▼Social & Cultural Studies
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著者:Kai-Olaf Maiwald, Inken Suerig
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2019年09月17日
This book offers an unprecedented, integrative account of the shape of social order on the microsocial level. Dealing with the basic dimensions of interaction, the authors examine the major factors ……続きを見る
Le Féminisme pour les Nul.le.s
著者:Danielle Bousquet, Margaux Collet, Claire Guiraud, Mine Gunbay, Romain Sabathier
出版社: edi8
発売日: 2019年09月19日
Le livre de référence pour comprendre l'histoire et les enjeux actuels du féminisme ! Qu'on s'en revendique ou qu'on s'en méfie, le féminisme est aujourd'hui sur toutes les lèvres. Il est riche de c……続きを見る
Culturas en comunicación
Culturas en comunicación reconoce y propone diversas formas de estudiar los procesos comunicativos desde sus distintas dimensiones: intercultural, multicultural o transcultural. Se trata de pensar e……続きを見る
Party Animals
著者:Samantha Maiden
出版社: Penguin Random House Australia
発売日: 2020年03月03日
Secrets, lies, lawyers and covert recordings. If you thought the 2019 election was just about a death tax that didn’t exist, you’re in for a surprise. From the dark arts of the dirt units to the rol……続きを見る
FinTech in Sub-Saharan African Countries
著者:Rodolfo Maino, Alexander Massara, Hector Perez Saiz, Preya Sharma, Amadou N Sy
発売日: 2019年10月04日
FinTech is a major force shaping the structure of the financial industry in sub-Saharan Africa. New technologies are being developed and implemented in sub-Saharan Africa with the potential to chang……続きを見る
Cinderella in Spain
著者:Maia Fernández-Lamarque
出版社: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
発売日: 2019年10月06日
Every culture in the world has a version of the story of Cinderella. Surveying thousands of tellings of what is perhaps the most popular fairy tale of all time, this critical examination explores ho……続きを見る
Children of Tomorrow
著者:Tina Müller, Corinne Maier
出版社: Rowohlt E-Book
発売日: 2019年10月15日
Gemeinsam ein Kind großziehen, das kann doch heute so schwer nicht sein: Natürlich werden beide sich kümmern, klar werden beide weiter arbeiten. Als Individuen und als Paar werden beide weiter ihre ……続きを見る
The Vanishing World of The Islandman
著者:Máiréad Nic Craith
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2019年11月07日
Exploring An t-Oileánach (anglicised as The Islandman), an indigenous Irish-language memoir written by Tomás Ó Criomhthain (Tomás O'Crohan), Máiréad Nic Craith charts the development of Ó Criomhthai……続きを見る
Weiß-blau ist bairisch und grün scheißt die Gans
著者:Karl Bruckmaier
出版社: Kursbuch
発売日: 2019年12月02日
In Musik findet das Lebensgefühl der Revoltierenden seit Generationen seinen Ausdruck. Die Geschichte des Protestsongs ist entsprechend schillernd und zum Beispiel tief ins Woodstockgedächtnis der G……続きを見る
La cité des intellectuels
著者:Firmin Maillard, Ligaran
出版社: Ligaran
発売日: 2015年02月11日
Extrait : "Dans la pièce, les Deux veuves, de Félicien Mallefille, lorsque le garde la Barraque amène au château, M. de Brenne, gentilhomme braconnant sur les terres de la veuve qu'il adore, celle-c……続きを見る
The Everyday Makings of Heteronormativity
Using a cross-cultural perspective, The Everyday Makings of Heteronormativity: Cross-Cultural Explorations of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality examines the conceptual formulation of heteronormativity and ……続きを見る
Brave New Hungary
Brave New Hungaryfocuses on the rise of a “brave new” anti-liberal regime led by Viktor Orbán who made a decisive contribution to the transformation of a poorly managed liberal democracy to a well-o……続きを見る
著者:Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter Filzmaier
出版社: Christian Brandstätter Verlag
発売日: 2019年12月16日
Der scharfzüngige TV-Politexperte Peter Filzmaier träumte bereits als Kind davon, Sportreporter zu werden. Von Spaniens Fußballern über Österreichs Skifahrer und Norwegens Langläufer bis hin zu ital……続きを見る
Migrant Workers In Japan
著者:Hiroshi Komai
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2012年10月12日
First Published in 1995. The issue of foreign workers in Japan has already reached a turning point, as they are quickly changing from a flow into a group of settled residents. This change has been a……続きを見る
School Social Work Services in Federally Funded Programs
著者:Hope M. Bland, Ashraf Esmail
出版社: University Press of America
発売日: 2012年10月08日
This book identifies the barriers between social work intervention in education and government-funded programs that impact African American students. The chapters approach these issues from a child-……続きを見る
Sociologie de Rennes
著者:Romain Pasquier, Thibault Tellier, Collectif
出版社: La Découverte
発売日: 2020年02月06日
La capitale de la Bretagne est devenue l'une des villes françaises les plus dynamiques. Elle est généralement plébiscitée dans les sondages pour son art de vivre. Depuis 1990, Rennes Métropole repré……続きを見る
Tokyo Travel Sketchbook
著者:Amaia Arrazola
出版社: Tuttle Publishing
発売日: 2020年03月03日
Tokyo Travel Sketchbook traces the journey of illustrator and graphic designer Amaia Arrazola on a four-week trip through the beating heart of Tokyo. When Arrazola accepts a month long artist's resi……続きを見る
Argentina, ¿cómo entenderte?
著者:Gloria L. Maidana
出版社: Editorial Autores de Argentina
発売日: 2020年02月04日
Ensayo que aporta una mirada no convencional sobre la Argentina, que incomoda, y que llama a revisar nuestra responsabilidad en los padecimientos del país. Invitación de la autora a conocer y respet……続きを見る
著者:Jürgen Maier, Thorsten Faas
出版社: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
発売日: 2020年03月03日
TV-Duelle sind ein fester Bestandteil und zugleich das wichtigste Einzelereignis in modernen Wahlkämpfen. Sie werden von Millionen von Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauern gesehen und umfassend in Massenme……続きを見る
Multi-Actor Human Rights Protection at the International Criminal Court
著者:Emma Irving
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2020年02月29日
Conversations about the involvement of States in the workings of the International Criminal Court often focus on the role of State cooperation in enabling the ICC to carry out criminal trials. Howev……続きを見る
On Rage
著者:Germaine Greer
出版社: Hachette Australia
発売日: 2020年04月28日
ON RAGE is Germaine Greer's timeless essay about Aboriginal dispossession. With characteristic acuity and passion, Greer looks to the causes of rage and its consequences in Indigenous Australians. O……続きを見る
Este livro é coisa de mulher
著者:Maíra Medeiros
出版社: Outro Planeta
発売日: 2020年03月18日
De uma das mais importantes vozes do feminismo no Youtube Quando percebemos e assumimos que o mundo em que vivemos não pratica a igualdade de gênero (além de ser desigual em muitos outros aspectos a……続きを見る
Retour de flammes - Les pompiers, des héros fatigués
著者:Romain Pudal
出版社: La Découverte
発売日: 2020年06月04日
D'une popularité rarement démentie, vantés pour leur courage et leur dévouement, les pompiers font partie de notre quotidien. Mais on sait bien peu de choses de ce métier qui incarne aux yeux de bea……続きを見る
Public Private Partnership Contracts
著者:Mohamed Ismail
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年03月19日
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the law surrounding PPPs in the Middle East and North African region. The significance of liberalised and integrated Public Private Partnership Contrac……続きを見る
Indian Muslim(s) after Liberalization
著者:Maidul Islam
出版社: OUP India
発売日: 2020年05月07日
Close to the turn of the century and almost 45 years after Independence, India opened its doors to free-market liberalization. Although meant as the promise to a better economic tomorrow, three deca……続きを見る
Alternatives to Exclusion from School
著者:Pamela Munn, Gwynedd Lloyd, Mairi Ann Cullen
出版社: SAGE Publications
発売日: 2015年06月17日
`... an excellent volume, one which should become essential reading for students of education, especially those at the start of their careers. Incidentally, not only is the book concise; unusually f……続きを見る
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog
著者:Bruce D Perry, Maia Szalavitz
出版社: Basic Books
発売日: 2017年08月29日
In this classic work of developmental psychology, renowned psychiatrist and the coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestseller What Happened to You? reveals how trauma affects childrenーand outlines t……続きを見る
The Kennedys: America's Emerald Kings
著者:Thomas Maier
出版社: Basic Books
発売日: 2009年03月25日
Meticulously researched both here and abroad, The Kennedys examines the Kennedy's as exemplars of the Irish Catholic experience. Beginning with Patrick Kennedy's arrival in the Brahmin world of Bost……続きを見る
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