商品件数:3 1件~3件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
Converting to Judaism
著者:Kanji Ishizumi
出版社: Grosvenor House Publishing
発売日: 2017年07月18日
This is the moving story of how a Japanese lawyer and educational consultant from a conservative family of fan makers and merchants came to embrace Judaism. In his early 50s, while living in the US,……続きを見る
Appalachian Zen
著者:Steve Kanji Ruhl
出版社: Monkfish Book Publishing
発売日: 2022年11月15日
Featuring vivid firsthand accounts of spiritual seeking in Japanese temples, in forays to Tokyo and Hiroshima, in alleys of Kyoto, in Amish cornfields near the Susquehanna or a monastery in the Cat……続きを見る
Enlightened Contemporaries
著者:Steve Kanji Ruhl
出版社: Monkfish Book Publishing
発売日: 2020年06月16日
Enlightened Contemporaries is the first book to compare the lives and teachings of three of the world's most admired spiritual masters: Francis of Assisi, the Christian saint; Dogen, the great Zen B……続きを見る

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