商品件数:3029 481件~510件 (100ページ中 17ページめ)
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Ukraine, Georgia, and Belarus: An Analysis of Democracy and Democratic Institutions, Stability, Economic Development, Prosperity, Orange Revolution, Chernobyl
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月18日
Nations democratize at a different pace: Some achieve high governance standards, lasting political stability, and robust economies; others are lingering in their desires to look and act like their d……続きを見る
Learning from Our Military History: The United States Army, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the Potential for Operational Art and Thinking - Petraeus, COIN, Clausewitz, Counterinsurgency
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月18日
How was the US Army successful in OIF? Some tactical organizations, companies included, learned and adapted, whereas others accomplished little and made the environment worse. The interviews conduct……続きを見る
An Aversion to Risk: A Warning From the Past: Comparison of 1862 American Civil War Peninsula Campaign with General McClellan to the 2003 Iraq War Failures, Afghanistan, Goldwater-Nichols, Petraeus
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月18日
When U.S. forces departed Iraq on 15 December 2011 to return to the U.S., they did so much as General George B. McClellan had left the Peninsula to return to Washington, D.C. on 20 August 1862. The ……続きを見る
Understanding the Complexity of Reconciliation, Reintegration and Amnesty for the Enemy in Counterinsurgency Warfare: Vietnam, Dhofar, COIN, Petraeus, Iraq War Surge, Afghanistan, Taliban, Al Qaeda
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月18日
This thesis argues for reconciliation, reintegration and amnesty as the primary means to assure a long term peace. This recognition may cause the U.S. to better prepare a comprehensive strategy for ……続きを見る
Joint Doctrine Encyclopedia: Part One: Definitions of Critical Joint Force Defense Department Terms, From Active Air Defense to Joint Force Special Operations Component Commander
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月18日
This is an ebook reproduction of the Department of Defense Joint Doctrine Encyclopedia providing definitions of critical joint force Defense Department terms, presented in two parts because of the h……続きを見る
Condensed Analysis of the Ninth Air Force in the European Theater of Operations of World War II: D-Day, Normandy, Ardennes, Battle of the Bulge, Middle Wallop, Biggin Hill, Second World War
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月18日
The original edition of this work was published as a Special Study ー RESTRICTED ー by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Washington, D.C., in March 1946. The……続きを見る
United States Army in World War II: The European Theater of Operations: The Supreme Command - SHAEF, D-Day Invasion, Pursuit to the Seine, Rhine, Fighting in the North, Drive to the Elbe, Surrender
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
This is an extraordinary history of the Supreme Headquarters of World War II, telling the important stories of the commanders and decisions responsible for defeating Nazi Germany. This volume tells ……続きを見る
Village Stability Operations (VSO) in Afghanistan: Comparing Past Counterinsurgencies for Future Applications - Special Operations COIN, Philippine War, Malayan Emergency, Taliban, Karzai
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
Village Stability Operations (VSO) has been the cornerstone counterinsurgency strategy and primary mission for U.S. Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan since 2010. The VSO program has drawn cri……続きを見る
Digesty světových autorů
著者:Romana Szalaiová, Ladislav Szalai
出版社: Nakladatelství Viking
発売日: 2015年02月26日
Osm digestů - zkrácených verzí – slavných světových literárních děl 16. – 20. století. Vhodné i pro studenty jako náhrada za povinnou školní četbu.Ernest Hemingway – Stařec a mořeRomain Rolland – Pe……続きを見る
Terrorism and the New Age of Irregular Warfare: Challenges and Opportunities - New Technologies, WMD Proliferation, American Military and National Security, Weapons, Nuclear Systems
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
This Congressional hearing examined terrorism and the new age of irregular warfare, exploring issues such as the use of new technologies, WMD proliferation, the role of expensive weapons systems, nu……続きを見る
U.S. Navy Arctic Roadmap 2014: 2030: American National Interests, Evolving Arctic Region Security Environment, Navy Roles and Missions, Alaska, Climate Change and Loss of Arctic Sea Ice
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
The U.S. Navy recognizes that the opening of the Arctic Ocean has important national security implications as well as significant impacts on the U.S. Navy's required future capabilities. The nationa……続きを見る
Breaking the Ice: Potential U.S. - Russian Maritime Conflict in the Arctic - Disputed Areas, Lomonosov Ridge, Bering Strait, Beaufort Sea, Northwest Passage, Hans Island, NATO Perspective, UNCLOS
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
While war in the Arctic appears unlikely at present, this thesis analyzes why an escalation of territorial and resource disputes in the Arctic up to and including the use of force cannot and should ……続きを見る
Oil Spills in Arctic Waters: An Introduction and Inventory of Research Activities and USARC Recommendations - Mitigation, Containment, Countermeasures, Cleanup and Recovery, Environmental Effects
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
This "white paper" is a compilation of research on oil spills in ice-covered Arctic waters and recommendations for future work. We identify research entities in governmental, nongovernmental, indust……続きを見る
Decisionmaking in Operation Iraqi Freedom: Removing Saddam Hussein by Force - The Surge, General Casey, General Raymond Odierno, General David Petraeus, Ambassador Khalilzad
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
In 1946, General Walter Bedell Smith wrote a series of articles describing six great decisions made in World War II by General Dwight David Eisenhower, for whom General Smith worked as Chief of Staf……続きを見る
The Conflicts in Yemen and U.S. National Security: Yemeni Regional Politics and Saudi Arabia, Drones, Qat Chewing, al-Qaeda, War on Terror, Houthi Tribesmen Rebellion, Zaydi Shiite Sect, Kleptocracy
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
The political situation within Yemen has catapulted to the top tier of U.S. national security concerns over the last several years as it has become more directly linked to both the problem of intern……続きを見る
Decade of War, Volume I: Enduring Lessons from the Past Decade of Operations - Mistakes and Failures in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, Strategic Themes and Recommendations
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月18日
In October 2011, General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, issued a task to "make sure we actually learn the lessons from the last decade of war." In response, the Joint and Coa……続きを見る
U.S. Arctic Marine Transportation System: Overview and Priorities for Action 2013 - Climate Change Sea Ice Loss, Ecology, Ports, Hydrographic Surveys, Mapping, Navigation, Icebreaking, SAR
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
The Arctic is an intensely harsh operating environment, with extreme cold, heavy fog, severe storms, unpredictable ice flows and changing ice. These conditions persist even as sea ice has retreated ……続きを見る
Alzheimer Discourse
著者:Vai Ramanathan
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2013年11月05日
This book deals with the narrative discourse--specifically lifestories--of 16 patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD). It attempts to understand the discourse of these patients in contextua……続きを見る
History of the U.S. Army 7th Armored Division in World War II: From the Beaches to the Baltic and Roll out the Barrel, Drive through France, Chartres, Reims, Verdun, Seine, Battle Against the Nazi SS
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
This exclusive World War II history ebook presents two rarely seen illustrated histories of the 7th Armored Division and its heroic exploits in the liberation of France from the Nazis. Topics, battl……続きを見る
USAF Medical Support for Special Operations Forces Tactical Doctrine: Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 3-42.6 - SOF Operational Medical, Logistics, War Reserve Material, Training
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
Special operations missions are conducted by specially organized, trained and equipped military forces to achieve military, political, economic or psychological objectives by unconventional means in……続きを見る
Health Service Support: Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Publication 4-02 - Surgeon's Office, Casualty Management, Medical Logistics, Force Health Protection, Combat Operations, Special Operations Forces
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
This publication provides doctrine for the planning, preparation, and execution of health service support across the range of military operations. The Military Health System supports the operational……続きを見る
21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Tactical Radio Operations (FM 6-02.53) - Networks, Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, HF and VHF, Ground and Airborne, Ultra HF, Tactical Satellite, SINCGARS
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
This field manual (FM) serves as a reference document for tactical radio systems. It also provides doctrinal procedures and guidance for using tactical radios on the modern battlefield. This FM targ……続きを見る
U.S. Army Force Generation (Army Regulation 525-29) Military Operations - Sourcing, Resourcing, Planning, Execution Line of Effort, Readiness, Strategic Necessity of ARFORGEN, Boots on the Ground
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
This new Department of the Army regulation institutionalizes the fundamentals of Army Force Generation, assigns roles and responsibilities for the Army Force Generation process, establishes the Army……続きを見る
National Defense Intelligence College Paper: The Blue Planet - Informal International Police Networks and National Intelligence - Transnational Crime, Terrorism and Policing, Al Qaeda
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月11日
This unique and informative paper was produced by the National Intelligence University / National Defense Intelligence College. The Blue Planet: Informal International Police Networks and National I……続きを見る
Essential Guide to Interrogation and Torture: CIA KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual, Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual, Art and Science of Interrogation
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月12日
Major documents in the history of American intelligence interrogation are included in this unique ebook compilation, including two famous manuals, the CIA KUBARK manual from 1963 and the 1983 Human ……続きを見る
Defense Science Board Task Force Report: Force Protection in Urban and Unconventional Environments: Training Regime, Tactical Intelligence, Red Teaming, Role for Technology, SSTR Operations
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
The Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD [AT&L]), the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director, Defense Research and Engineering requested the Defense Scien……続きを見る
U.S. Army Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) - Army Techniques Publication ATP 4-94 - Unified Land Operations, Warfighting, Roles and Missions, Logistics, Combat Service Support, Battle Command
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 4-94 describes the organization, mission, and operations of the theater sustainment command (TSC). It provides fundamental guidance for the employment of the TSC an……続きを見る
National Defense Intelligence College Paper: Imperial Secrets - Remapping the Mind of Empire - Thuggees, Roman and Ottoman Empire, Nomads, Panopticon, Sepoy Revolt of 1857, Barzakh
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月11日
This unique and informative paper was produced by the National Intelligence University / National Defense Intelligence College. In this work, Patrick Kelley interprets the intelligence environment o……続きを見る
National Defense Intelligence College Paper: Imperialism With Chinese Characteristics? Reading and Re-Reading China's 2006 Defense White Paper - Chinese Military Expansion, Maoist Policy
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月11日
This unique and informative paper was produced by the National Intelligence University / National Defense Intelligence College. The [Chinese] White Papers provide foreign readers a glimpse into Chin……続きを見る
Terrorism and WMD in the Contemporary Operational Environment (U.S. Army TRADOC G2 Handbook 1.04) - CBRN Threat, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, Dirty Bomb
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月19日
Terrorism and WMD in the Contemporary Operational Environment is a supplemental handbook to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, TRADOC G2 capstone reference guide on terrorism, TRADOC G2 Ha……続きを見る
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