商品件数:49 1件~30件 (2ページ中 1ページめ)
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Chaos, Violence, Dynasty
著者:Eric McGlinchey
出版社: University of Pittsburgh Press
発売日: 2024年07月01日
In the post-Soviet era, democracy has made little progress in Central Asia. In Chaos, Violence, Dynasty, Eric McGlinchey presents a compelling comparative study of the divergent political courses ta……続きを見る
The History of Cambodia
著者:Justin Corfield
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2024年02月21日
This book includes a narrative history that provides a chronological examination of the political, cultural, philosophical, social, and religious continuities in Cambodia's long rich history. It ove……続きを見る
Tradire il Grande Fratello
著者:Leta Hong Fincher
出版社: ADD Editore
発売日: 2024年03月08日
Ai primi del Novecento, l’antesignana del femminismo cinese Qiu Jin raccontò la storia di una principessa che, tramutatasi in un uccello di nome Jingwei, aveva tentato la disperata impresa di riempi……続きを見る
La Question religieuse en Chine
著者:Vincent Goossert, David A. Palmer
出版社: CNRS editions
発売日: 2012年12月10日
Confucianisme, bouddhisme, taoïsme, islam, évangélisme, catholicisme, Falun Gong... Les religions investissent une Chine que l'on aurait pu croire sécularisée par des décennies de communisme. Cette ……続きを見る
The Literature and Cultural Ecology of Imperial Examinations in the Ming Dynasty
著者:Wenxin Chen
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2023年11月04日
The book examines the relationship between imperial examinations and literature from the perspective of restoring the cultural ecology of imperial examinations in Ming China, breaking through the pa……続きを見る
著者:Simon Winchester
出版社: HarperCollins
発売日: 2021年01月19日
“In many ways, Land combines bits and pieces of many of Winchester’s previous books into a satisfying, globe-trotting whole. . . . Winchester is, once again, a consummate guide.”ーBoston Globe The a……続きを見る
著者:Vincent Ruchet
出版社: Publishroom
発売日: 2023年06月17日
2058, Yuna Asada est assignée sur Paris, une station agonisante en orbite solaire. Vouée à un destin hors du commun, elle sera propulsée dans un conflit planétaire dont la portée s’étend bien au-del……続きを見る
Wojna koreańska
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (PL)
発売日: 2023年03月30日
Wojna koreańska była wojną wewnętrzną, która doprowadziła do poważnej konfrontacji między blokiem zachodnim a blokiem komunistycznym. Konflikt trwał trzy lata i zakończył się bez prawdziwego zwycięz……続きを見る
Kore Savaşı
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (TU)
発売日: 2023年03月30日
Kore Savaşı, Batı Bloğu ile Komünist Blok arasında büyük bir çatışmaya yol açan bir iç savaştı. Çatışma üç yıl sürdü ve Kore yarımadasını iki devlete bölerek gerçek bir kazanan olmadan sona erdi. Sa……続きを見る
Războiul din Coreea
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (RO)
発売日: 2023年03月30日
Războiul din Coreea a fost un război intern care a dus la o confruntare majoră între Blocul occidental și Blocul comunist. Conflictul a durat trei ani și s-a încheiat fără niciun câștigător real, îm……続きを見る
Корейська війна
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (UA)
発売日: 2023年03月30日
Корейська війна була внутрішньою війною, яка призвела до великого протистояння між Західним блоком і Комуністичним блоком. Конфлікт тривав три роки і завершився без реального переможця, розділивши К……続きを見る
Корейская война
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (RU)
発売日: 2023年03月30日
Корейская война была внутренней войной, которая привела к масштабному противостоянию между западным блоком и коммунистическим блоком. Конфликт длился три года и закончился без реального победителя, ……続きを見る
De Koreaanse Oorlog
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (NL)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
De Koreaanse Oorlog was een interne oorlog die leidde tot een grote confrontatie tussen het Westerse Blok en het Communistische Blok. Het conflict duurde drie jaar en eindigde zonder echte winnaar, ……続きを見る
A Guerra da Coreia
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (PT)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
A Guerra da Coreia foi uma guerra interna que conduziu a um grande confronto entre o Bloco Ocidental e o Bloco Comunista. O conflito durou três anos e terminou sem vencedor real, dividindo a penínsu……続きを見る
La guerra di Corea
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (IT)
発売日: 2023年03月10日
La guerra di Corea fu una guerra interna che portò a un grande scontro tra il blocco occidentale e il blocco comunista. Il conflitto durò tre anni e si concluse senza un vero vincitore, dividendo la……続きを見る
Ο πόλεμος της Κορέας
著者:Quentin Convard
出版社: 50Minutes.com (GK)
発売日: 2023年03月30日
Ο πόλεμος της Κορέας ήταν ένας εσωτερικός πόλεμος που οδήγησε σε μια μεγάλη αντιπαράθεση μεταξύ του Δυτικού Μπλοκ και του Κομμουνιστικού Μπλοκ. Η σύγκρουση διήρκεσε τρία χρόνια και έληξε χωρίς πραγμ……続きを見る
Two Years In the Forbidden City
著者:The Princess Der Ling
出版社: Double 9 Books
発売日: 2022年04月22日
Princess Der Ling's memoir, Two Years in the Forbidden City, details her time as the Empress Dowager Cixi's First Lady-in-Waiting and interpreter for her when she hosted foreign visitors. The 1911 r……続きを見る
The Lost Pirate Republic
著者:Daniel Defoe, Captain Charles Johnson, Charles Ellms
出版社: Sharp Ink
発売日: 2023年02月24日
This edition present the history of the period in which the piracy was at its pick in the Caribbean Sea. The entire regions and islands were under their control and rule, at the extent that they sub……続きを見る
Weapons in Late Shang (c.1250-1050 BCE) China
著者:Qin Cao
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年09月21日
Weapons in Late Shang (c.1250-1050 BCE) China: Beyond Typology and Ritual explores the large quantities of bronze and jade weapons, such as dagger-axes, spears and arrows, found at the World Heritag……続きを見る
The Kremlin's Chinese Advance Guard
著者:Daria Arincheva, Alexander Pantsov
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年04月21日
This book is a comprehensive historical study of the Bolshevik system of ideological and political indoctrination of a substantial number of Chinese revolutionaries, who studied in Comintern interna……続きを見る
Intra-Regional Popular Cultural Flows
著者:Xin Chen, Nicholas Tarling
出版社: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
発売日: 2018年12月24日
This edited volume brings together scholars from eight countries to explore interactions of popular cultural flows, state politics, audiences’ receptions, and public debates in Singapore, Malaysia, ……続きを見る
Women and Asian Martial Traditions
This anthology is filled with content specifically selected for readers who have a strong interest in women’s participation in the Asian martial traditions. In addition to combative theory and pract……続きを見る
Tracing Japanese Leftist Political Activism (1957 – 2017)
著者:Kevin Coogan, Claudia Derichs
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年10月11日
Tracing Japanese Leftist Political Activism (1957–2017) tells the story of the Japanese Red Army (JRA), a militant left-wing group founded in 1971 which was involved in numerous terrorist attacks. I……続きを見る
The KMT Returns to Power
著者:John Franklin Copper
出版社: Lexington Books
発売日: 2012年11月08日
In this book the author examines how the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang or KMT) returned to govern Taiwan after ruling for more than half a century but losing power in 2000 when the opposition Democr……続きを見る
著者:Simon Winchester
出版社: Penguin Books Ltd
発売日: 2004年06月03日
'Bracingly apocalyptic stuff: atmospheric, chock-full of information and with a constantly escalating sense of pace and tension' Sunday Telegraph Simon Winchester's brilliant chronicle of the destru……続きを見る
Collection Of Asian Traditional People Volume 1
出版社: AppsPublisher
発売日: 2013年01月16日
Collection Of Asian Traditional People Volume 1 Asia is also the origin of many of the most important and ancient world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. A Journey I……続きを見る
Collection Of Asian Traditional People Volume 3
出版社: AppsPublisher
発売日: 2013年01月21日
Collection Of Asian Traditional People Volume 3 Asia is also the origin of many of the most important and ancient world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Tales of Yu……続きを見る
Collection Of Asian Traditional People Volume 2
出版社: AppsPublisher
発売日: 2013年01月16日
Collection Of Asian Traditional People Volume 2 Asia is also the origin of many of the most important and ancient world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Georgian Fo……続きを見る
Black and Asian Theatre In Britain
著者:Colin Chambers
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年12月18日
Black and Asian Theatre in Britain is an unprecedented study tracing the history of ‘the Other’ through the ages in British theatre. The diverse and often contradictory aspects of this history are e……続きを見る
The Dawn of Tibet
著者:John Vincent Bellezza
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
発売日: 2014年08月29日
This unique book reveals the existence of an advanced civilization where none was known before, presenting an entirely new perspective on the culture and history of Tibet. In his groundbreaking stud……続きを見る
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