▼Social & Cultural Studies
商品件数:1344 601件~630件 (45ページ中 21ページめ)
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Todavía no
Este libro se pregunta por qué no ha sido posible la justicia en los países latinoamericanos, que afrontan nuevas olas de amnesia, impunidad, represión y violencia sin que las heridas del pasado hay……続きを見る
Dreams That Matter
著者:Amira Mittermaier
出版社: University of California Press
発売日: 2010年12月16日
Dreams that Matter explores the social and material life of dreams in contemporary Cairo. Amira Mittermaier guides the reader through landscapes of the imagination that feature Muslim dream interpre……続きを見る
Absolut svensk : en ID-handling
著者:Soran Ismail, Jonas Magnusson
出版社: Wahlström & Widstrand
発売日: 2017年09月04日
Vad är man beredd att gå i döden för? På åttiotalet riskerade hans föräldrar livet för frihet och rättvisa. Men vad kan Soran Ismail, en konflikträdd 29-åring från Knivsta med dålig kondis, själv bi……続きを見る
Modernidade e Aggiornamento ー A Comunicação da Igreja Católica
著者:Mailson Ramos
出版社: ​Mailson Ramos
発売日: 2023年04月19日
A obra discute a relação entre a Igreja Católica e os meios de comunicação, diante da modernidade e dos desgastes provocados pelo processo de secularização. Evidencia a necessidade da Igreja de paut……続きを見る
Climate Governance in China
著者:Lina Li, Maia Haru Hall
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年05月03日
This book explores how and why innovative climate policies spread across subnational regions and between governance levels in China. Despite the significance of emerging economies in a pathway to a ……続きを見る
Une veillée de récits magiques
著者:Pierre Alain Lemaître
出版社: Le Lys Bleu Éditions
発売日: 2023年04月26日
Dans une suite d'échanges mémorables, Une veillée de récits magiques est un savant mélange entre surnaturel, mystère et énigme. L’auteur met en scène des êtres fantastiques, des sorciers ainsi que d……続きを見る
The Deliberative System and Inter-Connected Media in Times of Uncertainty
著者:Rousiley C. M. Maia, Gabriella Hauber, Tariq Choucair
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2023年05月30日
Adopting a systemic perspective, this book explores media-based communication and reason-giving as a linkage process that transcends time and space. Arguments, reasoning perspectives and emotional c……続きを見る
Philosophy Unchained
The East European nations’ common past in the Soviet Union connects them in terms of both their political histories and the evolution of their philosophical thought. The USSR’s dissolution created n……続きを見る
Traders and Tinkers
著者:Maitrayee Deka
出版社: Stanford University Press
発売日: 2023年08月08日
The term "tinker" calls to mind nomadic medieval vendors who operate on the fringe of formal society. Excluded from elite circles and characterized by an ability to leverage minimal resources, these……続きを見る
Die Jagd auf das chinesische Phantom
著者:Bastian Obermayer, Frederik Obermaier, Philipp Josef Grüll, Christoph Giesen
出版社: Kiepenheuer & Witsch eBook
発売日: 2023年05月04日
Er steht mit einem Kopfgeld von fünf Millionen Dollar auf der Most-Wanted-Liste des FBI. Er steckt hinter vielen Konflikten dieser Welt. Er wird seit fast zwei Jahrzehnten von Geheimdiensten wie CIA……続きを見る
A influência dos exergames na qualidade de vida de pessoas com baixa visão
著者:Genilson de Almeida Jennings, Maira Tiyomi Sacata Tongu Nazim
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2023年04月10日
O presente livro resultou de um grande desafio, descrever a aplicabilidade e os efeitos percebidos de uma ferramenta que fosse utilizada para auxiliar no processo de reabilitação de pessoas com baix……続きを見る
De gevaarlijkste man van de wereld
著者:Bastian Obermayer, Frederik Obermaier
出版社: VBK Media
発売日: 2023年05月10日
De CIA, de NSA, MI6 en de Mossad: allemaal zijn ze op zoek naar die ene geheimzinnige wapenhandelaar. Bloedstollende true crime, van de auteurs van 'Panama Papers'. De FBI heeft een prijs op zijn ho……続きを見る
The Project-State and Its Rivals
著者:Charles S. Maier
出版社: Harvard University Press
発売日: 2023年05月16日
A new and original history of the forces that shaped the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We thought we knew the story of the twentieth century. For many in the West, after the two world confli……続きを見る
Juvenile Justice Anger Management (JJAM) Treatment for Girls
The Juvenile Justice Anger Management (JJAM) Treatment for Girls is a manualized anger management and aggression reduction treatment designed for adolescent girls and young women placed in residenti……続きを見る
Community design
著者:Marta Mainieri
出版社: Egea
発売日: 2023年05月26日
Oggi si sente molto parlare di «community», ma spesso a sproposito. Qual è il vero significato di questa parola? E, soprattutto, quali sono i benefici della community economy? Partendo dalla definiz……続きを見る
Junho de 2013
A rebelião de 2013 chegou sem aviso prévio. Afinal, a economia emitia sinais de prosperidade, com taxa de crescimento. Mas em junho daquele ano, gigantescas multidões tomaram as ruas das principais ……続きを見る
Direitos e Fronteiras Planetárias: Feminismos Emergentes
著者:Déborah Silva do Monte, Liana Amin Lima da Silva, Thaisa Maira Rodrigues Held, Verônica Maria Bezerra Guimarães
出版社: Editora Appris
発売日: 2023年06月23日
O livro coletivo Direitos e fronteiras planetárias: feminismos emergentes, organizado pelas professoras doutoras Déborah Silva do Monte, Liana Amin Lima Silva, Thaisa Maira Rodrigues Held e Verônica……続きを見る
Agent Provocateur for Hitler or Churchill?
著者:David Tremain
出版社: Pen & Sword Books
発売日: 2022年07月08日
There have been many remarkable women who served British Intelligence during the Second World War. One whose dubious claim to have worked for them is a fascinating tale involving three marriages – t……続きを見る
Unsolved No More
著者:Kenneth L. Mains
出版社: WildBlue Press
発売日: 2021年08月17日
**The life and crime solving of the renowned detective who’s “a voice for all who have been silenced” (Lt. Joe Kenda [ret], the “Homicide Hunter”). As a law enforcement officer for more than fifteen……続きを見る
Jain Paintings and Material Culture of Medieval Western India
著者:Lipika Maitra
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年08月31日
Through a curated collection of key Jain paintings, this volume offers a glimpse into the way people lived in western India during the medieval times: What they wore, how they ornamented themselves,……続きを見る
African Immigrants and the American Experience
The population of African immigrants in the United States has grown rapidly over the past few decades. African Immigrants and the American Experience: Race, Anti-Black Violence, and the Quest for th……続きを見る
Omerta dans l'Éducation nationale - Les chefs d'établissement sortent du silence
著者:Patrice Romain
出版社: Cherche Midi
発売日: 2023年09月07日
Éducation nationale : pour la première fois, des personnels de direction prennent la parole ! " Tout le monde me considère comme la principale, sauf la hiérarchie qui pense que je suis secondaire. "……続きを見る
White Saviorism in International Development
著者:Themrise Khan, Dickson Kanakulya, Maïka Sondarjee
出版社: Daraja Press
発売日: 2023年07月19日
Given the growing interest in understanding the meaning, manifestations, analyses and implications of racism in North/South relations, White Saviorism in International Development seeks to remedy th……続きを見る
Douloureuse traversée
著者:Odette Mainville
出版社: Tullinois
発売日: 2023年07月30日
Vincent, enfant brillant mais timide, subit l’intimidation dès ses débuts à l’école primaire, sous l’influence principalement de Bruno, un compagnon de classe. Après avoir épuisé tous les recours au……続きを見る
Critical Dimensions of African Studies
This book brings together top researchers, thinkers, and activists from across disciplines to reflect on the study of Africa. Critical Dimensions of African Studies: Re-Membering Africa emphasizes a……続きを見る
A relação pessoa-ambiente nas narrativas dos moradores de uma cidade em transformação
著者:Maicol de Oliveira Brognoli
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2023年08月28日
Crescer próximo à Praia Grande, Santa Catarina, com seus vales, rios e, principalmente, os canyons, fez-me refletir sobre o encantamento que sua beleza singular situada entre o litoral e a serra cat……続きを見る
Paranın İmparatorları
著者:İsmail Tokalak
出版社: Ataç Yayınları
発売日: 2001年01月01日
Binlerce yıllık süreçte belli bir bilgi birikimi ve ilişki ağları içinde oluşturulmuş çok büyük ve tekelleşmiş bir güç sistemi olan Küresel Finans Oligarşisinin başında çoğunlukla dünya nüfusunun % ……続きを見る
Orsam Analiz Sayı: 312-The Impact of the Iran-Saudi Arabia Deal on the Middle East: A New Wave of Re
著者:İsmail Sarı
出版社: Ortadoğu Yayınları
発売日: 2001年01月01日
On March 10, 2023, Iran and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement in Beijing, which followed two years of negotiations in Baghdad, on the initiative of Chinese President Xi Jinping. The two countries ag-……続きを見る
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