商品件数:3176 2521件~2550件 (100ページ中 85ページめ)
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John Baptist de La Salle: The Spirituality of Christian Education
著者:edited and introduced by Carl Koch, Jeffrey Calligan, FSC, Jeffrey Gros, FSC; preface by Thomas H. Groome
出版社: Paulist Press™
発売日: 2013年11月19日
The spirituality of the first major spiritual writer (1651-1719) to integrate the Christian vocation of education of the poor by lay men and women into a coherent spirituality. La Salle is considere……続きを見る
Contes philosophiques et moraux de Jonathan le visionnaire
著者:Joseph-Xavier Boniface Saintine
出版社: Ligaran
発売日: 2016年01月12日
Extrait : "Le soleil commençait à dorer la cime des monuments élevés de Bukarest, capitale de la Valakie, lorsqu'un jeune homme, qu'à son manteau court, à son bonnet d'astracan, surmonté d'un riche ……続きを見る
Paulo. De las favelas a Chueca
著者:Rafa C.
出版社: Rafa C.
発売日: 2016年01月19日
Rafa C. nos trae la historia de Paulo, un niño nacido en una favela que sobrevive solo junto a su hermano menor vendiendo flores por las calles y comiendo de las basuras. Paulo consigue escapar con ……続きを見る
A Sybil Society
著者:Katherine Factor
出版社: University of Nevada Press
発売日: 2022年01月17日
With fearless and playful language, Katherine Factor’s debut collection reveals agony, humor, and the necessary voices of the female oracle through time. The oracle’s message is apparentーshe is not……続きを見る
Kadın Boşamak Kolay mı?
著者:Mustafa Çuhacı
出版社: eKitap Projesi
発売日: 2022年01月03日
Bazılarının tezine göre kadın boşamak kolaydır, bazılarının tezine göre zor. Tamamen birbirinin zıttı olsa da herkes kendi tezini savunacaktır, normal olarak. Karısına inat evden kaçan erkeklerin ak……続きを見る
Estudos empíricos e teóricos sobre representações
著者:Ricardo Cortez Lopes, Lis Yana de Lima Martinez, Jonathan Fachini da Silva
出版社: Paco e Littera
発売日: 2022年01月04日
Estudos empíricos e teóricos sobre representações: (coletivas/cognitivas/sociais/morais), traz uma discussão relevante sobre o conceito de representação, considerando as diferentes perspectivas e ti……続きを見る
Desvelando identidades
著者:Agenor Facundes de Albuquerque Júnior
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2022年01月07日
Esse trabalho tem a intenção de contribuir para a compreensão da construção de uma identidade profissional dos professores de Língua Portuguesa pertencentes ao Programa de Educação Integral da Rede ……続きを見る
relations internationales de 1945 à nos jours (Les). 4e éd.
著者:Pascal Boniface
出版社: Groupe Lefebvre Dalloz
発売日: 2014年06月23日
En sept chapitres clairs et synthétiques, ce manuel permet aux étudiants d'avoir une vision globale des relations internationales depuis 1945, d'en comprendre les mécanismes et de disposer des clés ……続きを見る
Elogio dell'antipolitica
著者:Leonardo Facco
出版社: Rubbettino Editore
発売日: 2013年10月30日
Il libro è un pamphlet in cui alla voce dell'autore si mescolano quelle di chi tesse le lodi dell'antipolitica, ovvero della società civile. L'autore affronta molti aspetti della vita quotidiana, sp……続きを見る
The Wealth from Health Playbook
著者:Douglas J Ratner, MD, MD, Walsh, MD, FACP
出版社: Universal-Publishers
発売日: 2022年01月21日
Two working physicians with a team of multigenerational, multidisciplinary and rising thought leaders created a system, Wealth from Health, to take an honest, unfiltered look at American healthcare.……続きを見る
Sexual Assault Victimization Across the Life Span 2e, Volume 1
462 pages, 192 images, 38 contributors This first volume serves as a complete guide for multidisciplinary team members involved in the investigation of sexual assault. It includes comprehensive medi……続きを見る
Il sistema educativo nella resistenza zapatista
著者:Lorenzo Faccini
出版社: Meltemi Editore
発売日: 2022年01月27日
Il volume combina prospettiva accademica ed esperienza militante per analizzare il ruolo del sistema educativo autonomo nella resistenza zapatista, dai suoi albori sino agli sviluppi contemporanei. ……続きを見る
El Extraño Caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde
著者:Carl Bowen, Sebastian Facio, Robert L. Stevenson
出版社: Capstone
発売日: 2017年12月11日
Scientist Dr. Henry Jekyll believes every human has two minds: one good and one evil. He develops a potion to separate them from each other. Soon, his evil mind takes over, and Dr. Jekyll becomes a ……続きを見る
Talley and O'Connor's Clinical OSCEs
This practical companion to Talley & O’Connor’s Clinical Examination focuses on refining your clinical skills technique to ensure you excel in your Objective Structured Clinical Examinations. The 10……続きを見る
When So&So met So&So and Museing on Music
著者:MG Facette
出版社: tenfuturefictionbooks
発売日: 2022年02月02日
Ah yes, if only so and so did in fact actually meet so and so in reality, in fiction or in time. What if Clifton had met Trump - Yikes! Funny stuff certain to ensue there, no? Yet surely not as much……続きを見る
著者:Mercedi AE Surface
出版社: Mercedi Surface
発売日: 2018年06月05日
I was born into the microgeneration known as “Xennials,” spanning 1977–1983. Being a Xennial means that I had an analog childhood and a digital adulthood. Growing up a Xennial in the context of havi……続きを見る
Healing Relationships
著者:Trueface Team
出版社: BookBaby
発売日: 2022年03月01日
We all experience broken relationships in our lives. From short-lived fights with a friend to a decade-long silence between family members, these fractures cause deep pain in our lives. Whether we'v……続きを見る
The Primal Method
著者:Gregory Koufacos
出版社: Latah Books
発売日: 2022年02月04日
The general public is starting to recognize what parents, teachers and therapists have known for years: we are losing our young men. Now more than ever, emerging men between 16 and 35 find themselve……続きを見る
Private Pilot
著者:Facundo Conforti
出版社: Biblioteca Aeronáutica
発売日: 2022年02月18日
Here begins the great adventure of your career. The first stepsin the life of a pilot they form a pillar throughout his lifeaeronautics. This work offers you the possibility of obtaining thetools ne……続きを見る
Digestive System Malignancies
著者:Constantine P. Spanos, MD, PhD, FACS, FASCRS, MBA
出版社: Elsevier Science
発売日: 2022年02月25日
Digestive System Malignancies provides an up-to-date overview on the most relevant diagnostic techniques, staging of malignancies, and current therapeutic modalities for digestive system malignancie……続きを見る
Weather for pilots
著者:Facundo Conforti
出版社: Biblioteca Aeronáutica
発売日: 2022年02月20日
Weather for Pilots. A work created for anyone who wants to learn all the fundamental theoretical concepts about aeronautical meteorology. From basic knowledge about the atmosphere, to the most advan……続きを見る
A arte de ser pais
著者:Ricardo E. Facci
出版社: Hogares Nuevos Ediciones
発売日: 2020年12月10日
A arte de ser pais, é um pequeno livro que surgiu da ação pastoral que há muitos anos venho realizando com casamentos. Sempre me perguntei: Haverá no mundo uma atividade que exija maior responsabili……続きを見る
Constructing conjugal love
著者:Ricardo E. Facci
出版社: Hogares Nuevos Ediciones
発売日: 2020年12月08日
Marriage and modern family are obviously fragile. So it is imposed, each time with more energy, providing them with resources to help and ensure its stability. The most ideal and authentic, for this……続きを見る
O mistério do amor matrimonial
著者:Ricardo E. Facci
出版社: Hogares Nuevos Ediciones
発売日: 2020年12月08日
O Mistério do Amor Matrimonial é fruto de uma jornada percorrida em contato direto com a realidade de muitos casamentos e famílias. Esclarecer o que é amor é fundamental nos dias de hoje, logo, este……続きを見る
La suerte de estar vivo
著者:Javier López Facal
出版社: Difundia Ediciones
発売日: 2018年11月02日
Ser concebido, nacer vivo, superar las enfermedades y peligros de la infancia y la adolescencia no son más que golpes de suerte o azares estadísticos. Conservar la vida durante décadas en un estado ……続きを見る
La fila de Mario
著者:Facundo Ortiz
出版社: Ediciones Oblicuas
発売日: 2018年05月05日
Mario cruza una puerta y se encuentra en un pasillo en cuyos extremos no se observa final alguno. Cada ciertos metros, en ambas paredes, hay otra puerta. Por lo que decide cruzar una de ellas compro……続きを見る
Usuarios de un otoño
著者:María Raquel Bonifacino
出版社: Ediciones Lilium
発売日: 2020年10月02日
Son poesías e historias reales y a veces fantásticas que sorprenden al lector por la fuerza de la imagen y del sentimiento. Encontramos hilos que van tejiendo el sentido de este libro que satisface ……続きを見る
Fruitful hearts
著者:Ricardo E. Facci
出版社: Hogares Nuevos Ediciones
発売日: 2020年12月18日
Fruitful Hearts wants to help the growth of the couple so that their hearts are filled with love bountiful in fruits of happiness. The three parts of the book are unified in one sentence: "We love i……続きを見る
Nuevo Testamento
著者:Facultad de Teología
出版社: EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra
発売日: 2017年12月15日
En una primera acepción, "Nuevo Testamento" indica la nueva y definitiva Alianza establecida por Dios con los hombres mediante Jesucristo, en quien culmina la Alianza ofrecida a Israel, la cual pasa……続きを見る
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