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Prophesy Deliverance! 40th Anniversary Expanded Edition
著者:Cornel West
出版社: Presbyterian Publishing
発売日: 2022年10月15日
In this, his premiere work, Cornel West challenges African Americans to consider the incorporation of Marxism into their theological perspectives, thereby adopting the mindset that it is class more ……続きを見る
Bhagavad Gita Essentials
著者:Paramahamsa Vishwananda
出版社: Bhakti Marga Publications
発売日: 2020年08月10日
The Bhagavad Gītā recounts a profound dialogue between Arjuna, a conflicted warrior, and his humble charioteer, who is in fact the Lord Himself. The message Kṛṣṇa delivered on a battlefield more tha……続きを見る
Voluntary Consent
著者:Maximilian Kiener
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年03月10日
Voluntariness is a necessary condition of valid consent. But determining whether a person consented voluntarily can be difficult, especially when people are subjected to coercion or manipulation, pl……続きを見る
出版社: 遠流出版
発売日: 2022年06月01日
與更好的自己相遇 志玲姊姊首部凝視內心的真摯書寫 優雅,是忠於自己腳步的從容; 是面對挫折也能笑著轉身繼續前進; 是懂得進退,為人著想又不失自我的分寸拿捏。 成就自己的同時,也不忘將別人放在心上。 不強求……続きを見る
出版社: 遠流出版
発売日: 2023年02月01日
心的穩定度,決定靈界與你的互動! ★ 第一本地球靈界生態的詳細解說!搭配作者親繪插圖39張 ★ 首次揭祕氣脈、宗教、集體潛意識的能量流動模式 ★ 部落格瀏覽數破650萬人次!粉絲敲碗期待的精華之作 「靈界」兩個字……続きを見る
発売日: 2024年02月17日
The English Standard Version (ESV) Bible is an essentially literal Bible translation that combines word-for-word precision and accuracy with literary excellence, beauty, and depth of meaning. The ES……続きを見る
出版社: 三民書局
発売日: 2022年12月30日
初入佛門,莫說「三昧」是什麼,根本一問「三不知」? 那你應該讀這本寫給初學者的簡明佛學史! ▍從印度到中國、源遠流長的佛教傳播史 ー不是印度也不是巴基斯坦,你知道佛陀其實是尼泊爾人嗎? ー還記得課本上的……続きを見る
Enjoyment Right & Left
著者:Todd McGowan
出版社: Sublation Media
発売日: 2022年10月31日
While understanding the psychic structure of pleasure and desire might seem to be unrelated to grasping our current political crisis, Todd McGowan argues that the intrinsically excessive nature of e……続きを見る
«Voi chi dite che io sia?»
著者:Francesco Patton, Pierbattista Pizzaballa
出版社: TS Edizioni
発売日: 2024年03月06日
«Queste pagine sono uno strumento semplice, un invito a vivere la Settimana Santa insieme con Pietro per fare quel cammino di sequela e discepolato che lo ha portato a passare da un’adesione entusia……続きを見る
An Introduction to Artificial Psychology
著者:Hojjatollah Farahani, Marija Blagojević, Parviz Azadfallah, Peter Watson, Forough Esrafilian, Sara Saljoughi
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2023年06月19日
Artificial Psychology (AP) is a highly multidisciplinary field of study in psychology. AP tries to solve problems which occur when psychologists do research and need a robust analysis method. Conven……続きを見る
Welcoming the Stranger
著者:Lindsay Balfour, Thomas Massaro, Craig Mousin, Carol Prendergast, Zeki Saritotprak, Ori Z Soltes, Rachel Stern, Mimi E. Tsankov, Mohsin Mohi-Ud-Din
出版社: Fordham University Press
発売日: 2024年04月02日
Embracing hospitality and inclusion in Abrahamic traditions One of the signal moments in the narrative of the biblical Abraham is his insistent and enthusiastic reception of three strangers, a start……続きを見る
Ten Times We Almost Died
著者:Michael A. Susko
出版社: ​AllrOneofUs Publishing
発売日: 2024年04月01日
This work explores the author's encounters with the times he almost died. A further reflection on these events, in which we are on the razor's edge between life and death, has something to teach us.……続きを見る
Endangered African Knowledges and the Challenge of Modernity
著者:Donald Mark C. Ude
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年04月02日
This book presents an innovative African philosophical response to coloniality and the attendant epistemicide of Africa’s knowledge systems, drawing on Igbo thinking. This book argues that theorizin……続きを見る
Rethinking Community in Myanmar
著者:Judith Beyer
出版社: University of Hawaii Press
発売日: 2024年03月31日
In this first anthropological study of Muslim and Hindu lives in urban Myanmar today, Judith Beyer develops the concept of “we-formation” to demonstrate that individuals are always more than members……続きを見る
出版社: 前衛出版社
発売日: 2023年12月19日
內容簡介 |為有志日本研究者提供有關宗教文化的重要先行知識| ★深入淺出介紹日本民俗中的神道、佛教與修驗道 ★認識與理解日本民俗文化的最好入門書 在「聖」與「俗」間相互影響,不斷變化、融合新舊的日本宗教文……続きを見る
Why Bad People Go To Heaven and Good People Go To Hell (Part 2)
著者:Wayne Davies
出版社: ​Wayne Davies
発売日: 2024年03月30日
This book is Part 2 of a series written to explain why "bad" people go to heaven and "good" people don't. Each book in this series takes a look at what Jesus said about our eternal destiny – what ha……続きを見る
The Routledge Handbook of Self-Determination and Secession
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年02月28日
The Routledge Handbook of Self-Determination and Secession explores the various debates surrounding the issues of self-determination and secession, and the legal, political, and normative implicatio……続きを見る
Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2021年07月29日
Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers offers a comprehensive historical overview of the field of aesthetics. Thirty specially commissioned essays introduce and explore the contributions of philosophers who h……続きを見る
What To Do About Conspiracy Theories?
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年03月27日
Increasingly social activists, journalists and policy makers have expressed concern over the proliferation of conspiracy theories in the public space. There is a growing fear of their impact on soci……続きを見る
Master the 12 Universal Laws: A Guide to Manifestation, Energy Healing, Spiritual Growth and Mindfulness
著者:Jamie Morgan
出版社: ​Jamie Morgan
発売日: 2024年03月26日
Transform Your Reality - Master the 12 Secret Universal Laws for a Life of Purpose and Fulfillment What You'll Discover The Essence of Universal Harmony: Uncover the foundational principles behind ……続きを見る
Ritual Ablution for Women: Taharat un Nisa
著者:Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi
出版社: Al-Ma'arif Publications
発売日: 2024年03月27日
Knowing the Islamic rulings regarding monthly periods, or pre- and post-natal bleeding is an essential duty of every Muslim woman. However the lack of a comprehensive resource in English on this sub……続きを見る
UFO / UAP / Aliens -- Forms of “Phantom” (Strieber and Marcel)
著者:Richie Cooley
出版社: Richie Cooley
発売日: 2024年03月26日
This booklet discusses the evidence for the Roswell crash offered by Jesse Marcel Jr. and the New Age philosophies of Whitley Strieber. This is written from a Christian standpoint. 続きを見る
著者:Kevin M. Weller
出版社: Kevin M. Weller
発売日: 2024年03月26日
Gran parte de la comunidad ateísta tiene cierta preferencia por los grandes filósofos existencialistas y los académicos más reconocidos en el mundo del ateísmo como los cuatro jinetes del no apocali……続きを見る
Black Liturgies
著者:Cole Arthur Riley
出版社: The Crown Publishing Group
発売日: 2024年01月16日
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A collection of prayer, poetry, and spiritual practice centering the Black interior world, from the author of This Here Flesh and creator of Black Liturgies “A true spiri……続きを見る
Las Tres Voluntades y la Situación de Nuestro Mundo
著者:Fernando Davalos
出版社: ​Fernando Davalos
発売日: 2024年03月22日
¿Qué impulsa nuestro mundo personal y nuestra vida? ¿Nuestra voluntad? ¿La voluntad del mundo? ¿La voluntad de Dios? ¿Son estas tres voluntades mutuamente excluyentes? Ciertamente podemos trabajar a……続きを見る
the triumphant victory of sin and death
著者:dean hartley
出版社: dean hartley
発売日: 2024年03月22日
the ultimate goal to achieve for every man who wishes to accomplish his pre-destined destiny 続きを見る
Nasty, Brutish, and Short
著者:Scott Hershovitz
出版社: Penguin Books Ltd
発売日: 2022年05月03日
'Witty and learned ... Hershovitz intertwines parenting and philosophy, recounting his spirited arguments with his kids about infinity, morality, and the existence of God' Jordan Ellenberg, author o……続きを見る
Time Is Collapsing
著者:Robert Hall
出版社: ​Robert Hall
発売日: 2024年03月23日
This is really amazing, I recently entered a writing contest on a site for authors. The contest had 5 themes to choose from. I chose "Write a story from the point of view of a non-human character." ……続きを見る
Embracing Alienation
著者:Todd Mcgowan
出版社: Watkins Media
発売日: 2024年04月09日
The left views alienation as something to be resisted or overcome, but could it actually form the basis of our emancipation? In Embracing Alienation, Todd McGowan offers a completely different take ……続きを見る
The Three Wills and the State of Our World
著者:Fernando Davalos
出版社: ​Fernando Davalos
発売日: 2024年03月21日
What drives our personal world, and our life? Our will? The will of the world? The will of God? Are these three wills mutually exclusive? We can certainly work in unison with the will of God, but th……続きを見る
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