商品件数:4933682 121件~150件 (100ページ中 5ページめ)
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Irreparable Mistakes
著者:Jose Trapani
出版社: Jose Trapani
発売日: 2024年04月10日
Jose had been breastfeeding her child within the family area as you're watching a DVD horror film. A scene that is frightening coming on, and her face considered sheer horror; therefore she ended up……続きを見る
The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy
著者:Ariana Phillips-Hutton
出版社: Oxford University Press
発売日: 2020年12月17日
Whether regarded as a perplexing object, a morally captivating force, an ineffable entity beyond language, or an inescapably embodied human practice, music has captured philosophically inclined mind……続きを見る
著者:溫斯頓.邱吉爾, Winston Churchill
出版社: 網路與書
発売日: 2024年03月26日
邱吉爾 150 周年冥誕紀念 從選舉到潛艦,從漫畫到間諜,從繪畫到複製人,邱翁都說給你聽! 一代領袖、諾貝爾文學獎得主邱吉爾在軍事、政論以外的散文罕見經典,首度中譯! 「我們的下一代,將會受到過去幾代人做夢……続きを見る
Tales of Love and Freedom
著者:Wesley Caines
出版社: Wesley Caines
発売日: 2024年04月11日
Lisa had been appropriate. She constantly is. I ought ton’t be astonished because of it any more. To start with, she stated i'dn’t compose this entire tale, and I also didn’t. Then she stated i ough……続きを見る
Chronic Pain, BDSM and Crip Time
著者:Emma Sheppard
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年07月14日
This book is a critical disability studies examination of the lived experience of chronic pain, engaging with and making a significant contribution to crip theory and the concept of ‘crip time’. Exp……続きを見る
Social Psychology
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2023年08月02日
This book provides an introduction to social psychology that covers its history, theories, and core concepts. It explains intrapersonal (how others influence our views about ourselves) and interpers……続きを見る
Lonely Planet Turkey
著者:Jessica Lee
出版社: Lonely Planet
発売日: 2022年12月02日
Lonely Planet’s Turkey is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. See the minarets of I……続きを見る
Data Analytics in Football
著者:Daniel Memmert, Dominik Raabe
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年12月22日
Data Analytics in Football provides students, researchers, and coaches with a firm grounding in the principles of modern performance analysis. It offers an insight into the use of positional data, e……続きを見る
出版社: 香港中文大學出版社
発売日: 2023年10月30日
Why DeFi Matters
著者:Ian Horne
出版社: Kogan Page
発売日: 2023年10月03日
There is a pressing need for a balanced account outlining what DeFi actually means for investors, banks and the finance industry. Why DeFi Matters cuts through the jargon and the hype to help people……続きを見る
Elon Musk
著者:Walter Isaacson
発売日: 2023年09月11日
Do autor de Steve Jobs e outras biografias de sucesso, chega-nos a história surpreendentemente íntima de um dos inovadores mais controversos e fascinantes da atualidade - um visionário avesso a re……続きを見る
出版社: 正中書局
発売日: 2022年02月23日
台灣最具權威性、代表性的華語教材 新版實用視聽華語教材,由台灣教育部策畫,是目前最具權威性,最完整而實用的成人華語鉅著,受到台灣各華語中心及補習班喜愛並廣為採用,且已出版電子書,可供讀者採用。本系列……続きを見る
La tour Eiffel
著者:Stéphanie Ledu
出版社: Editions Milan
発売日: 2024年04月03日
Un "P'tit doc" sur la tour Eiffel, pour répondre à toutes les questions des petits curieux dès 3 ans. Avec des textes courts et instructifs, de belles illustrations, les "P'tits docs" constituent un……続きを見る
出版社: 城邦出版集團
発売日: 2023年03月30日
歐巴馬、《冰與火之歌》作者強力推薦! 想像奇詭,氣勢磅礴,寄托深遠,堪稱百年中文科幻小説的首選。ーー王徳威 人類不斷向宇宙發出訊號,但我們不知道宇宙鄰居會如何回應…… ◎二○○六年中國科幻銀河獎特別獎 ◎二○……続きを見る
百合 Yuri Girls in Love
著者:Lily Marubozu
出版社: ハロー•エッチ
発売日: 2024年03月04日
Lesbian couples hugging & cuddling, petting, posing and making out! Lesbian Manga Girls in Love, that's what this book is all about! Adults Only! 続きを見る
出版社: 讀書共和國出版集團
発売日: 2024年02月29日
**為何有人生氣朋友說謊,卻全盤相信政客的謊言? ★美國中央情報局(CIA)刊物《情報研究》推薦★ 挪威當代哲學家史文徳森拆解虛實交雜之現世的爭議之作 沒有信任,人類生活幾乎不可能存在ーー**   「偶爾被騙,總……続きを見る
Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education
Previous edition AJN 2020 Book of the Year! With expert, comprehensive guidance on the assessment and evaluation of student learning in multiple settings, this award-winning text remains the gold st……続きを見る
The Summer of Stacey-and-Douglas
著者:Jesse Gay
出版社: Jesse Gay
発売日: 2024年04月08日
“All right. I would like to keep in touch with Collins. You are taking their spot.” The detective motioned the constable to come over, while the eager-looking policeman that is young therefore at th……続きを見る
出版社: 讀書共和國出版集團
発売日: 2023年12月06日
巫師霍爾系列全套集結 世界奇幻獎終身成就獎得主:黛安娜.韋恩.瓊斯── 生涯代表系列   霍爾與卡西法之謎,蘇菲與其相遇的最初的旅程   巫師霍爾──因格利王國最惡名昭彰的邪惡巫師,帶著移動城堡在王國內各處……続きを見る
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
著者:J.K. Rowling
出版社: Pottermore Publishing
発売日: 2015年12月08日
Turning the envelope over, his hand trembling, Harry saw a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake surrounding a large letter 'H'. Harry Potter has never even ……続きを見る
Duty Calls
著者:Antonia Novello, Jill S. Tietjen
出版社: Fulcrum Publishing
発売日: 2024年03月05日
Follow the remarkable journey of a trailblazing American leader, Dr. Antonia Novello, the first woman and the first Hispanic Surgeon General of the United States Dr. Antonia Novello is a vanguard in……続きを見る
Green's Operative Hand Surgery E-Book
著者:Scott W. Wolfe, MD, Scott H. Kozin, MD, Mark S. Cohen, MD, William C. Pederson, MD, FACS
出版社: Elsevier Health Sciences
発売日: 2021年12月08日
Widely recognized as the gold standard reference in the field, Green's Operative Hand Surgery, 8th Edition, provides complete coverage of the surgical and nonsurgical management of the full range of……続きを見る
Understanding Payments
著者:Neira Jones
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年02月29日
This is the book for professionals in the payments industry. Written in an engaging and accessible style, it enables new and experienced payments practitioners alike to understand the fundamentals o……続きを見る
Only loving you makes me happy
著者:Franky Ross
出版社: Franky Ross
発売日: 2024年04月06日
It was almost morning when someone carried me back to the door. My eyes were squinted to the point where I couldn't see anything clearly anymore, my hands were rummaging through my pockets looking f……続きを見る
World Politics
著者:Jeffrey Haynes, Peter Hough, Bruce Pilbeam
出版社: SAGE Publications
発売日: 2023年04月05日
How can we better resolve issues like climate change or global pandemics? When is resolution of armed conflict achievable? What impact does culture, religion or identity have on world events? Today’……続きを見る
Medical Generalism, Now!
著者:Joanne Reeve
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2023年10月13日
Medical Generalism, Now! is a unique and timely consideration of generalist medical practice. With a focus on the knowledge work of clinical practice and by taking a whole healthcare system view, th……続きを見る
出版社: 城邦出版集團
発売日: 2024年02月05日
他是世界衝突的幕後推手、中美談判桌上僵持不下的議題, 他像幽靈一樣神出鬼沒,世界各大情報機構追捕他20年, 他被視為全球最危險的人之一,他是誰? *主要關鍵字:軍火、情報 *其他關鍵字:伊朗、中東衝突、以……続きを見る
出版社: 遠流出版
発売日: 2023年09月01日
你是否想過,在你死前沒把錢花光都是浪費? 最佳的金錢分配策略是什麼? 如何在時間、健康與金錢之間取得平衡? 「死前財產歸零」(Die with Zero)是最佳財務策略,更是全新的人生腳本! ★ 財經作家緑角、小資YP……続きを見る
Notre-Dame de Paris
著者:Stéphanie Ledu
出版社: Editions Milan
発売日: 2024年04月03日
"Notre-Dame de Paris", un livre pour découvrir l'histoire d'un des monuments les plus visités au monde et dont le chantier de reconstruction, suite à l'incendie qui l'a ravagé le 15 avril 2019, devr……続きを見る
Phu The Phu Thanh III
発売日: 2023年12月12日
Phu The Phu Thanh with very real, very real people. One Million Weeks Weeks with a wandering and miserable childhood, an incomplete and unstable family has left deep hauntings in his soul. A Ta Bang……続きを見る
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