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Les plus belles histoires du temps de Noël
著者:Marc Pasteger, Patrick Poivre d'Arvor
出版社: L'Archipel
発売日: 2020年11月05日
Un recueil des plus belles histoires de Noël, compilées par l'anthologiste Marc Pasteger. Destiné aux enfants comme aux grands enfants, pour retrouver la magie des fêtes de fin d'année. Il s'en pass……続きを見る
Le tre parti del cuore
著者:Laura Costantini e Loredana Falcone
出版社: goWare
発売日: 2020年10月13日
Quanto fa male aprire l’album dei ricordi? Eppure Megan Krantz, pittrice affermata, non esita ad affrontare le scelte del passato quando a chiedergliene conto è il figlio delle due persone che ha pi……続きを見る
Italiani. Stereotipi di casa nostra
著者:Loredana Sciolla
出版社: Ledizioni
発売日: 2020年11月05日
È proprio vero che gli italiani si distinguono per un eccessivo attaccamento alla famiglia? Ed è proprio il “familismo” italico che impedisce il formarsi di solidarietà più ampie e lo sviluppo di un……続きを見る
Sulla Soglia di un Mondo Nuovo. Richiami di Risvegli
著者:Loredana Filippi
出版社: Loredana Filippi
発売日: 2020年10月22日
Una NUOVA VISION può CAMBIARE LA TUA VITA! Rapito, addormentato, rinchiuso nella torre, avvelenato ma, infine, RISVEGLIATO. Nell'Epoca dei Risvegli, sulla soglia di un nuovo mondo, il "femminile" st……続きを見る
La piazza del Diamante
著者:Mercè Rodoreda
出版社: La Nuova Frontiera
発売日: 2020年10月31日
Quella sera, quando Quimet l’aveva invitata a ballare, in piazza del Diamante c’era la musica e tutto il quartiere danzava. Natàlia prima esita, ma poi, visto che lui è affascinante e deciso, gli pr……続きを見る
著者:Claire Davon
出版社: The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
発売日: 2020年11月16日
Cool, competent Terri August is nothing like her love-crazed self of ten years earlier, obsessed with rock star Clarke Masters, who called her his stalker. But when he appears as her label's new A&R……続きを見る
Teachers' Pack on Experiments in Materials Science
著者:Dr Claire Davis
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2020年11月26日
This pack is designed as an aid to teachers to teach materials aspects in an 'A' level physics, chemistry, design and technology. It provides suggestions for experiments to accompany course material……続きを見る
A Volte Esagero
著者:Salvatore Dama
出版社: Società Editrice Dante Alighieri
発売日: 2020年11月16日
Il mondo delle palestre. Il turbo-narcisismo. Le fitness addicted. Il maoismo alimentare di un personal trainer. Il pregiudizio estetico. Il traffico di sostanze dopanti. Roma Nord. La chirurgia est……続きを見る
Decathlon, notre histoire
SI NOUS VOULONS ÊTRE TOUJOURS LÀ DANS CENT ANS, NOUS DEVONS OSER LE CHANGEMENT AUJOURD'HUI Entreprise initialement caractérisée par une structure fermée et de nombreuses couches hiérarchiques, Decat……続きを見る
Decathlon, ons verhaal
'Willen we binnen 100 jaar nog bestaan?' Deze retorische vraag zorgde begin 2014 voor een lange stilte in de Decathlon-burelen. Het zou 6 jaar later het startschot blijken voor één van de meest radi……続きを見る
Fraternidade, Tecnologia e Direitos Humanos:
著者:Lucieli Breda, Maíra Brecht Lanner
出版社: Editora Appris
発売日: 2020年11月27日
O livro Fraternidade, Tecnologia e Direitos Humanos reúne autores contemporâneos que propõem um novo olhar sobre o Direito do Trabalho, a partir das temáticas afeitas e orientações da Prof.a Dr.a Lu……続きを見る
Sguardi. Dentro, Intorno, Oltre
著者:Floredana de Felicibus
出版社: Edizioni il cuscino di stelle
発売日: 2020年12月01日
Alta la lirica di Floredana De Felicibus. Alta, prorompente, vivida. Lo sguardo si dirige verso l'interno, verso l'immaginifico sofferto nonché raramente goduto. L'autrice impegnata per decenni nell……続きを見る
A Viking Queen's Legacy
著者:Alfreða Jonsdottir
出版社: Tellwell Talent
発売日: 2020年11月30日
The Queen of Dubhlinn is a powerful position for any woman, and Aud, the youngest daughter of Ketill Flat-Nose, readily agrees to marry into this prestigious role. Beautiful, intelligent, competitiv……続きを見る
Guaranteed Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) Simple Steps to Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Fear and Anger in Women
出版社: Daniel Elisha
発売日: 2020年11月25日
Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT is a combination of two effective therapies: cognitive and behavioral. Cognitive therapy applies to the thinking process and belief system while behavioral therap……続きを見る
Baby Boo Bear Goes to the Amusement Park
著者:Jared A. Laskey
出版社: ​Fireborn Ministries
発売日: 2020年12月08日
Baby Boo Bear is a six-year-old who needs courage to go on the biggest, scariest ride in the park! Find out how he overcomes fear and how you can, too. 続きを見る
Lean-Exzellenz im OP Management
著者:Alfred Angerer, Tim Brand, Ines Gurnhofer, Oliver Mattmann, Isabelle Juchler, Rutger Martens
出版社: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
発売日: 2020年12月10日
Der OP-Bereich ist als Herzstück des Leistungsportfolios von zentraler Bedeutung für die Behandlungsqualität wie auch die wirtschaftlichen Ergebnisse des Krankenhauses. So steht auch der OP im Zentr……続きを見る
Experimental Nations
著者:Réda Bensmaïa
出版社: Princeton University Press
発売日: 2009年01月10日
Jean-Paul Sartre's famous question, "For whom do we write?" strikes close to home for francophone writers from the Maghreb. Do these writers address their compatriots, many of whom are illiterate or……続きを見る
The Golden Butterfly Adventure
著者:Freda Swift
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2016年01月09日
A Young girl with her two twin friends, a boy and girl meet a Goblin and his family. The Goblin and his son go with the children on an adventure to return a golden butterfly back to the grotto where……続きを見る
Read the Road Signs
著者:Mereda Cruz
出版社: Lulu Publishing Services
発売日: 2016年11月11日
Are you sick of meeting the wrong guy? Do you feel social pressure to be in a relationship? Do you find yourself settling for safety, because it’s easier than being alone? Do you feel like you are n……続きを見る
A Mundos de Distancia
著者:Valmore Daniels
出版社: ​Valmore Daniels
発売日: 2020年12月14日
Una galaxia en guerra Durante mil años, la Armada Kulsat ha devastado la galaxia en busca del legado perdido de una raza extinta de seres tecnológicamente avanzados. Destruyen a cualquiera que se in……続きを見る
著者:Ion Luca Caragiale , Anna Preda
出版社: Anna preda
発売日: 2021年01月03日
Peccato \ da Novelle rumene scritto nel 1914 Fra uomo e uomo c'è spesso una distanza come tra stella e stella. Li sta un sole gigantesco e piu' in la un altro.Fra la polvere turbinosa dei mondi, un ……続きを見る
L'albero della morte
著者:Clarice Tartufari , Anna Preda
出版社: Anna Preda
発売日: 2021年01月04日
L'albero della morte è una novella scritta nel 1912 dalla scrittrice Clarice Tartufari. Se volete riscoprire i classici è il libro giusto. 続きを見る
The Twins and the River of Deaths
著者:Renildo Freire Da Silva
出版社: Renildo Freire Da Silva
発売日: 2021年01月07日
The Twins and the River of Deaths In a beautiful place that looks like paradise, it hides a dark and shocking truth that will make you reflect if we are alone in this world of beliefs and superstiti……続きを見る
Le Filleul du Roi Grolo
著者:Marie-Claire Daveluy
出版社: Revue L’Oiseau bleu, Montréal, 1924
発売日: 2021年01月08日
Extrait: « Il y avait une fois, petits, un vaste, très vaste pays, rempli de montagnes, de forêts et de lacs. Mais les montagnes se hérissaient de telles pointes que personne n’osait les gravir ; le……続きを見る
Conversations In the Prayer Closet
著者:Fredah El
出版社: Lulu Publishing Services
発売日: 2014年08月26日
If you had face time with God what would you want to talk about? Inside are conversations in the form of poems to God. The poems vary from funny to heartfelt and serious discussions with God. Some o……続きを見る
Pro Cryptography and Cryptanalysis with C++20
著者:Marius Iulian Mihailescu, Stefania Loredana Nita
出版社: Apress
発売日: 2021年01月30日
Develop strong skills and a passion for writing cryptography algorithms and security schemes/modules using C++ 20 and its new features. You will find the right methods of writing advanced cryptograp……続きを見る
著者:AA Freda
出版社: iUniverse
発売日: 2021年01月18日
As over five hundred parishioners make their way into the First Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas, a white van with armed terrorists sits in the back of the parking lot. All are fanatics intent on ca……続きを見る
Gender Justice and the Law
Gender Justice and the Law presents a collection of essays that examines how gender, as a category of identity, must continually be understood in relation to how structures of inequality define and ……続きを見る
Towards a just Europe
著者:João Labareda, Dr Paul Tobin, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Kathryn Simpson
出版社: Manchester University Press
発売日: 2021年01月26日
This highly original book constitutes one of the first attempts to examine the problem of distributive justice in the European Union in a systematic manner. João Labareda argues that the set of shar……続きを見る
Records de la darrera carlinada
著者:Marian Vayreda
出版社: L’Avenç
発売日: 2021年02月02日
Quan va esclatar la tercera guerra carlina (1872-1876), el jove olotí Marian Vayreda, fill d'una família de la petita noblesa rural, es va incorporar a l'exèrcit carlí. Integrat en el cos de cavalle……続きを見る
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