商品件数:4 1件~4件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
Leading with Sound
著者:Rob Bridgett
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年05月19日
Leading with Sound is the must-have companion guide to working on video game projects. Focused on the creative, collaborative, philosophical and organizational skills behind game sound and eschewing……続きを見る
Working with Sound
著者:Rob Bridgett
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年06月01日
Working with Sound is an exploration of the ever-changing working practices of audio development in the era of hybrid collaboration in the games industry. Through learnings from the pre-pandemic rem……続きを見る
From Stuck to Limitless
Do you still harbor hurt and pain from past experiences? From Stuck to Limitless is an anthology featuring individuals who share their harsh truths about trauma and survivalーfrom childhood sexual a……続きを見る
Meet Me at Midnight
Dive deep into your imagination and immerse yourself in the wondrous world of midnight! Meet Me At Midnight is an anthology of tales from 36 authors that revolve around the bewitching hour, where ma……続きを見る

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