商品件数:4 1件~4件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
The Frontier in American Culture
著者:Richard White, Patricia Nelson Limerick
出版社: University of California Press
発売日: 1994年10月17日
Log cabins and wagon trains, cowboys and Indians, Buffalo Bill and General Custer. These and other frontier images pervade our lives, from fiction to films to advertising, where they attach themselv……続きを見る
The Frontier in American Culture
著者:Richard White, Patricia Nelson Limerick
出版社: University of California Press
発売日: 1994年10月17日
Log cabins and wagon trains, cowboys and Indians, Buffalo Bill and General Custer. These and other frontier images pervade our lives, from fiction to films to advertising, where they attach themselv……続きを見る
Reading Southern History
This collection of essays examines the contributions of some of the most notable interpreters of southern history and culture, furthering our understanding of the best historical work produced on th……続きを見る

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