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The Baofeng Radio Revolution: The Beginner Guerrilla’s Guide to Break Through the Complexity, Secure Communications, and Prepare for Disaster With Prepper Tactics
著者:Morse Code Publishing
出版社: ​JEJDV Publishing
発売日: 2024年09月27日
Maintain Communications in Uncertain Times: Turn Your Baofeng Radio Into a Survival Lifeline, Even as a Beginner! Are you concerned about staying connected during an emergency or when technology fai……続きを見る
著者:Marco De Prosperis
出版社: Marco De Prosperis - Published Independently
発売日: 2024年08月30日
Explora las maravillas del 2040 con El Futuro de la Tecnología y la Sociedad: Una Guía para 2040de Marco De Prosperis Descubre las tecnologías emergentes y su inevitable impacto en nuestro futuro: M……続きを見る
著者:Marco De Prosperis
出版社: Marco De Prosperis - Published Independently
発売日: 2024年08月11日
Explore the wonders of 2040 with The Future of Technology and Society: A Guide for 2040 by Marco De Prosperis Discover emerging technologies and their inevitable impact on our future: Marco De Prosp……続きを見る
La Scienza e la Vita
著者:Francesco De Sanctis
出版社: Edizioni Aurora Boreale
発売日: 2024年08月26日
Francesco Saverio De Sanctis (1817-1883) è stato uno scrittore, saggista, critico letterario, Libero Muratore e politico del Regno d’Italia. Considerato tra i maggiori critici e storici della letter……続きを見る
Esercitazioni di Elettrotecnica
著者:Francesco Della Torre, Gianluca Sapienza, Marco Mauri, Maria Stefania Carmeli
出版社: Società Editrice Esculapio
発売日: 2020年01月27日
Il presente volume è destinato ai corsi di Elettrotecnica Generale tenuti presso le differenti facoltà del Politecnico di Milano. Data la generalità e completezza degli argomenti trattati, esso p……続きを見る
Enterprise Agility
著者:Femke Hille, Marco de Jong
出版社: Van Haren Publishing
発売日: 2022年09月20日
Dit boek helpt (middel)grote organisaties bij het ontwikkelen en vergroten van enterprise agility. Anders gezegd: hoe kan je als organisatie snel en wendbaar waarde leveren in samenwerking met jouw ……続きを見る
Peridynamics and Its Applications Using Ansys
著者:Erdogan Madenci, Sundaram Vinod Kumar Anicode, Yanan Zhang
出版社: Springer Nature Switzerland
発売日: 2024年07月25日
This book introduces a unified implementation of bond- and state-based peridynamic theory (PD) within a commercial finite element framework, Ansys, utilizing its native elements. It details the impl……続きを見る
Enterprise Agility - Pocketguide
著者:Femke Hille, Marco de Jong
出版社: Van Haren Publishing
発売日: 2023年11月20日
Hoe kun je als organisatie snel en wendbaar waarde leveren in samenwerking met de gebruikers? In deze pocketguide delen de auteurs de essentiële ingrediënten voor het verkrijgen van enterprise agili……続きを見る
著者:Marco De Prosperis
出版社: Marco De Prosperis - Published Independently
発売日: 2024年08月08日
Esplora le meraviglie del 2040 con "IL FUTURO DELLE TECNOLOGIE E SOCIETÀ: UNA GUIDA PER IL 2040" di Marco De Prosperis Scopri le tecnologie emergenti e il loro inevitabile impatto sul nostro futuro:……続きを見る
Elementi di Ricerca Operativa
著者:Roberto Tadei, Federico Della Croce
出版社: Società Editrice Esculapio
発売日: 2019年12月27日
Cosa si intende per Ricerca Operativa? Non esiste a tutt’oggi una definizione univoca. Riportiamo quella dell’Associazione Inglese – OR Society -, che forse è la più aderente alla realtà: “Ricerca O……続きを見る
Elementi di Algebra Tensoriale con Applicazioni alla Meccanica dei Solidi
著者:Alessandro Bichara, Francesco Dell'Isola
出版社: Società Editrice Esculapio
発売日: 2024年01月11日
L'algebra tensoriale è una branca dell'algebra che si occupa dello studio delle strutture algebriche chiamate tensori. I tensori sono oggetti matematici che generalizzano i vettori e le matrici, e s……続きを見る
Esercizi di Statica dei Sistemi Meccanici e Scienza delle Costruzioni
著者:Francesco Dell'Isola, Luca Placidi
出版社: Società Editrice Esculapio
発売日: 2024年01月11日
In questo volume sono presentati esercizi svolti di Statica dei sistemi meccanici e di Scienza delle costruzioni con quelle nozioni teoriche di base che li rendono auto- consistenti. La classificazi……続きを見る
Online-Freiwilligenarbeit zur Engagementstärkung der Generation Y und Z in Non-Profit- Organisationen
著者:Marco de las Heras
出版社: tredition
発売日: 2023年02月01日
Das Engagement von Freiwilligen bildet das Fundament von NPOs, umso besorgniserregender sind die Zahlen, dass freiwilliges Engagement in vielen Ländern rückläufig ist. Im Jahr 2015 wurde in den USA ……続きを見る
I Am Code
出版社: Little, Brown and Company
発売日: 2023年08月01日
A “fascinating, terrifying” (JJ Abrams) cautionary tale about the destructive power of AIーan autobiographical thriller written in verse by an AI itself, with context from top writers and scientists……続きを見る
著者:Víctor Resco de Dios
出版社: Plataforma
発売日: 2024年01月10日
Nuestro planeta muestra un claro deterioro ambiental: cambio climático, crisis energética, agotamiento del modelo de consumo… Uno de los primeros pasos que debemos dar para revertir esta situación e……続きを見る
Generalized Notions of Continued Fractions
著者:Juan Fernández Sánchez, Jerónimo López-Salazar Codes, Juan B. Seoane Sepúlveda, Wolfgang Trutschnig
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2023年07月20日
Ancient times witnessed the origins of the theory of continued fractions. Throughout time, mathematical geniuses such as Euclid, Aryabhata, Fibonacci, Bombelli, Wallis, Huygens, or Euler have made s……続きを見る
Game Dev - Object Pooling
著者:Reset Code Studio
出版社: Clube de Autores
発売日: 2022年08月18日
O objetivo deste Ebook é ser rápido e prático, mas sem querer ser o dono da verdade. Vou procurar utilizar termos e exemplos fáceis de entender sem me preocupar com os termos técnicos. Não falaremos……続きを見る
2021 International Building Code® Illustrated Handbook
著者:International Code Council, Douglas W. Thornburg, Chris Kimball
出版社: McGraw Hill LLC
発売日: 2021年09月24日
A comprehensive visual guide to the 2021 International Building Code®ーfully updated for the latest regulations Thoroughly revised to reflect the International Code Council’s 2021 International Buil……続きを見る
Política Ambiental para Principiantes
著者:Antonio M Casa, Sinomar Pacheco de Morais
出版社: Editora LUX
発売日: 2024年01月19日
Trata-se de uma publicação destinada a auxiliar a quem deseja sair da posição de mero agente passivo da Política Ambiental vigente - portanto sujeito a ter as suas condutas pura e simplesmente julga……続きを見る
I sistemi di gestione integrati sicurezza - qualità - ambiente – compliance
著者:Alessandro Foti, Valentina Belloni, Francesco De Bartolomeis, Adriano Russo
出版社: EPC
発売日: 2024年03月06日
Il volume è una guida unica nel panorama editoriale che integra in un Sistema di Gestione Aziendale le norme ISO di natura più tecnica in tema ESHQ oltre a norme che abbracciano altre discipline qua……続きを見る
Fire Safety for Very Tall Buildings
著者:International Code Council
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2021年12月01日
This Guide provides information on special topics that affect the fire safety performance of very tall buildings, their occupants and first responders during a fire. This Guide addresses these topic……続きを見る
2015 International Building Code Illustrated Handbook
著者:International Code Council
出版社: McGraw Hill LLC
発売日: 2015年08月05日
An easy-to-use visual guide to the 2015 International Building Code® Thoroughly revised to reflect the International Code Council’s 2015 International Building Code®, this full-color guide makes it ……続きを見る
Smart SOA Platforms in Cloud Computing Architectures
著者:Codé Diop, Ernesto Exposito
出版社: Wiley
発売日: 2016年04月22日
This book is intended to introduce the principles of the Event-Driven and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA 2.0) and its role in the new interconnected world based on the cloud computing architectu……続きを見る
Antifreeze Solutions in Home Fire Sprinkler Systems
著者:Code Consultants, Inc.
出版社: Springer New York
発売日: 2015年12月29日
Antifreeze Solutions in Home Fire Sprinkler Systems examines the usage of antifreeze solutions in residential sprinklers, and analyzes their effectiveness in controlling a fire condition and aiding ……続きを見る
Fire Flow Water Consumption in Sprinklered and Unsprinklered Buildings
著者:Code Consultants, Inc.
出版社: Springer New York
発売日: 2015年12月29日
Fire Flow Water Consumption in Sprinklered and Unsprinklered Buildings offers a detailed analysis for calculating the fire water demand required in buildings with existing and non-existant sprinkler……続きを見る
2018 International Building Code Illustrated Handbook
著者:International Code Council, Douglas W. Thornburg, Chris Kimball, William C. Bracken
出版社: McGraw Hill LLC
発売日: 2018年07月13日
The most comprehensive visual companion to the International Building Code®ーfully updated for 2018 and applicable for 2021 provisions Thoroughly updated to address the provisions of the ICC’s 2018 ……続きを見る
Disasters and Changes in Society and Politics
From earthquakes to oil spills, Italy is recurrently affected by different kinds of disasters. This book brings a critical perspective to post-disaster reconstruction and recovery, which can impact ……続きを見る
Influência da adição de diferentes quantidades do fungicida bactericida microbiológico à base da bactéria Bacillus subtilis nas propriedades mecânicas e na microestrutura do concreto
著者:Francielle Martins Fernandes, Edna Alves Oliveira, Gláucia Nolasco de Almeida Mello
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2023年10月17日
A elevada tendência à fissuração do concreto o torna susceptível ao contato com muitos agentes internos e/ou externos, que podem agir e gerar manifestações patológicas na estrutura. Nesse contexto, ……続きを見る
Principais mosquitos de importância sanitária no Brasil
著者:Rotraut A. G. B. Consoli, Ricardo Lourenço de Oliveira
出版社: Editora da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
発売日: 2014年07月25日
Traz informações concisas e atualizadas sobre os mosquitos vetores de doenças no Brasil. Inclui morfologia e biologia das fases evolutivas de adulto, ovo, larva e pupa, abordando aspectos referentes……続きを見る
著者:José Usan Torres Brandão Filho, Paulo Sérgio Lourenço de Freitas, Luís Otávio Saggion Berian, Rumy Goto
出版社: Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
発売日: 2020年07月10日
(3 º lugar/ Prêmio Abeu) Com o crescente aumento das exigências do mercado na qualidade das hortaliças e com maior produtividade para viabilizar a sua competitividade, é imprescindível que técnicos ……続きを見る
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