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Cancer ? Je gère !
著者:Delphine Remy, Martine Piccart, Anne-Pascale Schillings
出版社: Mardaga
発売日: 2020年10月01日
Delphine partage de façon saisissante son combat contre le cancer. « On peut être mutilée, mais on trouve de la beauté dans notre petit torse d’amazone et on voit dans nos cicatrices et notre boule ……続きを見る
A arte de viver
著者:Epicteto, Sharon Lebell
出版社: GMT
発売日: 2018年03月26日
Com apaixonada simplicidade, o filósofo Epicteto concebeu o primeiro e mais admirável manual do Ocidente sobre como viver melhor – com sabedoria, dignidade e tranquilidade. Epicteto acreditava que a……続きを見る
Mourez, on s'occupe de tout
著者:Cicéron Angledroit, Claude Picq
出版社: Palémon
発売日: 2020年11月13日
L'enquêteur Cicéron reprend du service ! Cette fois, le mort prend la poudre d'escampette et il faut le rattraper ! Pendant que René se met en ménage, Momo et moi on rame entre Seine et Rhône.Un mac……続きを見る
How to Eat Your Bible
著者:Nate Pickowicz
出版社: Moody Publishers
発売日: 2021年01月05日
Loving God means loving His Word. If you’re feeling distant from God, could it be because you’re ignoring His Word? But maybe you don’t know where to start. Maybe the long books and strange names fe……続きを見る
Marion and Emilie Frances Bauer: From the Wild West to American Musical Modernism
著者:Susan E. Pickett
出版社: Lulu Publishing Services
発売日: 2014年12月29日
Sisters Marion and Emilie Frances Bauer grew up in Walla Walla, Washington, in the latter nineteenth century. Each would become an American composer, writer, and music critic in New York City and wo……続きを見る
Plastic Surgery: The Ultimate Cosmetic Surgery Guide
著者:Michelle Pickett
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2016年06月01日
Plastic surgery not only specializes in reconstructive surgery but in cosmetic or aesthetic surgery as well. Reconstructive surgery can help fix something that is not regular on the body such as a s……続きを見る
Changing the Way You Teach, Improving the Way Students Learn
著者:Giselle Martin-Kniep, Joanne Picone-Zocchia
出版社: ASCD
発売日: 2009年05月15日
With classroom-tested ideas, real-world examples, and easy-to-use activities, Giselle Martin-Kniep and Joanne Picone-Zocchia tap three decades of experience to define and describe critical teaching ……続きを見る
Intervention psychosociale
著者:Johanne Picard
出版社: Editions JFD
発売日: 2021年01月05日
Ce guide pratique, élaboré par Johanne Picard, permet à toute personne qui s’y intéresse d’approfondir les aspects théoriques de l’approche psychosociale interactionniste stratégique développée par ……続きを見る
著者:Epícuro, Lucrecio
出版社: Lebooks Editora
発売日: 2021年01月15日
Epicuro foi um filósofo grego que viveu no século IV a.C. correspondendo ao período helenístico. Sua filosofia conquistou diversos discípulos, pois consistia em preceitos básicos para se viver bem, ……続きを見る
Fou de Pâtisserie瘋甜點自學全書:法國超人氣甜點雜誌精選40位頂尖主廚無私傳授85道名店級配方&職人技巧,打造出地表最強法式甜點工具書
著者:克萊兒.比瓊(Claire Pichon)
出版社: 城邦出版集團
発売日: 2021年01月26日
★法國當代炙手可熱的甜點明星齊至你家廚房!一本為烘焙狂而生的甜蜜聖經★ 法國最受歡迎的甜點潮流雜誌《Fou de Pâtisserie》精選珍藏版! 40 位世界頂尖甜點主廚,分享85 道名店級配方&獨門技巧 400 頁滿滿的烘焙……続きを見る
Separation in Point-Free Topology
著者:Jorge Picado, Aleš Pultr
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2021年03月05日
This book is the first systematic treatment of this area so far scattered in a vast number of articles. As in classical topology, concrete problems require restricting the (generalized point-free) s……続きを見る
The Golden Sayings
出版社: Interzone Press
発売日: 2021年02月09日
A collection of over 180 sayings of Epictetus, the Stoic philosopher; also includes some fragments that were attributed to him, as well as The Hymn Of Cleanthes Epictetus, a Greek by heritage, had b……続きを見る
The Discourses
出版社: Interzone Press
発売日: 2021年02月10日
The Discourses of Epictetus are a series of extracts of the teachings of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus written down by Arrian c. 108 AD. There were originally eight books, but only four now remain……続きを見る
Manual de Epicteto: A arte de viver melhor
出版社: Edipro
発売日: 2021年02月20日
Epicteto, um dos principais representantes do estoicismo, deixou em seu legado ensinamentos éticos com preceitos práticos para questões atemporais sobre a arte de viver melhor. Este sucinto e primor……続きを見る
Come essere felici
出版社: Garzanti classici
発売日: 2014年01月02日
Non temere la morte, non avere paura degli dei, il bene è facile da conquistare, il male è lieve da sopportare: è questa, per Epicuro, la ricetta della felicità, una felicità intesa come liberazione……続きを見る
The Golden Sayings
出版社: CNPeReading
発売日: 2021年02月19日
The original works of foreign classics, including the most representative literary masters and the most influential representative works. 続きを見る
Carta a Meneceu sobre a felicidade e outras cartas
出版社: Principis
発売日: 2021年02月24日
Para Epicuro, o propósito da filosofia era alcançar uma vida feliz e tranquila, caracterizada pela ataraxia paz e liberdade do medo , pela aponia a ausência de dor e por viver uma vida autossuficien……続きを見る
Leadership Essentials You Always Wanted To Know
著者:Vibrant Publishers, Dr. Carrie Picardi
出版社: Vibrant Publishers
発売日: 2021年03月02日
Leadership Essentials You Always Wanted to Know covers the following concepts: Attributes of an effective leader Different roles of a leader Impact of setting and context on a leader's choices Inte……続きを見る
Dryland's End
著者:Felice Picano
出版社: ReQueered Tales
発売日: 2021年03月23日
Five thousand years in the future, life itself is in jeopardy! A rebellion of intelligent Cybernetic servants has left the Females of the galaxy virtually sterile, crippling the controlling politica……続きを見る
Con cuore di padre
著者:Luigi Maria Epicoco
出版社: San Paolo Edizioni
発売日: 2021年02月01日
Dall’8 dicembre 2020 all’8 dicembre 2021 si celebra, come voluto da papa Francesco, un anno particolare dedicato a san Giuseppe, in occasione del 150° anniversario dalla sua proclamazione a patrono ……続きを見る
Breaking Up Without Breaking Down
著者:Dr Tina Sinclair, Tricia Peters, Marguerite Picard
出版社: MacMillan Company Limited
発売日: 2017年02月10日
There are many ways couples can end up in court or in adversarial negotiations, but there are just as many ways to avoid ending up that way. Sometimes the issues that cause people to go to court loo……続きを見る
Le Manuel d'Épictète
出版社: Glyphe
発売日: 2021年04月28日
« Des choses, les unes dépendent de nous, les autres ne dépendent pas de nous. […] Si tu ne regardes comme étant à toi que ce qui est à toi, et si tu regardes comme étant à autrui ce qui, en effet, ……続きを見る
Martin Heidegger
著者:Pablo Tepichín
出版社: Universidad Iberoamericana A.C.
発売日: 2021年04月29日
El libro tiene la intención de explicar algunas de las principales piezas del rompecabezas teórico heideggeriano a fin de resaltar cuál es la posición que adquiere en su trayecto filosófico categorí……続きを見る
Ahora somos nómadas
著者:Danielle De Picciotto
出版社: Cielo eléctrico
発売日: 2021年03月01日
En esta novela gráfica, Danielle de Picciotto relata e ilustra el viaje sin retorno que inició en 2010 junto a su pareja Alexander Hacke, miembro fundador de la mítica banda post-punk Einstürzende N……続きを見る
The Little Red Flower
著者:Denise Picanco
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2021年04月06日
The Little Red Flower is a book about a poppy growing in a field of sunflowers hoping to be just like them when she finally blooms. She is disappointed to learn that she doesn't blend in, that she's……続きを見る
Rebecca Rides for Freedom
著者:Emma Bernay, Emma Carlson Berne, Jane Pica
出版社: Capstone
発売日: 2021年06月14日
The American Revolution is raging in Philadelphia, and Rebecca is determined to do all she can to help. With her father stationed with Washington's army at nearby Whitemarsh, it's up to Rebecca to h……続きを見る
Tara and the Towering Wave
著者:Cristina Oxtra, Jane Pica
出版社: Capstone
発売日: 2021年06月14日
When her mother announces a holiday vacation to Thailand, Tara isn't thrilled. She'd rather stay home with her friends, but Mom is determined they use the girls' trip to explore their Thai heritage.……続きを見る
Le Prossime Origini
著者:Ettore Picardi
出版社: Marte Editrice
発売日: 2015年10月01日
Un uomo scrive di se stesso confidando di poter raggiungere la libertà con le parole. Pensa che più vadano in profondità più sappiano rivelare segreti decisivi. Esplora quello per cui vive, che ama ……続きを見る
Il paese del male
著者:Domenico Quirico, Pierre Piccinin Da Prata
出版社: Neri Pozza
発売日: 2014年03月11日
Nella storia della letteratura, numerose sono le pagine capaci di condurre il lettore davanti all’«ineffabile vergogna», al mistero di «incomprensibile e cieco dolore» del male. Nulla però eguaglia ……続きを見る
Manual de vida
出版社: Editorial Ariel
発売日: 2014年03月06日
Conocer lo que puedes controlar y lo que no, intentar llevar una vida plena, definir la persona que queremos ser... Cualquiera que se acerque a los textos recogidos en esta obra descubrirá que la co……続きを見る
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