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A Oração dos Cristãos. O Pai Nosso comentado pelos Padres da Igreja
著者:Isidro Pereira Lamelas
出版社: Universidade Católica Editora
発売日: 2022年07月26日
Porque tudo o que é muito usado tende a desgastar-se, os crentes de hoje revelam um manifesto cansaço relativamente às fórmulas antigas de oração. A resposta para esta fadiga poderia passar pela «mo……続きを見る
Indian Feminist Ecocriticism
Following Françoise d’Eaubonne’s creation of the term “ecofeminism” in 1974, scholars around the world have explored ways that the degradation of the environment and the subjugation of women are lin……続きを見る
Las sociologías de Marx, Durkheim y Weber
著者:Ricardo Sidicaro
出版社: Siglo XXI Editores
発売日: 2022年07月27日
La sociología nació con el impulso de pensar un tiempo de cambios profundos, en el que las sociedades del Antiguo Régimen se resquebrajaban rápidamente para dar paso al naciente capitalismo industri……続きを見る
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht
著者:Cressida Cowell
出版社: Arena Verlag
発売日: 2019年01月21日
Auf die Drachen, fertig, los! An Thors Tag müssen alle Wikingerjungen die Reifeprüfung zum "Drachenmeister" ablegen. Hicks sieht schwarz für sich und seinen widerspenstigen Drachen Ohnezahn. Wird er……続きを見る
Wilderwald (2). Die Rache des Königshexers
著者:Cressida Cowell
出版社: Arena Verlag
発売日: 2019年01月21日
Der Königshexer ist zurückgekehrt! Noch immer kann es Xar kaum glauben. Doch als sich immer mehr Hexen im Wilderwald dem dunklen König anschließen, weiß er, dass die Zeit gekommen ist: Nach jahrelan……続きを見る
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht (9). Jagd um das Drachenerbe
著者:Cressida Cowell
出版社: Arena Verlag
発売日: 2018年02月02日
Schlechte Zeiten kommen auf Hicks und den Wikinger-Archipel zu. Nach dem großen Feuer auf der Berserker-Insel scheint es beinahe, als läge ein Fluch über der Insel. Die Drachen beginnen, sich gegen ……続きを見る
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht (10). Suche nach dem Drachenjuwel
著者:Cressida Cowell
出版社: Arena Verlag
発売日: 2018年06月29日
Die Drachenrebellion hat begonnen - und es sieht nicht gut aus für Hicks und Ohnezahn. Nachdem Haudrauf, Hicks' Vater, verbannt wurde, ist nun ausgerechnet Rotznase der neue Häuptling des Raufbold-S……続きを見る
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht (4). Mörderische Drachenflüche
著者:Cressida Cowell
出版社: Arena Verlag
発売日: 2017年03月29日
Hicks ist verzweifelt! Sein bester Freund Fischbein schwebt in Lebensgefahr, denn er wurde vergiftet vom Stich des Stacheldrachen. Hicks und seine unerschrockene Freundin Kamikazzi haben nur wenige ……続きを見る
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht (8). Flammendes Drachenherz
著者:Cressida Cowell
出版社: Arena Verlag
発売日: 2017年06月19日
Hicks' bester Freund Fischbein wird dabei erwischt, wie er ausgerechnet der Tochter von Barbarenfürst UG Ugglitugg Liebesbriefe schreibt. Keine gute Idee, denn in Sachen Liebe verstehen die Wikinger……続きを見る
Nature of the Beast
著者:S.L. Kassidy
出版社: Desert Palm Press
発売日: 2022年08月03日
Tala Grayson, an introverted pharmaceutical student often let’s her anxiety get the better of her. But, she has to do the unthinkable and go into a sex club to support a friend. She catches the eye ……続きを見る
Communication Theory and Application in Post-Socialist Contexts
While the broader field of communication studies is gaining more global prominence, this is an era when the underrepresented voices are fortunately becoming more recognized. Communication Theory and……続きを見る
Stress, Cognition and Health
著者:Tony Cassidy
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2022年10月07日
The new edition of this bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research on stress and health, moving beyond the former deficit model to a resource growth model. It exam……続きを見る
Alles, was ist, darf sein
著者:Doris Iding
出版社: Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH
発売日: 2023年08月30日
Fünf kleine Worte mit der Kraft, das Leben zu verändern »Alles, was ist, darf sein« – mit diesem einfachen Mantra zeigt die Achtsamkeitsexpertin Doris Iding, wie du auch im hektischsten Alltag zu ei……続きを見る
The Global History of Black Girlhood
The Global History of Black Girlhood boldly claims that Black girls are so important we should know their histories. Yet, how do we find the stories and materials we need to hear Black girls’ voices……続きを見る
Artes & Oficios. El vidrio
著者:Philippa Beveridge, Ignasi Doménech, Eva Pascual
出版社: Parramón Paidotribo
発売日: 2022年08月17日
Este libro trata sobre las técnicas de trabajo del vidrio en el horno, expuestas de manera didáctica y adecuada para las personas interesadas en esta especialidad desde una vertiente práctica. En su……続きを見る
Practical Manual Of Nutrition And Dietetics
著者:Swayam Siddha, Akanksha Yadav, Monika Arora
出版社: Arts & Science Academic Publishing
発売日: 2019年06月30日
The Nutrition practical manual is a well designed book for undergraduate students of nutrition. The contents of the manual is well thought, sequentially arranged and written in easy language. The fi……続きを見る
Women And Gender Economics And Finance
著者:Siddhartha Sarkar
出版社: Arts & Science Academic Publishing
発売日: 2019年06月30日
A substantial amount of literature suggests that women differ from men in various financial matters. When it comes to dealing with money and finance, women are on average still more inexperienced co……続きを見る
Women And Gender Society And Community
著者:Siddhartha Sarkar
出版社: Arts & Science Academic Publishing
発売日: 2019年06月30日
The driving force behind gender as a distinct system of difference and inequality is gender's deep-seated role as an organizing force in social relations. Mainstreaming gender from grassroots levels……続きを見る
Rural Development And Inclusive Growth Linkage And Implications : Linkage And Implications
著者:Siddaraju V. G. and Ramesh
出版社: Arts & Science Academic Publishing
発売日: 2015年06月30日
Rural Development in India is one ofthe most crucial factors for the growth ofthe economy. It has great significance for a country like India where majority ofthe population live in rural areas. The……続きを見る
O Misterioso Jogador
著者:Sidney Southgate
出版社: Clube de Autores
発売日: 2019年08月16日
Carringer precisava resolver seu problema. Encontrou a pessoa que julgava ser ideal. Um terrível engano. Trecho: Do lado de fora, no portal (a porta continuava fechada) havia a figura escura de um h……続きを見る
The Praise of Folly (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
著者:Desiderius Erasmus
出版社: Barnes & Noble
発売日: 2012年03月13日
This edition includes a modern introduction and a list of suggested further reading. The Praise of Folly is the most enduring and popular work of one of the greatest Renaissance humanists, Desideriu……続きを見る
The History of Trade Unionism (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
著者:Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb
出版社: Barnes & Noble
発売日: 2011年04月05日
The Webbs were major voices in British socialism, economic studies, and the scholarship of the cooperative movement. This influential work, published in 1894, details how the British trade union mov……続きを見る
As Relíquias Sagradas de Hitler
著者:Sidney Kirkpatrick
出版社: Alma dos Livros
発売日: 2019年09月13日
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, de Paris a Estalinegrado, os nazis pilharam toda a espécie de peças de arte e antiguidades. Prevendo a invasão da Alemanha nazi pelos Aliados, Heinrich Himmler orde……続きを見る
Design of Digital Phase Shifters for Multipurpose Communication Systems
著者:Binboga Siddik Yarman
出版社: River Publishers
発売日: 2022年09月02日
This book aims to cover a new emerging need in designing digital phase shifter for modern communication systems. With the advancement of new generation mobile communication systems, directed beams o……続きを見る
Gifts of Her Spirit
著者:Mary Brigh Cassidy, O.S.F.
出版社: Mayo Clinic Press
発売日: 2022年02月01日
A poignant collection of poems written by a dedicated Franciscan sister and the former hospital administrator of Saint Marys Hospital during a lifetime of dedication, this is a work that celebrates ……続きを見る
Catastrophes, Confrontations, and Constraints
著者:Tobias Ide
出版社: MIT Press
発売日: 2023年06月06日
A ground-breaking study on how natural disasters can escalate or defuse wars, insurgencies, and other strife. Armed conflict and natural disasters have plagued the twenty-first century. Not since th……続きを見る
Ferramentas Tecnológicas Para O Ensino: Educação Digital De Qualidade
著者:Isabella Da Silva Brocardo, Adriana Sbardelotto Di Domenico, Siderlene Muniz-oliveira
出版社: Clube de Autores
発売日: 2022年09月07日
O advento da pandemia, causada pelo novo coronavírus em 2020, gerou a necessidade da implantação de um Ensino Remoto Emergencial em todo o mundo, para todos os níveis de ensino. Assim, professores e……続きを見る
のりもの よみきかせ絵本 ごみしゅうしゅうしゃ
出版社: 講談社
発売日: 2022年09月21日
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 「ぼくはごみの……続きを見る
Violencias y contraviolencias
El libro despliega un abanico de relatos y artículos que se proponen reflexionar sobre la(s) violencia(s), y lo hace en el contexto de lo ocurrido a partir del 18 de octubre del año 2019 en Chile. 続きを見る
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