商品件数:1573 871件~900件 (53ページ中 30ページめ)
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Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells for Portable Applications
著者:Alexandra M. F. R. Pinto, Vania Sofia Oliveira, Daniela Sofia Castro Falcao
出版社: Elsevier Science
発売日: 2018年09月08日
Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells for Portable Applications: Fundamentals, Engineering and Advancespresents the fundamental concepts, technological advances and challenges in developing, modeling and deploy……続きを見る
Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment
Many contemporary environmental risks and global environmental changes occurring today are unprecedented in the history of human life on earth. However, the images and narratives through which human……続きを見る
სექსუალობა: შინაგანი იმპულსი (drive) და ურთიერთობა
著者:Peter Philippson, Sofia Verulashvili translator
出版社: Manchester Gestalt Centre
発売日: 2018年10月24日
უკვე ერთგვარ კლიშედ იქცა იმის თქმა, რომ თერაპია უფრო „გამოცდილებათა სხეულს“ (Körper) ეხება, ვიდრე -ფიზიკურ სხეულს (Leib), უფრო - „ფენომენალურ სამყაროს“, ვიდრე - ფიზიკურ სამყაროს. შესაბამისად, ადგილი……続きを見る
დრო, სიცოცხლე და სიკვდილი
著者:Peter Philippson, Sofia Verulashvili translator
出版社: Manchester Gestalt Centre
発売日: 2018年10月24日
როდესაც თერაპიულ სამუშაოს ახალ შენობაში ვიწყებ, პირველ რიგში საათს გვერდზე ვდებ ხოლმე. როდესაც მეკითხებიან, თუ რატომ ვიქცევი ასე, ვპასუხობ, რომ საათი ილუზიას გვიქმნის, თითქოს დრო მოცემუილი, რეგულარუ……続きを見る
“ცარიელ სკამთან“ მუშაობის ურთიერთობითი მიდგომა
著者:Peter Philippson, Sofia Verulashvili (translator)
出版社: Manchester Gestalt Centre
発売日: 2018年10月24日
გეშტალტ თერაპიაში „ცარიელი სკამის“ მეთოდი სხვადასხვა პოპულარობით სარგებლობდა. მას ფრიც პერლზის მუშაობაში ცენტრალური ადგილი ეკავა. ფრიცი ამ მეთოდს, „ცხელ სკამთან“ და ხელსახოცებთან ერთად, მუშაობის არს……続きを見る
Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 102 (November 2018)
著者:John Joseph Adams, Charles Yu, Theodora Goss, Stephen Graham Jones, Sofia Samatar
出版社: John Joseph Adams
発売日: 2018年11月01日
LIGHTSPEED is an online science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF--and fantasy: ……続きを見る
Pumpkin War!
著者:Sofia Schwartz
出版社: Roxanna's Publishing House
発売日: 2018年11月07日
Find out what happens to this family of pumpkins when the Great Pumpkin War breaks out! 続きを見る
ArabLit Quarterly: Fall 2018
The first-ever issue of ArabLit Quarterly brings together short stories and poetry by exciting Arabic-language writers translated into English such as South Sudanese writer Stella Gaitano, Syrian sh……続きを見る
Structural Performance of Masonry Elements
著者:J. M. P. Q. Delgado, Ana Sofia Guimarães, António C. Azevedo, Romilde A. Oliveira, Fernando A.N. Silva, Carlos W.A.P. Sobrinho
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2018年12月07日
This book discusses the main mechanical features of masonry buildings and the peculiarities that affect their structural behaviour. It also examines technical information regarding accidents that ha……続きを見る
Into the Unknown
著者:Sofia Jarlo
出版社: Wonderlife
発売日: 2018年12月24日
"This is the story of my unforgettable adventure. How I was challenged to face a dangerous villain called The Evil One in a magical land far below the earth to help save all who live there." - Ellie……続きを見る
Het rode adresboek
著者:Sofia Lundberg
出版社: Ambo/Anthos B.V.
発売日: 2018年10月02日
'Het rode adresboek' is een fascinerend verhaal over vriendschap en avontuur, geluk en verdriet, en over de grote liefde die je nooit vergeet. Het rode adresboek van Sofia Lundberg neemt je mee op e……続きを見る
Corações Quebrados
著者:Sofia Silva
出版社: Editora Valentina
発売日: 2018年11月30日
Com mais de um milhão de leituras no Wattpad, chegará às livrarias brasileiras o segundo volume da Série QUEBRADOS. CORAÇÕES QUEBRADOS aborda a depressão, o luto e a deficiência física. Entre as dor……続きを見る
Mulheres negras no Brasil escravista e do pós-emancipação
Como foi a participação das mulheres cativas na sociedade escravista e nas primeiras décadas da pós-emancipação? Como protestaram mirando a escravidão e contrariando a ideia de que aceitaram com pas……続きを見る
É pertinente publicar uma coletânea de textos cujo tema central é a Eucaristia como caminho para uma nova humanidade. Numa sociedade em que a concentração dos bens e a exploração dos recursos natura……続きを見る
Between insecurity and hope
著者:Maria Pisani, Tanya Basarab, Barbara Giovanna Bello, Sofia Laine
出版社: Conseil de l'Europe
発売日: 2018年12月15日
Youth work can offer a space for young refugees to express themselves and participate in society. This Youth Knowledge book presents theoretical references and reflections on the experiences of youn……続きを見る
Por fin, fin al bullying
著者:Sofia Smeke
出版社: Publica por Gandhi
発売日: 2019年03月21日
En este libro de fácil de lectura, padres y maestros, podrán comprender las causas actuales que genere el doloroso fenómeno del Acoso Escolar o Bullying. A lo largo de la lectura se entenderá claram……続きを見る
Absolute Poverty in Europe
Engaging systematically with severe forms of poverty in Europe, this important book stimulates academic, public and policy debate by shedding light on aspects of deprivation and exclusion of people ……続きを見る
Mujeres bacanas latinas
著者:Isabel Plant, Sofía García-Huidobro, Concepción Quintana, Fernanda Claro
出版社: Editorial Catalonia
発売日: 2019年04月11日
La propuesta del libro Mujeres Bacanas de seleccionar y poner en valor a mujeres cuyos logros son visibles al interior de un mundo estructurado por el poder masculino, ya tuvo una primera versión ac……続きを見る
Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 108 (May 2019)
著者:John Joseph Adams, Kathleen Kayembe, Nancy Kress, Max Gladstone, Sofia Samatar
出版社: John Joseph Adams
発売日: 2019年05月01日
LIGHTSPEED is an online science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF--and fantasy: ……続きを見る
Television and the Genetic Imaginary
著者:Sofia Bull
出版社: Palgrave Macmillan UK
発売日: 2019年06月02日
This book examines the complex ways in which television articulates ideas about DNA in the early 21st century. Considering television’s distinct aesthetic and narrative forms, as well as its specifi……続きを見る
Take the Mic: Fictional Stories of Everyday Resistance
著者:Bethany C. Morrow, Jason Reynolds, Samira Ahmed, L. D. Lewis, Ray Stoeve, Laura Silverman, Sofia Quintero, Keah Brown, Darcie Little Badger
出版社: Scholastic Inc.
発売日: 2019年10月01日
A young adult anthology featuring fictional stories of everyday resistance. You might be the kind of person who stands up to online trolls.Or who marches to protest injustice.Perhaps you are #Disabl……続きを見る
A toda costa
Durante siglos el mundo entró y salió a través del Caribe, esa región profusa capaz de agitar la Historia y levantarla como huracán. Esa fuerza, hoy más que nunca, se ha consolidado en Puerto Rico, ……続きを見る
Secolarizzazione gioachimita e teologia politica
著者:Sofia Alunni
出版社: Edizioni Studium S.r.l.
発売日: 2019年06月17日
La presente ricerca indaga il gioachimismo come modello di secolarizzazione all’interno di una delle figure più importanti del contesto risorgimentale, quella di Giuseppe Mazzini. Il lavoro va dunqu……続きを見る
30 Actividades para pais e filhos fazerem ao deitar
著者:Ana Sofia
出版社: Editorial Bubok Publishing
発売日: 2019年07月11日
Este livro contém várias actividades para os pais fazerem com os filhos e vice-versa. Integra ainda algumas reflexões sobre uma parentalidade mais consciente à luz dos novos conhecimentos mas também……続きを見る
Een warme winternacht - erotisch verhaal
著者:Sofia Fritzson
出版社: LUST
発売日: 2018年12月21日
"Felicia kan haar ogen niet van hem afhouden. Hij is nog net zo gespierd als in haar herinnering en ondanks het jaargetijde is hij goudbruin gebronsd. Felicia's blik blijft hangen bij het goudblonde……続きを見る
Erotic Valentine s Day - 5 erotische verhalen
著者:Alexandra Södergran, Sofia Fritzson, Malin Edholm
出版社: LUST
発売日: 2019年02月13日
"Als de deur van het toilet opengaat, sta ik met twee vingers in mijn vagina tegen de wasbak te stoten. Gechoqueerd en beschaamd draai ik mijn hoofd om te zien wie er binnenkomt. Ik was er daarstrak……続きを見る
Gloeiendhete blikken 2: Jimmy - erotisch verhaal
著者:Sofia Fritzson
出版社: LUST
発売日: 2019年03月11日
"Langzaam maakt ze zich los en begint ze af te dalen. Ze trekt een nat spoor van kussen over zijn kaaklijn en borst. Hij beeft als haar vingers zijn buik strelen en zich onder de band van zijn boxer……続きを見る
Sensuele nachten 2: Josefin - erotisch verhaal
著者:Sofia Fritzson
出版社: LUST
発売日: 2019年03月11日
"Ze kreunt zachtjes in haar slaap en draait zich om. Bij het zien van al die ontblote huid begint zijn hart sneller te kloppen en moet hij het kruis van zijn broek rechttrekken. Hij wil zo veel met ……続きを見る
Kanske ett liv
著者:Sofia Hedman
出版社: SAGA Egmont
発売日: 2019年07月08日
Katti tycker inte alltid att det är så lätt att handskas med sin ADHD-diagnos. Hon försöker att tygla sitt vilda humör och göra allting rätt, men ändå blir det ofta kaos. Fester som slutar i bråk oc……続きを見る
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