きを見る
Teaching as Protest
著者:Robert S. Harvey, Susan Gonzowitz
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年02月22日
Teaching as Protest explores how K-12 teachers can expand the boundaries of their profession with anti-oppressive, community-building pedagogies. Now more than ever, students are looking to their sc……続きを見る
Identity Affirming Classrooms
著者:Erica Buchanan-Rivera
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年02月24日
Learn how to create identity affirming classroom environments that honor the humanity of students. Although schools have potential to be spaces of inquiry and joy, they can also be the source of tra……続きを見る
The Flexible SEL Classroom
著者:Amber Chandler
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年03月22日
Social emotional learning is more than just helping students be social. In this co-publication from Routledge and AMLE, Amber Chandler shows how middle and high school educators can be intentional a……続きを見る
A Busca do Sentido
著者:Marie-Louise von Franz
出版社: Paulus Editora
発売日: 2022年01月05日
Marie-Louise von Franz concedeu duas entrevistas à rádio Cultura Francesa no final dos anos de 1970: O grito de Merlin e Sonhos e o destino, ambas tratando da questão existencial da busca de sentido……続きを見る
Die digitale Transformation in der Weiterbildung
著者:Erich Schäfer, Antje Ebersbach
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2022年01月07日
Digitale Medien halten verstärkt Einzug in traditionelles Lehren und Lernen und zugleich werden digitale Formate sozialer und kommunikativer. Die Digitalisierung bezieht sich nicht nur auf das Lehre……続きを見る
Questioning Education
著者:Sean Slade
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年03月08日
In the post-pandemic world, how can we rethink the future of education as a system, process, and tradition to make lasting changes? This thought-provoking book by Sean Slade reminds us that educatio……続きを見る
Geschichte des Zigeunermädchens: Eine Novelle
著者:Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
出版社: Phoemixx Classics Ebooks
発売日: 2022年01月14日
Geschichte des Zigeunermädchens: Eine Novelle - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - Es scheint, daß die Zigeuner und Zigeunerinnen nur auf die Welt kommen, um Spitzbuben zu werden. Sie stammen von Eltern……続きを見る
Teaching Signature Thinking
著者:John Lando Carter, Kevin S. Krahenbuhl
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年03月15日
How do you help students uncover and hone their innate talents to create works that are uniquely their own, works worthy of their signatures? This unique new book guides teachers with practical, res……続きを見る
Black Boys are Lit
著者:Brian L. Wright, Donna Y. Ford, James L. Moore
出版社: Information Age Publishing
発売日: 2021年11月01日
This book of matrices with Black boys as the main character is designed to help gifted and talented education teachers leverage Black boys’ identities to inform and shape how they plan and deliver c……続きを見る
Toying with Childhood
著者:Usha Mudiganti
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年02月28日
This book studies the dialectic relationship between the image of the child and the toy in literary depictions of childhood in 19th- and 20th- century Anglo-American fiction. Drawing from the psycho……続きを見る
Häufige Störungsbilder bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
著者:Ulrike Kipman
出版社: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
発売日: 2022年01月23日
Dieses Buch erklärt anhand von Praxisbeispielen häufige und auch oft unerkannte Verhaltensauffälligkeiten, Lernstörungen und emotionale Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Es beinhaltet ausgewäh……続きを見る
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