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Letters to a Human Being
著者:Larry Good
出版社: Larry Good
発売日: 2015年05月20日
Letters to a Human Being is a new and totally different explanation of humanity. It's a new and different explanation of what a human being is---and therefore what YOU are. Could anything else be mo……続きを見る
Encounters with Florida's Endangered Wildlife
著者:Doug Alderson
出版社: University Press of Florida
発売日: 2010年05月16日
Eastern bison roamed Florida into the 1800s. Red wolves disappeared in the 1920s. The dusky seaside sparrow was declared extinct in 1990. It's too soon to say whether the 116 threatened, endangered,……続きを見る
Noobs Guide to Quality Web Sites, The
著者:Mike McGlugritch
出版社: Mike McGlugritch
発売日: 2014年03月08日
This book will teach you how to get your own Quality Web Site for little to no cost at all. You don't need to hire expensive web and graphic designers for something you can do on your own. Get start……続きを見る
Water Level Indicator Circuit Using Bipolar Junction Transistor
著者:Manikandan KJ
出版社: Manikandan KJ
発売日: 2015年05月14日
Many circuits related to water level sensing/control are easily available on the internet, but the major drawback of all circuits which uses a metal probe as sensors is electrolysis. Electrolysis do……続きを見る
Signature électronique sur tablette: équiper ses commerciaux pour vendre plus et mieux
著者:Gautier Harmel
出版社: Gautier Harmel
発売日: 2015年05月11日
Le 27 janvier 2010, au Yerba Buena Center for the Arts de San Francisco, un apôtre en jean basket se dresse devant une foule déjà conquise. L’homme porte son traditionnel sweet noir à col montant et……続きを見る
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
著者:Carlo Rovelli
出版社: Penguin Publishing Group
発売日: 2016年03月01日
**The New York Times bestseller from the author of The Order of Time and Reality Is Not What It Seems, Helgoland, and Anaximander “One of the year’s most entrancing books about science.”ーThe Wall S……続きを見る
Baby Steps To Backyard Chickens
著者:Kathryn Robles
出版社: Kathryn Robles
発売日: 2016年08月24日
You need backyard chickens! This short guide will walk you through preparing for backyard chickens from deciding if chickens are right for you to bringing them home. Each section includes an actiona……続きを見る
The Science of Ant Communication: A Discussion of How Ants Talk to Each Other
著者:Pamela Paterson
出版社: Pamela Paterson
発売日: 2015年05月09日
Unlike ants themselves, ant communication is no small matter. These tiny creatures have a very sophisticated communication system, and communication drives every facet of their society much like it ……続きを見る
Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators, Second Edition
著者:Gabriel A. Rincon-Mora
出版社: McGraw Hill LLC
発売日: 2014年03月27日
THE LATEST ANALOG IC DESIGN TECHNIQUES Fully revised and expanded to meet the emerging demands of mixedsignal systems, Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators, Second Edition, teaches analog IC……続きを見る
The Lowdown on GMOs: According to Science
著者:Fourat Janabi
出版社: Fourat Janabi
発売日: 2015年05月11日
Public distrust of GMOs has increased in recent years. The animosity is everywhere; from initiatives popping up left, right, and center to label'em, ban'em, or warn the public. The media overplays t……続きを見る
Technological Cures for Global Warming
著者:Lenny Everson
出版社: Lenny Everson
発売日: 2014年03月07日
This is a basic guide to current proposals for reversing global warming and climate change using technology. It does not deal with reducing your carbon footprint or the consequences of global warmin……続きを見る
Auto Memory
著者:Abhishek Lal
出版社: Osmora Inc.
発売日: 2015年02月25日
The human brain is the most complex system in the known universe. This system has developed according to the principles of evolution. Investigating the origins of the brain might lead to more compre……続きを見る
Modified Ergentor on 60Hz Frequency
著者:Heinrich Vakhlakov
出版社: L&L Publishing
発売日: 2014年03月07日
This short book describes an alternative energy generation device. 続きを見る
Blog action day: Cambio climático
著者:Patricia Gutiérrez
出版社: Pati Gutiérrez
発売日: 2015年03月06日
Artículo sobre el cambio climático escrito en el marco del Blog Action Day 2009. Breve opinión y consejos simples sobre cómo reducir nuestra huella ambiental. 続きを見る
Once Upon a Time in a Crystal Cave
著者:Roger Russell
出版社: ​Roger Russell
発売日: 2015年05月11日
Copper has been mined at a site in the North of Namibia since ancient times. People reputedly came from all over the world; as far afield as Rome and England to buy the precious metal. The ore body ……続きを見る
After a Wildfire: Checklist of Considerations for Post-Fire Management
著者:Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
出版社: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
発売日: 2015年05月09日
All may appear lost, but with time and rain, pastures burned by recent wildfires will come back stronger if cattle are not restocked too early. The loss of standing vegetation affects not only the a……続きを見る
Benefit-sharing in Environmental Governance
著者:Louisa Parks
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2019年12月20日
Taking a bottom-up perspective, this book explores local framings of a wide range of issues related to benefit-sharing, a growing concept in global environmental governance. Benefit-sharing in Envir……続きを見る
The Concept of Nature in the Thought of John Philoponus And Other Essays
著者:John McKenna
出版社: Grace Communion International
発売日: 2015年05月14日
This e-book contains three articles. The title article is about the work of the 6th-century Alexandrian theologian scientist. The second article discusses "The Interface Between Science and Theology……続きを見る
Black Holes In A Brief History
著者:Bud Stark
出版社: Bud Stark
発売日: 2015年05月20日
I and millions of readers without a scientific education were delighted when Stephen Hawking published A Brief History of Time. Its purpose was to give us an insight into how science, cosmologist es……続きを見る
Der Rundfunk von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
著者:Jürgen Tiedmann
出版社: Miller E-Books
発売日: 2021年02月05日
Natürlich gab es vor 3.500 Jahren noch keinen Rundfunk, der ja bekanntlich die Übertragung mit elektromagnetischen Wellen nutzt.Um den Rundfunk aber überhaupt möglich zu machen, bedurfte es vieler E……続きを見る
Fomes Contemporâneas
Chamar a nossa atenção para as várias fomes contemporâneas, assim mesmo, no plural, e elucidar seus significados são os propósitos deste livro que tenho o prazer de apresentar. Seus capítulos percor……続きを見る
The Paint Horse
著者:Trudy Nicholson
出版社: Horsecrest Press
発売日: 2015年10月04日
Before Lucy found her wild White Cloud Station horse, Hope, she had a well-loved, black-and-white paint riding horse. But Paintbox was taken from her by his spiteful former owners and there was noth……続きを見る
The Dynamics of Reactions and Encouragement: The Relationship Between Positive Natural Dynamics and Positive, Encouraging Reactions
著者:Pedro Cortez Jr
出版社: Pedro Cortez, Jr
発売日: 2015年05月09日
This book draws upon a wealth of respected authors as resources to help explain ideas regarding the creation of positive responses through good decision making. It describes how pressure and change ……続きを見る
Epoxy Safety 101: Properly Storing and Mixing Industrial Epoxy Resins
著者:CSS Corp
出版社: CSS Corp
発売日: 2015年05月10日
There are many formulations and varieties of epoxy appropriate for a wide range of purposes; almost all are strongly adhesive, electrically insulating, and heat resistant. When working with an indus……続きを見る
North American Contraflow Masonry Heater Glossary of Terms
著者:Marcus Flynn
出版社: Marcus Flynn
発売日: 2015年05月11日
In regions where there is a long tradition of masonry heaters the local languages have an extensive vocabulary of terms associated with all aspects of building and operating. Masonry stoves are, in ……続きを見る
For Space
著者:Doreen B Massey
出版社: SAGE Publications
発売日: 2012年08月14日
Doreen Massey is one of the most profound thinkers in contemporary human geography, and her work addresses fundamental issues with great insight. This is a work of enormous ambition, breadth, and de……続きを見る
Edge of Disaster
著者:Val Vogel, Jr., CLU, ChFC, MSW
出版社: AEC Stellar Publishing, Inc.
発売日: 2015年05月20日
Hurricane Katrina was a tragedy for many, but did birth a great revival in energy and enterprise for the area, and for me. Many from the New Orleans area have their "Katrina stories," and this is mi……続きを見る
We the People
著者:Kari Ann Ramadorai
出版社: Backlit Web
発売日: 2013年05月15日
We were born on the land and will live here forever. Free. 続きを見る
Aviation Carbon Footprint: Global Scheduled International Passenger Flights 2012
著者:Dave Southgate
出版社: Dave Southgate
発売日: 2013年05月22日
This book follows on from my book 'The Carbon Footprint of Aircraft Operations in Australia – 2011' which is also available in the Kobo bookstore.  It contains a detailed breakdown of CO2 emis……続きを見る
Tree Care Kit
著者:Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
出版社: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
発売日: 2015年05月09日
Learn how to improve urban tree health, position urban trees to better withstand severe weather (hurricane, ice storms, drought), and minimize damage and loss of not only the beloved trees, but also……続きを見る
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