商品件数:3 1件~3件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
The Future of Extreme Sports
著者:Bryan John Kovacs, Eric Kenyon White
出版社: Page Publishing, Inc.
発売日: 2022年06月20日
Bungee boarding utilizes kinetic energy in a way that has not been fully explored by action-sports enthusiasts. The application of the science of centrifugal force as it translates to the connection……続きを見る
Sport, Theory and Social Problems
著者:Eric Anderson, Adam White
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2017年07月20日
In a revised, updated, and considerably expanded new edition of Sport, Theory and Social Problems, authors Eric Anderson and Adam White examine how the structure and culture of sport promotes inequa……続きを見る
Queer as Camp
Named the #1 Bestselling Non-Fiction Title by the Calgary Herald To camp means to occupy a place and/or time provisionally or under special circumstances. To camp can also mean to queer. And for man……続きを見る

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